Chia-Liang Dai Vitae Graduate Student, Health Promotion and Education Program Associate Fellow, Office of Dean, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services University of Cincinnati Health Promotion and Education Program College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services 2600 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati OH 45221 PO Box 210002 Teachers/Dyer Hall E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. 2012-14 (expected) Health Promotion and Education Minor: Counselor Education University of Cincinnati, OH, USA M.S. 2011-12 Health Promotion and Education Focus: Community Health University of Cincinnati, OH, USA Ph.D. Program 2011 Summer Leisure Behavior Focus: Therapeutic Recreation Indiana University, IN, USA M.S. 2006-09 Counseling Psychology National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan Thesis: Harmful Parentification of Counselors: Awareness, Transformation and Transmutation B.Ed. 2001-05 Instructional Psychology and Counseling Education National Hualien University of Education, Hualien, Taiwan Thesis: Taiwanese Counselor Trainees’ Learning Experience on Helping Skills . HONORS AND GRANTS 2013-14 Graduate Students Faculty Research Mentoring Grant, University of Cincinnati 2013-14 Graduate Incentive Award, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 2013-14 University Graduate Assistantship, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 2013 American Psychological Association Student Travel Award, APA 2013 Graduate Summer Undergraduate Mentoring Fellowship, University of Cincinnati 1 2012-13 Hazel F. Gabbard Doctoral Research Associate Award, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 2012-13 University Graduate Scholarship, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 2011-12 Graduate Students Faculty Research Mentoring Grant, University of Cincinnati 2011-12 Conference Traveling Award, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 2010-11 Hakka Academic and Cultural Activities Grant, Hakka Affairs Council, Taiwan 2010 National Science Council Research Fellowship, National Taiwan University 2006-08 National Science Council Fellowship, Taiwan Counseling & Guidance Association 2005 Outstanding Alumni, IPCE, NHLUE, Taiwan 2004-05 Academy Prospective Student Award, IPCE, NHLUE, Taiwan 2004 Athletic Representative, NHLUE, Taiwan 2003-04 Outstanding Student Award, National Chiayi Senior High School, Taiwan 2000 Exemplary Student Award, National Chiayi Senior High School, Taiwan EMPLOYMENT ____ 2012-14 Associate Fellow Office of Dean College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services, University of Cincinnati. 2011 Elementary School Teacher and School Counselor Bo-Jia Elementary School, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 Research Fellow Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University 2009-10 Military Mental Health Counselor Counseling Center, Central Coastal Patrol Office, Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan, Taiwan 2006-09 Graduate Assistant Department of Counseling Psychology, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan PUBLICATIONS BOOK CHAPTERS Kao, C. C., Kuo, H, L., & Dai, C. L. (2011). Shiau-Gaung runs away from the school. In National Dong Hwa University Center for Teacher Education (Eds.), Case study and teacher education: Theory and practice. Taipei: Higher Education. Lin, M. J., & Dai, C. L. (2005). When “eastern student” meets “western helping skills”: Analytical study of learning experiences of helping techniques among Taiwan undergraduates. In Department of Instructional Psychology and Counseling Education of NHLUE (Eds.), Hualien: NHLUE. 2 JOURNAL ARTICLES Dai, C. L. (2010). The story of a veteran’s wife. Coast Guard, 43, 68-69. Dai, C. L. (2010). Caring for veterans: Stories from a local fishing village. Coastal Patrol, 71, 37. Dai, C. L., & Sharma, M. (2014). Inhale and exhale: Yoga as an alternative intervention in smoking cessation. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 19(2), 144-149. Tie, H. T., Xia, Y. Y., Zeng, Y. S., Zhang, Y., Dai, C. L., Guo, J. J., & Zhao, Y. (2014). Risk of childhood overweight or obesity associated with excessive weight gain during pregnancy: a meta-analysis. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 289(2), 247-257. ARTICLES UNDER REVIEW Dai, C. L., King, K. A., Vidourek, R. A., & Nabors, L. Physical activity based intervention: Is there an impact on youth psychosocial development? Dai, C. L., & Sharma, M. Childhood obesity in Taiwan: Predicting childhood obesity prevention behaviors using Social Cognitive Theory. Dai, C. L. & Nabors, L. Improving international students well-being: An ecological perspective. Richardson, G. B., Dai, C. L., Chen, C. C., Hardesty, P. H., & Swoboda, C. M. Parent and child life history dimensions and their effects on adolescent-young adult substance use. Chen, W. W., Chen, C. C., Richardson, G. B., & Dai, C. L. The achievement goal orientation in Chinese societies: Within-Cultural differences among Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Nabors, L., Baker, C., Burbage, M., & Dai, C. L. Predictors of child functioning and problem behaviors for children diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Externalizing Problems. Nabors, L., Baker, C., & Dai, C. L. Relations among family support and child functioning for children with PTSD and Externalizing Behaviors. ARTICLES IN PROGRESS Dai, C. L., King, K. A., Vidourek, R. A., & Nabors, L. Health education interventions aimed to impact physical activity levels among youth from low income family. Dai, C. L., King, K. A., Vidourek, R. A., & Nabors, L. What does the research state regarding positive psychology and the reduction of risky behaviors among youth? Dai, C. L., Nabors, L., King, K. A., & Vidourek, R. A. Evaluation of an obesity prevention after-school program. Dai, C. L., Nabors, L., Vidourek, R. A., & King, K. A. Evaluation of a yoga intervention on K-2 students. Dai, C. L. & Nabors, L. Benefits of exercise on students’ self-esteem? Parents and teachers’ perspective. 3 Dai, C. L. Impact of yoga interventions on psychological outcomes among elementary school students. Dai, C. L., Chen, C. C., Richardson, G. B., & Cottrell, R. The impact of a Marathon training program on lifestyle change for homeless individuals and people recovering from substance abuse. Dai, C. L. Parentification, filial piety, and psychological functioning in Taiwanese youth. Dai, C. L., & Sharma, M. Predictor of substance use in a sample of homeless and people recovering from addiction in Midwest. Dai, C. L., & Sharma, M. Measuring what patients think about complementary and alternative medicine. Nabors, L., Dai, C. L., & Hoang, N. Eating and exercise behaviors among elementary school students from low-income families. Clark, R., Nabors, L., Romito, K., Burbage, M., & Dai, C. L. The experience of hope in parents of chronically ill children: A qualitative study. Richardson, G. B., Freedlander, J., Katz, E., Dai, C. L., & Chen, C. C. Impulsivity links reward and threat sensitivities to substance use: A structural equations model. Richardson, G. B., Dai, C. L., & Chen, C. C. Sex and drugs: The reciprocal longitudinal effects between young adult mating success and substance use. Richardson, G. B., Dai, C. L., & Chen, C. C. Parentification and help seeking among college students. Sharma, M., Knowlden, A., & Dai, C. L. Theory of Planned Behavior based predictors of sleep intentions and behaviors among undergraduate college students in Taiwan. Chen, C. C., Richardson, G. B., & Dai, C. L. The validity of the Brief Multi-Individuation Scale for Chinese adolescents: An Item Response Theory analysis. Cottrell, R., & Dai, C. L. What medical students’ attitude toward healthy lifestyle? CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS NATIONAL CONFERENCES Nabors, L., Burbage, M., Woodson, K., Swoboda, C., & Dai, C. L. (2014, Mar). The Children’s Healthy Eating and Exercise Program: Review of a school based obesity prevention project for elementary school-age children. Research paper presented at the annual conference of Society for Public Health Education, Baltimore, MD. Elkins, R. L., Nabors, L., King, K. A., Vidourek, R., & Dai, C. L. (2014, Apr). SelfEfficacy Expectations, BMI and Physical Activity in Appalachian Adolescents. Research paper presented at the annual conference of AAHPERD, St. Louis, MO. Dai, C. L., Chen, C. C., & Bernard, A. L. (2013, Nov). I live, I grow: An evaluation of a community gardening program's impact on positive lifestyle among older adults. Research poster presented at the annual conference of American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. Dai, C. L., Chen, C. C., Richardson, G. B., & Chen, S. C. (2013, Oct). Eastern norm versus Western theory: the effect of Filial Piety and Parentification on Taiwanese counselors. Research poster presented at the annual conference of Association of 4 Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO. Chen, C. C., Cook, E. P., Richardson, G. B., & Dai, C. L. (2013, Oct). Inadequate or inappropriate: Developing an Asian Counselor Training Model from an ecological perspective. Research poster presented at the annual conference of Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO. Richardson, G. B., Chen, C. C., Dai, C. L., & Brubaker, M. (2013, Aug). Immediate Survival Focus: Linking SES, dichotomous thinking, and substance use. Research poster presented at the annual conference of American Psychology Association, Honolulu, HI, USA. Richardson, G. B., Chen, C. C., Brubaker, M., & Dai, C. L. (2013, May). Immediate Survival Focus: Dichotomous Thinking as a Life History Mechanism and Risk Factor for Substance Abuse. Research paper presented at the annual conference of NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, Annville, Pennsylvania. Chen, C. C., Chen, S. C., & Dai, C. L. (2013, Mar). Inadequate or inappropriate: Counseling intervention for Asian survivors of natural disaster from social justice and ecological perspective. Research poster presented at the annual conference of American Counseling Association, Cincinnati, OH, USA. Dai, C. L., & Sharma, M. (2012, Oct). Between inhalation and exhalation: Yoga as an alternative or complementary intervention for smoking cessation. Research poster presented at the annual conference of American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, USA. Richardson, G. B., Chen, C. C., & Dai, C. L. (2012, Jun). Sex and drugs: The reciprocal longitudinal effects between young adult mating effort and substance use. Research paper presented at the annual conference of Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Albuquerque, NM, USA. Chen, C. C., Richardson, G. B., & Dai, C. L. (2012, Aug). Life history strategy and substance use. Research poster presented at the annual conference of American Psychology Association, Orlando, FL, USA. Chen, C. C., & Chen, S. C., Dai, C. L. (2010, Mar). Give-and-take: SeparationIndividuation, Parentification and Filial Piety in Asian culture. Research paper presented at the annual conference of American Counseling Association, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Chen, C. C., & Dai, C. L. (2008, Mar). Separation-Individuation Theory: A source of conflict for Asian adolescents. Research paper presented at the annual conference of American Counseling Association, Honolulu, HI, USA. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES Kao, C. C., Kuo, H, L., & Dai, C. L. (2011, May). Shiau-Gaung runs away from the school. Research paper presented at the annual conference of Case Study and Teacher Education Conference, Hualien, Taiwan. LOCAL CONFERENCES Dai, C. L, Chen, C. C., & Richardson, G. B. (2012, Mar). Life history strategy and substance use. Research poster presented at the annual conference of Spring Research Conference, Louisville, KY, USA. 5 Dai, C. L., & Sharma, M. (2012, Mar). Childhood obesity in Taiwan: Predicting childhood obesity prevention behaviors using Social Cognitive Theory. Research poster presented at the annual conference of Spring Research Conference, Louisville, KY, USA. INVITED SPEAKER LECTURER in College Topic: Physical Activity and Youth Health Presented in Emerging Health Issues instructed by Dr. Laura Nabors, UC (2013 Oct) Topic: Global Health Insurance System: The Taiwan experience Presented in Global Health instructed by Dr. Liliana Rojas-Guyler, UC (2013 Oct) Topic: Elementary School Students Emotional Issues and Counseling Strategies Yong-Ling Hope Elementary School, Yong-Ling Foundation, Taiwan (2008 Dec) Topic: The Link between Healthy Lifestyle and Academic Learning Student Counseling Center, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2008 Feb) Topic: Filial Piety vs. Parentification: Meanings and Implications for Counseling Presented in Counseling Theory and Skill instructed by Dr. Robert, A. Ross, Department of Social Work, Tzu-Chi University, Taiwan (2007 Jun) Topic: Class Guidance Trainee Helping Skills Training Workshop Student Counseling Center, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2006 Oct) Topic: Career Decision in Academia Department of Instructional Psychology and Counseling Education, National Hualien University of Education, Taiwan (2006 Sep) LECTURER in Elementary and Junior High School Topic: Obesity Prevention Program-An After-school Program at Mt. Washington School in Partnership with the University of Cincinnati Duties: led nutrition lessons and physical activities, and taught yoga. Topic: Depression and Emotion Management Shu-Lin Junior High School, Hualien, Taiwan (2006 Mar.) Duties: lectured about how to manage emotion. Topic: Basketball Summer Camp Pu-Zih Elementary School, Chiayi, Taiwan. (2002 Aug.) Duties: Taught members to maintain their weight and healthy lifestyle by playing basketball. SCHOOL COUNSELOR Topic: Emotion Management and Personal Growth Yi-Chung Elementary School, Taiwan (2008 Fall) Topic: Interpersonal Skills and Personal Growth Experimental Elementary School of National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan 6 (2007 Fall) Topic: Children of Foreign Spouses Social Skills and Personal Growth Guang-Hua Elementary School, Taiwan (2006 Spring) Topic: Life Education Department of Education, Hualien County Government, Taiwan (2004 Jun) Duties: Providing individual counseling and leading group counseling in various topics and with different groups, including students with special needs, and children of foreign spouses. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE ASSOCIATE FELLOW 2012 July - present Supervisor: Hollon Greg, Program Director Office of Dean of College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services University of Cincinnati Duties: Facilitating college affair regarding students and faculty services, annual CECH events, Building Task Force Board member, quantitative and qualitative analysis of CECH student satisfaction survey and documenting international research and projects conducted by CECH. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2011 Aug - present Supervisor: Dr. George B. Richardson, Substance Abuse Counseling Program, School of Human Services, College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services University of Cincinnati Topics: Life history strategy and substance use. Duties: Data analysis by using Mplus, writing paper, article review, presenting research paper in national conferences. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2011 Jan - 2012 Jan Supervisor: Dr. Shu-Chung Chen, Department of Counseling Psychology, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. Hakka Academic and Cultural Activities Grant. Project: The rise and decline of Feng-Lin town from the perspective of a photographer master Duties: Literature review, qualitative data analysis, writing transcript, attending weekly on-line meeting, and translating the transcript from Chinese into English. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2011 Jan - 2011 June Supervisor: Dr. Ching-Chen Kao, Department of Teaching Education, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan Project: Applying development psychology theories by using case studies in primary school teaching education Duties: Attending biweekly meeting, literature review, writing transcript, presenting 7 the research paper to a professional conference, and publishing the paper. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2010 Aug - 2010 Oct Supervisor: Dr. Huei-Jing Wu, Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. National Science Council Grant, Taiwan. Project: 1) Establishing natural disaster rescues: school life, life adaptation and safety assistance of indigenous children after Molake typhoon 2) A study of psychiatric rehabilitation, social right and caregiver empowerment Duties: Literature review, collecting data, contacting participants, data coding, data analysis using SPSS. JOURNAL EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 2006 Oct - 2008 Apr Journal of Taiwan Counseling and Guidance, Taiwan Counseling and Guidance Association Chief Editor: Dr. Meei-Ju Lin, Dean of Humanities and Social Science, NDHU, Taiwan. National Science Council Grant, Taiwan Duties: 1) Administration: inviting paper reviewers, contacting authors and editorial committee members, reporting financial affairs to TCGA. 2) Publication (Biannual): Proofreading in-press papers and contacting with publishers. 3) Evaluation: Annual report to NSC (received high quality journal from NSC evaluation). NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 2006 Sep - 2007 June Supervisor: Wei-Shing Lin Caterpillar Philosophy for Children Foundation, Taiwan. Duties: Typesetting and proofreading in press books. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2006 Aug - 2007 Aug Supervisor: Dr. Meei-Ju Lin, IPCE, NDHU, Hualien, Taiwan; National Science Council Grant) Project: Personality trait, personality adaptation, and personality narratives in children projective test Duties: Literature review on narrative research, data analysis using TEMAS (Tell-MeA-Story), statistical analyses of different measures (including TEMAS, NEOPI-R Chinese version, Children Adaptation Inventory, and important life event) on personality traits, adaptations, and narratives. COLLEGE EVALUATIOM ASSISTANT 2006 Aug - 2007 Jan Department of Counseling Psychology, NDHU, Taiwan. Duties: Collect and prepare documents for the Ministry of Education Evaluation, and attend evaluation meetings. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2004 Aug - 2005 July 8 Supervisor: Dr. Huei-Ying Chi, IPCE, NHLUE. National Science Council Grant, Taiwan. Project: Teachers’ teacher: The stories of teacher educators Duties: Literature review on educational psychology and qualitative research, contacting participants, conducting in-depth interviews, and transcribing the qualitative data into text. RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2004 Aug - 2005 July Supervisor: Dr. Meei-Ju Lin, IPCE, NHLUE. Academy Prospective Student Award. Project: Analytical study of learning experiences of helping skills among Taiwan undergraduates Duties: Observing and noting the lab process, making the interview outline, participant recruitment, conducting in-depth interviews, transcribing the qualitative data, literature review. TEACHING EXPERIENCES TEACHING ASSISTANT in the United States 2013-14 Fall Health promotion and Education Program, School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services, University of Cincinnati Course: Emerging Issues in Health Duties: Leading group discussion in public health issues, lecturing. 2013-14 Fall Health promotion and Education Program, School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services, University of Cincinnati Course: Global Health Duties: Leading group discussion in case study, lecturing. 2012-13 Fall Counseling Program, School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services, University of Cincinnati Course: Counseling Supervision, (Instructor: Dr. Geoffrey Yager), Duties: Leading group discussion, role play activity, counseling skill practice lab. 2011-2012 Spring Substance Use Counseling Program, School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services, University of Cincinnati On-line course: Drugs and Behavior (Instructor: Dr. Sasi Chockalingam) Duties: Grading, leading discussion board. TEACHING ASSISTANT in Taiwan 2010-11 Fall Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University Courses: 1. Social Work & Psychiatric 2.Clinical Case Studies (Instructor: Dr. Huei-Jing Wu) Duties: Preparing teaching materials, article review, contacting invited speakers and monitoring students practical experiences. 2006-09 9 Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, National Dong Hwa University Course: Guidance and Counseling Practicum (Instructor: Dr. Shu-Chung Chen) Duties: Assisting and supervising undergraduate students regarding individual and group counseling, group counseling plan design, correcting their clinical documentation. Course: Career Counseling (Instructor: Dr. Yi-Jhao Wang) Duties: Scoring, leading the discussion groups during class, conducting several kinds of assessment and explaining the results. Course: Gerontology Psychology (Instructor: Dr. Shu-Chung Chen) Duties: Literature review regarding the health issues of older adult, and arranging class affairs. Course: General Psychology (Instructor: Dr. Theodore Mazarakis) Duties: Interpreting English lecture into Mandarin, translating materials from English into Mandarin, leading study groups, and grading. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER 2011 spring Bo-Jia Elementary School, Taipei, Taiwan Duties: Teaching Social Science, Class Counseling and Physical Education from 1st 6th grader. TUTOR 2007-08 Tutoring a junior high school student in English ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER INTERNSHIP 2005-06 Pu-Zih Elementary School, Chiayi, Taiwan (Supervisor: Dr. Jin-Cheng Kao) Elementary School Teacher Duties: Instructor of 6th grade in teaching Chinese, Mathematics, and teaching Social Science, English, Art, Computer, and Science to 4th grade students. Coach (soccer, basketball, baseball and track- and- field teams) Duties: Teaching elementary students to learn skills and rules of various sports, leading these sports teams to attend local and county tournaments. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER PRACTICUM 2004 - 05 Dao-Siang Elementary School, Hualien, Taiwan (Supervisor: Dr. Yi-Yong Huang) Duties: Teaching 2nd, 3rd and 5th grader in Mathematics, Chinese, Taiwanese, Science, Physical Education, English, and tutoring a 5th grader by using novels to improve reading comprehension and personal issues. CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH EXPERIENCE GUIDANCE TEACHER & SCHOOL COUNSELOR 2012 spring Bo-Jia Elementary School, Taipei, Taiwan Duties: Individual and group counseling, teaching class guidance, bullying and violence prevention. MILITARY COUNSELOR 2009 Sep - 2010 Aug Supervisor: Major Yu-Jie Lai, 4th Unit, CCPO 10 Counseling Center, Central Coastal Patrol Office, Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan, Taiwan Duties: Preventing suicide of CGA soldiers from their heavy pressure in the army, improving their mental adjustment by phone counseling, individual counseling, conducting different kinds of assessment (such as mental health assessment of CGA soldiers, soldier behavior checklist, and personality assessment), and holding lectures on mental health issues. COUNSELING ABROAD INTERNSHIP 2008 Jul - 2008 Aug Supervisor: Dr. Geoffrey Yager, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Dr. Shu-Chung Chen, NDHU, Taiwan. Dr. Robert A. Ross, Tzu-Chi University, Taiwan Counselor Education Program, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Duties: Six-week internship included: 1) visiting different health service centers at the University of Cincinnati (such as Student Counseling Center, Women’s Center, Career Development Center), and some community health institutions (such as Talbert House and a local health clinic for indigent persons with serious mental illness); 2) attending staff meetings; and 3) auditing courses from the counseling program (such as School Counseling, Ecological Counseling Seminar, Counseling Practice, and others), which were taught by different professors at UC. COUNSELING MASTER PRACTICUM 2008 spring Supervisor: Dr. Yi-Jhao Wang, Director of Student Counseling Center, NDHU Student Counseling Center, NDHU, Taiwan Duties: 1) Individual Counseling: including intake, case management, crisis management; 2) Group Counseling (self-development and awareness of volunteers); 3) Psychological Assessment: conducting different kinds of assessment and explaining the results; 4) Outreach: conducting various activities, such as lectures, farming experience camp, a book and music exhibition, and a dancing workshop); 5) Counselor Continuing Education: staff meetings, case studies, and group supervision; 6) Lecturer (topic: depression and happiness): Assisting students to understand depression and facilitating positive skills to promote mental health. GUIDANCE & COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 2005 - 06 Supervisor: Dr. Shu-Chung Chen Pu-Zih Elementary School, Chiayi, Taiwan. Duties: Group counseling (topics include special education students, children of foreign spouses, communication skills), holding mental health, parenting and health promotion workshops for students, parents, and teachers. GUIDANCE & COUNSELING PRACTICUM 2004 - 05 Supervisor: Dr. Shu-Chung Chen Bai-Chun Elementary School, Hualien, Taiwan Duties: Individual counseling, group counseling (groups includes career development, emotional issues), collaborating with class instructor on students issues, and administrative affairs. 11 COMMUNITY SERVICES Ronald McDonald House 2013 June - present Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Duties: 1. Facilitating art and play activities with chronically ill school age patient. 2. Facilitating a hope and positive self group for children patient. Cincinnati Music and Wellness Coalition 2013 March - August Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Duties: Facilitating a music and wellness group for Bhutanese refugee at a local church. St Leo’s and Burundian Refugees, AMCD/CSJ Service Day at ACA conference 2013 March Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Duties: Facilitating garden activities and English as Second Language class with refugees. City Gospel Mission 2012 - present Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Duties: Facilitating an 8-weeks Marathon Training Program-STEP FORWARD, and being a running buddy with the recovery program members to complete Plying Pig Marathon Races. Gaden Tensung Ling (DGTL) Buddhist Monastery 2008 summer break Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. Duties: Attending the 10th anniversary celebration of DGTL Monastery, serving the monks and the residents. Mongolian Buddhist Monastery 2007 winter break Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Duties: Serving in the local monastery. LICENSURE Elementary School Teacher Certificate, Ministry of Education, Taiwan CERTIFICATE Certified Health Education Specialist (will take the exam on April 26, 2014) Teaching Assistant Certificate, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Certificate, Department of Health, Taipei, Taiwan Basketball Referee Certificate, Hualien, Taiwan Soccer Coach Certificate, Chiayi, Taiwan Track-and-Field Coach Certificate, Chiayi, Taiwan Boccia Coach Certificate, Taipei, Taiwan MEMBERSHIPS 12 American for Multicultural Counseling and Development (from 2013) American Public Health Association (from 2011) American Psychological Association (from 2011) American Counseling Association (from 2006) Taiwan Counseling and Guidance Association (from 2006) SERVICES and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2012-13 Research Associate, Building Task Force Board, CECH, UC 2011 Summer Graduate Student, Therapeutic Recreation, Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies, Indiana University. Duties: taking 5 courses in Recreational Therapy (RT) Concentration (i.e., Social Psychology in RT, Techniques in RT, Adventure and Outdoor Experiential Education, Higher Education in Recreation, Park, and Leisure Services, and Academic Writing) 2006-09 Graduate Student Leader, DCCP, NDHU Graduate Student Representative, DCCP, NDHU Searching Committee Graduate Student Representative, DCCP, NDHU Institutional Review Boards Graduate Student Representative of NDHU Duties: Attending faculty meetings, searching committee meetings, Research Ethics Committee meetings, and leading graduate student meetings. Student Worker (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan) 2006 - 08 Office of Counseling Psychology Duties: Facilitating administrative work e.g. setting up conference room and filing. 2005 Military Education Office Duties: Screening students’ body temperature to prevent the spread of a serious flu. 2004 Students Health Center Duties: Assessing environmental sanitation on campus. 2003 Office of Student Affairs Duties: Managing the attendance records of students. RECREATION BASKETBALL 2006 - 09 Member of Departmental Basketball Team, DCCP, NDHU, Hualien, Taiwan Duties: Assisted to enhance teammates’ skills and mental resilience, and we won the 2008 Championship of Interdepartmental Basketball Game and 2009 Championship of Holiday Cup Basketball Game. 2002 - 04 Captain of the Departmental Basketball Team, IPCE, NHLUE, Hualien, Taiwan Duties: Arranging the training schedule and leading teammates to practice it, organizing games with other teams. In my junior year, we won the 2004 National Intercollegiate Psychology Championship. 2002 Varsity Basketball Team, NHLUE, Hualien, Taiwan 13 Duties: Competing in National Intercollegiate Athletic Game in 2002 and 2003. TRACK and FIELD 2004 First place in the 2004 men’s long jump at NHLUE tournament 2003 First place in the 2004 men’s 100 meters match at NHLUE tournament YOGA: Yoga Club, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2010) BASEBALL: Baseball Club, NDHU, Hualien, Taiwan (2008 - 09) PHOTOGRAPHY: Photography Club of Chiayi County, Taiwan (2004 - 05) BADMINTON: Badminton Club, NHLUE, Hualien, Taiwan (2003 - 04) DANCING: Dancing Club, Chiayi High School (2000) LANGUAGE Taiwanese, Mandarin, and English 14 Contact Information for References 1. Dr. Keith A. King Ph.D., MCHES Professor and Coordinator, Health Promotion & Education School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services University of Cincinnati Email: [email protected] Office telephone: 513-556-3859 2. Dr. Rebecca A. Vidourek, Ph.D., CHES Assistant Professor, Health Promotion & Education School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services University of Cincinnati Email: [email protected] Office telephone: 513-556-3857 3. Dr. Laura Nabors, Ph.D., ABPP Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Education School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services University of Cincinnati Email: [email protected] Office telephone: 513-556-5537 4. Dr. Manoj Sharma, Ph.D., MBBS, MCHES Professor, Health Promotion & Education School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services University of Cincinnati Email: [email protected] Office telephone: 513-556-3878 5. Dr. George B. Richardson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Substance Abuse Counseling Interim Coordinator, Counselor Education Doctoral Program Track School of Human Services College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services University of Cincinnati Email: [email protected] Office telephone: 513-556-9261 6. Dr. Shu-Chung Chen, Ph.D Associate Professor, Counseling & Clinical Psychology College of Humanity and Social Science National Dong Hwa University No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, 15 Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C. Email: [email protected] Office telephone: +886-3-863-5633 # 5655 16
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