REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix – Travail – Patrie ********** UNIVERSITE DE BAMENDA ********** INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE TRANSPORT et LOGISTIQUE (ISTL) BAMBILI BAMENDA REPUBLIC OF CAMERROON Peace – Work – Fatherland ********** THE UNIVERSITY OF BAMENDA ********** HIGHER INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT and LOGISTICS (HITL) BAMIBLI - BAMENDA APPLICATION FORM FOR THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION INTO Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics FICHE DE CANDIDATURE AU CONCOURS D’ENTREE A l’Institut Supérieur de Transport et Logistique FISCAL STAMP ACADEMIC YEAR: 2014/2015 ANNEE ACADEMIQUE OPTIONS: LAND TRANSPORT (Choices: 1st, 2nd, 3rd) EXAMINATION CERNTER: CENTRE D’EXAMEN CHOISIE NAMES AND SURNAMES: NOMS ET PRENOMS DU CANDIAT DATE OF BIRTH IN FIGURES: DATE DE NAISSANCE IN CHIFFRES PLACE OF BIRTH : MARITIME TRANSPORT • • M i BAMBILI n • M i i m n u i m m u 5 m DOUALA LIEU DE NAISSANCE O / SEXE NATIONALITE L O REGION OF ORIGIN: DIVISION / REGION D’ORIGINE DEPARTEMENT p L NIC DATE a of ISSUE O CNI N DATE DE DELIVRANCE p p e CANDIDATES ADRESS a ADRESSE DU CANDIDAT r p s e r i BOX TOWN s B.P n VILLE c i E-Mail l E-Mail n u c TELEPHONE N° : d CONTACT TELEPHONIQUE l i u n HANDICAP: YES: YES NO: N d HANDICAPE OUI NON g i SCHOOL ATTENDED IN 2013/2014: n E ETABLISSEMENT FREQUENTE EN 2014/2015 g n NATURE OF CERTIFICATE: OBTAINED x g NATURE DE DIPOME OBTENU E l n i g s l h SEX: M F 5 NATIONALITY M i n i m u m TRANSIT AND LOGISTICS • YAOUNDE M i n i m u m 5 5 O / L O / L p a p e r s SUBDIVISION ARRONISSEMENT p a p e r s i n c l u d i n g i n c l u d i n g E n g l i s h E n TO BE AWARDg PREPARE l i s h CURRICULUM OR EMPLOYEMENT DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS SCOLARITE OU EMPLOIU DURANT LES CINQ DERNIERES ANNEES (Ordre décroissant) Year Année 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 SCHOOL OR EMPLOYEMENT AND TOWN Etablissement ou Emploi et ville CLASS ATTENDED Classes Suivies EXAMINATION PREPARED Examen préparé RESULTS DISTINCTION Résultats OR GRADE mention ou rang At ___________________ the _____________________ Fait à le Signature of the candidate DEPARTMENT Maritime Transport Land Transport Transit and Logistics - Minimum 5 GCE O/L with a - Minimum 5 GCE O/L with a - Minimum 5 GCE O/L with a REQUIRED DIPLOMAS OR pass in English and Maths or pass in English and Maths or pass in English and Maths or CERTIFICATES Economics and, any other 3 Economics and, any other 3 Economics and, any other 3 subjects excluding Religious Knowledge OR Probatoire C,D,E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics or Economics. - Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers including Maths or Economics and any other paper excluding Religious Knowledge OR BAC C, D,E,G2 and industrial series with a pass in Maths or Economics subjects excluding Religious Knowledge OR Probatoire C,D,E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics or Economics. - Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers including Maths or Economics and any other paper excluding Religious Knowledge OR BAC C,D,E,G2 and industrial series with a pass in Maths or Economics subjects excluding Religious Knowledge OR Probatoire C,D,E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics or Economics. - Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers including Maths or Economics and any other paper excluding Religious Knowledge OR BAC C,D,E,G2 and industrial series with a pass in Maths or Economics (1) The examination shall be organized in one sitting to Cameroonians of both sexes, holders of GCE A/L or Baccalaureate or any equivalent diploma recognized by the Minister of Higher Education in addition to at least 5 O/L papers including English Language and Maths or Economics and excluding Religion knowledge. (2) The table below shows the required diplomas or certificates a candidate must have to be qualified to register for the common entrance in a given Department. An application files shall comprise the following documents: • A registration form to be collected from the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL), Bambili or MINESUP Yaounde; • A certified photocopy of the birth certificate dated not more than six (6) months; • A certified photocopy of GCE O/L or Probatoire dated not more than six (06) months; • A certified photocopy of GCE A/L or Baccalaureate or equivalent diploma dated not more than six (6) months; • Certified photocopies of transcripts of GCE O/L and GCE A/L or Probatoire and Baccalaureate; • A medical certificate which is less than three (03) months issued by a Doctor of the Public Service; • A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) FCFA as non-refundable registration fees delivered by NFC BANK S.A following the bank code 10025 00032 16201050747 67 • One self-addressed large envelope bearing stamps in conformity with the regulations in force; • Four passport size photographs. Complete files should be submitted to HITL Bamenda latest November 15, 2014.
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