MONCHA.NET Laser Control System 1. Introduction Moncha.NET inbuilt interface works in three control modes from which you can choose: Ethernet : Moncha.NET is controlled by Moncha.NET so;ware from a PC or laptop. DMX : Moncha.NET is able to play pre-‐programmed effects and complete laser shows that can be triggered from any compaBble DMX control device. Stand-‐alone : Moncha.NET can play a show, effect or an animaBon stored on SD-‐card without any computer or DMX controller (i.e. for adverBsing). ! SD card that is used for storing shows, animaBons and effects supports FAT and FAT32 file systems. A card with maximum capacity of no more than 32GB should be used. The card is inside of the laser system. ! 1.1 Ethernet mode Ethernet mode is acBvated when the laser system is connected to a computer with Moncha.NET control so;ware running. This mode has highest priority out of all three control modes and DMX or Stand-‐alone mode are automaBcally switched OFF if a connecBon to Moncha.NET control so;ware is detected. Moncha.NET uses IP address 192.168.1.X, where X can be set in main menu (please check Main menu secBon below). IP address can be changed only when Moncha.NET so;ware is *not* connected to the laser system. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.2 DMX mode and DMX channels If there’s no Ethernet connecBon present and DMX cable is connected, Moncha.NET will switch to DMX mode. DMX address can be set in the menu (0 to 512 value range). When Moncha.NET is in DMX mode it receives DMX instrucBons and plays all the shows from SD-‐card. The following DMX channels are used: 1 PosiBon X 128 -‐ middle 2 PosiBon Y 128 -‐ middle 3 RotaBon 0 (0 degree) – 255 (360 degree) 4 Size X 0 (0%) – 255 (100%) 5 Size Y 0 (0%) – 255 (100%) 6 Brightness 0 (0%) – 255 (100%) 7 Scan rate 0 (default), 1 (slowest) – 255 (fastest) 8 AnimaBon 0 (none), 1 – 255 (animaBon from SD-‐card) 9 AnimaBon Speed 0 (0% -‐ stop) – 128 (100%) – 255 (300%) 10 AnimaBon DirecBon 0 – 127 (normal direcBon), 128 – 255 (opposite) – this is working only for files up to 255 frames 11 Red 0 – default, 1 (0%) – 255 (100%) 12 Green 0 – default, 1 (0%) – 255 (100%) 13 Blue 0 – default, 1 (0%) – 255 (100%) 14 Dark Blue 0 – default, 1 (0%) – 255 (100%) 15 PosiBon X Fine Fine posiBon for X 16 PosiBon Y Fine Fine posiBon for Y 17 RotaBon Fine Fine rotaBon 1.3 Stand-‐alone mode The Stand-‐alone mode has the lowest priority. In Stand-‐alone mode you can play any show stored on the SD-‐card. You can also adjust the device drawing se_ngs using the menu on the display. ! ! ! You can use up and down arrows to select file to play from SD-‐card. 2. Main menu To access Main menu and following content press right bufon: Laser se8ngs Here you can define drawing size, posiBon, invert and brightness for all modes (Ethernet, DMX or stand-‐alone). Drawing se8ngs Allows you to display drawing se_ngs for Stand-‐ alone mode (Size, PosiBon, …) Play All Plays all files from SD-‐card. It’s perfect for disco, if you use supplied SD-‐card with many complete laser shows. Default file Sets default file, which will start to play a;er Moncha.NET is turned on. IP Address Set IP address of the device DMX Address Set DMX address of the device Display test Displays single white beam at the laser output Load se8ngs Loads Stand-‐alone mode se_ngs from internal memory Save se8ngs Store stand-‐alone mode se_ngs into device internal memory Reset se8ngs Reset se_ngs to default state Advanced >> Advanced menu About … Display basic informaBon about Moncha.NET device (Version, Run hours, Serial number, …) ! You can select specific sub-‐category by pressing the right bufon again. To alter the se_ng or values use up & down bufons. To store the changes in Moncha’s internal memory go to the Main menu -‐> Save se_ngs The Moncha.NET can store all Drawing se_ngs, Default file, IP and DMX address. You can Load/Save/ Reset these se_ngs using commands in the main menu. ! 2.1 Drawing and Laser settings ! Laser Se8ngs menu applies for all 3 control modes – Ethernet, DMX and Stand-‐alone. You can adjust drawing se_ngs of the laser output of the Stand-‐alone mode using this Drawing menu. The best way to do this is to select a file for the laser to “play” and adjust these se_ngs while you can see the changes in real Bme. The following properBes can be altered in both Drawing and Laser se_ng menus: Size X Set horizontal size Size Y Set verBcal size PosiKon X Horizontal posiBon PosiKon Y VerBcal posiBon RotaKon Rotate picture around depth axis (Z), it’s pracBcal when laser is placed on uneven surface ! ! In Laser se_ngs menu you can also set these addiBonal properBes: ! ! Invert X Invert horizontal axis Invert Y Invert verBcal axis Red, Green, Blue 1, Blue 2 Set intensity of each of 4 color channels. Safe card is On Allows you to turn on/off safe card (for Kvant lasers). Safety type You can set type of safety algorithm using this se_ngs (for Kvant lasers only). ! DMX drawing parameters: RotaKon Rotate picture around Z axis Scan-‐rate Set scan-‐rate for the images: 0-‐default scan-‐rate 1-‐1% of required scan-‐rate 255-‐100% of required scan-‐rate AnimaKon speed Speed of played animaBon: 0-‐Stop 128 – 100% speed 255 – 300% speed Color Allows you to recolor whole image using one color Repeat If checked, played animaBon or show is repeated when it ends ! ! 2.2 Advanced menu ! Display Test Allows you to display test paferns on your laser. It’s good to check if your laser is working properly. Se8ngs Priority Allows you to set, if the Laser Se_ngs should be read from: • • Play All Start Moncha Device -‐ internal memory of Moncha.NET SD-‐card – from autoplay.txt file on SD-‐card If this is checked, the device will start playing all the shows on SD-‐card a;er startup. This is perfect for small clubs, where you just need to play some laser scenes a;er the laser turns on. ! 3. ConFiguration ! You can configure the following se_ngs of Moncha.NET: 1. Brightness maps by altering map.txt file. 2. Colour balance by altering balance.txt file. 3. Colour fade curves by altering fades.txt file. 4. Stand-‐alone mode start se_ngs by altering autoplay.txt. All these files must be stored in card’s root directory. You can use ‘;’ to make notes in the files – all the text behind ‘;’ is ignored. The easiest way to generate files 1,2 and 3 is using Moncha.NET so;ware. ! 3.1 Brightness Map conFiguration ! Moncha.NET allows you to define up to 8 independent rectangular brightness areas. They are defined in map.txt file: [Area] Le; = -‐100 Right = 100 Bofom = -‐100 Top = 0 BrightnessLe; = 0 BrightnessRight = 100 BrightnessTop = 100 BrightnessBofom = 0 Brightness = 100 ! There can be more [Area] secBons in the file. Le;, Right, Bofom and Top values define the area size and posiBon. All 4 values must be within the range of -‐100 and 100. Brightness of the area can be defined in two ways: • Using Brightness se_ng sets the whole area at the same brightness level (0 to 100). • Using BrightnessLeT, Right, Top and BoUom defines intensity of the image on le;, right, top and bofom edge. The area between the edges will be filled gradually meaning that if BrightnessBofom is set to 0 and BrightnessTop is set to 100, Moncha.NET will fade the image gradually from top to bofom. 3.2 Colour Balance conFiguration Use balance.txt file to set colour balance of all the colours. There are 7 colours available: White, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan and Yellow and you can set the colour channel levels for every colour separately. [White] Red = 255 Green = 255 Blue1 = 255 Blue2 = 255 [Red] Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue1 = 0 Blue2 = 0 [Green] Red = 0 Green = 255 Blue1 = 0 Blue2 = 0 [Blue] Red = 0 Green = 0 Blue1 = 255 Blue2 = 255 [Magenta] Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue1 = 255 Blue2 = 255 [Cyan] Red = 0 Green = 255 Blue1 = 255 Blue2 = 255 [Yellow] Red = 255 Green = 255 Blue1 = 0 Blue2 = 0 ! ! The colour balance se_ngs work the same as in Fiesta.NET so;ware. ! 3.3 Colour Fading conFiguration ! It is not unusual that power output of each colour within the system starts, progresses and gains it peak point at different level. You can synchronise the power output curves of each colour by altering fades.txt file. This will of course also help to maintain the same colour balance and fading between mulBple laser systems. [Red] Point=0,0 Point=255, 255 [Green] Point=0,0 Point=255, 255 [Blue1] Point=0,0 Point=255, 255 [Blue2] Point=0,0 Point=255, 255 ! In the example below you tell the red laser that its starBng value of laser emission is at about 30%* of the input voltage and its peak power is at about 60%* of the input voltage. [Red] Point=0,0 Point=1,76 Point=250, 153 Point=255, 255 ! *Value 76 is approximately 30% of 0-‐255 range, 153 is 60% of 0-‐255 range. ! ! ! 3.4 Startup settings conFiguration ! Moncha.NET Auto-‐Play se_ngs file stores DMX se_ngs (from DMX menu) which are applied and used when the system is started in Stand-‐alone mode. If you want to use autoplay.txt file go to Advanced menu -‐> SeU. Priority and check SD-‐card (otherwise Moncha will use se_ngs stored in its internal memory). All values work like using DMX controller: ! [Autoplay] SizeX = 255 SizeY = 255 PosX = 128 PosXFine = 0 PosY = 128 PosYFine = 0 Brightness = 255 RotZ = 0 RotZFine = 0 Scanrate = 0 AnimSpeed = 128 Red = 0 Green = 0 Blue1 = 0 Blue2 = 0 FileToPlay=1 ! Few important details: ! ! • AnimSpeed=128 is the default speed to play synchronised files • AnimSpeed=255 is 4x faster 4. Uploading animations to Moncha.NET ! You can create and upload frames (effects) to Moncha.NET SD-‐card using Moncha.NET so;ware. It is also possible to upload files to more devices in one go which is very pracBcal for DMX controlled laser shows. Thanks to the brightness maps feature it is possible to make even the DMX laser show safer if necessary. You can find the Upload Scenes dialog in Tools-‐ > Upload Scenes in Moncha.NET so;ware menu. Following window will be displayed: Upload Scenes dialog On the le; side you can see animaBons which will be exported to SD-‐Card. You can change animaBon to any scene from your workspace. Just select Choose Scene and you’ll be able to pick any scene from workspace. ! The remaining se_ngs can be used to prepare your animaBon suitable for DMX control. Start Time sets the start Bme of the animaBon, End Time sets the end Bme of the animaBon. Using these se_ngs you can make animaBon loop. Number of frames determines how many frames will the exported animaBon made of. We recommend to use less than 256 frames – this way you’ll be able to control the direcBon of the animaBon as well (DMX channel 10). Frames per seconds (FPS) determines the speed of frames displayed per second. We recommend to keep it at 35 FPS for best results. When you set all your desired animaBons, you can export your scenes to SD-‐Card or to Moncha.NET devices directly. It is possible to export all animaBons or just one. 5. Upgrading Moncha.NET Firmware ! Moncha.NET firmware can be upgraded using standard SD card with FAT32 file system. To upgrade follow these steps: 1. Turn off your Moncha.NET device. 2. Copy the file “mnet.bin” and bootldr.cfg to your FAT32 formafed card. 3. Insert the card into Moncha.NET. 4. Turn on Moncha.NET device. Upgrade will take around 30 seconds. ! !
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