Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan Document title: Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan Status: Final Report Date: August 2014 Project name: Hawkins Point: Urgent Management Response Project number: PB1781 Client: The Crown Estate Drafted by: Katharine Basford Checked & approved by: Jamie Gardiner Date / initials check: 05/08/14 JVG Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 1 Contents 1 2 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project Description ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Objectives of the Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Generic Environmental Actions .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Limitations of the Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 3 1.5 Environmentally Significant Changes ................................................................................................................. 4 Legislative framework ................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Land Drainage Act 1991 and Water Resources Act 1991 and associated byelaws ........................................... 4 Liaison and key contact details ................................................................................. 4 3.1 The Project Team ............................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Ongoing Liaison Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 5 4 Emergency and complaint procedures and non-conformance control ................. 5 5 Permitted working hours ............................................................................................ 5 6 Environmental training ............................................................................................... 6 7 Site specific environmental actions .......................................................................... 6 8 References................................................................................................................. 11 Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 1 Introduction This Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) summarises the actions required to implement the Hawkin’s point flood defence repair works (the proposed scheme) in accordance with the legal requirements of the marine licence (L/2014/00223) issued by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on 25 July 2014, the planning permission (DC/14/0192/PLF) issued by the ERYC on 01 August 2014 and the flood defence consent issued by the Environment Agency (EA) on 13 June 2014, and any additional mitigation measures recommended in the Environmental Report (Royal Haskoning DHV, 2014a) and the HRA report (Royal HaskoningDHV, 2014b). These permissions and reports have identified activities associated with the construction of the proposed scheme with potential to cause environmental harm, and also describes appropriate mitigation measures, which will be implemented, managed and reviewed through this CEMP. The CEMP sets out specific objectives and targets defining the way in which the reports and their findings should be addressed during the implementation phase of the project (e.g. detailed design, construction and post-construction phases). It also details the roles and responsibilities of those involved and refers to all temporary and permanent works. 1.1 Project Description The proposed solution to address the immediate flood risk at Hawkin’s Point in the short term is to strengthen the existing earth embankment through the construction of a rock armour revetment. The key elements of the work are: Excavation of a toe trench (approx. 8m wide and 40m long); Placement of a geotextile layer (approx. 320m²); and, Placement of approx. 1,300 tonnes of primary and secondary rock armour in two layers (1 to 3 tonnes), 3.5m wide and 40m long. For more detailed information on the proposed scheme please find Section 2 HRA Report (Royal HaskoningDHV, 2014b). Figure 1 presents the location of the proposed scheme. Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 1 ¯ E Key: Designated Areas SAC SPA & Ramsar SSSI Site access PROPOSED AREA OF SITE COMPOUND Title: The location of the proposed flood embankment defence repairs and designated areas Project: Client: The Crown Estate PROPOSED AREA OF WORKS AT HAWKINS POINT 0 250 Metres 500 Date: Scale at A4: March 2014 1:10,000 Figure: Drawn: Checked: 1 TC KB F:\9Y1042_Sunk_Island\T5_GIS\Projects\Figures\PB1781_KB\Figure1_v2.mxd Hawkins Point: Urgent Management Response 1.2 Objectives of the Plan This CEMP has been developed in order to provide a framework for compliance and adherence to mitigation measures and environmentally-conscious work practices by the chosen contractors hired to work on this project. The objectives of this CEMP are to: 1.3 Establish a comprehensive framework for environmental management during the flood embankment repairs. Describe the limitations with the plan. Enable compliance with legislative requirements. Set out the roles and responsibilities of the various individuals and organisations involved. Describe procedures for dealing with complaints and emergencies within the worksite, and nonconformance control. Set out the working hours of the project. Describe the environmental training that may be required. Detail the environmental protection measures. Generic Environmental Actions The following standard documentation is mandatory and must be adhered to. 1.4 Relevant Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG): o PPG1 General guide to the prevention of pollution. o PPG5 Works and maintenance in or near water. o PPG6 Working at construction and demolition sites. CIRIA (2003) Coastal and Marine Environmental Management Site Guide: Report 548, specifically sections: o 1.3 Environmental obligations. o 1.4 The coastal and marine environment. o 2.2 Working in the coastal and marine environment. o 2.3 Setting up and managing the site. o 3.2 Noise and vibration. o 3.3 Dust, emissions and odours. o 3.4 Ground and sediment contamination. o 3.5 Water quality. o 3.6 Wildlife and natural features. o 3.7 Shellfish and fish. Limitations of the Plan This CEMP has been produced in accordance with the legal requirements of the marine licence (L/2014/00223) issued by the MMO on 25 July 2014, the planning permission (DC/14/0192/PLF) issued by the ERYC on 01 August 2014 and the flood defence consent issued by the Environment Agency (EA) on 13 June 2014, and any additional mitigation measures recommended in the Environmental Report (Royal Haskoning DHV, 2014a), the HRA report (Royal HaskoningDHV, 2014b). Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 3 1.5 Environmentally Significant Changes If there is a change to the construction methodology, for which approval has been obtained, the Contractor should complete an Environmental Variation Register (Appendix A) to record details of the changes and potential environmental implications. The management of change should entail the following actions: Communicate as early as possible, to all that need to know, that a change is proposed. Identify who requested the change and why it was requested. Establish the potential environmental implications of the change (this should always be undertaken by an Environmental Scientist to ensure both direct and indirect implications are identified). If adverse environmental implications are identified, consider alternative options to the proposed change. Notify key consultees of change. Seek approval from the Environmental Scientist. Seek approval from authorities where consents are required. Issue the approved, up-to-date Environmental Variation Register to all personnel in possession of the CEMP. Responsibility for ensuring the CEMP and Environmental Variation Register is updated rests with the Contractor and should be submitted to the Contractor Administrator, whom will then consult with the Regulators, as per Section 1. However, he/she may delegate this responsibility to the Environmental Consultant or others, as appropriate. 2 Legislative framework The following permissions were required for the proposed works at Hawkins Point. 2.1 Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 A marine licence, under Part 4 of The Marine and Coastal Access Act (MCAA) 2009, has been obtained from the MMO for the construction works below Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) for the flood embankment repairs at Hawkins Point. 2.1 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning permission, under Section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, has been obtained from the ERYC for the construction works down to the mean low water (MLW) mark for the flood embankment repairs at Hawkins Point. 2.2 Land Drainage Act 1991 and Water Resources Act 1991 and associated byelaws Under the terms of the Land Drainage Act 1991, Water Resources Act 1991 and associated byelaws, flood defence consent has been obtained from the EA. 3 Liaison and key contact details 3.1 The Project Team The Project Team comprises the following key staff: Employer Representative Contractor Representative Laura Graham, Carter Jonas LLP Paul Quinn, Lumsden & Carroll Construction Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 4 CDM Coordinator Contractor Administrator Environmental Consultant Steve Vernon, Royal HaskoningDHV Steve Vernon, Royal HaskoningDHV Katharine Basford, Royal HaskoningDHV During the works, the team will report through the Contractor Administrator; however, some of her responsibilities on-site may be delegated to the Contractor, and site staff will therefore report initially through the Contractor. Full contact details are provided within Appendix B. 3.2 Ongoing Liaison Requirements The ongoing liaison requirements identified through the environmental works undertaken in support of the consent and license applications are highlighted in Table 1 below. Table 1: Ongoing Liaison Requirements 4 Interested Party Principle Concern Communication Method MMO Responsible for works below MHWS. As appropriate ERYC Responsible for works down to the MLW mark. As appropriate Natural England General nature conservation issues; designated sites for nature conservation As appropriate Environment Agency Water and sediment quality; fish and fisheries; river and estuarine ecology; and flood defence As appropriate Emergency and complaint procedures and non-conformance control In the event of a spillage on site, the material should be contained (using spill kits, including booms for potential leaks directly into the marine environment) and the Environment Agency notified immediately on 0800 80 70 60. Any person(s) making a complaint about the construction works should be taken to the Contractor, if present. Should the Contractor not be present the complaint should be passed onto the Contractor Administrator immediately. All complainants should be dealt with politely. An Environmental Incident is defined as a failure of an environmental constraint target or the occurrence of an environmental impact that was not previously identified. Failures must be reported by the Contractor to the Contractor Administrator and/or Environmental Consultant who, if necessary, will complete an Environmental Incident Report Form and give advice on appropriate measures to limit potential impacts. 5 Permitted working hours The proposed working hours are: Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday and Bank Holidays 08:00 to 18:00 09:00 to 13:00 No working Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 5 6 Environmental training Prior to the construction works, all construction workers should be briefed using toolbox talks, on the protected species that may be present at and around the site of the emergency works and their level of protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended. The Emergency Response Plan on how to deal with a spill or leakage will be presented by the Contractor and explained to all site workers prior to any works taking place. 7 Site specific environmental actions Table 2 provides a summary of the actions that will be taken prior to and during the construction phase of the proposed scheme. Each of the actions described are numbered for future reference. The objective of undertaking the action is briefly stated and the action described along with the associated responsibility for undertaking the action. Where an organisation is indicated, responsibility lies with that organisation’s Project Manager. The target by which successful achievement of the action will be measured is stated (e.g. no reported pollution incidents) and reference material is detailed, where applicable. A column is included for the individual actions to be ‘signed-off’ upon successful completion (i.e. when the target has been met). Signing-off completed environmental actions should be undertaken by the Contractor Administrator prior to the emergency repair works and by the Supervisor during the works. Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 6 Table 2: Site Specific Environmental Actions Completed Number Objective Action Responsibility Target Reference (initial and date) Actions to be undertaken prior to the proposed works To ensure that the MMO The Local District Marine Office (DMO) must be notified of the 1. officer is aware of the proposed start of works date no less than 5 working days operations at sea occurring before work is due to start. Contact details below: within its jurisdiction in order to notify other sea users and Marine Management Organisation can arrange enforcement Estuary House Wharncliffe Road visits as appropriate. Grimsby Lincolnshire DN31 3QL Tel: 01472 355112 Fax: 01472 241868 Email: [email protected] 2. 3. 4. To ensure that the intertidal area in which the licenced activity is taking place must be returned to its original profile. To secure adequate parking, servicing, manoeuvring, loading and off – loading facilities within the site during the construction period of the development for contractor’s vehicles in the interest of road safety. To ensure that highway safety and any necessary improvements and repairs to the highway network as a consequence of the development is carried out in accordance with an approved Traffic Management Plan in the interests of highway safety. Carter LLP No impact to other sea users and enforcement visits can be arranged. Table 1, Section 1.3, marine licence (L/2014/00223) To provide MMO's Marine Licensing Team with a baseline (photographic or other method) survey of the intertidal area within which the construction activities and access areas are located before activities start. Prior to the commencement of the development, details should be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority showing the provision of temporary vehicle parking, loading, off-loading and manoeuvring facilities for the contractors. The approved vehicle parking, loading, offloading and manoeuvring facilities shall thereafter be retained and utilised during the construction work on the development. Carter No development shall commence until a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) incorporating details of deflectograph and or visual/video surveys of the haul and delivery route to the site, including a programme and methodology for improvements and repairs and the funding provision for improvements/repairs have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the agreed TMP and during the construction period any improvement or repair works on the approved routes shall be completed in accordance with the approved programme and methodology Carter Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd Jonas Jonas LLP The intertidal area is reinstated to its original profile. Condition marine 3.1.1, licence (L/2014/00223) Carter Jonas No impact to road safety. LLP Condition 5, planning permission (DC/14/01092/PLF) LLP Jonas No impact to highway safety. Condition 6, planning permission (DC/14/01092/PLF) 7 Completed Number Objective Action Responsibility Target Reference (initial and date) 5. 6. To ensure that protected species would not be harmed by the development of this site. To ensure that the development hereby permitted is carried out in accordance with the approved details in the interest of character and amenity of the area and the provisions of the development plans. and the TMP shall be updated in consultation with the Local Planning Authority. No development shall be commenced until a Construction Method Statement (CMS) and Associated Environmental Management Plan (EMP) based on the ecological avoidance, mitigation and management measures detailed in the Environmental Report (Royal Haskoning DHV, March 2014) and the Habitats Regulations Assessment (Final Version), (Royal HaskoningDHV, July 2014), has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall then be implemented as approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: Drawings: PB1781 001; PB1781 1000; and PB1781 1001. Documents: Amended HRA; Environmental Report; and Flood Risk Assessment. Carter Jonas No harm to protected species Condition 7, planning / as a result of the development permission of this site. (DC/14/01092/PLF) No significance environmental Condition 8, planning impacts. permission LLP Contractor Contractor (DC/14/01092/PLF) and Condition flood 2, defence consent (YNE_E- Yorks_2014_429) 7. Prevent disturbance to ground nesting birds An ecological walkover will be undertaken by a suitably qualified ecologist to ensure that ground nesting birds are not present and will not be affected by the proposed works. Actions to be undertaken during the proposed works To avoid disturbance to To ensure that the construction of the coastal defence works 8. wintering birds which are a take place outside the overwintering bird season, 1 October feature of the Humber Estuary to 31 March inclusive. SPA. Carter Jonas LLP Contractor No injury and minimal Royal disturbance to ground nesting HaskoningDHV, birds. 2014a and 2014b No disturbance overwintering birds. to Condition Marine 3.2.1, licence (L/2014/00223); Condition 4, planning permission (DC/14/01092/PLF) and Condition 4, planning permission Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 8 Completed Number Objective Action Responsibility Target Reference (initial and date) (DC/14/01092/PLF) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. To minimise damage historical structures. to To prevent pollution caused by material that may come from a polluted area or potentially change the chemical balance, pH of the environment in which it is placed. To ensure that hazardous chemicals that may be toxic, persistent or bioaccumulative are not released into the marine environment and are used appropriately. To prevent marine pollution incidents by adopting best practice techniques. To prevent flooding in the area. th To ensure that any remains of 20 Century beach defences or groynes, where they survive, should not be destroyed or unnecessarily covered as part of the repair works. To ensure that all contractors are aware of the possible presence of historic structures and limit the footprint of their access/works area on the foreshore. Rock used must be fit for purpose, contain minimal fines and come from a recognised uncontaminated inert source. Contractor No damage to historical structures. Condition 3.2.2, Marine licence (L/2014/00223) Contractor No pollution incidents. Condition 3.2.4, Marine licence (L/2014/00223) Any coatings/treatments are to be suitable for use in the marine environment and are used in accordance with best environmental practice, (e.g. approved by Health and Safety Executive, Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Control Guidelines). Contractor To install bunding and/or storage facilities to contain and prevent the release of fuel, oils, and chemicals associated with plant, refuelling and construction equipment, into the marine environment, i.e. secondary containment should be used with a capacity of not less than 110% of the containers storage capacity. Contractor To ensure the construction activities do not cause or exacerbate flooding problems for others as a result of this application. Contractor No impact to the marine Condition 3.2.5, environment from hazardous Marine licence chemicals. (L/2014/00223) No pollution incidents. Condition 3.2.6, Marine licence (L/2014/00223) No increase in flood risk to Condition others. defence 3, flood consent (YNE_EYorks_2014_429) 14. To preserve and enhance the ecological interests of this site. If method of works change then a new temporary consent will be required. Contractor Limit the significance environmental impacts. of Condition defence 4, flood consent (YNE_EYorks_2014_429) Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 9 Completed Number Objective Action To minimise disturbance to migrating birds which are a feature of the Humber Estuary SPA. Plant machinery will be chosen to be as quiet as possible, where appropriate. This could include choosing sound reduced compressors, lined with acoustic covers or silencers. Machinery will be well maintained to ensure that noise levels are kept to a minimum. Machinery will be sensitively sited, with plant being kept away from the estuary as much as possible. Rock will be carefully placed. Vehicle movements will be minimised. Responsibility Target Reference (initial and date) 15. Actions to be undertaken upon completion of the proposed works To ensure that the MMO office The Local District Marine Office (DMO) must be notified of 16. is aware of the operations at the proposed end date of works no less than 5 working days sea occurring within its after work has ended. jurisdiction in order to notify other sea users, and can Contact details in Condition 1 arrange enforcement visits as appropriate. 17. 18. To prevent the accumulation of unlicensed materials/debris and the potential environmental damage, safety & navigational issues associated with such materials/debris. Any equipment, temporary structures, waste and/or debris associated with the works are removed within 6 weeks of completion of the works. The intertidal area in which the licensed activity is taking place must be is returned to its original profile. To carry out the works required to reinstate the intertidal area using the pre-construction survey as per condition 3.1.1. A repeat (photographic or other method) survey of the intertidal areas is undertaken and the results submitted to the MMO's Marine Licensing Team no later than 10 working days after construction activities have been completed. Contractor Minimise disturbance to migratory birds. Royal HaskoningDHV, 2014a and 2014b Carter LLP Jonas No impact to other sea users and enforcement visits can be Condition 3.3.1, Marine licence (L/2014/00223) arranged. Contractor No impact from unlicensed Condition materials/debris. marine 3.3.2, licence (L/2014/00223) Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd Contractor To return intertidal area to its Condition original profile. marine 3.3.4, licence (L/2014/00223) 10 8 References CIRIA, 2003. Coastal and Marine Environmental Site Guide. CIRIA C584. Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG): PPG 1 General guide to the prevention of pollution. PPG 5 Works and maintenance in or near water, and PPG 6 Working at construction and demolition sites. Royal Haskoning DHV, 2014a. Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Environmental Report, March 2014. Royal Haskoning DHV, 2014b. Hawkins Point Flood Embankment: Habitats Regulation Assessment, July 2014. Hawkins Point Flood Embankment Erosion Construction Environmental Management Plan © HaskoningDHV UK Ltd 11 Appendix A Environmental Variation Order ENVIRONMENTAL VARIATION ORDER Date Proposed Change/ Event Requested by Environmental Implication Project Manager Approval Environmental Assessment Officer Approval Funding Body Approval Relevant Consultee(s) Notified? (Specify Who) Appendix B Key Contact Details KEY CONTACT DETAILS Carter Jonas LLP Laura Graham Employer Representative 82 Micklegate York YO1 6LF Tel: 01904 558207 Royal HaskoningDHV Steve Vernon Contractor Administrator & CDM Co-ordinator WestOne 114 Wellington Street Leeds LS1 1BA Tel: 0113 3884894 Lumsden & Carroll Construction Paul Quinn Contractor Esh House Bowburn North Industrial Estate Bowburn Durham DH6 5PF Tel: 0191 3774500 Royal HaskoningDHV Katharine Basford Environmental Consultant Marlborough House Marlborough Crescent Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4EE Tel: 0191 211 1341
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