Register your product online at Enregistrez votte produit en ligne a Reglstre su ptoducto por Internet en ~ s;~CJ~C? It=· MAGICMOUNT LOW-PROFILE DASH MOUNT FOR MOBILE DEVICES MAGDM/ MAGDMI SUPPORT DISCRET POUR TABLEAU DEBORD POUR LES APPAREILS MOBILES MONTAJE DE PERFIL BAJO PARA DISPOSITIVOS MOVILES PARTS INCLUDED (1) Low-profile magnetic mount (1) Small metal plate (1) Large metal plate LES PIECES CONIPRENNENT (1) Support magm§tique discret (1) Petite plaque de metal (1) Grande plaque de metal PARTES INCLUIDAS (1) Montaje magnetico de perfil bajo (1) Placa metalica pequeifa (1) Placa metalica grande READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS MOUNT KIT. WARNING: Use caution whenever removing or handling plastic parts of any vehicle. Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Please use a plastic card to remove the metal plates. Remove adhesive residue with a non-abrasive cleaner. USEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETENIENT AVANT D'INSTALLER CET ENSEMBLE DE SUPPORT. MISE EN GARDE: Faites attention lorsque vous en/evez ou manipulez des pieces de plastique provenant de n'importe que/ vehicu/e. Une force ou une pression superf/ue peuvent entrainer une fissure ou une cassure des pieces. Veuillez utiliser une carte de plastique pour en/ever les plaques de metal. Enlevez les residus d'adhesif avec un nettoyeur non abrasif. LEA LAS INTRUCCIONES CONIPLETAMENTE ANTES DE INSTALAR ESTE SOPORTE. ADVERTENCIA: Siempre tenga cuidado al desmontar o manipular piezas plasticas de cualquier vehfculo. La fuerza o presi6n innecesarias pueden hacer que se rajen o se rompan. Use una tatjeta plastics para remover las p/acas meta/icas. Remueva e/ resto de adhesivo con un limpiador no abrasivo. ©2014 SCOSCHE INDUSTRIES, INC. Sl 300MAGDMIMAGDMI 12113 0 - MOUNTING THE METAL PLATE" OPTION 8 (large plate only!: Attach adhasive side of matal plata to intaior of casa, betwean davioa and inside of CIISII. Plata will adhere to magnetic mount through raar panel of caae. NOTE: If choosing not to altach the metal plata to the davioa or C8118, please leave the adhesive backing In place. Poahlon the plate betwem the diWice and Interior of cesa with the metel surfaca facing the cesa. DEVICE MONTAGE DE LA PLAQUE DE METAL • PARA MONTAR LAPlACA METAI.JCA• AD-SIDE ccmtADHUIF OI'TION 3 (rllflllde pl8que ~: Fbcaz I& cOM adhtllllf de Ia plaque de mlliBI&I'InMrfsur du bollter; entr& l'sppBtBil et l'intlltieur diJ bolrisr. L.s plaque 1111 adiHir8r au :JUppOtt magnetique via le ~ lllriW8 du bollier. REMARQUE: Si IIOUS choisissez de flll pas fiJtw Ia plaque de mMa/ $UI"I'appltreil ou au easier, veuillez hiifSel"le dos ac/M$if en plat.;e. PositioMez hi plaque 8/l!la l'eppemllst 1'/nMtfeur du bolller ai/IIC hi autfBce de mMa/ faJaant face au bo1llar. OPCION 3 f'pillc. , _ . 801ame1118}: F1Ja e1 1ar1o adiiiJIJivo de ta ptaca metllJJca a/ ir1tMior de hi cubieriB, lllltr& 81 dlspositivo y 81 ir1tMior de Ia cubi8riB. L.s placa se acllletinA Ill monfllie ~ a tnM!s del panel posterior de Ia cubielta NOTA: S/ l/lllg8 no ffJar Ia p/aca metJfJica a/ dlspos/l1llo o a Ia cubleriB, daJe el protector del adiiiJIJivo en su Iugar. Co/oqus Ill p/aca entJ9 91 dlspos/l1llo y 91/niBrlor de Ia cublst1a con/a auparl/cl8 de mats/ COII!Ia Ia cub/arts. OPTION Z (amllll or lllrge piiiiB): Attach adhesive aida of matal plate directly to back o f - . OP'110Nt (8mall or large plale)l: Attach adhesiw side of metal plate direclly to back of device. OI'TION 1 (petit8 ou , . , . plaqw) : Fixez le c6M adhf!sif de /It plaque de mMa/ dlnJctBment ltU dOB de ,.,.,.,. OPCidN 1 ~ pequelia 0 grande): Fije 81/lldo lldhesiYD dllla placa meiB/ica ditecJamen!e en Ia parre de atnb del~ "N- Thlsltam Is not to be uaed with any Qi Wiralasa Cluuging products as 1he mallll plallls can cauM extreme heel that can cause bums arotor damage the device. a OI'TION 2 (pelll8 ou rllflllde p/eqU8} : FDCBZ le C<5te adh4sif de Ia plaque de mMa/ dlracteman! 8lJ dos OPnON 4 (8md plate only): Similar to Option 3, attach the adhesive aide of the small plate to the interior of the diMce's 18111' battery compartment cover(~ space and design permft). Plate will adhere lXI rnagnelic mount through the rear bettery cover. For more lrrformatlon pleeee via~ diJ bollllw. OPCI6N2 ~)~Mea peque/111 ognmde): OI'TION 4 Ptti1e pl8que ~ : SirniiiJNe al'oplion 3, tixez le C<5!1! adfiiM/f de 1s. pa11rs pJsqutJ I'lnMt18ur du COUII8It:l8 diJ cotnpiJitlmant an1illa de Ia batt!Jtje de 1'8pp819i/ (si l'espace et Ia conception 18 permstten~. L.s plaque WI adh8ter au support~ vi!lle cot/WIIt:le arriilnJ de Ia batlrJtfe. Pour a F"l)e eiii!Oo adhesivo de Ia p/aca metJfJica dlmctamente en Ia P8fiB de 111m de hi oublerliJ. 1•tout Ramatque: c.t lllticle ne doit pas tire u1i1i5e a~~ee produit de chatgement $WI$ til Qi car les plaques deiP!Ilm/ peu!lflll!pmdiJ/I&uns chaleurf»>Hme qui peu! flll!l!llhar daB llltlllRBs st1 ou des dommagss a1'8pp81811. PLACE LOW-PROFILE MOUNT CAUTION: This magnetic mount Is nat a txly. The email magnets 818 hannfullf swallowed. Keep f«<IWY from children. MISE EN PLACE DU SUPPORT DISCRET MISE EN GARDE: Ce support magn8tiqUfl n'est pes un joust. petiiB llimllrtt:J sot1l clangenJux si avahls. Tanir ce produit hors de poriBe des enfanls. INSTAI.AC/(JN DE UNIDAD DE PERRL BAJO ATPNCidN: Este monfl/e ~ no as un Juguata LM paque/IOB /manes son nocJvo.s s/ se !niglln. MantBngalos a/6jedoB de los niflos. plus d'informations, veuillez 'lisi!er I pn:lQJcto "Hot.: Elite art1aJ1o 110 debe con ningUn Qi WNeless Chalgjng )'II que las placas 115&'18 mefJf//c8s puedell causar caloraxtlamo y fJIDYDC8T qtJ8IIIIJtitJnJ y1o d8llllr e1 dlsposlllvo. OPCI6N 4 tl*c:a peqwll8 ~Similar a Ia opci6n 3, fije 81 /ado adiNJsj110 de hi p/aca pequella Ill inlerior de Ia !llpa del compartimianto de Ia blltena de su dispositii!O (si Ill 81JP8clo y a/ dlselfo sa /o pannltan). L.s p/aca se adhetlnllll monfl/e magnMtco a tnllllts de Ia cubleriB de Ia bll!srl'a. Por msyor lnfDnnflc/6n, vlsltB DASH MOUNT (Ratame 110" for placement an horlmntlll 11Urfllcea) SUPPORT POUR TABLEAU OE BORD /lblml• de 90" pour /a pl8cer sur des~ hotfzontiJies) MONrAJE MRA £1. TABURO (RDtJJ 911" para colociJifo . , IJU1)fJiflr:les hDifzlontrJiea) FLEX TABS (for ourved .UriMM) N-: C&nlflllly pra-bend the tabs 1-2 times before app~ to the curved ll&lrtace. ONGLErS FI.EXIBI.ES (pout' des~ courfiN} Remarque: IWp/lez ~ ,_ ong/etiJ 1t 2 fDIIIallllflf eppllcatlon I 11118 . . , _ courfla. FESTANAs REXIBLES ~ tiU[Jflrllcles CllfVD,j Not.: Doble~-,.. ,_,.;in 1 - 2 - d e coldcalfa8 aolw,. aup8l1lcle CUIW. INCLUDES INTEGRATED CABLE MANAIIEMENT HOOK PEEL OFF PROTEC11VE BACKING AND ATTACH THE MOUNT TO THE DESIRED SURFACE INCWS LE CROCHEr iNTtGRE DE QESTJON DU cAIILE IHCLUYE GIINCHO MAGNinco N-: Clean dash thoroughly of debr1a and dust for 1he beet adhesion. ~IWIAEI..CIIIBLE \ !S, IIAI..L-.IOINT ANCILE ADJUSTMENT (Rotate ball-lolntclockwlse to loosen and adjuet mount) REmAOE DE L'ANOLE DE L'ARTICULATJON {Toumez l'articu/Mion dens 18 sens ~pour ~at~"' supportJ 4IIJS7E DEt. ANGuLo DE LA RdntLA (9ire Ia rotula en :rentido honJrlo para allo}ar1a y II/Us1sr el monfrl/8) ENLEVEZ LE DOS.ADIIEsiF ET RXEZ LE SUPPORT" A LA SURFACE~ 1lamal'que: Nettoyez a fond 1e fBble8u de bard de tout dtJbt1s 8t poussiilr& pour une msilleu/8 scflldsion. REMUEVA LA PROT&CCION DEl ADHE8IIfO Y COLOQUE EL MONJ"AJE EN LA SUPERFICIE DESEADA NotJJ: Ump/9 bien los l8l!lduoa y e/ polvo del tablero para logrsr una buena sdhesi6n. ATTACH DEVICE TO MAGNETIC MOUNT RXEZ L'APPAREIL AU SUPPORTMAGNEnQUE COLOQUE EL DISPOSmVO EN EL MONTAJE MAGNEncO 0 REMOVING ADHESIVE MOUNTING PARTS (DASH MOUNT & METAL PLATE) Usa a thin plastic card lXI carefully lift the magnetic mount or metel plate from the mounting surface. Slowly lift up and ramove the mount or metal plate. ENLEVEZ LES PIEcES ADHEsivES DU SUPPOHr (SUPPORT POUR lJIUILEAU DE SORD ET LA PLAQUE DE METAlJ Utilisez une Cllt!e mince en plastique pour soulever soigneusement /e support megflllrJqua OIJ le p/Bqufl de mMa/ de Ia aurface de monfBge. Soullwallenfllmant puis 8fll&vaz Is support ou Is plaque de rmliBI. \:~ LIMITED WARRANTY Scosche Industries Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 year from purchase. This Scosche product is sold with the understanding that the purchaser has independently determined the suitability of this product. This warranty is offered to the original purchaser of the product only. This warranty does not cover the product if physically damaged, subject to negligence or misuse, abuse, alteration, accident, or an act of GOD. This warranty does not apply to product which has water or physically damaged by accident or which has been misused, disassembled or altered. The original dated sales slip or proof of purchase will establish warranty eligibility. If the product should prove defective within the warranty period, return the product with proof of purchase to Scosche Industries Inc. Scosche, at its option, will replace or repair the product free of charge and return the product postage paid. In no event shall Scosche Industries, Inc. be responsible for claims beyond the replacement value of the defective product, or in any way be liable or responsible for consequential or incidental damages. No empress warranties and no implied warranties, whether for fitness or any particular use or otherwise, except as set forth above (which is made exprassly in lieu of all other warranties) shall apply to products sold by Scosche. Scosche Industries cannot be held responsible for discrepancies/inconsistencies that may occur due to automotive manufacturing changes or option. GARANTIE LIM/TEE a Scosche Industries, Inc. gar.mtit ce pmduit d'IJtre fibre de tout defaut de materiaux et de fabrication pour une periode de 1 an partir de Ia date de l'achat. Ce produit Scosche est vendu sous entente que l'acheteur a independamment determine l'adaptabilite de ce produit. C&tte garantie NE COWRE PAS /es frais accessoires ou autres encourus pour /'installation, le relnlit ou Ia rVinstallation de ce produit dans /e v8hicule. Cette garantie est offerte l'acheteur original saulemant. Cette garantie ne coUVIB pas Ia produit s'il est physiquemant endom~. ou soumis Ia negligence ou l'abus, /'usage inappropne, une installation mal appropri(1e, /a modification, un accident ou 8 une catastrophe naturelle. Aussi axe/us de cette garantie sont les frais encourus pour Ia rectification d'une installation cJMectueuse et pour 1'8/imination d'une interMrence elactromagnetiqua (bruit cause par /e moteulj. La ret;U de caissa original indiquant Ia data de l'achat etablira l'admissibi/ite Ia garantie. Si Je produit est defectueux en dedans de Ia periode de Ia garantie, renvoyer le produit accompagne de Ia preuve d'achat chez Scosche Industries, Inc. Scosche, 8 sa discretion, reparera ou remplacera l'un;te sans frais et paiera les frais d'expedition du retour par Ia posts au client. Scosche, en aucune circonstance ne sera responsabfe pour /es reclamations au-de/a de Ia valeur de remplacement du produit d8fectueux at TBfusa touts responsabilite envsrs /es dommages incidents au accessoires. Aucuna garantie explicite ou implicite, soit d'adaptabilite pour un usage particulier ou autre, sauf celle quip~ (1aquel/e est express~Nnent presentee au lieu de toutes autres garanties), ne sera applicable aux produits. Scosche Industries ne sera aucunement responsable pour les divergences et/ou les variations qui pourraient sa produire en raison des changements ou options apportes par /es fabricants d'automobiles. a a a a a a a a trouve GARANTiA LIMITADA Scosche Industries Inc. garantiza este producto contra defectos de material y de mana de obra por un perfodo de 1 aiio desde Ia fecha de compra. Este producto Scosche se vende entendiendo que el comprador ha determinado independientemente que el mismo es apropiado. Esta garantra as vdlida sofamenta para ef comprador original de este producto. Esta garantfa no cubre dallas ffsicos sf producto causados por negligencia o uso incorrecto, abuso, alteraciones, accidentes o causes de tuerza mayor. Esta garantfa no cubre productos que hayan sido dat'iados por agua o ffsicamente, par accidentes o abusados, alterados o desarmados. La validez de esta garantfa estanl determinada por el recibo original fechado u otro comprobante de compra. Si el producto se encuentra detectuoso clentro del perfodo de garantfa, ret6mefo junto con un comprobante de compra a Scosche Industries Inc. Scosche, a su criteria, reemplazara o reparara e1 producto sin cargo y se Jo retomara cobnindole e1 envfo. En ningun caso, Scosche Industries, Inc. sera responsab/e por rec/amos mas alia del coste de reemplazo del producto defectuoso, o sera responsable o culpable por dai'ios indirectos o incidentales. Ninguna otra garantra, ya sea express o implfcits, ya sea de aptitud para cualquier usa en particular o por lo contrario, excepto como se Indica mas an1ba po cuai1B9mpfaza expresamenta cuafquler otra garantfa) se apflcara a los productos vendldos por Scosche. Scosche Industries no sera responsab/e por diferencias o inconsistencies que pudieran presentarse debido a cambios u opciones de los fabricantes de autom6viles. For All Australian Sales This document details the terms and conditions of the warranty provided with this product. Please disregard any other representations contained on this product's packaging or provided with this product which constitute or appear to constitute a warranty. This warranty is offered by Scosche Industries, 1550 Pacific Ave, Oxnard, CA 93033 United States. We can be called on 1 (805) 486 4450 or emailecl at [email protected] Subject to the exclusions and limitations set out below, we warrant to you that if you purchase a product directly from us, or from any of our authorized rasellers, that it will not contain defects which are a rasult of faulty manufacturer workmanship or materials. This warranty subsists for 1 year from the date of purchase. Subject to any rights you have under the Australian Consumer Law, we will not be liable for defects which are a result of damage or loss caused by factors beyond our control, any product which has not been maintained according to any care or maintenance instructions provided with the product, any alterations to a product which are not performed by us, or damage or defects caused to the product due to unusual or non-recommended use. We will not be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or economic loss or damage or loss of profits whatsoever suffered by you or any other person resulting from any act or omission by us. Our total liability in respect of this Warranty against Defects is limited to the replacement of the goods. Arly claim made under this warranty must be made by contacting Scosche Industries. Scosche will then put you in touch with the closest company to you that will cover warranties. All Returns of defective product will be sent at your expense, to be exchanged for a replacement. This Warranty against Defects is provided in addition to other rights and remedies that you may have at law. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to major failure. NOTE: For instructions in English, French, Spanish, German and Italian visit REMARQUE: Pour des directives en Anglais, en Fran~ai~, en Espagnol, en Allemand et en ltalien, visiter Scan for Instructional VIdeo NOTA: Por instrucciones en Ingles, Frances, Espana/, Aleman, e Italiano, visitar HINWEIS: Anweisungen in Englisch, Franzosisch, Spanisch, Deutsch und ltalienisch besuchen NOTA: Perle istruzioni in Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Tedesco e Italiano visitare magicMOUNT FAQ’s Will the magnet harm my phone or tablet? --No. The magnets do not affect the phones or tablets. --Use caution around items like credit cards and hard drives. Where do I place the metal plate at? --You can either place it directly to the device, behind a case, directly to the case, or behind the battery cover --See how to video link: Will this affect my phone’s NFC functionality? --There shouldn't be any noticeable interference. If you notice interference the phone’s NFC functionality please contact Technical Support: (800) 363 - 4490 ext. 3 Does the plate interfere with wireless charging? --We recommend not using the plate while charging wireless. What phones will work with the magicMOUNT? --The magicMOUNT is universal. What cases will this work with? --The magicMOUNT is universal. As long as the plate is in back of the case it will work. --See how to video link: Will it interfere with phones GPS function? --The magicMOUNTdoes not interfere with the phones GPS. Will it interfere with phones compass? --We recommend not using the phones compass while using the magicMOUNT. Is the magicMOUNT permanent? No. But if you like to reuse the magicMOUNT we recommend using a new 3M adhesive pad that we offer in our replacement kit. How many plates come in the package? --One small plate and one large plate and 1 alcohol cleansing pad. Will devices with external hard drives be affected? (iPod Classics, Zune, etc.) --Yes, we recommend not using devices that use an external hard drive. Can I buy more plates? --We offer a replacement kit. --Parts included: 1 extra small plate, 1 small metal plate, 1 large metal plate, 3M adhesive pad, and 2 alcohol cleaning pads. --Part Number: MAGRK Also be sure to check out the magicMOUNT video here:
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