MARAMTS Spring Business Meeting 1

MARAMTS Student Business Meeting
Thursday April 10, 2014
Regional Conference, Buffalo, NY
Opening Procedures
a. Call to Order: Logan Everhart, MARAMTS President @ 5:43pm
b. Roll Call: Alicia Drexel, MARAMTS Secretary
i. Officers
a. Logan Everhart, President present
b. Meaghan Bakey, Vice President present
c. Kara Whipple, Parliamentarian present
d. Alicia Drexel, Secretary present
e. Brooke Pantalena, Treasurer present
f. Kayla McNamara, Government Relations present
g. Conio Loretto, Student Affairs Advisor present
ii. Schools
a. Drexel University 0/0
b. Duquesne University 14/14
c. Elizabethtown College 39/40
d. Howard University 0/0
e. Immaculata University 5/5
f. Marywood University 8/15
g. Molloy College 6/12
h. Montclair State 10/20
i. Nazareth College 11/15
j. New York University 0/0
k. Radford University 2/2
l. Seton Hill University 3/12
m. Shenandoah University 7/7
n. Slippery Rock University 19/24
o. SUNY Fredonia 25/28
p. SUNY New Paltz 7/15
q. Temple University 0/0
c. Review Robert’s Rules: Kara Whipple, Parliamentarian
d. Approval of the agenda
Club Reports (each have one minute)
a. Drexel University
b. Duquesne University
1. Benefit concert for make a wish
2. Teo student to nation conference
3. Weekend camp for teens
4. Christmas caroling
5. Fundraise smores
6. Drum circles
Elizabethtown College
1. Volunteer/fundraising
2. mulit cultural experiences
3. open door recital
4. nursing center- volunteer
5. twice a month to daily living
6. almost all student to conference
7. make your own holiday- candy grams
Howard University
Immaculata University
1. Fundraising- just dance bake sales
2. Coffee houses
3. Bonding experience- club t-shirts
Marywood University
1. Caroling for chirstmas
2. Donated uke to st,joes bball
3. Whole note half note
Molloy College
1. Fundraising for Make-A-Wish AND conference - cabaret night
2. Coffee house- student from entire school perform
3. Singing and signing Conference
4. Karaoke
5. Community service- belair nursing home
6. Monthly swap shop
Montclair State
1. Three student to national conference
2. Monthly open-mic nights
3. MT t-shirts $700
4. MT buttons
5. Recital for MT students- to showcase their talents
Nazareth College
1. Uke master class at Fre
2. MT advocacy week
i. Lecture
ii. Drum circle flashmob
iii. Music nevers stops
3. Night of jazz
4. Relaxation night
5. Expand mini conference
6. Promote co-treating
7. 3 people to national
8. 15 to regional
New York University
k. Radford University
1. Community service- hosing partners
2. Spread the word to end the word
3. $841 from different fundraisers
4. advocacy project
l. Seton Hill University
1. Christmas caroling
2. Concert- Music Therapy students sang a song about love
3. Bi-monthly open mic nights
m. Shenandoah University
1. School wide variety show
2. Local nursing homes
3. 11 attended world conference
4. Bake sales
5. CD’s hand made guitar pics
6. Movie nights to involve the freshman
7. Benefit concert
8. Color run around the campus
n. Slippery Rock University
1. Fall concert
2. T-shirt sale
3. Tea, hot chocolate at each performance
4. Fridays once a month drum circle for high school students w disabilities
5. Fundraiser for make a wish foundation
6. Vocal improve workshop
o. SUNY Fredonia
1. 10 people attend passages
2. 8 people national conference
3. Participated in Nazareth conference
4. Safe Halloween
5. Singing telegrams
6. Fundraiser egg shakers bookmarks
7. Uke class
8. MT awareness week
i. Drum circle
ii. 4 speakers
iii. Recital for MT majors
p. SUNY New Paltz
1. 2nd semester as an active club!!
2. 15 active members
3. Sweatshirt fundraiser
i. Chap reps to conference
4. Monthly open mic night
5. Big plans for next year
q. Temple University
Officer’s Reports (each have two minutes)
a. Logan Everhart, President
1. Learning how to conduct meetings, agendas
2. Set up SSP
b. Logan Everhart, President-Elect
c. Meaghan Bakey, Vice President
1. Sitting in on prof meetings
2. Make conference more student friendly
3. Spring newsletter- send reports!!
d. Kara Whipple, Parliamentarian
1. By-laws
2. Swap shop
i. Be on time!
ii. Only 30minutes
e. Alicia Drexel, Secretary
f. Brooke Pantalena, Treasurer
1. Treasurer things- really interesting
2. Wrote a budget
3. Fundraisers
g. Kayla McNamara, Government Relations
1. Working on canning project
2. Contact with maria fey- gov relations chair on MAR
h. Conio Loretto, Student Affairs Advisor
1. Scholarships- winners during award ceremony
2. Honor of working with this e-board
3. Student forum- new at conference
4. Students Rock!!
Committee Reports (one minute per committee)
a. Logan Everhart: Student Service Project
1. 25 to women and children hospital
2. 20 to nursing home
b. Kara Whipple: By-Laws & Swap Shop
c. Brooke Pantalena: Fundraising
1. New fundraisers!
d. Kayla McNamara: Advocacy & SSAP
1. Canning Project for the Fender Music Foundation
i. Making it a competition
ii. Needs cans by 1:40 tomorrow
2. Document of Duties for Student Representatives on the STF’s
By-Laws: Kara Whipple
a. By-Law Revisions
1. Article IV, Section 6
i. Internship cite outside MAR region
ii. Open floor for discussion Radford motions, Duquensne seconds
a. Go into affect immediately
iii. Have not had issues with this so far
iv. Mostly pro
Check wording
vi. Motion to close floor naz, smta
2. Article V, Section 2 Sub-Section D
3. Article V, Section 2, Sub-Section J
4. Article IV, Section 9
5. Article IV, Section 10
6. Article VII, Section 1, Sub-Section D
7. Article VII, Section 2, Sub-Section B
8. Article VIII, Section 1, Sub-Section D
9. Article VIII, Section 5
10. Article VIII, Section 6
11. Article VIII, Section 2
12. Article VIII, Section 7
b. Motion to approve (passed tomorrow, must sit 24 hours)
News! : Meaghan Bakey
a. Electronic Registration
1. Motion to open floor, rad, np
2. Becoming member and register on same day didn’t work
3. Issues with accepting AMTA #
4. Button to contact someone was blank
5. Issue with passwords
6. Lump AMTA membership and conference registration together
7. Website looked sketchy, looked fake
8. Motion to close, Rad, naz
b. Conference Scholarship for students
1. Adding new scholarships to attend conference
2. APPLY!!!
III. Budget: Brooke Pantalena
c. Treasurer Report
d. What were Selling
e. Donations
Motion to move other things to tomorrow fre, SRU
Nominations for the 2014 – 2015 Year
a. Each positions give a brief description on your job
b. Motions to open floor for nominations for pres sum molloy
c. President
1. Motion to close the floor for nominations Fred motions, Nazareth
2. Motion to open floor for nominations for president elect Duquesne
motions, Elizabethtown seconds
d. President elect
1. Kristina Jewell
2. Motion to close the floor for nominations, Marywood motions, New
Paltz seconds
e. Motion to open the floor for nominations Nazareth motions, Marywood seconds
f. VP
1. Qiana Thomas
2. Rebecca Rossi
g. Motion to close the floor for nominations Molloy motions, Marywood seconds
h. Motion to open floor for nominations sum, Nazareth seconds
i. Parliamentarian
1. Abby Erdman
2. Elizabeth Anstead
j. Motion to close the floor Molloy motions, Slippery Rock University seconds
k. Motion to open the floor for nominations Marywood motions, Radford seconds
l. Secretary
1. Briana Sanford
2. Diana Abourafeh
m. Motion to close the floor Marywood motions, Immaculata seconds
n. Motion to open the floor for nominations Marywood motions, Radford second
o. Treasurer
1. Andrea Schaertel
p. Motion to close the floor Slippery Rock University motions, Marywood seconds
q. Motion to open the floor for nominations Fredonia motions, Nazareth seconds
r. Gov Relations
1. Alyssa Alderfer
2. Shane Sullivan
s. Motion to close the floor, Radford motions Molloy seconds
Raffle time!
Recess, duq, molloy seconds @ 6:50pm
Government Relations: Kayla McNamara
a. The Role of the Student Representative
Staying in Contact: Alicia Drexel
a. Facebook page
b. Chapter Representatives
i. Review duties
ii. Need to be more professional
a. Answering Emails{Logan says something}
iii. Suggestion to add an alternate chapter representative position at each
school chapter
iv. Need contact information from chapter representatives
Additional Business
a. Spring Newsletter School Report form
b. Outstanding Chapter Representative Award – Coming Soon
i. Recognize chapter representatives who are dedicated and go above and
beyond to increase communication between MARAMTS and their school
ii. Strongly recommended for next year’s board
c. Passages 2014: TBA
i. Seeking a school that is interested in hosting
a. I will send an email to every school in MAR asking for their input
d. National Conference 2014: Pursue Your Passion For Music
i. Thursday November 6 - Sunday November 9
ii. Louisville, KY
e. Graduate Program
i. President Elect’s Duties
f. Online Store? – {If there is time}
i. What is it?
i. Create a Standing Committee
Raffle Prizes