DHITS 2014 - MSAT TMDS Page 1 v2

Performance Beyond Expectations
Military Health System (MHS) Medical Situational Awareness
In Theater/The Theater Medical Data Store (MSAT/TMDS)
The Department of Defense (DoD) requires capabilities to meet the urgent operational
needs of deployed forces and to support a distributed military medical enterprise at war,
including accessing, collecting, and distributing ill or injured Service members’ medical
information as they move through the Theater levels of care. Theater medical staff need
worldwide visibility of medical requirements and resources to plan for and support
operations, as well as analytical tools and decision support systems to provide a broad
view of medical information. Service members’ health history information must be
compiled from various electronic military systems through a number of complex
interfaces to provide a complete Theater electronic medical record. This Protected
Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must be secured
and protected and is required in both classified (NIPR) and unclassified (SIPR)
Problem Solved
DNC provides development and sustainment support for the Theater Medical Data
Store (TMDS) and the Medical Situational Awareness in the Theater (MSAT) systems and
will soon deploy the Theater Medical Data Gateway (TMDG).
TMDS is a web-based application used to view Service members’ medical treatment
information recorded in the combat zone. TMDS views and tracks ill or injured patients
as they move through Theater levels of care, sustaining base medical treatment
facilities (MTFs), and those shared with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). TMDS
updates Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA) and provides
information to the VA through the Bidirectional Health Information Exchange (BHIE-T)
interface. TMDS receives medical data from AHLTA-Mobile, AHLTA-Theater, Composite
Health Care System Caché (CHCS), Shipboard Non-tactical Automated Data Processing
(SNAP) Automated Medical System (SAMS), and TRANSCOM Regulating and Command
& Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES).
MSAT is a web-based application that combines information from multiple communities
to provide decision support and a common operating picture to assist the Combatant
and Joint Task for Commander’s Surgeon staffs in assessing risks, mitigating
operational vulnerabilities, and allocating scarce combat resources during operations
planning and execution. MSAT links together information that encompasses disease
and non-battle related injuries; physical and psychological trauma; patient tracking;
chemical and biological threats; environmental and occupational health; intelligence;
medical command and control (C2) data; personnel; unit locations; and weather.
The systems are integrated with a blood inventory management tool that provides the
ability to receive blood inventory information using manual and scanning technology
and monitor and report the same using integrated business intelligence capability. The
systems are among the first to make progress migrating ICD-9 to ICD-10. The systems
maintain alignment with other EHR products in the MHS environment, such as AHLTA,
AHLTA-T, and TC2.
TMDS Key Features
and Benefits
• Gives health care providers the
ability to view all Theater
clinical information, including
history, progress notes,
laboratory, drug, and
radiological history
• Provides central location for all
medical data generated in
• Allows health care providers to
view, track, and manage ill or
injured patients and access
data on airlifted critically
injured patients before arrival
at their next point of care
• Allows VA to access Theater
medical data for a patient who
has entered a VA medical
• Provides total asset
management capability for the
critical Theater blood inventory
including blood donation,
transfusion, and tracking along
with blood reporting
Performance Beyond Expectations
The TMDG will provide enhanced, standards-based data exchange capability using
Mirth Connect, an open source standards-based healthcare integration engine. Mirth
Connect is a cross-platform HL7 interface engine that enables bi-directional sending
of HL7 messages between systems and applications. Mirth Connect provides tools for
developing, testing, deploying, and monitoring interfaces.
DNC provides systems engineering; development; systems integration; documentation;
testing; installation; maintenance; sustainment; technical and training support; and
support for the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and Disaster Recovery (DR) site.
DNC applies Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) best practices and employs Global
Combat Support System and Net-Centric Enterprise Services and Net-Enabled
Command and Control emerging technologies in the development of MSAT and TMDS.
The systems incorporate the use of open source and Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS)
software, including a Geographic Information System (GIS).
The MSAT standards-based information sharing approach enables rapid connection to
current and emerging information sets reducing integration costs while adding
increased value over time.
DNC uses Agile development and conducts software development in accordance with
the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
Level 3 appraised processes that align with the Deployment & Readiness Systems
Program Office (D&RS) Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) requirements. DNC also
employs its ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System in the development and
sustainment of the systems. All of the development efforts comply with DoD, Military
Health System (MHS), and Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating
Environment technical standards and policies.
Technologies and tools include: Java, Oracle, Jenkins, Eclipse, JBoss, Perforce, FogBugz,
Fortify, Business Objects, HP Quality Center, HP Quick Test Pro, and Mirth Connect.
MSAT Key Features
and Benefits
• Provides geographical view of
outbreaks and potential health
• Tracks unit movements and
patient evacuation routes
around the globe
• Generates reports for
worldwide asset visibility,
decision support, and strategic
and contingency planning
• Provides access to Theater
blood inventory reports and
MSAT and TMDS play a critical role in support of the Theater medical enterprise. TMDS
is the main repository for all service member medical data generated in any active
Theater of operations. MSAT provides the users with Command and Control data,
Theater Blood Program data, Disease Surveillance data, and reporting capabilities. The
SOA-based systems are very complex and consume and publish data to a variety of
third-party organizations. TMDS is deployed on the Unclassified NIPRNET and MSAT is
deployed on the Classified SIPRNET. The systems are deployed in multiple Theaters,
and both systems have a full ATO. DNC maintains more than 99% Operational
Availability of this MAC II system supporting Theater-deployed operational forces.
Fiona Barshow,
Vice President, Business Development
Federal Health and Civilian Programs
Office: 703-478-2650 x315
Mobile: 571-278-9857
[email protected]
Data Networks Corporation
1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 401
Reston, VA 20190