Verilog Testbench 1 Half Adder Testbench module halfAdd (sum, cOut, a, b); output sum, cOut; i inputa, t b; b module testAdd ; wire sum, cOut; reg a, b; half Add g0(sum, Cout, a, b); xor (sum, a, b); and (cOut, a, b); endmodule initial begin $monitor ($time ($time,, “a=%b, “a %b b b=%b, %b sum=%b, cOut=%b”, a, b, sum, cOut); a = 0; b = 0; #10 b = 1; #10 a = 1; #10 b = 0; #10 $finish; end endmodule 2 Half Adder Testbench 2 module testAdd2 ; wire sum, cOut; reg [1:0] wire a, b; assign a = test [0]; assign b = test [1]; test; half Add g0(sum, Cout, a, b); initial begin $monitor ($time ($time,, “a=%b, b=%b, sum=%b, cOut=%b", a, b, sum, cOut); for (test = 0; test < 3; test = test + 1) #10; #10 #10 $finish; end endmodule 3 Full Adder module FullAdder(a, b, cin, cout, sum); i input t a, b, b cin; i output cout, sum; assign { cout, sum } = a + b + cin; endmdule 4 Full Adder Testbench module FullAdder_test; // Signal declaration reg a, b, cin; wire cout, sum; // Instantiate modules FullAdder g0 (cout,sum,a,b,cin); // Apply Stimulus initial begin #10 a = 0; b = 0; cin = 0; #10 a = 0; b = 0; cin = 1; #10 a = 0; b = 1; cin = 0; #10 a = 0; b = 1; cin = 1; #10 a = 1; b = 0; cin = 0; #10 a = 1; b = 0; cin = 1; #10 a = 1; b = 1; cin = 0; #10 a = 1; b = 1; cin = 1; #10 $finish; endd //Display results i iti l initial $monitor($time, " a = %b b = %b cin = %b Cout = %b S Sum = %b" %b", a,b,c,cin,cout,sum); b i ) endmodule 5 Multiplexer Example PRGXOHPX[WR\GGV LQSXWGGV RXWSXW \ RXWSXW\ UHJ \ DOZD\V#GRUGRUV DOZD\V#G RU G RU V EHJLQ FDVHV E E\ G G E\ G HQGFDVH HQG G HQGPRGXOH 6 mux2to1 Testbench PRGXOHWHVWBPX[WRDQHPSW\SDUDPHWHUOLVWLVXVHG VLQFHWKLVPRGXOHLVRQO\IRUWHVWLQJ ZLUH RXW ZLUHRXW RXWSXW RI WKH XQLW XQGHU WHVW 887 RXWSXWRIWKHXQLWXQGHUWHVW887 UHJ LQLQVHO LQSXWVWRWKHXQLWXQGHUWHVW887 ,QVWDQWLDWHDQLQVWDQFHRIPX[WR PX[WR0RXWLQLQVHO *HQHUDWHWKHWHVWLQJYHFWRUV LQLWLDOEHJLQRQHWLPHH[HFXWLRQEORFN LQ E’LQ E’VHO E’ LQ E’ VHO E’ VHO E’ LQ E’ HQG HQGPRGXOH 7 Priority Encoder module priority_encoder_df3 (D, A, V); input[4:0] p [ ] D; ; output[2:0] A; output V; assign A =D[4] ? 3'b100: D[3] ? 3'b011: D[2] ? 3'b010: D[1] ? 3'b001: D[0] [ ] ? 3'b000: b 3'bxxx; b assign V =(D ==5'b00000) ? 1'b0:1'b1; endmodule 8 Priority Encoder Testbench `timescale 1 ns / 100 ps //time unit / time precision module priority_encoder_testbench; reg clk; reg[4:0] stim; wire[3:0] results; priority_encoder_df3 x1 (stim[4:0], results [3:1], results[0]); i iti l initial begin clk <= 0;; stim <= 4’b0; #330 $stop; end 9 Priority Encoder Testbench (2) always begin #5 forever #5 clk lk <= < ~clk; lk end always@(posedge clk) begin stim <= stim + 1; end endmodule 10 COUNTER Example module counter(clk, clear, dout); input clk, clear; output [3:0] dout; reg [3:0] dout; always@(posedge l @( d clk lk or posedge d clear) l ) begin if(clear) d dout <= 4'b000; b else dout <= dout + 1; end endmodule 11 COUNTER Testbench module test_counter; reg CLOCK, CLEAR; wire [3:0] Q; initial $monitor($time, " Count Q = %b Clear= %b", Q[3:0],CLEAR); counter c1(Q, CLOCK, CLEAR); iinitial iti l begin CLEAR = 1'b1; #34 CLEAR = 1'b0; 1 b0; #200 CLEAR = 1'b1; #50 CLEAR = 1'b0; end 12 COUNTER Testbench initial CLOCK = 1'b0; always #10 CLOCK = ~CLOCK; initial begin g #400 $finish; end endmodule 13 Inertial versus Transport Delay • Behavior of Logic Devices Æ inertial delay a a_n • Behavior of Signal Wire Æ transport delay a_wire Input to output delay (sometimes “propagation”) 14 Example 1 module mydelay(a1_in, a2_in, b_tran, b_inertial, _ c_out); _ ) input a1_in, a2_in; output c_out; output b_tran; b tran; wire #2 b_tran; output b_inertial; and #3 (b_tran, a1_in, a2_in); buf #1 (c_out, b_tran); and #3 (b (b_inertial, inertial a1 a1_in, in a2 a2_in); in); endmodule module test; wire b_tran, b_inertial, c_out; wire i a1_in, 1 i a2_in; 2 i reg [1:0] a; assign a1_in = a[1]; assign i a2_in 2 i = a[0]; [0] mydelay g1(a1_in, a2_in, b_tran, b inertial c_out); b_inertial, c out); initial begin a = 2'b01; #2 a = 22'b11; b11; #6 a = 2'b10; #20 $stop; end endmodule 15 16 Example 2 module mydelay(a1_in, a2_in, b_tran, b_inertial, _ c_out); _ ) input a1_in, a2_in; output c_out; output b_tran; b tran; wire #2 b_tran; output b_inertial; and #3 (b_tran, a1_in, a2_in); buf #1 (c_out, b_tran); and #3 (b (b_inertial, inertial a1 a1_in, in a2 a2_in); in); endmodule module test; wire b_tran, b_inertial, c_out; wire i a1_in, 1 i a2_in; 2 i reg [1:0] a; assign a1_in = a[1]; assign i a2_in 2 i = a[0]; [0] mydelay g1(a1_in, a2_in, b_tran, b inertial c_out); b_inertial, c out); initial begin a = 2'b01; #2 a = 22'b11; b11; #2 a = 2'b10; #20 $stop; end endmodule 17 18 Gate Delay Model 19 Nonblocking versus Blocking module block; reg a, b, c, d, e, f; initial begin a = #10 1; // a is assigned at simulation time 10 b = #12 0; // b is assigned at simulation time 22 c = #4 1; // c is assigned at simulation time 26 end i iti l begin initial b i d <= #10 1; // d is assigned at simulation time 10 e <= #12 0;; // e is assigned g at simulation time 12 f <= #4 1; // f is assigned at simulation time 4 end endmodule 20 module block; reg a, b, c, d, e, f; initial begin #10 a = 1; // a is assigned at simulation time 10 #12 b = 0; // b is assigned at simulation time 22 #4 c = 1; // c is assigned at simulation time 26 end i iti l begin initial b i #10 d <= 1; // d is assigned at simulation time 10 #12 e <= 0;; // e is assigned g at simulation time 22 #4 f <= 1; // f is assigned at simulation time 26 end endmodu 21 Display Functions • $display (and $write) – $display adds newline, $write does not – Occurs along with other active events, when encountered initial #5 $display ("a = %h, b = %b", a, b); • $strobe – Similar to $display, but displays data at end of simulation time when encountered initial forever @(negedge clock) $strobe ("Time=%t data=%h", $time, data); • $monitor – Displays data at end of current simulation time, whenever a variable in the argument list changes initial $monitor ("Time=%t data=%h", $time, data); 22 Display Functions (2) • $finish causes simulation to stop • $stopp causes simulation to suspend p – Simulation may be resumed • Formatting string – %h, %H hex – %d, %D decimal – %o, % %O octal t l – %b, %B binary – %t time • $monitor(“%t: %b %h %h %h %b\n”, $time, c_out, sum, a, b, c_in); 23 Test Display module test_display; reg[3:0] a, b, clk; initial begin a = 3; b = 2; clk = 1; end always@(posedge clk) begin a <= #2 a + b; #2 b <= < a - b; b $display("display: t = %t, a = %d, b = %d", $time, a, b); $strobe("strobe: t = %t, a = %d, b = %d", $time, a, b); endd initial $monitor("monitor: t = %t, a = %d, b = %d", $time, a, b); endmodule 24 Display Functions Example [2] Non-blocking # monitor: it t = 0, 0 a = 3, 3 b= 2 # display: t = 2, a = 3, b = 2 # monitor: t = 2, a = 5, b = 1 # strobe: t = 2, a = 5, b = 1 // initialization i iti li ti // old values // new values // new values 25 Test Display module test_display; reg[3:0] a, b, clk; initial begin a = 3; b = 2; clk = 1; end always@(posedge clk) begin a = #2 a + b; #2 b = a - b; b $display("display: t = %t, a = %d, b = %d", $time, a, b); $strobe("strobe: t = %t, a = %d, b = %d", $time, a, b); endd initial $monitor("monitor: t = %t, a = %d, b = %d", $time, a, b); endmodule 26 Display Functions Example [3] Blocking # monitor: it t = 0, 0 a = 3, 3 b= 2 # monitor: t = 2, a = 5, b = 2 # display: t = 4, a = 5, b = 3 # strobe: t = 4, a = 5, b = 3 # monitor: t = 4, a = 5, b = 3 // initialization i iti li ti // a assigned // new values // new values // b assigned 27 assign y = a & b; assign g z = y | c;; initial begin a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; #5 a = 0; b = 1; c = 0; #5 force y = 1; #5 b = 0; 0 #5 release y; #5 $stop; end assign y = a & b; assign i z = y | c; initial begin a = 0;; b = 0;; c = 0;; #5 a = 0; b = 1; c = 0; #5 force y = 1; #5 b = 0; #5 release y; #5 $stop; end d 28 force/release assign y = a & b; g z = y | c;; assign initial begin a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; #5 a = 0; b = 1; c = 0; #5 force y = 1; #5 b = 0; 0 #5 release y; #5 $stop; end T 0 5 10 15 20 a 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 1 1 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 y 0 0 1 1 0 z 0 0 1 1 0 29 Simple Microprocessor Datapath and Control 30 Datapath 1). DFF.v Help p Tip: p always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) q <= 0; else if(ce) q<= d; end d 2). MUX2to1.v 3). 4) 4). ALU v ALU.v 5) 5). MUX4to1.v DATAPATH v DATAPATH.v 31 Design Specification Given the datapath above, design a finite state machine controller to implement one of the following functions: (0). R2 = M0 or [ inv(M1) ] (1). R2 = M0 + M1 + Cin (2). R2 = M0 + inv(M1) + Cin (3). R2 = M0 and M1 (4). R2 = M0 nand M1 (5) R2 = M0 or M1 (5). (6) (6). R2 = M0 xor M1 (7). R2 =[ inv(M0)] and M1 (8). R2 = M0 xnor M1 (9) R2 = M0 nor M1 (9). 32 Control Your finite state machine should generate the following control signals: clr, W, S, CE, and sel. If reset signal is equal to logic ‘1’, your finite state machine should be in idle state. Else if start signal is equal to logic ‘1’, 1 , your finite state machine will start to work. 33 Top Level Design module top( reset, start, clk, M0, M1, M2, Cin, clr, W, S, CE, R, Y, sel, A, B ); i input reset, start, clk, lk M0, M0 M1 M1, M2 M2, Cin; Ci output clr; output [2:0] W, W S; output [3:0] CE, R, Y; output [1:0] sel; output A, B; …….. endmodule 34
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