Part I: Verilog Coding Concepts More on Behavior Model for Verilog HDL Chih-Tsun Huang (黃稚存) Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University Module Partition Adding Structure Horizontal Partition Vertical Partition Parallel Operations Multiplexor-based Operations Vendor independent HDL Proper don't care *This Materials are provided by Jing-Reng Huang. Spring 2011 CS4120 Module Partition Keep Critical path within a module All module outputs are registered Well-select the gate count number within a module Prepare to reuse hierarchical modules Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang Focus: Module: 2 Adding Structure Focus: Chih-Tsun Huang Modeling: 3 Explicit specify the separate assignment Make use of the parentheses Build the design as your knowledge Don't rely on CAD tools Separated combinational and Sequential Logic blocks Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 4 Example: AND4 Horizontal Partition module AND4 (in1, in2, in3, in4, out); input in1, in2, in3, in4; output out; Focus: assign out = (in1 & in2) & (in3 & in4); // assign out = in1 & in2 & in3 & in4; endmodule Module: Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 5 Example: 16-bits Adder Separate independent I/Os Reduce I/O numbers Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 6 Vertical Partition module FA32(a0,a1,a2,sum,carry); input a0,a1,a2; output sum,carry; assign sum=a0^a1^a2; assign carry=(a0&a1)|(a1&a2)|(a0&a2); Focus: endmodule module ripple8(a0,a1,sum,carry_in,carry_out); input [7:0] a0,a1; input carry_in; output [7:0] sum; output carry_out; FA32 FA32 FA32 FA32 FA32 FA32 FA32 FA32 Reduce logic complexity Enhance reuse slice structure Save verification time Module: FA_32_0(a0[0],a1[0],carry_in,sum[0],tc0); FA_32_1(a0[1],a1[1],tc0,sum[1],tc1); FA_32_2(a0[2],a1[2],tc1,sum[2],tc2); FA_32_3(a0[3],a1[3],tc2,sum[3],tc3); FA_32_4(a0[4],a1[4],tc3,sum[4],tc4); FA_32_5(a0[5],a1[5],tc4,sum[5],tc5); FA_32_6(a0[6],a1[6],tc5,sum[6],tc6); FA_32_7(a0[7],a1[7],tc6,sum[7],carry_out); Reuse small blocks Save verification time Group implementations Initialization small blocks Build frequent-use blocks Balance the design endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 7 Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 8 Example: Divider Parallel Operations X/R Y Adder Q Lookup Focus: Module: Shift Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 9 Example: Search Datas CMP Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 10 Focus: CMP Result CMP Mux is preferred in CMOS design Low power, high speed features Module: CMP Evaluate the timing requirement with area budget before modeling Identify parallelism Multiplexor-based Operations CMP Datas Enhance performance Trade-off area and time Use case Use ? : ; Result CMP Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 11 Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 12 Vendor-Independent HDL Example: Codec selection // Mux version module condcodeV2 ( cc, bc, valid); input [3:0] cc; input [3:0] bc; output valid; wire n, z, v, c; wire [7:0] ccdec; assign {n, z, v, c} = cc; assign ccdec = {v, n, c, c | z, n ^ v, z | (n ^ v), z, 1’b0}; assign valid = bc[3] ^ ccdec[bc[2:0]]; endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang Focus: Module: 13 Reuse everywhere Save design retarget time on process advance Avoid library dependent module Avoid process based implementations Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang Example: Mux Proper Don't Care Assignment module mux4to1x2 (in0, in1, in2, in3, sel, out); input [1:0] in0, in1, in2, in3; input [1:0] sel; output [1:0] out; mux4to1 m4_0 (in0[0], in1[0], in2[0], in3[0], sel, out[0]); mux4to1 m4_1 (in0[1], in1[1], in2[1], in3[1], sel, out[1]); endmodule // Module mux4to1 takes the place of vendor cell module mux4to1 (in0, in1, in2, in3, sel, out); input in0, in1, in2, in3; input [1:0] sel; output out; wire [3:0] vec = {in3, in2, in1, in0}; assign out = vec[sel]; // instead of mux20d4 mux01 (in3, in2, in1, in0, out); endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 15 Focus: 14 Better logic optimization Module: Carefully use casez-endcase statements Explicit don't care outputs and conditions Better in lower level blocks Possible simulation/synthesis mismatch Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 16 Example: Priority Encoder Example: Polarity // Don't care example module dont (a, b, o1, o2); input [3:0] a, b; output o1, o2; reg o1, o2; always @(a) begin case (a) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4: o1 = 1'b0; 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: o1 = 1'b1; default: o1 = 1'b0; endcase end always @(b) begin case (b) 0, 2, 4, 6, 8: o2 = 1'b0; 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: o2 = 1'b1; default: o2 = 1'b0; endcase end endmodule module PRE_EN8_3 (A, Valid, Y); input [2:0] A; output Valid; output [1:0] Y; always @(A) begin casez(A) 4'b 1XXX: begin Y=3; Valid =1 end 4'b 01XX: begin Y=2; Valid =1 end 4'b 001X: begin Y=1; Valid =1 end 4'b 0001: begin Y=0; Valid =1 end default: begin Y=2'b0; Valid =0 end endcase end endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 17 Part II: Good Coding Practices Chih-Tsun Huang Chih-Tsun Huang 18 Zero-Delay Simulation Zero-delay Simulation Full Sensitization List Blocking Assignment Clock, Reset and Set Signal Flow Module Interface Multiple Assignment FSM Modeling Spring 2011 CS4120 Spring 2011 CS4120 19 Zero delay HDL tends more reusable Faster simulation Prevent from timing bugs Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 20 Full Sensitization List Example: Latch Inference (1/2) module rrpriocase(request,grant,grant_next); input [3:0] request, grant; output [3:0] grant_next; always @(request or grant) begin //grant_next = grant; // put default here to avoid latch inference case(1) // synopsys parallel_case full_case grant[0]: if (request[1]) grant_next = 4’b0010; else if (request[2]) grant_next = 4’b0100; else if (request[3]) grant_next = 4’b1000; else if (request[0]) grant_next = 4’b0001; else grant_next = grant; grant[1]: if (request[2]) grant_next = 4’b0100; else if (request[3]) grant_next = 4’b1000; else if (request[0]) grant_next = 4’b0001; else if (request[1]) grant_next = 4’b0010; else grant_next = grant; Rule: if-else if-else case-default-endcase Fully assign all variables in combinational with always block Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 21 grant[2]: if (request[3]) grant_next = 4’b1000; else if (request[0]) grant_next = 4’b0001; else if (request[1]) grant_next = 4’b0010; else if (request[2]) grant_next = 4’b0100; else grant_next = grant; grant[3]: if (request[0]) grant_next = 4’b0001; else if (request[1]) grant_next = 4’b0010; else if (request[2]) grant_next = 4’b0100; else if (request[3]) grant_next = 4’b1000; else grant_next = grant; default: grant_next = grant; endcase end endmodule Chih-Tsun Huang Chih-Tsun Huang 22 Blocking Assignment Example: Latch Inference (2/2) Spring 2011 CS4120 Spring 2011 CS4120 Rule: 23 Never mix blocking and non-blocking assignment in a single always block Non-blocking in registers inferable block Blocking in combinational block Simple/easy non-blocking block Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 24 Module Interface Example: MUX /// multiplexer module module mux4to1x4 (inVec, sel, out); ... mux4to1 m4_0 ( .vec({in3[0], in2[0], in1[0], in0[0]}), .sel(sel), .out(out[0]) ); ... endmodule Rule: Input, Output, InOut Clock, set/reset, data, address Use named order // Module mux4to1 should map to vendor MUX4 cell module mux4to1 (vec, sel, out); input [3:0] vec; input [1:0] sel; output out; assign out = vec[sel]; endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 25 Multiple Assignment Never assignment multiple value on one reg/net in different block Group similar net/reg together in a block Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang Chih-Tsun Huang 26 Example: Registers (1/2) Rule: Spring 2011 CS4120 27 module test(clk, load1, a1, load2, a2, q); input clk, load1, load2, a1, a2; output q; reg q; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (load1) q <= a1; end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (load2) q <= a2; end endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 28 Example: Registers (2/2) Case over Multiple-if-else module test(clk, load1, a1, load2, a2, q); input clk, load1, load2, a1, a2; output q; reg q; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (load1) q <= a1; if (load2) q <= a2; end endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 29 Spring 2011 CS4120 Rule: Chih-Tsun Huang 30 Rule: Always block for state registers update Always block for next state calculation Always block for output calculation Minimize size of state registers Possible multiple FSM in a module Parameterize all state encoding Chih-Tsun Huang 31 Each newspaper cost 15 Dollars Only 10 and 5 Dollars coin No change Possible combination: 3x 5 coins, one 10 coin and one 5 coin. Other combinations are not allowable. Requirements: Spring 2011 CS4120 Use "case" instead of multiple nested "if-else if else" block Newspaper Vending Machine Example FSM Modeling Rule: Send out control signal for each coin inserted One output signal which enable newspaper delivery One reset signal to reset the vending machine Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 32 State Diagram Machine Diagram 0/0 0/0 5/0 S0 S5 State 10/0 10/0 -/1 S15 5/0 coin 5/0 Combinational clock newspaper reset S10 10/0 0/0 Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 33 FSM Verilog Code module vend ( coin, clock, reset, newspaper ); input [1:0] coin; input clock; input reset; output newspaper; wire newspaper; wire [1:0] NEXT_STATE; reg [1:0] PRES_STATE; reg fsm_newspaper; reg [1:0] fsm_NEXT_STATE; //State encoding parameter parameter parameter parameter s0 = 2'b00; s5 = 2'b01; s10 = 2'b10; s15 = 2'b11; //Combination Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 34 FSM Verilog Code (2/2) always @(PRES_STATE or coin) begin case (PRES_STATE) s0: // state = s0 begin if ( coin ==2'b10) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s10; end else if ( coin == 2'b01) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s5; end else begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s0; end end s5: // state = s5 begin if (coin ==2'b10) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s15; Chih-Tsun Huang Spring 2011 CS4120 35 end else if (coin == 2'b01) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s10; end else begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s5; end end s10: // state = s10 begin if ( fcoin ==2'b10) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s15; end else if (coin == 2'b01) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s15; end else begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s10; end Spring 2011 CS4120 end s15: // state = s15 begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b1; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s0; end default : // state == s0 begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s0; end endcase end assign newspaper = fsm_newspaper; assign NEXT_STATE = fsm_NEXT_STATE; //Update State , synchronous reset always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset == 1'b1) PRES_STATE= s0; else PRES_STATE = NEXT_STATE; end endmodule Chih-Tsun Huang 36 Example 1: FSM k Example: FSM k module fsm1a (ds, rd, go, ws, clk,rst_n); output ds, rd; input go, ws; input clk, rst_n; parameter [1:0] IDLE = 2'b00, READ = 2'b01, DLY = 2'b10, DONE = 2'b11; reg [1:0] state, next; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) state <= IDLE; else state <= next; always @(state or go or ws) begin next = 2'bx; case (state) IDLE: if (go) next = READ; else next = IDLE; READ: next = DLY; DLY: if (ws) next = READ; else next = DONE; DONE: next = IDLE; endcase end assign rd = (state==READ || state==DLY); assign ds = (state==DONE); endmodule Possible Glitch on Output!! Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 37 Example 2: FSM k always @(state or go or ws) begin module fsm1 (ds, rd, go, ws, next = 2'bx; clk, rst_n); ds = 1'b0; output ds, rd; rd = 1'b0; input go, ws; case (state) input clk, rst_n; IDLE: if (go) next = READ; reg ds, rd; else next = IDLE; parameter [1:0] IDLE = 2'b00, READ: begin rd = 1'b1; READ = 2'b01, next = DLY; DLY = 2'b10, end DONE = 2'b11; DLY: begin rd = 1'b1; reg [1:0] state, next; if (ws) next = READ; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) else next = DONE; if (!rst_n) state <= IDLE; end else state <= next; DONE: begin ds = 1'b1; next = IDLE; end endcase Possible Glitch on Output!! end Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 39 endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 38 Example 3: FSM k (1/2) module fsm1b (ds, rd, go, ws, clk, rst_n); output ds, rd; input go, ws; input clk, rst_n; reg ds, rd; parameter [1:0] IDLE = 2'b00, READ = 2'b01, DLY = 2'b10, DONE = 2'b11; reg [1:0] state, next; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) state <= IDLE; else state <= next; Spring 2011 CS4120 always @(state or go or ws) begin next = 2'bx; case (state) IDLE: if (go) next = READ; else next = IDLE; READ: next = DLY; DLY: if (ws) next = READ; else next = DONE; DONE: next = IDLE; endcase end Chih-Tsun Huang 40 Example 3: FSM k (2/2) Example 4: FSM k module fsm1a_ffo1 (ds, rd, go, ws, clk, rst_n); output ds, rd; input go, ws; input clk, rst_n; // state bits = x0 _ ds rd parameter [2:0] IDLE = 3'b0_00, READ = 3'b0_01, DLY = 3'b1_01, DONE = 3'b0_10; reg [2:0] state, next; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) state <= IDLE; else state <= next; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin ds <= 1'b0; rd <= 1'b0; end else begin ds <= 1'b0; rd <= 1'b0; case (state) IDLE: if (go) rd <= 1'b1; READ: rd <= 1'b1; DLY: if (ws) rd <= 1'b1; else ds <= 1'b1; endcase end endmodule Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang always @(state or go or ws) begin next = 2'bx; case (state) IDLE: if (go) next = READ; else next = IDLE; READ: next = DLY; DLY: if (ws) next = READ; else next = DONE; DONE: next = IDLE; endcase end assign {ds,rd} = state[1:0]; endmodule 41 Spring 2011 CS4120 Chih-Tsun Huang 42
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