Name of Scholarship Soli Deo Gloria Awards Delta Kappa Gamma Deadline Scholarships Qualifications/Information Renewable music scholarships at Cedarville University are available. Visit the website for application and additional information. n/a $1000 scholarship for local high school seniors who will graduate with at least a 3.0 GPA and plan to pursue a degree in education. Financial need will be considered. Thursday, March 20, 2014 Applications are available in the career center. Gardner-Webb University Various Music Scholarships March 22, 2014 last audition date Christian University in North Caroline offers many scholarships to music majors and participation in many different performance ensembles. See website for details. Website Visit the Career Center RVLSA- the Association for Legal Professionals Two $1000 scholarships are available for students interested in furthering their education in the legal field. More information and the application are available in the Friday, March 28, 2014 Career Center. Roanoke Valley Wrestling Association Scholarships The RVWA will be giving two scholarships. The Ken Shelton Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be given to a high school senior who has been involved in wrestling. The Stan Parker Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be given to a high school senior based on finanical need and a connection to wrestling. Scholarship applications can be downloaded from the following website or in the Career Center. Please note: deadline is NOT a Friday, March 28, 2014 postmarked deadline. Career Center Member One Federal Credit Union Richard L. "Dick" Williams Memorial Scholarship $5000 scholarship to a student who plans to attend a 4 year college or university in Virginia. Students must be a current Member One member in good standing, show excellent academics, have been admitted to a Virginia college or university, and have participated in a varsity sport for at, March 29, 2014 least two semesters. scholarship/ Member One Federal Credit Union Henry Lee Memorial Student Scholarship Students must be a current Member One member in good standing, and have been admitted to a Virginia college or, March 29, 2014 university. scholarship-application/ Virginia Council of Women STEM Essay Contest Junior and Senior women may submit an essay to win a $5000 scholarship to an institute of higher education. Students must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA to apply. See Sunday, March 30, 2014 website for details. WOW Scholarship Award The Women of Worth Scholarship Program looks for a senior from Roanoke or Salem who has a minimum 2.5 GPA, proof of acceptance to a college and shows academic promise. Please visit the Career Center for more Monday, March 31, 2014 information. Career Center The Bobby Scruggs Chartiable Foundation Six $500 scholarships will be awarded to Virginia high school seniors who are financially-needy and are pursuing education opportunities in motor sports or the automotive industry. Please visit for the scholarship application and Monday, March 31, 2014 additional information. The Roanoke Law Foundation James N. Kincanon Scholarships Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be accepted or expect to be accepted before 2013 Fall semester into Monday, March 31, 2014 college pursuing education in law. Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Nancy Quinn McCoy Humanitarian Scholarship Vinton Host Lions Club Scholarship Monday, March 31, 2014 Six $2,500 scholarships are awarded to students with a 3.0 GPA who will matriculate full-time at a US accredited fouryear college or University in the fall of 2011, be a US citizen or permanent resident of the US, have demonstrated leadership ability, and combined adjusted income of the parents cannot exceed $60,000. Please see Mrs. Browning if you are interested in this scholarship. Career Center Applicants must plan to enter a helping profession, have a 2.5 or higher GPA, and complete all application requirements. Applications are available in the Career Monday, March 31, 2014 Center. Tuesday, April 01, 2014 Career Center The Vinton Host Lions Club offers a $1500 scholarship to a graduating member of the William Byrd High School Leo Club. The scholarship will be awarded based on academic achievement, community service, Leo Club activities and financial need. Please see Mrs. Browning or Mr. Durham for an application. Career Center Insurance Professionals of Roanoke Seniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher, been accepted to a 24year college, have financial need and plan to pursue a career in business or a related field. Students should submit a letter of application along with transcipts. For details visit Tuesday, April 01, 2014 the Career Center. Career Center Lunch Pail Defense Scholarship $2,000 scholarship based on spirit and work ethic. Minimum 2.5 GPA required. Applications available online Tuesday, April 01, 2014 and in the Career Center. Cosmopolitan Club of Roanoke Scholarship Program $3000 scholarship to one male and one female Senior High school student who participates in the Cosmopolitan Track Meet on May 3 who is planning to further their education. Applications available from Mrs. Browning and the Career Tuesday, April 01, 2014 Center. Career Center Roanoke County Book Grant Scholarship The Armenian Education Center/Scholarship Students must graduate from a Roanoke County School and have a minimum 3.0 GPA to apply. Applications are Tuesday, April 01, 2014 available in the Career Center. Career Center Tuesday, April 01, 2014 The Armenian Education Center is pleased to announce an essay question competition which will award a $1000 scholarship to one Virginia high school student. The competition is open to ninth through twelfth grade students. Please see Mrs. Browning or Mr. Carroll for additional details and application. Roanoke County Education Association Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is given to a Roanoke County high school senior who plans to enter a field of education. Please see Mrs. Browning or Mr. Carrell in the Career Center for the Tuesday, April 01, 2014 application. Career Center VALS- the Association for Legal Professionals $1500 scholarship available for students interested in furthering their education in the legal field. More information and the application are available in the Career Tuesday, April 01, 2014 Center. Career Center The Vinton Host Lions Club offers a $1500 scholarship to a graduating member of the William Byrd High School Leo Club. The scholarship will be awarded based on academic achievement, community service, Leo Club activities and financial need. Please see Mrs. Browning, go to a Leo Club Meeting or the Career Center for an application. Career Center Vinton Host Lions Club Scholarship Amierican Fire Sprinkler Association Tuesday, April 01, 2014 Online open book test for for high school seniors about the history and importance of automatic sprinklers based on essay provided. Please visit the website for the application Wednesday, April 02, 2014 and additional information. The following criteria will be used for scholarship consideration: Enrolled in an ESL program for at least one year in grades 6-12, Enrolled in 12th grade at the time of application, 3.0 minimum cumulative grade point average, and financial need. Virginia ESL Supervisors’ Association Scholarship Friday, April 04, 2014 Career Center Jane Whitefield Painter Scholarship The Lambda Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary sorority for women educators, is offering a $750 scholarship in honor of Jane Whitefield Painter. Any senior who plans to enter the field of education is invited to apply. For additional information and for the application, please see Monday, April 14, 2014 Mrs. Browning or Mr. Durham in the Career Center. Career Center Barbershop Harmony Society- The Virginia Gentlemen/John Tully Memorial Scholarship $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior. Students must have 3.0 minimum GPA and plan to participate in their college/university choir or vocal music Monday, April 14, 2014 programs. Please visit the Career Center for an application. Career Center Roanoke Valley Golf Hall of Fame Scholarships Mulitple scholarships are available. Please visit the website for additional information and the application. Applications are also available in the career center. You do not have to be a member of the golf team to apply for these Tuesday, April 15, 2014 scholarships. Wells College Leadership Award JUNIORS who are interested in Wells College in New York should contact Mrs. Browning to be nominated for a $40,000 Leadership award based on community Tuesday, April 15, 2014 involvedment and academic success. Kids Chance Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Chi Omega Chapter Scholarships Blue Ridge Council of Teachers of Mathematics Scholarship Erica Thomas Memorial Scholarship Kids’ Chance of Virginia, Inc. awards academic scholarships to deserving children who have been adversely impacted by the work-related injury of a parent. They anticipate awarding several scholarships to qualified scholars during Tuesday, April 15, 2014 this year. Applications can be found on their website. Seniors planning to attend a 2 or 4 year college who are members of a traditionally unrepresented group are eligible to apply. Additional information and application materials Friday, April 19, 2013 are available online or in the Career Center. Multiple scholarships available for seniors with active leadership or other community invovlement. Visit the website for additional information and the application. Saturday, April 19, 2014 Application is also available in the Career Center. The scholarship is awarded to a senior planning on entering the field of mathematics education. Please visit the website for additional information and for the scholarship application. If you are interested in this scholarship you Friday, April 25, 2014 need to speak with Mrs. Browning ASAP. Monday, April 28, 2014 This scholarship is given in memory of Erica Thomas a graduate from William Byrd High School. Applications are avilable in the Career Center. Preference will be given to athletes. See Mrs. Browning or Mr. Durham if you have any questions. Career Center Arnold R. Burton Scholarship William Byrd High School PTSA Scholarship Mid-Atlantic Christian University Christian Character and Leadership Scholarship SunTrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes A&F Business Consultants Scholarship ESA Foundation Scholarships and Grants Monday, April 28, 2014 The scholarship criteria are as follows: must have been a student at William Byrd High School, must have enrolled and received notice of acceptance to a college, university or institute of continuing learning, must be of good character and have exhibited maximum effort, and applicant does not have to attend A.R. Burton Center to apply. Please see Mrs. Browning or Mr. Durham for an application and additional information. Career Center Student must be a member of the WBHS PTSA, have a GPA of at least of a 2.5, and must be attending a two or four year college, university or technical school. Applications are Friday, May 09, 2014 available in the Career Center. Career Center Winners notified in May $10,000 to $15000 scholarship awarded from each high school who exhibit outstanding Christian character and leadership. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Register at Financial Aid website. Winners chosen every two weeks beginning October 26th Winners chosen monthly until May for $1000 toward education expenses at a college or 10, 2013 university. Students may re-enter after each drawing. $1000 Scholarship available to juniors and seniors based on 500-1000 word essay on topic provided. See website for Saturday, June 14, 2014 details. Up to 42 available scholarships and grants for Virginia Residents for undergraduate or graduate studies. Check the website out to search and apply for the various scholarships. grants/scholarships Fastweb Scholarships N/A Multiple scholarships Various Student Various Mulitple scholarships available. Visit the website. Multiple scholarships are available for different criteria. Please visit the website for the application and information on the scholarships available. The American Legion Various Multiple scholarships are available. Visit the website for additional information.
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