2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Mr. Adam J Hartley, Assistant Superintendent 8354 Cappy Lane 8354 Cappy Lane Swartz Creek, MI 48473-1242 Document Generated On November 25, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview 1 Goals Summary 2 Goal 1: All students will improve their proficiency in mathematics 3 Goal 2: All students will improve their writing skills. 5 Goal 3: All students will improve their proficiency in Reading 6 Goal 4: Elementary English learners will improve their proficiency in reading 8 Goal 5: Swartz Creek Schools will establish an Achievement Gap Committe 9 Goal 6: K-5 students will become proficient in the area of science. 10 Activity Summary by Funding Source 12 Activity Summary by School 17 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Overview Plan Name 2014-15 DIP Plan Description Updated for 2014-15 Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Goals Summary The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. # 1 Goal Name All students will improve their proficiency in mathematics 2 All students will improve their writing skills. 3 All students will improve their proficiency in Reading 4 Elementary English learners will improve their proficiency in reading 5 Swartz Creek Schools will establish an Achievement Gap Committe 6 K-5 students will become proficient in the area of science. Goal Details Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:4 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:5 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:6 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:1 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:2 Objectives:1 Strategies:2 Activities:2 Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Goal Type Academic Total Funding $65000 Academic $6000 Academic $47000 Academic $3000 Organizational $5000 Academic $1600 Page 2 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Goal 1: All students will improve their proficiency in mathematics Measurable Objective 1: 100% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency increase from 2013-14 in Mathematics by 06/12/2015 as measured by MEAP and ACT/MME scores. Strategy 1: Improve problem solving skiils - Teachers will be introduced and will be trained in the workshop model K-9. This strategy will allow for teachers to differentiate within the classroom and prescribe a more personal learning plan for students. Teachers will research and implement instructional strategies, real life problem solving skills and integrate technol to improve math computation skills and application skills. Research Cited: Best Practices (Marzano, 2006), What works in Schools (Marzano, 2003), Checking for Understanding (Fisher and Frey, 2007), Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (Hayes-Jacobs, 2009). Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Math Workshop Training Activity Type Tier K-9 Math teachers will continue to be trained on mat workshop Teacher Tier 1 to better meet the needs of all students in math. STAR, Collaborati AIMSweb and CBM will be used for data meetings to help drive on instruction. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 08/21/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Literacy Trainings Activity Type Tier Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part K-5 staff, A building principals, Asst. Supt. for Curriculum and Instruction, D.I.S., MTSS Cooridnator Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 3 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Teachers will analyze math data to identify students that are Teacher Tier 1 yet to master skills measured by both state and local Collaborati assessments. The Instructional specialists, along with on classroom teachers, will use the data from MEAP, MME, AIMS web, STAR, and other formative and summative local assessments. Implement 09/26/2014 06/12/2015 $10000 Title II Part Classroom A teachers, D.I.S., High School Department Chairs, Curriculum specialist, MTSS Coordinator , Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, building principals. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Math Intervention Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned Students will utilize online learning portals and iPad apps to assist in individual learning plans to increase math skills and confidence. Technology Tier 2 Monitor 09/12/2014 06/12/2015 $53000 General Fund Activity - Parent Education Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Parents will attend curriculum nights where teachers and principals will communicate the new curriculum in math and help parents learn how their child is learning math. A parent website will be used to allow parents to watch tutorials. Parent Tier 1 Involvemen t Implement 09/02/2014 04/24/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Building principals, Dean of online learning, IT staff, classroom teachers, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction. Building technology coaches, MTSS Coordinator Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required staff, PTO Schools:All Schools Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 4 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Goal 2: All students will improve their writing skills. Measurable Objective 1: 100% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency increase from 2013-14 in English Language Arts by 06/12/2015 as measured by MEAP and MME scores. Strategy 1: Writing Intervention - Teachers will research best practices focused on improving writing skills and to deliver differentiated instruction through the MTSS model. Research Cited: Best Practices (Marzano, 2006), What Works in Schools (Marzano, 2003), Improving Knowledge and Application of Vocabulary within Content Areas (Austermuehle, Kautz, Sprenzel, May, 2007), Assisting Struggling Studnets with Reading, MTSS interventions in early Grades (Gersten, Februray, 2009), The Daily Five (Boushey & Monser, 2006). Tier: Tier 1 Activity - M.T.S.S. 90-30-30 Model Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding K-5 students will receive 90 minutes of Tier I differentiated instruction in literacy, 30 minutes of intervention, and another 30 minutes of more intensive intervention. Direct Instruction Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Classroom Required Teachers, building principal, D.I.S. Activity - Skills for Success Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Teachers will place students in flexible learning groups based on AIMS web and DRA 2 scores. Skills for Success teachers will work with ELA teachers to design individual learning plans including writing interventions. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Schools:All Schools Schools:Swartz Creek Middle School Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned General Fund Staff Responsibl e Tier 2 teacher, Building principal, D.I.S., classroom teachers Page 5 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Activity - Writing across the curriculum Activity Type High School will continue providing opportunities to students to Direct write more across the curriculum. Every teacher will include Instruction writing within their curriculum three times per year. Science, Social Studies, math and elective teachers will focus on writing skills along with reading skills within the class lessons. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELA Required teachers, classroom teachers, building principal Schools:Swartz Creek High School Activity - Intervention class Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Students at the Academy will all have a 30 minute intervention class that focuses on literacy skills. Class rosters will be determined by data from STAR testing and individual intervention plans will be created. Direct Instruction Tier 2 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Classroom Required teachers, building principal Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Schools:Swartz Creek Academy Activity - Writers Workshop Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies Direct from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop Instruction structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I classroom School teachers, Improveme DIS, nt (ISI) building principals Schools:Elms Road Elementary School, Gaines Elementary School, Dieck Elementary School, Morrish Elementary School, Syring Elementary School Goal 3: All students will improve their proficiency in Reading Measurable Objective 1: 100% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency increase from 2013-2014 in English Language Arts by 06/12/2015 as measured by the MEAP and MME . Strategy 1: Developing Confident Readers - Teachers will research best practices to deliver differentiated instruction through reading practices and strategies focused on synthesizing, inferences, and drawing on background knowledge and vocabulary. Teachers will continue to focus on reading and writing across the curriculum. Research Cited: Best Practices (Marzano, 2006), What Works in Schools (Marzano, 2003), Improving Knowledge and Application of Vocabulary within Content Areas (Austermuehle, Kautz, Sprenzel, May, 2007), Assisting Struggling Studnets with Reading, MTSS interventions in early Grades (Gersten, Februray, 2009), The Daily Five (Boushey & Monser, 2006). Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 6 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Developing readers through the MTSS Model Activity Type K-8 MTSS Model will continue with Tier 2 and 3 interventions Direct outside of the core instruction model. K-5 90-30-30, 6-8 Skills Instruction for Success classes, and literacy class at the Academy will ensure individual interventions when needed. Students will be assessed using DIBELS, AIMS web and STAR three times through the year with progress monitoring. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required principal, DIS, classroom teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Other Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Parent Education Activity Type Buildings will continue to communicate our M.T.S.S. efforts and Parent Tier 1 will hold parent nights to educate parents on the instructional Involvemen practices we have researched and have been trained in. t Online learning opportunities will be used for parents to assist children at home with reading strategies. Our website will host a page where parents can access links and other resources to help educate them in helping their children become better readers. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Teacher Labs Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Elms Road Elementary School, Swartz Creek Middle School, Gaines Elementary School, Dieck Elementary School, Morrish Elementary School, Syring Elementary School Activity - Technology Integration Tier Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Building principal, classroom teachers DIS, Social workers, MTSS Coordinator , Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, PTO Staff Responsibl e Title II Part DIS, Asst. A Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 7 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Teaches will use technology in purposeful, meaningful ways to Technology Tier 1 engage learners and to help them become confident readers. Devices, apps and online portals will be used in each class. Implement 10/02/2014 06/12/2015 $23000 General Fund Source Of Funding swcrk21 coaches, building principals Schools:All Schools Activity - Analysis of Student data Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Teachers will be trained to analyze and make decisions with data from DIBELS, AIMS web, DRA, STAR, common assessments, formative assessments and other data points. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $10000 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $4000 Schools:All Schools Activity - R.A.I.S.E.Traning High School and Academy teachers will be rained in RAISE Direct (Raising Achievement Scores in Secondary Education) Instruction We again received a grant for 12 teachers in the areas of ELA, Science and Social Studies to be trained over the course of the next two years. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Asst. Supt. A of Curriculum and Instruction, Building principal, classroom teachers D.I.S.. MTSS Coordinator Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part High school A and Academy staff Schools:Swartz Creek High School, Swartz Creek Academy Goal 4: Elementary English learners will improve their proficiency in reading Measurable Objective 1: 100% of English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency of benchmark in English Language Arts by 06/04/2015 as measured by DIBELS screening and DRA2. Strategy 1: Teachers will analyze DIBELS and DRA2 scores to identify contributing factors related to their students scoring below proficiency. - Teachers will provide interventions based on needs for ELL students in a teared intervention model. Road to the Code, Road to Reading, Guided Reading Plus or LLI to strengthen fluency and comprehension. Teachers will monitor ELL students closely and will make adjustments to instruction when needed. Tier: Tier 2 Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 8 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Tier Phase P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or Professiona a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. l Learning Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Schools:Elms Road Elementary School, Gaines Elementary School, Dieck Elementary School, Morrish Elementary School, Syring Elementary School Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part D.I.S., A classroom teachers, building principals, ISD Goal 5: Swartz Creek Schools will establish an Achievement Gap Committe Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to collect and analyze data in order to make decisions based on gaps in student achievement scores. by 06/12/2015 as measured by Scores on DIBELS, DRA2, AIMSweb, MEAP and MME/ACT. Strategy 1: Create a committee of stakeholders - K-12 teachers, parents, administrators and other community stakeholders will form the committee. Research Cited: The Global Achievement Gap (Wagner, 2007), Courageous Conversations about Race (Singleton & Linton, 2006),The Teaching Gap (Stigler & Hiebert, (2000). Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Data meetings Activity Type Training on evaluating the MEAP/MME scores and identify gaps in student achievement. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Teacher Tier 2 Collaborati on Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Parent Nights Tier Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, Building Principals, classroom teachers, DIS Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 9 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Hold parent nights to communicate the existing gap, reasons for the gap, and how to close the gap. Show parents how to teach literacy and math skills at home, teach parents on the new math curriculum. hand out books and other materials for families. Community Tier 1 Engageme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Title I School Improveme nt (ISI) PTO, building principals, classroom teachers, D.I.S. Schools:All Schools Goal 6: K-5 students will become proficient in the area of science. Measurable Objective 1: A 80% increase of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency increase from 2013-14 in Science by 06/12/2015 as measured by Local science assessments and MEAP scores. Strategy 1: Align curriculum to reflect new NGSS - Building principals will work with the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction to align the K-5 science curriculum to the new NGSS and use common assessments to determine proficiency. Research Cited: Best Practices (Marzano, 2006), What works in Schools (Marzano, 2003), Checking for Understanding (Fisher and Frey, 2007), Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (Hayes-Jacobs, 2009). Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum specialist meetings Activity Type will meet 3 times to align new standards K-5 Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Schools:All Schools Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Getting Ready 11/03/2014 03/27/2015 $1000 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part K-5 science A teachers, building principals, assistant superintend ent Strategy 2: Use Illuminate to share common assessment and collaborate - Teachers will use Illuminate to create and distribute science assessments K-5 throughout the year and use the data to inform us of the curriculum alignment and proficiency levels. Research Cited: Best Practices (Marzano, 2006), What works in Schools (Marzano, 2003), Checking for Understanding (Fisher and Frey, 2007), Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (Hayes-Jacobs, 2009). Tier: Tier 1 Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 10 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Activity - Illuminate user pilot group Activity Type Tier Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on Schools:Elms Road Elementary School, Gaines Elementary School, Dieck Elementary School, Morrish Elementary School, Syring Elementary School Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Science A teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction Page 11 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source General Fund Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Technology Integration Skills for Success Teaches will use technology in purposeful, meaningful ways to engage learners and to help them become confident readers. Devices, apps and online portals will be used in each class. Teachers will place students in flexible learning groups based on AIMS web and DRA 2 scores. Skills for Success teachers will work with ELA teachers to design individual learning plans including writing interventions. Technology Math Intervention Students will utilize online learning portals and iPad apps to assist in individual learning plans to increase math skills and confidence. Activity Description Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Technology Tier 1 Implement 10/02/2014 06/12/2015 $23000 Academic Support Program Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Technology Tier 2 Monitor 09/12/2014 06/12/2015 $53000 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e swcrk21 coaches, building principals Tier 2 teacher, Building principal, D.I.S., classroom teachers Building principals, Dean of online learning, IT staff, classroom teachers, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction. Building technology coaches, MTSS Coordinator Other Activity Name Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 12 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Parent Education Buildings will continue to communicate our M.T.S.S. efforts and will hold parent nights to educate parents on the instructional practices we have researched and have been trained in. Online learning opportunities will be used for parents to assist children at home with reading strategies. Our website will host a page where parents can access links and other resources to help educate them in helping their children become better readers. Parent Tier 1 Involvemen t Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Building principal, classroom teachers DIS, Social workers, MTSS Coordinator , Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, PTO Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e PTO, building principals, classroom teachers, D.I.S. classroom teachers, DIS, building principals Title I School Improvement (ISI) Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Parent Nights Hold parent nights to communicate the existing gap, reasons for the gap, and how to close the gap. Show parents how to teach literacy and math skills at home, teach parents on the new math curriculum. hand out books and other materials for families. Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Community Tier 1 Engageme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Direct Instruction Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Activity Description Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $10000 Writers Workshop Tier Resource Assigned Title II Part A Activity Name Analysis of Student data Teachers will be trained to analyze and make decisions with data from DIBELS, AIMS web, DRA, STAR, common assessments, formative assessments and other data points. Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, Building principal, classroom teachers D.I.S.. MTSS Coordinator Page 13 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Professional Development P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. Professiona l Learning R.A.I.S.E.Traning High School and Academy teachers will be rained in RAISE (Raising Achievement Scores in Secondary Education) We again received a grant for 12 teachers in the areas of ELA, Science and Social Studies to be trained over the course of the next two years. Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Direct Instruction 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $4000 Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Math Workshop Training K-9 Math teachers will continue to be trained on Teacher Tier 1 mat workshop to better meet the needs of all Collaborati students in math. STAR, AIMSweb and CBM will on be used for data meetings to help drive instruction. Implement 08/21/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Data meetings Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Illuminate user pilot group Tier 2 Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on Training on evaluating the MEAP/MME scores and Teacher Tier 2 identify gaps in student achievement. Collaborati on Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. D.I.S., classroom teachers, building principals, ISD High school and Academy staff Science teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction K-5 staff, building principals, Asst. Supt. for Curriculum and Instruction, D.I.S., MTSS Cooridnator Assistant Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, Building Principals, classroom teachers, DIS Page 14 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 Data Literacy Trainings Teachers will analyze math data to identify Teacher Tier 1 students that are yet to master skills measured by Collaborati both state and local assessments. The on Instructional specialists, along with classroom teachers, will use the data from MEAP, MME, AIMS web, STAR, and other formative and summative local assessments. Implement 09/26/2014 06/12/2015 $10000 Curriculum specialist meetings will meet 3 times to align new standards K-5 Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Getting Ready 11/03/2014 03/27/2015 $1000 Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Intervention class Students at the Academy will all have a 30 minute Direct intervention class that focuses on literacy skills. Instruction Class rosters will be determined by data from STAR testing and individual intervention plans will be created. Tier 2 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD Classroom teachers, D.I.S., High School Department Chairs, Curriculum specialist, MTSS Coordinator , Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, building principals. K-5 science teachers, building principals, assistant superintend ent No Funding Required Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Classroom teachers, building principal Page 15 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Developing readers through the MTSS Model Parent Education Writing across the curriculum M.T.S.S. 90-30-30 Model K-8 MTSS Model will continue with Tier 2 and 3 interventions outside of the core instruction model. K-5 90-30-30, 6-8 Skills for Success classes, and literacy class at the Academy will ensure individual interventions when needed. Students will be assessed using DIBELS, AIMS web and STAR three times through the year with progress monitoring. Parents will attend curriculum nights where teachers and principals will communicate the new curriculum in math and help parents learn how their child is learning math. A parent website will be used to allow parents to watch tutorials. High School will continue providing opportunities to students to write more across the curriculum. Every teacher will include writing within their curriculum three times per year. Science, Social Studies, math and elective teachers will focus on writing skills along with reading skills within the class lessons. K-5 students will receive 90 minutes of Tier I differentiated instruction in literacy, 30 minutes of intervention, and another 30 minutes of more intensive intervention. Direct Instruction Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Building principal, DIS, classroom teachers Parent Tier 1 Involvemen t Implement 09/02/2014 04/24/2015 $0 Building staff, PTO Direct Instruction Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 ELA teachers, classroom teachers, building principal Direct Instruction Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Classroom Teachers, building principal, D.I.S. Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier 1 Page 16 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Activity Summary by School Below is a breakdown of activity by school. All Schools Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Math Workshop Training K-9 Math teachers will continue to be trained on Teacher Tier 1 mat workshop to better meet the needs of all Collaborati students in math. STAR, AIMSweb and CBM will on be used for data meetings to help drive instruction. Implement 08/21/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Data Literacy Trainings Implement 09/26/2014 06/12/2015 $10000 Teachers will analyze math data to identify Teacher Tier 1 students that are yet to master skills measured by Collaborati both state and local assessments. The on Instructional specialists, along with classroom teachers, will use the data from MEAP, MME, AIMS web, STAR, and other formative and summative local assessments. Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e K-5 staff, building principals, Asst. Supt. for Curriculum and Instruction, D.I.S., MTSS Cooridnator Classroom teachers, D.I.S., High School Department Chairs, Curriculum specialist, MTSS Coordinator , Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, building principals. Page 17 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Technology Math Intervention Students will utilize online learning portals and iPad apps to assist in individual learning plans to increase math skills and confidence. Technology Tier 2 Monitor 09/12/2014 06/12/2015 $53000 Parent Education Parents will attend curriculum nights where teachers and principals will communicate the new curriculum in math and help parents learn how their child is learning math. A parent website will be used to allow parents to watch tutorials. K-8 MTSS Model will continue with Tier 2 and 3 interventions outside of the core instruction model. K-5 90-30-30, 6-8 Skills for Success classes, and literacy class at the Academy will ensure individual interventions when needed. Students will be assessed using DIBELS, AIMS web and STAR three times through the year with progress monitoring. Buildings will continue to communicate our M.T.S.S. efforts and will hold parent nights to educate parents on the instructional practices we have researched and have been trained in. Online learning opportunities will be used for parents to assist children at home with reading strategies. Our website will host a page where parents can access links and other resources to help educate them in helping their children become better readers. Parent Tier 1 Involvemen t Implement 09/02/2014 04/24/2015 $0 Direct Instruction Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Building principal, DIS, classroom teachers Parent Tier 1 Involvemen t Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Teaches will use technology in purposeful, meaningful ways to engage learners and to help them become confident readers. Devices, apps and online portals will be used in each class. Technology Tier 1 Implement 10/02/2014 06/12/2015 $23000 Building principal, classroom teachers DIS, Social workers, MTSS Coordinator , Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, PTO swcrk21 coaches, building principals Developing readers through the MTSS Model Parent Education Technology Integration Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Building principals, Dean of online learning, IT staff, classroom teachers, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction. Building technology coaches, MTSS Coordinator Building staff, PTO Page 18 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Analysis of Student data Teachers will be trained to analyze and make decisions with data from DIBELS, AIMS web, DRA, STAR, common assessments, formative assessments and other data points. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $10000 M.T.S.S. 90-30-30 Model K-5 students will receive 90 minutes of Tier I differentiated instruction in literacy, 30 minutes of intervention, and another 30 minutes of more intensive intervention. Direct Instruction Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Data meetings Training on evaluating the MEAP/MME scores and Teacher Tier 2 identify gaps in student achievement. Collaborati on Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $2000 Parent Nights Hold parent nights to communicate the existing gap, reasons for the gap, and how to close the gap. Show parents how to teach literacy and math skills at home, teach parents on the new math curriculum. hand out books and other materials for families. will meet 3 times to align new standards K-5 Community Tier 1 Engageme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Getting Ready 11/03/2014 03/27/2015 $1000 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Curriculum specialist meetings Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, Building principal, classroom teachers D.I.S.. MTSS Coordinator Classroom Teachers, building principal, D.I.S. Assistant Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, Building Principals, classroom teachers, DIS PTO, building principals, classroom teachers, D.I.S. K-5 science teachers, building principals, assistant superintend ent Syring Elementary School Activity Name Activity Description Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 19 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Professional Development P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. Professiona l Learning Writers Workshop Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Direct Instruction Illuminate user pilot group Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share Teacher Tier 1 assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Collaborati on Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD D.I.S., classroom teachers, building principals, ISD classroom teachers, DIS, building principals Science teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction Swartz Creek Middle School Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD Page 20 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Skills for Success Teachers will place students in flexible learning groups based on AIMS web and DRA 2 scores. Skills for Success teachers will work with ELA teachers to design individual learning plans including writing interventions. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Tier 2 teacher, Building principal, D.I.S., classroom teachers Staff Responsibl e ELA teachers, classroom teachers, building principal Swartz Creek High School Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Writing across the curriculum High School will continue providing opportunities to students to write more across the curriculum. Every teacher will include writing within their curriculum three times per year. Science, Social Studies, math and elective teachers will focus on writing skills along with reading skills within the class lessons. High School and Academy teachers will be rained in RAISE (Raising Achievement Scores in Secondary Education) We again received a grant for 12 teachers in the areas of ELA, Science and Social Studies to be trained over the course of the next two years. Direct Instruction Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Direct Instruction Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $4000 High school and Academy staff Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Intervention class Students at the Academy will all have a 30 minute intervention class that focuses on literacy skills. Class rosters will be determined by data from STAR testing and individual intervention plans will be created. High School and Academy teachers will be rained in RAISE (Raising Achievement Scores in Secondary Education) We again received a grant for 12 teachers in the areas of ELA, Science and Social Studies to be trained over the course of the next two years. Direct Instruction Tier 2 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Classroom teachers, building principal Direct Instruction Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $4000 R.A.I.S.E.Traning Resource Assigned Swartz Creek Academy R.A.I.S.E.Traning Resource Assigned High school and Academy staff Morrish Elementary School Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 21 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Tier Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Professional Development P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. Professiona l Learning Writers Workshop Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Direct Instruction Illuminate user pilot group Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share Teacher Tier 1 assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Collaborati on Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD D.I.S., classroom teachers, building principals, ISD classroom teachers, DIS, building principals Science teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction Gaines Elementary School Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 22 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Professional Development P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. Professiona l Learning Writers Workshop Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Direct Instruction Illuminate user pilot group Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share Teacher Tier 1 assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Collaborati on Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD D.I.S., classroom teachers, building principals, ISD classroom teachers, DIS, building principals Science teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction Elms Road Elementary School Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD Page 23 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Professional Development P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. Professiona l Learning 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Writers Workshop Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Direct Instruction Illuminate user pilot group Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share Teacher Tier 1 assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Collaborati on Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $8000 D.I.S., classroom teachers, building principals, ISD classroom teachers, DIS, building principals Science teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction Dieck Elementary School Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Teacher Labs Teacher Labs will provide real time, job embedded Professiona Tier 1 PD for teachers in the areas of ELA and Math l Learning Professional Development P.D. will be provided for teachers by the ISD ELL coach, DIS or a certified expert teacher in M.T.S.S. Tiered interventions. Professiona l Learning Writers Workshop Classroom teachers will utilize Tier I instruction using strategies from Lucy Calkins and Ralph Fletcher in a writers workshop structure including guided writing through small group instruction. Direct Instruction Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Tier Resource Assigned 09/02/2013 06/02/2014 $3000 Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $3000 Staff Responsibl e DIS, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction, MTSS Coordinator , building principals, GISD D.I.S., classroom teachers, building principals, ISD classroom teachers, DIS, building principals Page 24 2014-15 DIP Swartz Creek Community Schools Illuminate user pilot group Teachers pilot Illuminate to house data and share Teacher Tier 1 assessments- will analyze in science data meeting Collaborati on Swartz Creek Community Schools © 2014 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Getting Ready 09/02/2014 06/12/2015 $600 Science teacher at each building, building principals, assistant superintend ent for instruction Page 25
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