Minutes: Project Location Date and time Meeting no: 1 Lower Shankill and Brown Square Building Successful Communities Living Hope Church, Lower Shankill, Belfast Minutes prepared by: 12 August 2014 @ 13.00 Neville Ferguson Present Beverly Bigger Michael McDonnell Michael Foster Sharon Beattie Betty Carlisle Jackie Redpath Ian McLaughlin Francis Higgins Alice McGlone Marian Kelly Girvin Miskimmin Ken Brown Paul Lawther Jonathan Cockroft Kenny McHugh Gabi Mornhinweg Pastor Roy Leith Cllr Naomi Thompson Cllr Brian Kingston Alistair Megahey Conor Ellis Jonathan McAdams Neville Ferguson Representing Department for Social Development (DSD) Chair HELM Housing Association HELM Housing Association Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) Shankill Women’s Centre (SWC) Greater Shankill Partnership (GSP) Lower Shankill Community Association (LSCA) Brown Square Community Partnership (BSCP) Belfast City Council (BCC) Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL) Department for Regional Development (DRD) Department for Employment & Learning (DEL) Belfast Education & Library Board (BELB) Belfast Education & Library Board (BELB) Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Belfast Health & Social Care Trust (BHSCT) Living Hope Church Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Belfast Regeneration Office (BRO) Belfast Regeneration Office (BRO) Department for Social Development (DSD) Housing Investment Department for Social Development (DSD) Housing Investment Apologies: Michael Bradley Sandra McCarry Pete Connolly Brian O’Neill Craig Carlisle Date of Next Meeting Distribution Date of Issue File Reference Belfast Regeneration Office (BRO) Belfast Health & Social Care Trust (BHSCT) Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Department for Regional Development (DRD) Boys Model School 24 September Small Wonders 2, 17 Morpeth Street, Belfast, BT13 2HZ 2014 @ 13.00 Forum Members 19th August 2014 DS1/14/406596 Item Notes 1 Welcome and Apologies Action Chair thanked attendees for agreeing to be members of the Lower Shankill and Brown Square Building Successful Communities Forum and welcomed them to the first Forum meeting. Neville Ferguson noted Gabi Mornhinweg’s attendance in place of Sandra McCarry (BHSCT), Conor Ellis’ attendance in place of Michael Bradley (BRO) and Girvin Miskimmin’s attendance in place of Brian O’Neill (DRD). Apologies were received as above. 2 Introductions As this was the first meeting of the Forum, the Chair invited each member to introduce themselves and the organisation they represented. 3 Background to Building Successful Communities Chair provided members with an overview of the Building Successful Communities pilot, the role of the Forum and the details of the governance arrangements in place for the programme. 4 Forum Terms of Reference (ToRs) Copies of the draft Terms of Reference had previously been circulated with the agenda in advance of the meeting. Chair highlighted the key issues in the document and asked members to consider and notify Neville Ferguson of any proposed changes with a view to signing them off at the next meeting. It was agreed that deputies would attend by exception only, however this issue will be kept under review and revisited again if necessary. 5 Membership It was agreed by the Forum that Quorum would be 50% plus 1. If there is a need for additional members this will be Action Point 1 – Members to provide Neville Ferguson with any proposed changes or amendments to the ToRs in advance of the next meeting of the Forum. consulted on as we proceed. It was agreed that sub-groups may be formed to develop proposals for any particular needs that are identified, for example education and health. These proposals would then be reported to the Forum for discussion and agreement on actions to be included in the plan for the area. The issue of elected representatives including councillors and shadow councillors was raised. It was agreed by the Forum that elected representation by current councillors will continue. The issue of representation from shadow councillors will be reviewed in January 2015. It was agreed that it would be advantageous to have membership from the Belfast Metropolitan College and Belfast City Centre Regeneration Directorate (BCCRD) on the Forum. 6 Action Point 2 – Neville Ferguson to issue invites to aforementioned parties. Pilot Area Boundary Members were asked for their view on the area boundary map, copies of which were circulated with the agenda. It was agreed that the proposed boundary should be extended to include the Townsend Street Presbyterian Church and the Louden Street Industrial Estate, essentially treating the peace line between the Lower Falls and the Lower Shankill as the southernmost boundary of this pilot area. 7 Baseline Report Chair explained that the Baseline Report was to provide an outline of the current state of play within the Pilot Area, in particular to inform those members who are not familiar with the Lower Shankill and Brown Square area. The report is and will continue to be a live document and members were invited to direct any comments, recommendations or amendments to Neville Ferguson for consideration. It was agreed that Neville Ferguson would provide an update of any changes at each Forum meeting as opposed to issuing a revised report every month. Action Point 3 – Extend boundary to include the Townsend Street Presbyterian Church and the Louden Street Industrial Estate 8 BSC Seminar Members were informed that a Building Successful Communities Seminar will be held on Wednesday 17th September 2014 at 174 Trust, Antrim Road, Belfast. All Forum members were encouraged to attend and had already received a formal invitation. The aim of the seminar is to bring together all BSC Forums to hear about best practice examples of housing led regeneration, look at common issues across all areas and support Forums in considering potential solutions to issues in each area. Members were also asked to consider which of the afternoon seminars they would like to attend; physical, social or economic regeneration. 9. Action Point 4 – members to notify Neville Ferguson of which afternoon seminar they would like to attend (deadline - 28th August 2014). Any Other Business (AOB) Walkabout of Pilot Area It was agreed by members that a walkabout of the area would be useful to some in order to highlight the key issues it faces. Ian McLaughlin (Lower Shankill Community Association) and Frank Higgins (Brown Square Community Partnership) agreed to act as escorts for the tours of Lower Shankill and Brown Square respectively. Action Point 5 – Neville Ferguson to arrange suitable date/time and issue invite to members. SMS/Text Messaging Service Members were asked to provide their mobile numbers to allow short messages regarding BSC to be sent via text message. Format of future meetings It was agreed that members from statutory organisations and HELM Housing Association would each deliver a short presentation to the Forum giving an overview of their role, setting out what work their organisation has been doing in the area to date and identifying examples from other areas they are working in that could be considered to meet the particular physical, economic and social regeneration needs of the Lower Shankill and Brown Square. Action Point 6 – Members who did not provide their mobile numbers at the Forum but wish to receive SMS updates to send this through to Neville Ferguson at their earliest convenience. Action Point 7 – HELM and PSNI to present at the 2nd Forum meeting, BELB and NIHE to present at the 3rd Forum meeting and BHSCT and BCC to present at the 4th Forum meeting. Appointment of HELM Housing Association The Chair was asked what the process was for the appointment of HELM Housing Association as the delivery agents in the Lower Shankill and Brown Square Pilot Area. Chair explained that DSD approached the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) and advised of the opportunity to become involved with the BSC programme. NIFHA members then advised if they were interested and which of the 6 Pilot areas they were keen to be involved in. HELM selected the Lower Shankill and Brown Square Pilot Area. Timelines Forum members discussed the anticipated timeframe including for the involvement of consultants. Chair advised that the tender process for consultants was ongoing. It would likely be December 2014/January 2015 before the Forum was at the point to engage consultants. Developer Contributions for Affordable Housing Brian Kingston/Kenny McHugh requested details of a DSD Event on Developer Contributions for Affordable Housing. Community Involvement Some Forum members raised the point that community involvement was key to the success of the initiative and that it would be beneficial to periodically seek to involve them directly. The Chair explained that DSD was keen to ensure community involvement and referenced the open evening being run in the Doury Road BSC Pilot Area and the door to door surveys that will be undertaken. The Chair also explained that there will be a period of public consultation including public events at which consultants will present their recommendations to residents and the wider public. Action Point 8 – Neville Ferguson to establish details of this event and pass to all Forum members for consideration; together with a link to consultation document. Complementary Working The Forum agreed that it would be preferable to work collaboratively with other regeneration initiatives which have a commonality of purpose, for instance the regeneration activity ongoing at Carlisle Memorial Church (who have been engaged with) and/or Pilot areas with common themes, such as the Lower Oldpark Pilot Area which has shared concerns/resources. 10 Date of Next Meeting The date for the next meeting was agreed to be 24 September 2014 at 13.00 and will be held at Small Wonders Childcare 2. Action Point Log Action Point Owner Action Point 1 – Members to provide Neville Ferguson with any proposed changes or amendments to the ToRs in advance of the next meeting of the Forum. Action Point 2 – Issue Forum membership invitations to Belfast Metropolitan College and Belfast City Centre Regeneration Directorate (BCCRD). Action Point 3 – Extend boundary to include the Townsend Street Presbyterian Church and the Louden Street Industrial Estate Action Point 4 – Advise Neville Ferguson of which afternoon seminar they would like to attend at BSC Seminar 17th September 2014 (deadline - 28th August 2014). Action Point 5 –Arrange suitable date/time for Pilot Area walkabout and issue invite to members. Action Point 6 – Members who did not provide their mobile numbers at the Forum but wish to receive SMS updates to send this through to Neville Ferguson at their earliest convenience. Action Point 7 – HELM and PSNI to present at the 2nd Forum meeting, BELB and NIHE to present at the 3rd Forum meeting and BHSCT and BCC to present at the 4th Forum meeting. Action Point 8 – Establish details of DSD Event on Developer Contributions for Affordable Housing and pass to all Forum members for consideration. Members Status Neville Ferguson CLEARED Neville Ferguson CLEARED Members CLEARED Neville Ferguson CLEARED Members HELM & PSNI Neville Ferguson CLEARED
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