Teknik Bioseparasi Dina Wahyu Genap/ Feb 2014 Outline Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 Pendahuluan 2 Teknik Pemisahan Secara Fisika 1 3 Teknik Pemisahan Secara Fisika 2 4 Teknik Pemisahan Secara Fisika 3 5 Koagulasi dan flokulasi 6 Adsorpsi 7 Adsorpsi 2 mempelajari ruang lingkup teknik bioseparasi dan teknik “cel disruption” Mempelajari teknik sentrifugasi pada bioseparasi Mempelajari teknik pemisahan sedimentasi Mempelajari teknik filtrasi pada bioseparasi Mengetahui teknik pemisahan dengan cara koagulasi dan flokulasi Proses adsorpsi pada cairan dan gas, serta pengetahuan bahan adsorpsi Kinetika Adsorpsi, Isotherm Adsorption Cell Fractionation Methods the breaking open of cells and separation of the parts into pure fractions involve the homogenization or destruction of cell boundaries by different mechanical or chemical procedures, followed by the separation of the subcellular fractions according to mass, surface, and specific gravity Properties of Microbial Cell Envelopes Lysing Product of Interest: Intracellular or Extracellular Table 1. Cell Disruption Technique ? Stress Method Technique Chemical Osmotic Shock Enzyme digestion Solubilization Lipid dissolution Alkali treatment Mechanical Homogenization (blade type) Grinding Ultrasonication Homogenization (orifice type) Crushing in ball mill Principle Osmotic rupture of membrane Cell wall digested, providing disruption Detergents solubilize cell membrane Organic solvent dissolves in cell wall, and so destabilizes it Saponification of lipids solubilizes membrane Cells chopped in Waring blender Cell ruptured by grinding with abrasives Cells broken with ultrasonic cavitation Cells forced through small hole are broken by shear Cells crushed between glass or steel balls on Product Gentle Cost Examples Cheap Gentle Expensive Gentle Moderate Moderateexpensive Cheap Rupture of red blood cells Micrococcus lysodeikticus treated with egg lysosyme Bile salts acting on E. coli Toluene disruption of yeast Harsh Cheap Moderate Moderate Moderate Cheap Harsh Expensive Harsh Moderate Harsh Cheap Animal tissue and cells Cell suspensions at least on small scale Large scale treatment of cell suspensions, except of bacteria Large scale treatment of cell suspensions and plant cells Cell Disruption • • • • Chemical: alkali, organic solvents, detergents Enzymatic: lysozyme, chitinase Physical: osmotic shock, freeze/thaw Mechanical: sonication, homogenization, French press Chemical Methods (not popular in industry) Enzyme digestion Enzyme cost Alkali treatment Harsh condition, degradation (PHB separation) Osmotic Shock Cells are put into pure water Solutes in the cells cause an osmotic flow of water into the cell (Note: Plant cell are difficult to be burst.) Solubilization : by detergent Concentrated detergent solution is added to disrupts the cell membrane Detergent - Ex: SDS (Sod Dodecylsulfate) Solubilize cell wall lipid Chemical Disruption • • Detergents such as Trition X-100 or NP40 can permeabilize cells by solubilizing membranes. Detergents can be expensive, denature proteins, and must be removed after disruption Figure 1. Chemical structures of selected surfactants. Lipid Dissolution A volume of solvent( toluene) about 10% of the biomass is added to a cell suspension The cell wall lipid is solubilized. Enzymatic Lysis • dissolve the outer mannoprotein layer production of protoplasts from yeast and bacteria • endo-β(1,3) glucanase Lytic protease • Preparation of lytic enzymes • Lysis experiment for various enzymes -required Cell disruption – Mechanical method Laboratory techniques: Industrial technology: Sonication Enzyme treatment Ball mill grinding High mechanical shear Heat generation Homogenization (orifice type) *Chemical method + mechanical method combination Chemical Permeabilization of Cell Sonication • • A sonicator can be immersed directly into a cell suspension. The sonicator is vibrated and high frequency sound waves disrupt cells. Homogenization • • Cells are placed in a closed vessel (usually glass). A tight fitting plunger is inserted and rotated with a downward force. Cells are disrupted as they pass between the plunger and vessel wall. Mechanical Disruption Homogenizer (a) (b) Figure 2. Homogenizer Assembly. (a) A typical homogenizer and (b) a homogenization valve. Cell passing through this valve areruptured by both shear and mechanical stress. Apparent Particle Size Fumarase Activity Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity Time, min Figure 3. Homogenization versus time. Mechanical disruption of cells reduces particle size but some may also denature some of the products in the cell. *How long for operation? Ball Mill (Sand Grinder) screen Cooling Jacket Sand (bead) Feed in Figure 4. Schematic diagram for ball mill equipment. *batch, continuous type *paint, dyestuff industry French Press Cells are placed in a stainless steel container. A tight fitting piston is inserted and high pressures are applied to force cells through a small hole. Principles of the French Press Piston Cylinder body Flow valve Outlet Sample tube Figure 2. French Press Cylinder. Figure 3. Diagram of French Press Cylinder. Bead mill Media volume 5.5L Media volume 0.4L Laboratory bead mill (Dyno mill and DMQ-07) Production machine (DMQ-10) Scale-up & Application • Laboratory Scale-up Bead mill – Grinding media • Weaknesses of the sand mill • • • Grinding media (beads) • • • • • Transition to closed mills ottawa sand grinding beads Steel, zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, Si/Al/Zr mixed oxide (SAZ), steatite (modification of talc), glass and plastics Diameter lies in the range from 0.1 to 3 mm. The harder the beads, the greater the intensity of dispersion. The number of beads is proportional to 1/d3 use smallest beads possible. Translational and rotational movement: compressive stress and shear Application in research • Horizontal bead mill used for cell rupture (a) General view, (b) details of (i) stainless steel and (ii) polyurethane impellers Where C = concentration of released product (kg/m3) Cmax = maximum concentration of released material (kg/m3) t = time (s) θ = time constant (s) The time constant θ depends on the processing conditions, equipment and the properties of the cells being disrupted. For multiple passes, the following relation can be used: • • • Example: A batch of yeast cells was disrupted using ultrasonic vibrations to release an intracellular product. The concentration of released product in the solution was measured during the process: Centrifugation • • • Centrifuge the most versatile tools of molecular biology to characterize substances to separate them Swinging –Arm Centrifugation Differential Centrifugation Analytical ultracentrifuge • • information concerning the mass and (in a limited way) the shape of a molecule Preparative centrifuge • permit one to use those parameters to separate molecular types. Centrifugal fields • • • • • The force that any particle experiences in a spinning rotor F = m*w2 r m* = buoyant mass of the particle (i.e., its mass less than the mass of solvent it displaces) w = the velocity of the rotor in radians/sec r = the distance to the particle from the center of the rotor. w2 r = radial acceleration or centrifugal acceleration • • • • at 70,000 rpm, a particle 7 cm from the center a = (70000 rpm x 2phi rad/rev x 1/60 min/s)2(7cm) = (7329)2 s-2x 7cm = 3.76 x 108 cm/s2 normal acceleration of the earth’s gravity (g) = 980 cm/s a ={ (3.76 x 108 ) / 980 } x g = 384,000 x g Sedimentation Velocity • • Any molecule or particle that is not isodense with the fluid it displaces will tend to float or sink, depending on whether it is lighter or heavier than the surrounding fluid. The velocity, v, at which a particular substance moves toward the top or bottom of a liquid column alpha the acceleration. The constant of proportionality = sedimentation coefficient, S: v = sw2r S = velocity/unit acceleration • • • • e.g. g-globulin - has a component that sediments @velocity of 2.6 x 10-4cm/s ( 0.95 cm/h) @ centrifugal field 384,000 x g Sedimentation coefficient (S) = ( 2.6 x 10-4 cm/s) / (3.8 x 108cm/s ) = 7 x 10-13 s Gradients is formed material is layered on top particles reach equilibrium with the gradient isopyknic (equal density) centrifugation • use: Zonal rotors form density gradient while the rotor is spinning sample is layered and centrifuged until the isopyknic zonal layer of the particles is reached. • • Buoyant density of macromolecule i.e. the density at which it will reach an equilibrium with the suspending medium. • e.g. DNA • 2 sources band at diff spots in CsCl gradient. diff buoyant density Picture Page Layout Your picture caption can go here. Picture from PresenterMedia.com
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