W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 N E W S L E T T E R GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIETY President Werner wishes you a Happy & Healthy New Year! JANUARY ELECTION The German American Society connects people with German and American heritage to enhance friendship and understanding, as well as cultural exchange. The Society’s mission is to support the German-American community in the Portland Metro Area through a variety of educational, social and benevolent programs. All Society members are encouraged to nominate other Society members to serve on the Board of Directors and to elect officers at the next quarterly membership meeting in January! The key responsibility is to provide leadership for our Society and our new Home. Nominating and voting are the privileges and great honor of membership! Nominate those, including yourself, whom you believe will carry out the mission and support the vision of the German American Society Portland as active, contributing members of Board of Directors. Please submit names of potential Board Members to Steve Easterday, Nominations Committee Member, at [email protected] or by telephone at 503.828.7144 Thank you! 2014 CALENDAR d/dining – k/kitchen – mk/max kada – bs/bierstube – 2nd fl/language – c/conference JANUARY Sat 04 Fri 10 Sat 11 Wed 15 Thurs 16 Fri 17 Sat 18 Tues 21 Wed 22 Fri. 24 Sat. 25 Sun. 26 Tues. 28 Fri. 31 DUV/d&K Lied/d&k Classes/2nd fl. BofD/d Ladies/d&k Lied/d&k Classes/2nd fl. GROW/d Member/d&k Lied/d&k Classes/2nd fl GROW/d Rose City/d Lied/d&k 4-11pm 7:30-11pm 10am-12:30pm 7-9pm 2-3pm 7:30-11pm 10am-12:30pm 12:30-3:00pm 6:30-10pm 7:30-11pm 10am-12:30pm 12-5pm 6:30-9pm 7:30-11pm FEBRUARY Sat. 01 Tues 04 Fri 07 Sat 08 Wed 12 Thurs 13 Fri 14 Sat 15 Tues 18 Wed 19 DUV/d&k Classes/2nd fl. Rose City/d Lied/d&k Classes Austrian/bs Ladies/d&k Lied/d&k Classes/2nd fl. GROW/d BofD/d 5-11pm 10-12:30pm 7-9pm 7:30-11pm 10-12:30pm 7-9pm 12-3pm 7:30-11pm 10-12:30pm 12-3pm 7-9pm Fri 21 Sat 22 Sun Fri 23 28 Lied/d&k Private/mk Classes/2nd fl. Private/mk GROW/d Lied/d&k 7:30-11pm 6-7pm 10-12:30pm 8am-10pm 12-5pm 7:30-11pm MARCH Sat 01 Tues 04 Fri 07 Sat 08 Thurs 13 Fri 14 Sat Tues Wed Fri Sun Fri 15 18 19 21 23 28 Classes/2nd fl. 10am-12:30pm DUV/d&k 5-11pm Rose City/d 7pm Lied/d&k 7:30-11pm Classes/2nd fl 10am-12:30pm Ladies/d&k 12-3pm Stammtisch 5:30pm Lied/d&k 7:30pm Classes/2nd fl 10:12:30pm GROW 12pm BofD/d 7pm Lied/d&k 7:30-11pm GROW/d 12pm Lied/d&k 7:30pm GAS WINTER 2014 NEWSLETTER MEMBERSHIP NEWS Please welcome our NEW… LIFETIME MEMBERS… Ed Wagner Steven & Katrinka Easterday Hans Boehm NEW MEMBER RECEPTION MEMBERS… Tabitha Schnake Michael Sorrell Sandy Sterzay Christopher Ackerman Sarah Cowley John & Carol Denny Maria Cannady Robert Wiltraut Steven & Beverly Norton Mary & Roger Burbank Daniela & Andrew Caine Jene Goldhammer Stan Schmidt Antonio & Vilasinee Edgar Nancy Van Mechelen Kenneth & Marcy Von Husen David & Rosanna Edgar Michael Ross Nancy Carr Tim Medearis Anne Bender Birgit Hayden Jason Peterson Thomas Coleman Scott & Kristin Buehrig Nicola & Felix Ballerstedt Paul Nelson Edward Nagel Bob & Anita Stadey 43 new Members gathered in the Alameda Bierstube on Sunday, November 10, to enjoy a little camaraderie and Gemütlichkeit at the firstever New Member Reception, hosted by the Membership Committee under the leadership of chair Dieter Engelhardt. President Werner, several Directors, and Sister Club representatives were on hand to introduce the Society’s facility and calendar of activities, as well as answer questions. The next semi-annual New Member Reception will be in May. The Membership Committee plans a special reception in January, for the Society’s valued Honorary Members, including those marking 50 years of membership in 2014 . 2013 HERITAGE BALL This year’s Heritage Ball was held on November 2 , in our new German Haus. The atmosphere was very festive, people loved being in our new Hall, and the Oktoberfest theme paired well with the S-Bahn from Canada, who entertained like the pros they are. Those in attendance loved the S-Bahn band, as was evidenced by the survey which was mailed out after the event. We also learned from that survey that a more formal venue for the Heritage Ball is preferred for the future. It might be an option to plan an additional Oktoberfest event in September or October. Thank you to all that attended, and we look forward to your attendance and support again next year. The complete results of the Survey will be shared at the next General Meeting. Mark your calendars for November 1, 2014 for the next Heritage Ball. nd Heritage Ball Committee 2 GAS WINTER 2014 NEWSLETTER Guenther Hoffmann speaks at the dedication of the Education Wing named in his honor. GSSOP Flourishing The GSSOP has had a busy autumn settling into its new classrooms. Inquiries about our language classes come in weekly and enrollment across 11 classes totals nearly 130. In October we celebrated our 50 year with a special program at which we unveiled the signage for the Günther Hoffmann Education Wing, named for the founder of the Deutsche Sprachschule Portland, launched in 1964. Early in November the pupils and their families joined in a longtime GSSOP tradition echoing a beloved custom in Germany: the St. Martin’s Day Lantern parade. On the first Saturday in December, St. Nikolaus, accompanied by his female helpmate (our Nikolaustag celebration combines various customs), delighted our pupils with treat bags after being welcomed by German carol singing and student recitations. Two of our advanced students have started their Deutsches Sprachdiplom testing, and a large number of pupils are preparing to take national AATG exams late in January. The program was again validated with a generous annual grant from the German government and continues its focus on building lifelong German language skills and appreciation of German culture. th Parents, friends, and pupils at the dedication of the Guenther Hoffmann Education Wing LIBRARY UPDATE ANNUAL FUND The GSSOOP Library, named for Martin Stelter, consisting of 800 German books, is up and running in the Gunther Hoffmann Education Wing. The Society Library in the foyer of the Alameda Building will be organized and in operation soon (with the assistance of willing volunteers). Anyone interested in volunteering to help with this project in encouraged to contact the Education Committee Chair, Christian Stehr, at 541-760-3883 or [email protected]. The fifth yearly fundraising effort, known as the ANNUAL FUND, is underway. The Society needs to receive cash donations each year to maintain its public charity status Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. If you have questions, contact Fundraising Chair Chris Stehr by phone at (541) 760-3883, or by e-mail at [email protected]. To those who have already sent in a contribution: THANK YOU! Thank you. 3 GAS WINTER 2014 NEWSLETTER A F FI LI AT E C LU BS GERMANS FROM RUSSIA OF OREGON & WASHINGTON (GROW) Kurt Radtke and Adi Hartfeil of GROW (Germans from Russia of OR & WA) are submitting this article to further strengthen the relationship between GAS and GROW. Kurt selected Anna Durand's 1st Place Youth Essay from the "Winter, 2013 GRHS NEWS" Addendum to better understand GROW. Adi obtained permission from the national GRHS (Germans from Russia Historical Society) organization to reprint parts of Anna's article. GROW is a chapter of the GRHS organization located in Bismarck, ND. Adi would also like to invite GAS members to our monthly GROW meetings at the GAS Deutsches Haus with the January meeting having a presentation on the main German dialects and interesting German words/phrases. See the new GROW website to learn more about GROW meeting times/dates and additional information. Because of limited print space Anna Durand's TEXT IS SELECTIVELY PROVIDED. In the 1700's life in Germany was hard and taxing. There had been religious wars, financial sufferings, and also political conflict. Some Germans were ready to leave! In 1763, the ruler of Russia, Czarina Catherine [sic, the Great], who was originally from Germany, invited people to move to Russia and made some promises to them, such as no taxes for a number of years, use of their own language, and no requirement to serve in the Russian military. Courageously waves of Germans began to immigrate, some to the Volga area and some nearer the Black Sea....Because many liberties in Russia were being taken away, many Germans from Russia moved to the United States of America between the years 1870 to 1917. Naturally they first went by sea voyage which took several weeks. They generally went to New York City and then traveled by train to the mid-west. The German Russians needed to learn the English language but did not have to join the military. They were free to do whatever job [sic, pleased them] and settle where they wanted. In America, they enjoyed having liberty in religion and politics....Life in Germany was hard. Life in Russia was even harder! Although many people never leave their country because it is costly and complicated, the Germans from Russia have moved twice and unfortunately undergone many hardships. Are the Germans from Russia finally at home in America? Time will tell. The most important thing is that wherever they went and wherever they go, the Germans from Russia take with them a love for peace and freedom. GERMAN LADIES RELIEF SOCIETY Greetings!! What a great year it was! We were able to have all our special events in our new, beautiful Hall. Our November Bazaar and Christmas Party were well attended and very festive. To all of our volunteers, MANY THANKS for your help and the fun we had working together. The Frauensverein donated all the dishes and silverware for our new kitchen for all to enjoy. Please note that the January meeting will be held on the third Thursday of the month (January 16). Friends and guests are always welcome to our meetings. We do serve lunch for a small fee. CONTACT US German American Society 5626 N. E. Alameda Street Portland, OR 97213 503-775-1585 email: [email protected] website: www.germanamerican.org Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 2:30 PM Happy New Year! Ruth Werner, President 4
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