Acronyms O:\ssa\ps\training\acronyms.doc Date: 04/02/14 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity or Tax Deferred Annuity 457 Deferred Compensation or Island Savings Plan AA Affirmative Action ACA Affordable Care Act AY Academic Year August 1 thru July 31. Prior to 1975, the academic year was September 1 to August 31. AFC Average Final Compensation (ERS term) AP Administrative Procedure APT Administrative, Professional and Technical Bargaining Unit 08 employees B&F State of Hawai‘i Budget and Finance BJ Budget Journal (Budget Term) BOR Board of Regents BOR Employees Consists of Executive/Managerial (E/M), Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT), and Faculty employees BU Bargaining Unit CBA Collective Bargaining Agreeement CIS Contact Information System C/S (Civil Service) at the University of Hawaii At the UH only, consists of clerical, para-professional, general laborers and skilled trades. Civil Service at other State agencies includes APTtype employees. CSEA Child Support Enforcement Agency Semi-monthly reporting of all University new hires CURE Consolidation of University Records for Employees Project to include Casual and Overload records with regular BOR and Civil Service employees in PeopleSoft to create a central database of all UH employees. In May 28, 2012, all SCOPIS (except for students) records were included in PeopleSoft. Students remain part of SECE. DAGS State of Hawai‘i Department of Accounting and General Services D&R Duties and Responsibilities DHRD State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Resources Development (aka HRD) DNHR Designated New Hire Rate (APT only) DNM Does not meet DNR Designated New Rate DQR Desireable Qualification Requirements Duty Period The period of time the faculty member renders services to the University. The duty period for a 9-month faculty is 9 consecutive months from the designated on-duty date until commencement. A list of on-duty dates is distributed by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. EAC Employing Agency Code Numeric code assigned to each department shown on the official organization chart. The University of Hawai‘i is assigned the State of Hawai‘i department code of “22”. EAC has the following identifying components – Department, Division, Branch, Section. EAP Employees Assistance Program OHR website / Employee Benefits / Employees Assistance Program EEO Equal Employment Opportunity E/M Executive/Managerial EP Executive Policy ePCS Electronic Payroll Change Schedule Process which electronically transmits ePNFs from departments/campuses to the UH Payroll Office. Prior to August, 2010, hardcopy PNFs were sent to the UH Payroll Office for processing. After August, 2010, the vast majority of PNFs are transmitted electronically to the Payroll Office (exceptions being those PNFs that require special handling). ePNF Electronic Payroll Notification Form Payroll Notification Forms that are currently electronically transmitted between the department and the UH Payroll Office. EPRC Employment Pay Rate Continued ERS Employee Retirement System EUTF Employee-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund EVP Early Vacation Payout OHR web site / HR forms / Vacation Pay Deferral Program FA Fiscal Authority (formerly known as Fiscal Officer) FLSA Fair Labor Standard Act FMLA Family Medical Leave Act Form 5 Hardcopy form used with SCOPIS system; no longer used Form 6 Payroll document for Casual and Overload employees FSIS 1. 2. Faculty Staff Information System First electronic personnel database created; no longer used Faculty and Scholar Immigration Services FSA Flexible Spending Account (aka Island Flex Plan) OHR website / Employee Benefits / Flexible Spending Account FY Fiscal Year – Example: FY14-15 is from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. In Fiscal Authority terms, FY14-15 is called Fiscal Year 2015. HGEA Hawai‘i Government Employees Association HRD State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Resources Development (aka DHRD) HRIS (Human Resources Information System) Mainframe application purchased from American Management Systems to replace FSIS. PeopleSoft replaced HRIS in this application migration. HR Datamart External database of PeopleSoft data accessible via ad hoc reporting software such as Brio, Discoverer, M/S Access, etc. Additional information may be obtained at the “HR Data Dictionary” link at the following web site: HRS Hawai‘i Revised Statues HRTD Human Resources Technical & Data Section (OHR) Former name was System Support and Analysis (SSA) IER (Incentive Early Retirement) Program ended effective with ACT 179 IGA In-grade Adjustment IP Initial Probation (Civil Service) ITS Information Technology Services KFS Kuali Financial Systems LTA Limited Term Appointment LVL (Level Pay Option) – 9 month faculty and 9-month Grad Assts only If the faculty member does not render 9 consecutive months of service, the employee usually must be placed on LWOP during the summer if the employment continued the following semester. To avoid any hardship of interrupted benefits, the employee is offered the option to have the salary spread over the pay periods from initial hire through July 31. LWOP Leave without Pay LWP Leave with Pay MHR Mānoa Human Resources MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOF Means of Finance (Budget Term) MOU Memorandum of Understanding MQR Minimum Qualification Requirement NOA (Nature of Action) Another term for PeopleSoft PersonnelAction/Reason Codes. NSMD Next Step Movement Date NTE Not to Exceed Off-Duty Period The non-instructional period of time that faculty member is not on-duty. The off duty period for a 9-month faculty is day after commencement until the designated on-duty date for Fall; normally one week prior to the first day of instruction. OHR System Office of Human Resources OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits (Budget Term) OIEP Office of International and Exchange Programs OIP Office of Information Practices OVCAA Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affair (Mānoa Campus) OVCAFO Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance & Operations (Mānoa Campus) P&P Civil Service Policies and Procedures PAHR Personnel Action History Report Listing of all PeopleSoft transactions for a specific employee. PeopleSoft link - Get Empl ID & Print PAHR PAS Performance Appraisal System (Civil Service only) PBA PBB PBC PBD Pay Band A (APT employees only) Pay Band B (APT employees only) Pay Band C (APT employees only) Pay Band D (APT employees only) PCP Premium Conversion Plan Benefits/2008BROCHURE.pdf PCS Payroll Change Schedule (see ePCS above) PDG Position Description Generator PES Performance Evaluation System PNF Payroll Notification Form (Payroll Office) Document used to inform the UH Payroll Office of PeopleSoft actions which affect employee pay. PeopleSoft link – Generate PNF / PNF Maintenance PRC Personnel Record Card PS PeopleSoft PSP (Pro-rata summer Pay) – 9 month faculty only The proportionate share of summer pay that the 9-month faculty is entitled dependent on length of service rendered during the academic year or semester. Academic year faculty must work 9 months to receive 12-months of pay; a semester hire must work 4.5 months to receive 6 months of pay. PSVPD Post-Separation Vacation Pay Deferral Program OHR web site/HR Forms/Vacation Pay Deferral Program PTBP Pre-Tax Transportation Benefit Program Parking: Call Mānoa Parking Office Bus Pass: PTS Part-Time, Temporary & Seasonal/Casual RCUH (Research Corporation of the University of Hawai‘i) Separate entity from the University of Hawai‘i that supports the research and training programs of the University. RTWPP Return to Work Priority Program S397 Tuition and Fees Account Code - Fund/Appropriation SA Supplemental Agreement SCA Special Compensation Adjustment (APT only) SCD Service Computation Date SCOPIS Student, Casual, Overload Personnel Information System No longer used for Casual and Overload employees. Data is currently entered via PeopleSoft (known as Form 6). Student data entered via <> SCR Selective Certification Requirements SECE Student Employment and Cooperative Education SF5B Predecessor of the PNF; hardcopy form used with the FSIS system SMD Step Movement Date SP Service Provider (for TDA) SSA 1. System Support and Analysis Prior section name of the OHR HRTD section 2. Social Security Administration TA Tentative Agreement TA Temporary Assignment TB Tuberculosis TAOL Temporary Appointment Outside of List (Civil Service) TDA Tax Deferred Annuity – 403b program TDB Temporary Disability Benefits (Risk Management) TDI Temporary Disability Insurance (Risk Management) TOA Type of Appointment TPD Temporary Partial Disability (Risk Management) TSA Tax Sheltered Annuity – 403b program TTB Temporary Total Benefits (Risk Management) TTD Temporary Total Disability (Risk Management) UHIMC UH Identity Management Console (ITS) ITS written application to assign unique UH numbers to all UH staff and students. Direct Link: Within PeopleSoft: “Get Empl ID and Print PAHR” link UHPA University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly (Faculty) UPW United Public Workers WC Workers’ Compensation (Office of Risk Management) WDC Warrant Distribution Code (Payroll Office)
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