Overall rating #DIV/0!

For Internal use
Customer satisfaction survey_new.xls
Status: Approved
Overall rating
Survey No.:
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Date of Survey:
Contract Code
Contract Name / Services
Contract Type (DEV/AM/Both/Other)
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Customer Project Manager
Atos Contract Manager
Global Practice (SOL , AM , SAP)
Delivery Practice
Stela Ilieva
Program Manager
Evaluation Period
Overall Comments
My experience of working with Atos:
What are our strengths:
Areas of improvement:
Willing to be a reference:
Willing to have a success story published:
Global Delivery Platform
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For Internal use
Customer satisfaction survey_new.xls
Status: Approved
This form is designed to structure feedback on the performance and delivery of our commitments to you. For the following statements please provide
assessment based on the rating scale defined below.
Not at all likely
Extremeley likely
Not at all satisfied
Totally satisfied
Completely Disagree
Totally Agree
Please provide supporting example for the rating
Please Suggest necessary actions
for Atos
1.How likely is it that you would
recommend services and solutions from
Atos to a friend or colleague?
2.How likely are you to buy more services
and solutions from Atos?
3.Overall, how satisfied are you with Atos?
4.Do you feel that you are a valued
customer of Atos
5.The operational services delivered by
Atos meet the expectations of my
6.Atos represents good value for money
Global Delivery Platform
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For Internal use
Customer satisfaction survey_new.xls
Status: Approved
7.Atos brings innovation to my business
8.Atos demonstrates a proactive approach
9.I view Atos as a true business partner,
critical to the success of my business
10.Atos people demonstrate the
appropriate levels of knowledge and
11.Atos demonstrate teamwork and
12.Atos has clear and effective lines of
13.Atos responds quickly and effectively
to my changing business priorities
14.How satisfied are you with the
15.How satisfied are you with the
adherence to agreed deadlines:
- response time;
- resolution time?
Global Delivery Platform
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For Internal use
Customer satisfaction survey_new.xls
Status: Approved
16. How satisfied are you with the quality
Overall rating
Global Delivery Platform
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