Laurine Martinoty Place and date of birth : Annecy - Gate

Centre de la Vieille Charité (209)
2 rue de la Charité
13236 Marseille cedex 2
Place and date of birth : Annecy (France), 10/22/1985.
H (+33-6) 30 07 14 91
French citizenship. Female.
B [email protected]
Laurine Martinoty
Current position and affiliations
PhD candidate, 4th year, Aix-Marseille School of Economics and Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie
Économique (UMR CNRS 5824), under the supervision of Sylvie Démurger, DRH (head of research)
at CNRS, GATE Lyon-St Étienne.
PhD dissertation : “Intrahousehold Strategies in Hard Times: the Case of Argentina”
Areas of interest: labor economics, development economics, econometrics, applied microeconomy,
household surveys.
2014-2015 PhD candidate, Economics, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Marseille, France.
2011-2014 PhD candidate, Economics, ENS de Lyon and Université de Lyon, France.
2010-2011 Master II, Monnaie, finance et gouvernance (mention très bien), ENS de Lyon,
France and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentine.
2008-2009 Agrégation, Agrégation de Sciences Économiques et Sociales (passed, rank 5ème ),
ENS de Lyon.
2007-2008 Master I, Économie quantitative et décision stratégique (mention très bien), Université Lumière Lyon 2 and ENS de Lyon.
2005-2006 Licence, Économétrie, Université Lumière Lyon 2.
2005-2011 Full student with excellence scholarship at École normale supérieure de Lyon.
2003-2005 CPGE, Classe préparatoire B/L, Lycée du Parc, Lyon.
2012-2014 Teaching assistant Environmental Economics, Master students, ENS de Lyon.
2012-2014 Teaching assistant L’union européenne au défi de l’intégration économique, Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), launched on France Université Numérique in
September 2014.
2011-2014 Teaching assistant Workshop on applied micro, Bachelor and Master students, ENS
de Lyon.
2011-2014 Teaching assistant Oral exam preparation for the Agrégation, Master students, ENS
de Lyon.
«Stratégie familiale de gestion des chocs : l’offre de travail des épouses en réponse aux fermetures
d’entreprise en Argentine», Revue Économique, 65, July 2014 (GATE working paper 1335 )
Working papers
« The Long Run Consequences of Graduating during a Recession: Return to Education and Business
Cycle in Argentina (1995-2012) », April 2014
« Intra-Household Coping Mechanisms in Hard Times : the Added Worker Effect in the 2001
Argentine Economic Crisis », January 2014
Ongoing projects
« Explaining the Evolutions in Female Labor Market Participation in Argentina, 1996-2012 »
« Gender Consequences of the Mancession : the Added Worker Effect and the Changing Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Spain »
«Natural Disasters and Environmental Concerns: the Case of the 2013 Flood in Germany», joint
work with A. Avdeenko (Universität Hamburg) et C. Krekel (DIW Berlin)
«Intra-Household Coping Mechanisms in Hard Times : the Added Worker Effect in the 2001
Argentine Economic Crisis»
26th EALE confererence, Ljubljana University, Slovénie, à venir (18-20 Sept. 2014)
29th EEA conference, Toulouse School of Economics, France, 25-29 Aug 2014
1st Lyon-Turin Economics and Management Workshop, Lyon, 1-2 July 2013
62th annual conference of the Association Française de Sciences Économiques (AFSE), Aix-enProvence, France, 24-28 June 2013
Invited seminar, Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI), Freie Universitaet Berlin, Allemagne,
May 14th , 2013
Invited seminar, Development and security, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW),
Berlin, Allemagne, May 6th , 2013
Specialized seminar, Groupement d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique, Lyon, Jan 29th 2013
Invited seminar, Universidad Catolica de Argentina (UCA), Buenos Aires, Argentine, Dec 6th ,
«The Long Run Consequences of Graduating during a Recession: Return to Education and Business
Cycle in Argentina (1995-2012)»
• 63th annual conference of the Association Française de Sciences Économiques (AFSE), Lyon,
France, 16-18 June 2014
• Specialized seminar, Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique, Lyon, Nov 4th 2013.
«Stratégie familiale de gestion des chocs : l’offre de travail des épouses en réponse aux fermetures
d’entreprise en Argentine»
• 30th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA), Nice, France, 6-7 June 2013.
Visiting positions
Nov.-Dec. Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA), Escuela de Negocios, Buenos Aires. Super2013 visor: Pr Martin Grandes.
Sept.-Oct. Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Department of Develop2013 ment and Security. Supervisor: Dr Kati Schindler.
April-May Freie Universitaet Berlin (FU Berlin), Latin American Institute. Supervisor: Dr
2013 Barbara Fritz.
Aug-Dec. University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley), Department of Agri. & Res.
2012 Economics. Supervisor: Pr. Elisabeth Sadoulet, Pr. Alain de Janvry.
Nov.-Dec. Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA), Escuela de Negocios, Buenos Aires. Super2011 visor: Pr Martin Grandes.
Summer school
12-17 May 17th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, Buch-Ammersee, Ger2014 many.
2015 4th year PhD grant, AMSE (1 year)
2014 IZA European summer school (1 week)
2013 ECOS-Sud Argentina, Université Paris 13 and Ministère de l’éducation et de la
recherche MINCyT (2 x 1 months)
2013 Explora’doc (regional grant for international visits, 6 months)
2011 PhD position contract, Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon (3 years)
2005 Full student scholarship, ENS de Lyon (4 years)
Languages English : fluent ; German, Spanish : fluent.
Computer Statistical packages : Stata ; R, QGIS (notions). Latex, Open Office, Microsoft
skills Office.
Martinoty L. [2013], « Stratégie familiale de gestion des chocs : l’offre de travail des épouses en
réponse aux fermetures d’entreprise en Argentine », Revue Économique, 65, à paraître en juillet
2014 (GATE working paper 1335)
Cet article a pour objectif d’étudier le rôle de la famille comme mécanisme d’assurance lorsqu’un
choc touche le revenu du travail du pourvoyeur principal du ménage. En incertitude, le modèle
du cycle de vie prédit qu’un tel choc a un impact positif sur l’offre de travail de son conjoint.
Données de panel à l’appui, nous testons l’existence de cet « effet travailleur additionnel »
(ETA) lors de la récession argentine. L’endogénéité inhérente aux variables inobservables et
à la simultanéité des décisions des deux époux est contrôlée en introduisant des effets fixes
individuels, et en utilisant les fermetures d’entreprise comme un choc exogène négatif de revenu.
Le modèle est estimé par différence de différence avec appariement. Le motif stratégique rend
compte de 12,5% de l’augmentation totale de la participation féminine. Une femme a 13 points
de pourcentage de chance supplémentaire d’entrer sur le marché du travail si son conjoint perd
son emploi. A la marge intensive, la participation reste inchangée.
Working papers
Martinoty L. [2014], « Intra-Household Coping Mechanisms in Hard Times : the Added Worker Effect
in the 2001 Argentine Economic Crisis », GATE working paper – Janvier 2014 ; état: soumission
This paper shows that the added-worker effect (AWE) plays an important role in coping against
aggregate shocks, even in cases where the discouragement effect prevails at a macroeconomic
scale. Using an Argentine panel dataset between 2000-2002, we instrument the endogenous
variation in husbands’ labor market outcomes using the collapse of the convertibility era as
a natural experiment, and measure its causal impact on their wives’ labor supply decisions.
Within this framework, we show that on average, women whose husband experiences a decline
in income are 3.2 percentage points more likely to enter the labor market. Robustness checks
support the validity of the empirical strategy, and results are robust to various sensitivity tests.
« The Long Run Consequences of Graduating during a Recession: Return to Education and Business
Cycle in Argentina (1995-2012) » – Avril 2014 ; état: très avancé.
This paper aims at measuring the long term impact of graduating in a depressed economic
environment. Using the Encuesta permanente de hogares, an Argentinian database collected
between 1995 and 2012, I focus on a subsample of active working age males that were born
in Argentina and graduated between 1995 and 2011. I estimate the effects of both national
and regional economic situation on their labor market outcomes. Since timing and location of
graduation may be influenced by the business cycle, I additionally implement a double selection
model based on the double lambda approach. Similarly to studies on industrialized countries, I
find that initial poor economic opportunities do matter in future labor market outcomes. OLS
estimations suggests that a 1 percentage point higher unemployment rate at time of graduation
decreases by 0.6 percentage point the probability of being employed in t and a 2.3 to 3.6%
decrease in labor earnings. Controlling for sequential selection into the labor market or into
the next schooling level, these results are multiplied by 2, suggesting a strong positive selection
into the labor market in times of crisis, biasing downward the OLS results.
Ongoing projects
« Explaining the Evolutions in Female Labor Market Participation in Argentina, 1995-2012 » – État:
en cours.
Using the Encuesta permanente de hogares, I investigate married women’s labor supply from
1996 to 2012 in Argentina. Four sets are selected, distant of five years each: 1995-1996,
2000-2001, 2005-2006, 2010-2011. A major development is the important decrease in the
responsiveness of married women’s labor supply to their own wage: between 1996 and 2012,
their own wage elasticity decreased by 25%. A second major result is the evolution in the
responsiveness of their labor supply to their husbands’ wages: following the business cycle,
their cross wage elasticity increased during the years 1996-2002, and then fell under the 1996
level by 2012. As common in literature, in the meantime, own and cross wage elasticities of
married men kept stable and near to zero.
« Gender Consequences of the Mancession : the Added Worker Effect and the Changing Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Spain » – État: en cours.
This paper uses the Spanish growth and recession period (2006-2011) and calculates how
relative changes in the unemployment rate impacted female labor market participation during
the period. I use pseudo-panel techniques to construct groups by cohort and education and
show that married women do behave as added workers throughout the period. In following
steps, I will answer the two following questions. i) Does the change in economic environment
and the added worker effect translates into a shift in consumption patterns of the concerned
households? I will link the observed added worker effect to changes in consumption patterns,
and measure the extent to which the sharing rule modifies the gender-determined consumption
patterns within the household. ii) Does the 2009-2011 "man-cession" (recession affecting male
employment) cause a shift in the sharing rule? I will exploit regional variations in exposure
to the recession, as well as regional variations in the evolution of wage ratio between genders
in time, to establish whether the improvement in female opportunities in neighboring regions
generates shifts in threat points and sharing rules in less exposed regions as well.
« Natural Disasters and Environmental Concerns: The Case of the 2013 Flood in Germany », avec
A. Avdeenko (Universität Hamburg) et C. Krekel (DIW Berlin) – État: en cours.
In early June 2013, persistent and heavy rainfall in Central Europe led to the worst flood
in Germany during the last decade, causing widespread destruction in many areas of East
and South Germany. This paper investigates the effects of the 2013 flood in Germany on
people’s environmental perceptions, in particular on their concerns about climate change and
environmental protection, using panel data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
for the time period between 2012 and 2013 and a novel data set on flooded areas that makes
use of geo-referenced satellite images. Using a difference-in-difference design and exploiting
exogenous variation between households and flooded areas, we show that the flood did not only
affect people’s environmental concerns in flooded areas, but also had a nation-wide impact.
Preliminary results indicate that the flood increased the share of individuals that are very
concerned about climate change and environmental protection by about 7% nation-wide. This
share is slightly higher in flooded areas.