More Eggs Type of Bird Broilers Pullets Layers More Meat Age of Bird • Contains Pre-Biotics • Essential Oils • Enzymes Product to Feed 1 day to 2 weeks Chick Starter Crumbles 2 weeks to slaughter Quik Grow Broiler Crumbles 1 day—6 weeks Chick Starter Crumbles 7 weeks—5 months Poultry Grower/Finisher Crumblet 5 months and up Layer Pellet, Mash or Crumbles Egg Production Plus Crumblet Egg Production Plus Crumblet Breeders 1—6-8 weeks Turkey/Gamebird Starter Crumbles 6-8 weeks to slaughter Turkey Gamebird Grower/Finisher Pellet Ducks & Geese 1 day—4 weeks Chick Starter Crumbles (breeding or backyard pet) 4 weeks—7 months Poultry Grower/Finisher Crumblet Turkey Poults Layer Pellets , Mash, Crumble Laying Egg Production Plus Crumblet Ducks (meat) Pheasants, Chukars, Quail ,Guinea Fowl and Peacocks Day 1—4 weeks Chick Starter Crumbles 4 weeks to slaughter Quick Grow Broiler Crumbles Day 1—8 weeks Turkey /Gamebird Starter Crumbles Gamebird Starter/Grower Crumbles 8 weeks and up Laying Turkey/Gamebird Grower/Finisher Pellet Egg Production Plus Crumblet The Difference….All Natural Essen al Oils: Pre-bio c (MOS) Poulin Grain poultry feeds contain three proven, safe and effec ve essen al oils that improve enzyme ac vity, nutrient absorp on and benefit to gut micro-flora: The pre-bio c in Poulin Grain’s poultry feeds are glucomannans and beta-glucans (MOS), responsible for maintaining a healthy diges ve tract and allowing the birds to grow to their natural poten al. Phytase Enzyme • Cinnamaldehyde from Cinnamon Protects stomach and intesƟnal wall and improves nutrient absorpƟon. Phytase enzyme helps unlock the phosphorus bound in plant fibers reducing the phosphorus excreted. Feeds balanced for amino acids that include phytase, reducing nitrogen and phosphorus waste. DFM Carvacol from Oregano SƟmulates volaƟle faƩy acids in the colon favoring the growth of beneficial gut micro-flora. • • Capsicum from Chilli Peppers DFM is a direct fed microbial (DFM) which works to help maintain intesnal health and inhibits the growth of Clostridium perfringens. Research has shown that this DFM decreases the presence of Necro c Enteri s lesions caused by Clostridium perfringens. Another natural soluon to maintaining a healthy intes nal tract. SƟmulate the birds digesƟve enzyme acƟvity, increasing nutrient absorpƟon. Poulin Grain Poultry Feeds contain....No Medica on, No Steroids, No Hormones Leading Animal Nutri on
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