Fairstone at Riverview Apartments 4341 S. Riverboat Road Taylorsville, Ut 84123 801-685-8200 F: 801-685-8222 leasing@f airstoneapartments.com www.fairstoneapartment s.com RENTAL CRITERIA ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE APPROVED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA A rental application must be processed on all prospective residents 18 years of age or older. Roommates will be evaluated on an individual basis. Legally married couples will be evaluated on an individual basis. 1. INCOME The combined gross income of all prospective lease holders in one apartment must be equal to two & lf2 (2.5) times the amount of rent. If not verifiable by employer, we require a copy of the previous yea r 's tax return/ W2, or the past 30 days of paycheck stubs. 2. EMPLOYMENT A prospect must have verifiable current employment and six (6) months employment history, or a verifiable source of income. School (except high school) will be accepted as an alternative to employment history provided it can be verified. Self employed, retired or other applicants must provide a financial statement from a CPA, the most recent year's tax statement or a third party professiona l verification from the source of income. Copies of the most recent bank statement showing proof of ability to pay rent for the term of the contract may also be accepted. Monthly ending balance must not fall below the monthly rental rate multiplied by the number of months in the rental contract. 3. CREDIT A credit report and evaluation of ability to pay will be processed by a third party company. This third party evaluation will give the approval, denial, or acceptance with conditions based on the evaluation of ability to pay. 4. RENTAL HISTORY a. Six (6) months verifiable history on currenVprevious address within last two years. b. Rental/home ownership history. Compliance with all terms of the lease/contract and community policies. Two (2) late payments and/or returned checks per year of residency is acceptable. Most recent mortgage statement is required for verification. c. Military housing is an acceptable alternative to renta l history. 5. AN APPLICANT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS a. Anyone having been evicted for causes by a landlord b. Any unresolved debts to a previous landlord or mortgager. c. Anyone having been convicted of a felony for any violent offense, sex offense, drug offense, and/ or NSF offense. d. Anyone cu rrently in the process of bankruptcy. Certain misdemeanors could result in an automatic denial e. f. False information given on an application OCCUPANCY Maximum number of occupants per apartment: 1 bedroom/ 1 bath= 3 occupants 2 bedroom/ 2 bath = 5 occupants 3 bedroom/2 bath = 7 occupants If your household should increase by the birth, adoption, or legal guardianship of a child before the end of your rental agreement term , and it increases your household beyond the established size for that apartment type, you will be expected to: 1) transfer to an appropriate size apartment at the current rent for that apartment at the end of your lease term, or 2) terminate your contracts with a sixty (60) day written notice at the end of your lease. 6. 7. LEASE INITIATION FEE A non-refundable lease initiation fee is required and must be paid in full prior to holding an apartment. If applicant is not approved, a check for the amount of the lease initiation fee will be mailed within 30 days of receipt of deposit. The applicant has 24 hours to cancel without penalty with written notice. After 24 hours the entire lease initiation fee is forfeited. 8. PET DEPOSIT/ PET POLICY Two pets will be allowed with a fee of $300.00 per pet. which equals a $200.00 non-refundable fee and a $100.00 refundable Pet Deposit. Pet rent is $30 per pet. Weight limit is 150 pounds at full growth and is subject to management approval. Certain breeds are not accepted which are: Akitas, American Staffordshire Terrier, America n pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire bull Terrier, Chow, Doberman pincher, Presa Canarias, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Wolf or Wolf hybrid or any mix of these breeds. The only exception would be pets which are designed as service or companion animals as stated in ADA requirements. 9. RENT/ MOVE IN All move in amounts must be pa1d with a cashier's check, credit card. or money order. If the deposit check is returned by the bank, the application will automatically be denied. 10. If an applicant fails to meet all, but meets at least three of the criteria listed in items 1 through 4 c the following option is available: • A Security deposit equal to a full month's rent must be paid in advance or a copsigner. 11. Security deposit and lease initiation fee are NON_REFUNDABLE if application is denied due to falsified information on the application. I (WE) HAVE READ THE ABOVE AND UNDERSTAND THE CRITERIA FROM WHICH MY (OUR) APPLICATION WILL BE APPROVED. Applicant Signature Applicant Signature Applicant Signature Applicant Signature Agent for Owner Date AMC DOES BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING LAWS (FAIR HOUSING AMENDMENT ACT 1988) Rev. 10/ 2014 Fairstone at Riverview 4341 S. Riverboat Road , Taylorsville Ut 84123 (801) 685-8200 Fax (801 ) 685-8222 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER APPL ICANT •1 Previou s Address C1ty State Z.p State Z.p Total # o f occupants: Name of Present Landlord/Mongage Co lf2 Present Address 112 Prev ious Address PART3 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (2 YEARS) APPLICANT ~1 Employed By How Long? SupeMSO(S Name/Co Oeparbnent from Address C1ty State ( APPLICANT ~1 Former Employed By Department POS ibon Hei~·OccupabOn Phone s ) Z1p SupeMsor's Name/Co Z,p Phone How Long? from Address C1ty State ( APPLI CANT 112 Employed By Department Posil>on Hetd.Oa:upaoon s ) How Long? SupeMso(s Name.Co State Cily Z,p Phone ( APPLICAN T 112 Fonner Employed By Department POSibOn HeiGOco.4tabOn C1ty s ) How Long? SupeMSO(S Name.Co State Z,p Phone ( POSition Hel40cc:upab0n ) ADDITIONAL INCOME: Add11>0nal u-.come such as chold suppo<t. ahmony or separate mOlntenance need not be disclosed unless such AddibOnallncome 1s 10 be 1ncluded for quahficaoon hereunder So..-ce Amount ofS oer Source Page 1 of 2 to Monthly Salary from Address to Monthly Salary from Address to Monthly Salary Monthly Salary s to PART4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION AUTO 111 (Year. Make, Model . Color) ucense Plate State Payment Made lo: AUTO #2 (Year, Make, Model, Color) Ucense Plate State Payment Made to · Name o f APPLICANT #1 nearest Relative Relabor\SI>p Address Cuy State Zip Phone Name o f A PPLICANT #2 nearest Relative Relaoonshlp Address City State Zip Phone Emergency Contact Relabor\SI>p Address C1ty State Zip Phone Monthly Payment s Monthly Payment s ( ( ( ) ) ) NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE $35.00 per adult In compliance with the State and Federal laws, this is to inform you that an investigation involving the statements made on your rental application for residency at the above mentioned apartment community is being initiated. Have you or any family member or other person planning to reside in our community ever filed bankruptcy? YES NO ____________ Have you or any family member or other person planning to reside in our community ever been indited or convicted of any fe lony or misdemeanor offense? YES __________ NO-----------Have you or any family member or other person planning to reside in our community ever been convicted pled guilty or "No Contest" to a sexual offense? YES___________ NO-----------HAVE YOU EVER BEEN EVICTED? YES___________ NO - - - - - - - - - - - 1/We certify that to the best of my/our knowledge all statements are true and complete. 1/We further authorize Fairstone at Riverview Apartments to obtain credit reports, character reports, verification of rental history, income history, IRS Income taxes, pension verifications, bank verifications and employment history as necessary to verify all information put forth in the above referenced application for residency. Faults, fraudulent or misleading information may be grounds for denial of residency or subsequent eviction . 1/We are aware that an incomplete application causes a delay in processing and may result in denial of this application for tenancy. holding deposit to agent to hold an apartment available from date of application to date of lease initiation. In addition , applicant has paid $ In no event shall this period exceed 30 days. In the event this application is not approved by the owner or the applicant withdraws the application within 24 hours of the date of deposit, the$ holding deposit shall be refunded. After that initial 24 hours period expires, it is understood that should applicant refuse to sign the lease or occupy the premises on the agreed upon date, the holding deposit is thereby forfeited. Upon occupying the premises, the$ holding deposit may be applied to any amounts owing at that time, such as rent due, security deposits, etc. It is acknowledged and agreed that during the tenancy all persons occupying the premises will be legally residing within the United States. S~ned.____________~---------------------- S~ned,____________________~----------------- Applicant #1 S~ned._______ __~--~~------------------ Dated ________ Applicant #2 Title,____________________________________ Dated ____________ Agent for Owner How did you hear about Fairstone at Riverview Apartments? I Frier I was referred to Fairstone at Riverview Apartments by If Resident, Name ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - I Resident Apm_______________________ EQUAL HOUSI NG OPPORTUNITY Page 2 of 2 APPLICATION QUALIFICATION FORM Several crite ri a are co nsidered while determining whethe r to app rove a new tenant. Many of these c riteria are bui lt into a process. Checks may be made o n the prospec tive tenant ' s employment or other sources of inco me , credit history , criminal history, rental history, refe rences. credit sources, banks and other financial institutions. and previous emplo yers. While not all of these are checked on each prospective tenant, you should be prepared to disclose a ll of the above information and have it checked and veri fied. Th e undersigned prosp ective tenants certify and warrant that: I. All of the prospective tenants have verifiable sources of income, verifiable pa st rental history, and verifiable credi t and refe rences, eac h occupant/ tenan t/resident is residing in the United States legally, and that the information above is accurate . 2. None of the prospec ti ve tenants/occupan ts (e ve n minors) ha ve ever been evicted from a prem ises, ha ve a current outstanding judgment, have le ft a previous landlo rd owing mo ney, or have left a prior ren tal premises under threat of ev iction. 3. None of the prospec tive tenants/occupan ts (even minors) have ever filed for bankruptcy protection whe ther or not the bankruptc y was di scharged or dismissed, have a cu rrent pending bankruptcy case , or have met with a bankruptcy a ttorne y in th e la st two years. If any have fi led or me t with a bankruptcy attorney, please give details (include date of bankruptcy. attorney name, etc.): 4. None of the above pro spec tive tenants/occupants (even minors) ha ve ever been co nvicted an y cri me other tha n a minor traffic violation, except tho se disclo sed below (include type of c riminal act, place of occurrence, date of occurrence, resulting ac tion, and curre nt status (probation, paro le, etc.): 5. None of the prospective tenants/occupants (eve n minors) ha ve eve r committed. been indic ted. arrested. investigated, or o therwise deta ined for any cri min al act (other than a minor traffic infraction); except those disclosed below (include type of crim ina l act, place of occurrence. date of occurrence. resulting action. and curren t status (probation. parole, etc.): In the event Owner/Landlord proceeds with an application and it is determin ed that the prospective tenants have been untruthful in any of the above statem en ts, each undersigned prospective twant agrees to pay to Landlord the actual costs in curred in processing th e application and an administrative fee of S I 00.00 . The Undersigned represent that all of th e above statemen ts are True and Complete and hereby A U THOR/ZE VE Rl FICA TIO .V OF S UCH IN FOR.UATIO.V. Authori:ation isgiveu to contact any REFEREN CES, BANK, PRIOR LA.VDLORDS, PRIOR/ CURREN T EJ!PLOYERS, GOVERN,\.fE.VTAL AGENCIES, A.VD FAJflLY. Furth er authority is given to check all CREDIT A.VD P UBLIC R ECO RD f.VFORJfATfON. Applicants release ALL liability or resp onsibility, from all person or corpora tions that request or supply such information. Applicant ackno wledges that FALSE information herein will co nstilllte grounds for:(!) Reje ction of an application, (2) Termination ofresiden t 's rig ht to OCC U PA .VCYand eviction. F a/se information may also constitute a serious offense under til e Ia ws of th e state. Dated thi s ------------------- Signature Prim .Vame ss :1 Signa/lire Pmrt.\'ame ss = Signature Pnm.Vame ss :1 ~ K irk A. Cullimo r e 512008 This form m1y not be reproduced without express written perm is sion.
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