Seaview High School From the Principal Calendar Dates 3-11 March Hosei Study Tour 7 March International Women’s Day 10 March Adelaide Cup Public Holiday 12 March Governing Council AGM 21 March Harmony Day 26 March Open Night 9 April Student/Parent/ Teacher Conferences 11 April End of Term 1 February 2014 Newsletter 2014 promises to be another busy and exciting year with our personalised approach ensuring we provide every student with opportunities to fulfil their potential at Seaview. This year we are offering some exciting new subjects including Pedal Prix, Workplace Practices, Study Skills and the Research Project at Year 11, as well as increased opportunities for student acceleration at a range of year levels. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a particular welcome to our Year 8 students and families and those who have joined the Seaview Community from other schools, overseas and interstate. We are also delighted to welcome the students who have enrolled in one or more of our exciting Certificate Courses. This year we are offering Certificate 1 in Automotive, Certificate 2 and Certificate 3 in Creative Industries (Media) - Certificate 3 Technical Production (Music Industry and Recording) and Certificate 3 Animal Care. We are fortunate to be the first city school to offer Animal Care, which has a direct pathway to Veterinary Science at Adelaide University. Each of these certificate courses is fully accredited attracting a range of credit points towards SACE completion. The Certificate 3 courses are Year 12 subjects and attract an ATAR (Tertiary Entrance Ranking) for University entrance. Each year we also have a new intake of International Students and we have already welcomed 15 new students, however, this number will continue to grow throughout the year as students join us for short term and long term study tours. We value the rich contributions and cultural understandings these students bring to our community. We look forward to working in close partnership with all of our families to ensure the best outcomes for our young people at Seaview High School. We also welcome the following staff to our community: !"#$%!"#$&'!()*!+*,$%!-%!#%! Photography, Information Processing and Desktop Publishing teacher. Hans has a background in graphic design and looks forward to further developing our promotional materials, including the Year Book and Website. !.)/,%!.*$01*$!+*,$!-%!2*!2'#3)! Certificate 1 in Automotive, PE and Pedal Prix !4#5'!61#7%!8!9:!#$1!;3,'$3' !;2'<)'$!=,$1$'/8!:$0>,%)!#$1!=,2'/#3?! !6$1!('!#/'!1'>,0)2'1!2*!)#5'!/'2#,$'1! Kristen Threadgold -Dance and Andrew Cavallaro Maths and Science !@,3)'>'!;3)->2A!+*,$%!*-/!;;B!%2#CC!! in term 1 - on Reception and Student Services !!D'/'%#!"'>7!,%!(*/&,$0!,$!2)'!E'%*-/3'! Centre. Mick Dineen is on sick leave for a term 1 and we wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to his return as soon as he is able. We apologise to families for the delay in the release of the first Newsletter for 2014. We have been creating its new look! If you have any feedback please feel free to let us know. A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School From the Principal In most instances the Care Group teacher will be your first point of contact with the school. They are the students’ mentor and meet with them each day. I encourage you to cultivate this relationship and use the student diary or email as a means to communicate on a regular basis. In addition to the Care Group teacher and subject teachers the following key staff are also available to support you and your child. Bill Stapleton Sharon Illingworth Cheryl Gigney Sue Houghagen Virginie Bajut ut Richard Harrington Susi Beinke Ying Yao ChristieJensen Wendy Harrison Deputy Principal/SACE/Year 12 Manager Assistant Principal/ Year 10 Manager Year 11 Manager Year 9 Manager Year 8 Manager Counsellor/Pathways & VET Counsellor/Special Needs International Programs Chaplain (CPSW) Finance Officer Student success is a result of effective partnerships between parents, students and the school and I urge you to contact any of us, at any time, on 8377 8000 if you have any concerns or questions you wish to discuss. Congratulations to Blake Derer who was awarded the 2014 Marion City Council F*-$0!.,2,A'$!*C!2)'!F'#/G! Blake completed his year 12 studies at Seaview High School in 2013. Since starting at Seaview in 2009 he made a huge contribution to student leadership and was a member of the SRC. Blake was also elected School Captain by the student body and staff and displayed outstanding group and leadership skills during this time. While completing Year 12, Blake found the time to give back to his school community, coaching Junior School students in the selective Specialist Tennis Program. Congratulations Blake, you A reminder that we will soon be “going live” with a Parent Portal into DAYMAP. are a fantastic role model to Students can already access their DAYMAP from home and have ready access to our school community! their Assessment Plans, course work, homework and deadlines. The Parent Portal will provide you with this information and to follow your Th child’s attendance and progress at school. The Portal will provide a link to the school in live time. More information about how you can access this Portal will be available SOON. As you can see it has been a busy term already with lots of activity detailed elsewhere in this Newsletter- Year 8s and Year 12s have successfully been inducted into the school, the Year 8 welcome evening on Wednesday 5 February was extremely well attended, with families confirming the smooth start for their children. Th following week an information evening for Year 12 families - Surviving Year The 12 was equally well attended. Music students are busy rehearsing for the Cabaret Festival, Year 10s have been on camp, Year 8s have been to Kingston Park for an activity day, the World Challenge group has been training in preparation for their trip to Cambodia later this year, Student Captains have been busily campaigning for election, and this week Year 8s have been on camp and we welcomed the first of our short term study tour students from Hosei School in Japan. I look forward to sharing some more about these events in the next Newsletter. PENNY NY TRANTER PRINCIPAL February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School STOP THE PRESS ent for ised by the Governm om pr en be s ha g rin Manufactu ill Centre for Advanced A new $2.5million Sk 4."&&$-/5):%'"7) 78%$.".)0"'$/-)%-.)9 (" !* 42 )6 -5 '$/ 0" .) Seaview High School 7"%.D) -/)0$/$(%&)1-$2%34-)%<*7(C"7)"-C%-#")4*7)%& .$ $&&) &* )B -# #' ')$ #( 43 ," 4+ *+ )A ()' -. &$' /)% !"#$% -/$-""7$)=0)>7$-3-/5)?$7(*%&)@ ;%'".)9%-*<%#(*7$-/5 7$-/'G)) .$E"7'")#*77$#*&*2)4F" will work in close Seaview High School ."7')I-$E"7'$(D)%-.) #4&&%+47%34-)B$(C)H&$") !)#4*7'"')(C%()!74E$. "&4 "E ). )(4 H@ )J1 &"D -' J4 dy and 21st century pathways to further stu careers. SEAVIEW ROCKS THE CABARET Congratulations to Performing Arts Music, Voice students Denise Gascon and Rachel Rattus who were selected to perform in The Class Of Cabaret 2014 for the Adelaide Cabaret Festival in June. The girls will be singing to an audience of more than 300 friends, family, dignitaries and general public at the Adelaide Festival Theatre when tickets go on sale for two 1,CC'/'$2!0/*-<!<'/C*/7#$3'%!2)#2!)#5'!0/*($!,$!%,A'! since Seaview High partnered with Norwood Morialta High to launch the very first Class Of Cabaret back in 2010 under the direction of David Campbell. Denise and Rachel were chosen by video audition and demonstrated the required qualities to perform for what has become the largest Cabaret Festival in the world under the guidance of Producer - Torben Brookman. Student audition videos came in from February 2014 most states of Australia yet only forty students were chosen from twenty successful schools, two students per school. The students will be mentored by Australia’s own +#AAH<*<!%,$0,$0!>'0'$1!8!I#2'!.'J'/#$*K!@-%,3#>! Director and pianist to the stars - Matthew Carey, and Kim Spargo - Vocal Director, in a series of workshops that are aimed at developing stage craft, performance techniques, and self confidence. Denise and Rachel will be part of a rigorous rehearsal schedule from now until the curtain goes up and Seaview High is proud of their achievement to be selected amongst students from other schools including Scotch College, Immanuel College, Pembroke School, Westminster School, Adelaide High, St Ignatius College, St Marys College and Marryatville High to name a few. We look forward to Denise and Rachel’s musical journey of success! TRENT WICKERS MUSIC TEACHER AND COORDINATOR OF THE ARTS A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School Year 12 SACE Results It gives me great pleasure to announce the results for the 2013 Seaview High School Year 12 cohort. The hard work and commitment of both the Year 12s and their teachers was evident in the results, with all of our students who achieved their SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) also achieving an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking), allowing them to apply for University or TAFE courses. A number of our students accessed the full range of options available, including VET (Vocational Education D/#,$,$0LK!M$2'0/#2'1!='#/$,$0K!.*77-$,2?!='#/$,$0!#$1!.*77-$,2?!;2-1,'%!2*!)'><!#3),'5'!2)',/!;6.:!,$!NOPQG!M2! is this personalised approach to learning and flexibility of our curriculum at Seaview, which allows so many of our students to be successful. Congratulations must go to our 2013 Dux of School, Saxon Nelson-Milton, who achieved an ATAR (with bonus points) of 99.95, the highest possible score a student can receive! To further cap off an outstanding year, Saxon also won the prestigious Adelaide University Principal’s Scholarship. A summary of our top outstanding results are below: !"#$"%&'()"*!&+,!"!- Student Name ATAR Score Saxon Nelson-Milton 99.95 !"#$%&'()'**+)'(%,-*"#!')"!.%!'/%0*+1'!23"!.4%5%6127.*% 6*(+** Patryk Buksinski 98.35 Bachelor of Medical Science 6*889%:*1+(*8"2 92.45 ?2@#!'**.!%?)A!B2>!+!'%% 91.35 Hong Ngo 90.00 !"#*.1+%1;%6*8)('%,<)82!.%=1>>2')"!31'4 6*;*++*/ !"#$%&'()'**+)'(%,-*"#!')"!.%!'/%0*+1'!23"!.4 Some of the other tertiary courses offered to our students included: B. Interior Architecture, B. Arts, Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration, B. Justice and Society, B. Education/Arts Double Degree, B. Behavioural Science, RG!:>'32/,3#>!:$0,$''/,$0K!RG!=#J*/#2*/?!@'1,3,$'K!4,<>*7#!@#/&'2,$0K!RG!6/3)#'*>*0?K!RG!:$0,$''/,$0!;3,'$3'K!RG! Health Sciences, B. Sport, Health and Physical Science, B. Nursing, B. Information Tech, B. Social Work and Planning, B. Environmental Science, B. Social Work, B. Aviation…plus several Certificate III courses! It is so pleasing to see the variety of courses that our students are able to access through their education here at Seaview. We wish all of the 2013 Year 12s all the best as they start the post-Seaview section of their lives; we will miss you! RM==!;D69=:DBS 4:9TDF!9EMS.M96= February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School New C ourse s in 2014 Vocational Education training In 2014 Seaview has introduced 4 new VET courses to complement the Certificate II in Creative Media that commenced successfully in 2013. These include the Certificate III in Creative Media (which is comprised of most of the students who completed the 1st year of Certificate II last year), Certificate III in Technical Production (Music), Certificate III in Animal Care & Husbandry and Certificate I in Auto (Mechanical) . The Certificate III courses in particular are provided for students who have a variety of pathways in mind including University. A completed Certificate III course attracts significant points towards a student’s SACE completion ( e.g. 110 points out of 200 from the Cert. III Animal Care course with these points awarded at Stage 2) as well as providing one of the 4 stage 2 subjects needed to gain an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking). We currently have 43 Seaview and 40 external students enrolled in these subjects. More information about each of these courses will be highlighted in forthcoming newsletters. Any queries about VET can be directed to me on 8377 8000 or 0439 809 464. RICHARD HARRINGTON U:D!.BBE4MS6DBEH.BTS;:==BE VET in 2014 VET courses enable students to gain industry recognised qualifications whilst receiving credit towards their SACE. They offer vocational training in a real workplace context and help students gain entry into related TAFE and University courses and move towards future employment. VET at Seaview is generally offered to students in Years 10, 11 and 12. VET courses offered through the Inner South School District include, at Seaview, Certificate II & III in Creative Media, Certificate III in Animal Care & Husbandry, Certificate III in Technical Production (Music) and Certificate I in Auto Mechanical. Other local schools courses include: Auto (Urrbrae), Building and Construction (Pasadena & Thebarton), Plumbing (Unley), Engineering (Thebarton & Pasadena), Metal (Thebarton & Pasadena), Recreation and Sport (Pasadena & Hamilton) and Hospitality (Hamilton). As the year progresses, VET course in a wide range of other career fields will become available. Some examples of these include: Photography, Aged Care, Child Care, Hair, Beauty and Make-up. Availability of courses will be advertised through the student notices, assemblies and newsletters. RICHARD HARRINGTON U:D!.BBE4MS6DBEH.BTS;:==BE February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School YEAR 8 ACTIVITIES DAY gardens but not conducive to running our scheduled activities. We are however fortunate enough to have a group of highly experienced and committed staff who worked together to create an alternate, awesome day at school for the students to get to know each other, build relationships and have lots of fun too! Our next event is our Year 8 Camp which is being held in Week 6 this term at Ankara Campsite at Walkers W>#2!*$!2)'!@-//#?!E,5'/G!D),%!,%!#$!#7#A,$0!3#7<%,2'! that a number of staff attending have used in the We welcome all our new Year 8 students and their past and thoroughly enjoyed. We look forward to this families to Seaview High and look forward to working camp which includes lots of team-building, problemtogether to support the students through their solving and relationship building as well as kayaking. years of high school and the transition from primary In our next newsletter we will include photos of this school. event. As part of our transition we held a successful Parent VIRGINIE BAJUT BBQ / Acquaintance Night on Wednesday February YEAR 8 MANAGER 5th where cooks extraordinaire; Penny Tranter (Principal) and Sharon Illingworth (Assistant Principal) cooked up a storm in our recently student completed courtyard. Parents were able to meet staff and fellow parents informally before Penny Tranter introduced those working closely with the new Year 8s. Care Group teachers then spoke to parents and were able to finally put faces to names and ensure strong communication ties were created. =#2'/!2)#2!(''&!('!)#1!%3)'1->'1!*-/!#$$-#>!V'>>8 being Activities Day at Kingston Park Reserve but unfortunately due to the extreme heat this was postponed for a week. Needless to say Mother Nature was not on our side the following week either providing us with much needed water for our Seaview recoginised ;'#5,'(!",0)!;3)**>!)#%!)#5'!J''$!$*7,$#2'1!#%!#!='#1!;3)**>!,$!#!DC:=!X2'#3),$0!C*/!:CC'32,5'!='#/$,$0L! pilot partnership. D)'!2)/''!?'#/!</*+'32!(,>>!%''!%2#CC!(*/&,$0!(,2)!2)'!4:.4!9'1#0*0?!#$1!='#1'/%),<!D'#7!2*!1'5'>*<!#$1! showcase teaching and learning programs that empower the learner and increase student engagement and intellectual stretch. February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School Pedal Prix Seaview High is proud to announce its entrance into the UniSA HPV super series in 2014. We will be competing in 2 races at Victoria Park from the 14-15 June and the 26-27 July. Both are 6 hour endurance races. The Year 9 Pedal Prix students are working very hard to develop the fitness required to succeed, and are showing great enthusiasm towards planning and fundraising. This is a massive undertaking for all involved and Seaview High would appreciate any community assistance. We are looking for sponsorship, and for <'*<>'!2*!<-2!2)',/!)#$1%!-<!2)/*-0)*-2!2)'!?'#/!2*!)'><!(,2)!C-$1/#,%,$0!'5'$2%G!='2Y%!)'><!2)'!&,1%!0'2! everything they can out of Pedal Prix. If you think you can help please contact me on [email protected] I would also like to thank Rob Spurling from Norwood Morialta, from whom we purchased our car bike ‘ASTRO’. ./#,0!C/*7!=,J'/2?!6-2*!V*/Z!(#%!7*/'!2)#$!)#<<?! to remove an old vehicle from the newly renovated Automotive Centre. Community assistance is critical to our success at Seaview so please support those businesses that are backing us! If you need any vehicle 2*('1K!*/!/'7*5'1!#%!%3/#<K!0,5'!./#,0!#2!=,J'/2?!6-2*! Worx a call on 0416 118 282. CHRIS CONGDON F:6E![!9:46=!9EM\ International Education It has been a pleasure to welcome 10 new students C/*7!R/#A,>K!]'/7#$?K!D)#,>#$1K!.),$#!#$1!^#<#$!'#/>?! this term and watch them growing in confidence and enthusiasm with their academic and social activities. All our international students have benefited from our quality teaching programs and enjoyed the cultural experience with our wider community. We anticipate more international students joining us next term. Our international students have been mentored to understand the different teaching styles between different education systems and learned the practical strategies to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. The challenge for our international students is to learn to adjust and cope with the volume of work. So we recommend two to three hours of homework outside of class per subject per day. Any international students experiencing difficulty with their work and homework should speak to Ms February 2014 Yao or their subject teachers. We are all happy to provide assistance. The homestay parents have played a very important role in assisting our international students to settle into the new school environment successfully. We appreciate your efforts in supporting our students with establishing homework habits, strengthening the school rules by liaising with us as well as attending the parent-teacher interview. If any homestay parents have any concerns about our international students please contact us at the International Office. MS YING YAO, COORDINATOR, MSD:ES6DMBS6=! EDUCATION A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School Woodhouse Camp - Year 10 February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School Science Experience - Thomas Batten ATTENDANCE During December one of our Year 11 Students, Thomas Batten, attended a Rotary sponsored 3 day “Science Experience” workshop facilitated by Flinders University. Following are his comments about the program that he made in a presentation to the Glenelg Rotary Students who attend school Club who were his sponsors: regularly will be more successful “Much of the program compromised of a series of interactive activities including topics %-3)!#%!'$5,/*$7'$2#>!%3,'$3'K!3)'7,3#>!#$#>?%,%K!='0*!/*J*2,3%K!#$1!2)'!7#&,$0!*C!<>#%2,3%! than those who have their from everyday materials such as potatoes. There were also lectures covering renewable education energy, animal behaviour and communications. interrupted by Mixed in with all this excitement were getting to know you group activities including absences. the creation of a product made out of basic materials including paper, cardboard and sticky tape. From here we made a mock up of some advertising to promote its use. This Please minimise advertisement had to be performed in front of the rest of the Science Experience group. the need for Overall the Science Experience was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience and because student absence of my passion for science, which includes a desire to study Robotics at University, I look from lessons by forward to being able to be involved in similar opportunities in the future.” arranging dental and doctor’s As outlined above, Thomas reported back on his Science Experience with a speech made appointments to the Glenelg Rotary Club members over a dinner held on Monday 24th February at after school 2)'!;*7'/2*$!=,C'%#5,$0!.>-JG!!D)*7#%!0#5'!#!PO!7,$!</'%'$2#2,*$!(),3)!)'!1'>,5'/'1! or during confidently and was well received by the Rotary members. He thanked the group for their the holidays, sponsorship and will encourage other students at Seaview to take advantage of such an wherever opportunity during the next Christmas holidays. possible. RICHARD HARRINGTON Please call U:D!.BBE4MS6DBEH.BTS;:==BE Front Reception before 9am SEAVIEW ART Exhibition - Marion if your child Cutural Centre is going to be absent. Seaview High School will be holding its first public Art Exhibition of student work at the Marion Cultural Centre from March 24th – April 28th. More information coming! =**&!*-2!C*/!<*%2'/%!#$1!C>,'/%GG!6$?!%2-1'$2!()*!)#%!3/'#2'1!#!<,'3'!*C!#/2!,$!2)'!>#%2! 12 months that they would like to exhibit in the show is welcome to forward works to Ms Bajut or Mr Hanke by March 11th. Pieces need to be mounted for presentation however we are happy to help with organising this. February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning Seaview High School Summerography On November 19th last year we held our annual 'Summerography' student dance choreography competition. Students created their own dances, organised their own practices and designed their own costumes. The night was a huge success, and I thank everyone who came along as an audience member to support our dancers and budding choreographers. Congratulations again to all performers and choreographers, and the award winners were: Junior 1st - Titanium by Erin Berriman and Melissa Weston Junior Runner Up - Alone by Jade O'Shea (and Jasmine O'Shea) Senior Choreographic Excellence - Secrets by Angelique Struwig (and Jessica McKinlay) Senior Runner Up - Disturbia by Emily Raymond Judges Choice - Stay the Night by Kyri Karakitsios (and Nathan Turton) We look forward to 'Summerogaphy' 2014 later in the year during term 4. IEM;D:S!D"E:64]B=4 DANCE TEACHER Vision Support Some of our year 8 to 12 girls with vision impairment have started attending regular fortnightly sessions with cando4kids occupational therapists (OTs). This group is held in the home economics room at Seaview and involves the girls preparing and then sharing a healthy lunch with these aims: ! Food Hygiene and safety ! Independence in the kitchen ! The girls to walk away with some easy, healthy and affordable recipes that they can cook at home. ! The girls to practice cutlery use and table etiquette. STEPHEN MORTIMER VISION SUPPORT COORDINATOR School Fees A reminder to families that school fees are now due. If you have not yet applied for school card please contact the finance office on 8377 8000 or see Front Reception. All Materials and Services fees received go directly into resources for the students education. February 2014 A personalised approach to quality learning
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