Horizon Scan - July 2014. Updates on employment, learning skills and related mental health issues 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Consultations and Opportunities for Involvement MIND Guidance for Commissioners seeks expert by experience MIND seeks reviewer for ‘victims of crime’ booklet MIND seeks people with experience of anxiety & panic attacks Disability Rights UK Return To Work Project Work Capability Assessment (Year 5 call for evidence) Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Campaign Sheffield MH Strategy Consultation Care Act 2014 Consultation 2. Training 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills, Leeds, 7th/8th Aug, 2nd/3rd Oct. Youth Mental Health First Aid, Leeds, 29th & 30th September. Mental Health First Aid, Leeds, 18th & 19th, 29th & 30th Sept. MH First Aid Instructor for the Armed Forces training Leeds Mind Peer Support Summer programme Bradford Care Trust Training for Health Trainers Community Links New Courses for July/August/September 3 Conferences and Events 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Healthwatch Sheffield Mental Health Event, 24 July Service Users Network (Leeds & York), 6 August Understanding the Changing benefit System, London, 17 September From Diagnosis to Dialogue, Leicester, 17th – 18th September. Fit For The Future: Involve VCS event, 9 October. Love Arts Conversation, Leeds, 21st & 22nd October. Mindful Employer Conference, Leeds, 27 November. 4 Publications & Reports 4.1 4.2 Employment Support & Addiction: What Works: Report from Centre for MH Sick of being Unemployed: Health issues of out of work men: Report from the Men’s Health Forum & The Work Foundation Mental Healthwatch Handbook: downloadable NSUN publication Dignity & Opportunity For All: Securing the Rights of Disabled people in the Austerity Era: Just fair report. The Pursuit of Happiness: Centre Forum Commission think tank report. 4.3 4.4 4.5 1 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer? Report from Carer’s Trust on male carers. Risk, Safety and Recovery: ImROC briefing. White paper: The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation Mental Health First Aid reduces stigma in the Fire Service: Journal of Public Health. 5. General Information 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.14 5.15 5.16 Employment Tribunals and Early Conciliation: MIND legal newsletter ‘Revolutionary’service for young people in Sheffield: Daily Mail report Carers and Employment: Carer’s Trust “Journeys”: Workplace Leeds Peer Support Job Collective Sheffield mums want more information re mental health: CCG report Supporting Disabled Students: Disability Rights UK Medicine & mental health: Cambridge Varsity article Madness Made Me: Mary O’Hagan book Disabled People: A New Approach is Necessary: Centre for Welfare Reform report Mentally Ill People Need Help, Not Hounded: Polly Toynbee in the Guardian Coalition MPs raise concerns over reform for disabled students: Disabled Go news item. Mental Health Job Support Scheme Pilot: Guardian piece on a new Govt, Initiative. Everyday triumphs: Free guide for keeping a healthy heart for people with MH problems: British Heart Foundation WoW: The Wheel of Well-Being: Mental health Today article about a new website Supporting people with dementia in the workplace: Occupational health article Creative Writing Competition for Carers: Carers UK 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Volunteering & Job Opportunities Bradford Befriending Service looking for volunteers Support After Rape & Sexual Violence Leeds seeks volunteers Vacancies in voluntary & community in Yorks & Humber, Involve. Third Sector Recruitment Website. Voluntary Sector mental health jobs in Leeds (Volition) Other Voluntary Sector jobs in Leeds 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 Funding Opportunities People’s Postcode Trust New Cabinet Office fund for VCSE orgs Charities Evaluation Service (CES) Social Investment Business Regional Innovation Fund MIND funding for peer support Sheffield Fuse Fund BIG Potential: Big Lottery Funding for voluntary, community & social enterprises Trusthouse Charitable Foundation Lankelly Chase Foundation Santander Community Plus New lottery funding to tackle multiple & complex needs NCVO and BIG support for infrastructure organisations Funding Central Live UnLtd (funding for young people) Awards For All. Tudor Trust. 5.12 5.13 2 Horizon Scan – July 2014 Updates on Employment, Learning Skills and related mental health Issues 1 Consultations and Opportunities for Involvement 1.1 MIND guidance for commissioners MIND are involved in writing new guidance for commissioners on how we can make our mental health system fit for the future – both by reducing the number of people who need it and by reducing the impact we commission on the environment. The guide is being produced by the Joint Commissioning Panel for mental health and we’re looking for an experienced expert to join the reference group. For this role, the participant should have: - Personal experience of mental health problems - An interest in sustainability - The ability to contribute thoughtfully and effectively in high-level meetings and read relevant paperwork in preparation - The capacity to take part in approximately five meetings over the next nine months, some in London, some on the telephone and maybe some in other locations. Each meeting may last up to half a day. We’ll pay you £50 per half-day meeting and travel expenses will be reimbursed. The next meeting will take place on Thursday 11 September in Oxford. If you’d be interested in this role, please contact Helen at [email protected] with a couple of paragraphs on why you are interested and what skills or experience you think you’d bring to the role. You can see previous commissioning guides here. Please note, we might not be able to ask everyone who applies to join the reference group. 1.2 Reviewer wanted: victims of crime Being a victim of crime is a horrible experience for anyone. For those experiencing a mental health problem, the impact can be even worse. However, there is help available. As part of our Access to Justice campaign, we’ve designed a guide to inform people how to access this help and now we’re looking for five members to review it. Anyone can apply, but ideally you’ll have some experience of communicating with or being supported by the police or court system. You’ll need to read the guide and tell us how easy it is to understand, as well as any ideas on how you think we could improve it. If you would like more information or would like to apply to review the guide, please contact Andy in the Policy and Campaigns team. Please note, we might not be able to ask everyone who applies to get involved. Get in touch with Andy » [email protected] 3 1.3 Do you have experience of anxiety or panic attacks? Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in UK. We all feel anxious from time to time, but if you experience severe anxiety it can be really overwhelming. You might feel constantly fearful and out of control, making everyday life difficult to cope with. We’re updating our information about anxiety and panic attacks, and we’d like you to help us make it better. There are two ways to get involved: · Be a reviewer. If you have personal experience of anxiety or having a panic attack, you could get involved by reading our draft material and giving us your comments. · Share your quotes. We want to hear your experience of what it’s like to experience anxiety and panic attacks. We might even use your quotes (anonymously) in our information, to help support others. 1.4 Disability Rights UK Return To Work Project in conjunction with a number of partners Disability Rights UK is running an exciting initiative that is working with individuals and their families who have been forced out of work due to disability or long term health conditions and supporting them to return to employment. The purpose of the project is to highlight the challenges to people’s livelihoods that disability can cause but also to showcase the resources, opportunities and support available to them – or indeed the lack thereof. The scheme will run for 12 months and through film and media coverage we will be telling the stories of individuals as they try to return to work. Disability Rights UK would like to hear from people who are interested in participating in this project. The criteria are: You must have become unemployed in the last 12 months Your most recent salary must not have exceeded £40,000 per annum You wish to return to work and are prepared to actively pursue this aim You are aged 50 or under Please get in touch via email if you meet the criteria : [email protected] Please include the following information: Your age, last salary, previous occupation, what caused you to leave work and when it happened. Anyone meeting the criteria set out above will receive a response. 1.5 Work capability assessment: Year 5 call for evidence. This call for evidence is intended for organisations and individuals who have information on how the WCA is operating and further changes that may be needed to improve the process. (Open until 15th August) http://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/work-capability-assessment-year-5-call-forevidence 1.6 Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Campaign MIND’s “Taking Care of Business” campaign has recently been going through a bit of a transition period with the creation of a new team, Workplace Wellbeing, to further develop our work in this area. The team is focused on improving the knowledge, attitudes, policy and practice of employers, so people with experience of mental health problems 4 can obtain and retain good quality work, and thereby participate in society. They are keen to move things forward, and would love to hear from you to help them move in the right direction. You can tell them what sort of impact the campaign has had on you and/or your organisation by taking our survey. It should take no more than five minutes to complete, and as a thank you for your time, we are offering you the chance to win £20 in Marks & Spencers vouchers. In the meantime, you can still access our free resources online to help improve mental health at work, and we will be in touch soon with an update on the campaign. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8X73BYL?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Mind&utm_ campaign=4101572_TCOB+campaign+evaluation&dm_i=CZC,2FWSK,3M9MZ1,8VO5V,1 1.7 A Sheffield Mental Health Strategy for 2014 and beyond The last Sheffield Strategy for Mental Health and Well-Being was published in 2009. The Mental Health Partnership Board is now updating the strategy for the next five years to reflect recent Mental Health policy guidance and to recognise the views and wishes of service users and their carers and we need your help. We need to understand the experience of service users and carers who seek help when it is needed, and to understand what assists them in their journey of “recovery”. We need to find out what is working and what is not; what helps at those decisive moments and what does not? We want to know from you what you think needs to be different or changed over the next 3 – 5 years to improve the experience of getting help about mental health and illness. In particular: “If you could change three things about mental health services and support what would they be?” Please tell us why, particularly using your own personal experience if you can. To take part and find out more please visit http://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/getinvolved/Your-Views.htm and open ‘mental health strategy’. (If you are unable to access the internet, please contact Rachael Winterbottom on 0114 3051056 to request a paper copy of the webpage. 1.8 Care Act 2014: launch of care and support consultation The Department of Health is seeking views on how local authorities should deliver the care and support reforms in the 2014 Care Act. To read more, go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/care-act-2014-launch-of-care-and-supportconsultation To have your say, go to: http://careandsupportregs.dh.gov.uk/ The consultation is open until Friday 15 August. A further consultation on the reforms that come into effect from April 2016 - which include the cap on care costs - will take place this autumn. Care Act 2014 Part 1: factsheets. These provide an overview and the duties and powers local authorities will have in the future and can be viewed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/care-act-2014-part-1-factsheets 2 Training 2.1 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) 7th/8th August, 2nd/3rd October: 8:45am-4:30pm. This two day course aims to break down stereotypes and misinformation about suicide and gives participants an evidence-based approach to those at risk. 5 Participants will have a chance to analyse their own views about suicide, they will be introduced to the intervention model and given opportunities to observe and practise skills in effective suicide intervention. £195 (Bursary places available) To book please email: [email protected] . Tel: 0113 273 9675. 2.2 Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA), Leeds, 29th & 30th September. Community Links offer this internationally recognised two-day course specifically designed for those people that teach, work, live with or care for young people aged 11 - 18. This course teaches participants how to spot the early warning signs and symptoms of mental ill-health in young people. It provides information about topics such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, alcohol and drug use and explains the impact that mental ill-health in young people can have on adolescent development. A practical, skills based approach helps participants gain the confidence to offer meaningful support to young people in distress. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. both days. Cost £150, bursaries available. To book please contact: [email protected] 2.3 Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), Leeds, 18th & 19th August, 29th & 30th September 9:30 – 4:30 MHFA is an internationally recognised, accredited two-day course that teaches people how to recognise and respond appropriately to signs of mental ill health. The practical, skills based approach demystifies mental health problems and challenges the stigma and discrimination that surrounds mental illness. Participants will learn about anxiety, depression, psychosis and suicide and will gain an understanding about risk factors, signs and symptoms and the range of available treatments. This course is also offered with NOCN accreditation. Cost £150. Bursaries are available for individuals in Leeds meeting specific criteria please contact us for a booking form. To book please email: [email protected] 2.4 Free training to become a Mental Health First Aid Instructor for the Armed Forces The UK Government is funding the first 200 Instructor places in this landmark approach to helping the Armed Forces. This training package has been fully funded and is worth £3,012. Fully funded places are starting to fill up so apply now to be one of the first funded 200 instructors to serve the Armed Forces Community. As a trained Instructor you'll be able to help people spot the signs of mental ill health and to stop distress from getting worse. If you are serving in the Armed Forces, a Veteran, Family member of Serving or ex-Service personnel or Charitable Organisation working with the Armed Forces then you can apply. We have a few spaces left on 7-day instructor training in Belfast starting 9th September and Glasgow starting 30th September. For more information and to book now click here http://mhfaengland.org/instructor-training/instructor-armed-forces/ 2.5 Leeds Mind Peer Support Summer Programme Peer Support offers group work activities for people with mental health needs. Over the next few months we’re running a series of one-day workshops on a wide variety of topics. Most of these are well-established workshops we’ve been running for years, but we’re really excited to be delivering some new workshops which have been developed by our volunteers, such as Living with Migraines, and Feeling Good with Colour. 6 Anyone who wants to attend just needs to give me a call on 0113 305 5800 to book a place. As always, all activities are completely free of charge, though we do welcome donations to help us keep the service running. Also, places are limited and must be booked in advance. People don’t need a diagnosis to attend our groups – they’re for everyone who feels they would benefit from them. Luke Rushworth, Wellbeing Administrator, Leeds Mind, 0113 305 5800 2.6 Train to be a Health Care Trainer in Bradford Bradford District NHS Care Trust are offering a training course to train people to become Health Trainers will commence in September 2014. We are keen to recruit people with experience of working or living in the outer estate areas of Bradford and Keighley – and also people from the Roma, Central and East European, Gypsy & Traveller and Bangladeshi communities. The languages we are specifically looking for people to speak from within the Roma, Central and East European and Bangladeshi communities are Slovakian, Polish and Sylheti in addition to English. Application packs can be requested by e-mailing [email protected]. Please pass on this information to anyone interested in applying. Please note the deadline for receipt of completed application forms is 3pm, 15 August 2014. 2.7 Community Links : New Courses for July/August Safeguarding Adults Level 1 Clinical Risk including FACE SafeTALK (Suicide Awareness) (10th September, Leeds) Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Dementia Awareness Briefing (12th September, Huddersfield) First Steps in CBT (Cognitive Beahvioural Therapy) (19th September, Leeds) Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Dealing with Challenging Behaviour Introduction to Support Planning Introduction to Mindfulness (26th August, Leeds) Also: Dementia Awareness half day course 1st Aug £50 Further Steps in CBT 13th Aug £99 Responding to Self Harm for Schools 22nd Sept £99 For more details see: http://www.commlinks.co.uk/sites/training/page/coursesearch 3 Conferences and Events 3.1 Healthwatch Sheffield mental health event Healthwatch Sheffield, members of NSUN's Mental Healthwatch scheme, are holding a mental health engagement event on the 24 July, 2pm - 4pm at Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone St, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2HH 7 For more details and to book your place please visit their website. http://www.healthwatchsheffield.co.uk/events/health-wellbeing-board-mental-healthdiscussion-event 3.2 Leeds & York Partnership Foundation Trust Service User Network (SUN): August 6th The purpose of LYPFT’s Service User Network (SUN) is to work closely with mental health/learning disabilities service providers to explore what works well and what areas may need further improvement. You can download the group’s mission statement here (pdf 145 KB) The group is open to anyone who is currently using, or has used, LYPFT services. By attending SUN you will have the opportunity to share your experience and listen to the experiences of other people who access services. You will play a major role in highlighting areas of concern or areas where improvements to services could be made. Meetings are held on 1st Wednesday of each calendar month, 12-45 – 3.00pm at St Chad’s Community Hall, Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 5JT. Refreshments will be available and LYPFT can reimburse travel expenses. At the meeting on Wednesday 6th August, Gill Crawshaw from Volition is a guest speaker. Poster (pdf 165 KB). For information, contact: Bev Thornton tel 0113 30 56758 [email protected] or [email protected] 3.3 UNDERSTANDING THE CHANGING UK BENEFITS SYSTEM: supporting people with mental health conditions into employment Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th September, 2014 Bankside Community Space, 18 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0FD £250 + VAT per person This course is ideal for anyone supporting people with mental health conditions into employment including: employment specialists, occupational therapists and vocational support workers. The course will give you the confidence to help service users overcome their financial concerns about considering paid employment. It will enable you to ensure that they are claiming the benefits that they are entitled to and to calculate the financial impact that returning to work will have for them. It will also bring you up to date with the changes to the system and provide information on how the Welfare Reform Act is being implemented in practice. To make a booking, please download and complete the booking form and email it to [email protected] For more information please contact: Nicola Oliver, Centre for Mental Health, Tel: 020 7827 8300. Email: [email protected] 3.4 From Diagnosis to Dialogue, Wed 17th - Thurs 18th September, 2014 Stamford Court Conference Centre, University of Leicester, Manor Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 2LH We live in challenging times buffeted on all sides by competing priorities and shifting paradigms – are we now moving towards a period of transition, at a tipping point in the balance of power between the traditionally dominant and new emerging discourses and forms of practice? 8 More details from : ISPS UK, www.ispsuk.org OR EMAIL: [email protected] 3.5 Fit for the Future? Leeds, Thurs 9 October - Effective organisations scan the horizon and plan ahead. These days that's hard to do. Everything is changing demography, public services, technology, social attitudes. This conference will introduce you to some of the significant changes and consider what they mean for the VCS (Voluntary & Community sector). Join leading national thinkers and influencers from here in Yorkshire and Humber. More info: http://www.involveyorkshirehumber.org.uk/events/diary/fit-forthe-future-/ 3.6 The Love Arts Conversation: Save the date! Tuesday 21st Oct – Weds 22nd Oct. This 2 day event is a sort of conference mixed with a festival. The idea is to get you talking about mental health and creativity. The Love Arts Conversation is for everybody: artists, academics, NHS workers, arts organisations, people who’ve used mental health services, anyone. http://loveartsleeds.co.uk/love-arts-2014-is-coming/ 3.7 Mindful Employer Conference, Leeds, 27 November One of the country’s leading experts on work and health will be promoting positive mental health in the workplace at a conference in Leeds later this year. Dame Professor Carol Black, author of influential reports including Working for a Healthier Tomorrow and Health at Work, has agreed to be the keynote speaker at a Mindful Employer conference in November, hosted by legal firm Eversheds. The conference, organised by Leeds Mind/WorkPlace Leeds as part of the Mindful Employer initiative, will involve some of the city’s biggest employers. Under the theme ‘Achieving Positive Mental Health at Work in a Challenging Economy’, the conference will aim to lead the way on good practice around mental health in the workplace. The event will also include a series of industry-specific workshops, with the aim of supporting employers to work together to identify and overcome common difficulties such as workplace-related stress or cultures of stigma. One of the workshops will specifically address the issues faced by third sector employers. The Mindful Employer conference has been developed in partnership with the West Yorkshire CIPD Network and Leeds University Business School. Follow Mindful Employer Leeds on Twitter (@MindEmployerLds), call 0113 230 2631, or email [email protected] to find out more. 4 4.1 Publications & Reports Employment support & addiction: what works This briefing finds that IPS can help people with problematic substance use to enhance their employment prospects and their chances of recovery. Such a service run by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) successfully placed 84 people with drug or alcohol addiction into paid work in one year. http://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/publications/briefing48_IPS_addiction.a spx?ID=706&utm_source=Centre+for+Mental+Health+e- 9 bulletin&utm_campaign=e5644509d8Summer_email_bulletin_250614&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c0ac5acb39e5644509d8-83659869 4.2 SICK OF BEING UNEMPLOYED: The health issues of out of work men and how support services are failing to address them. This report from the Men’s Health Forum & The Work Foundation found that men, and particularly men who were previously employed in temporary or unstable positions and have a lower socio-economic status, have a higher risk of developing poor health as result of becoming unemployed than other groups. Moreover, men overall are less likely to access health services. Poor health can be a barrier to an effective and sustained return to work, and the government should consider utilising innovative pathways to address the health needs of unemployed men. http://www.theworkfoundation.com/DownloadPublication/Report/362_Men's_Health_Foru m2014.pdf 4.3 Mental Healthwatch Handbook: National User and Survivor Network In the coming months NSUN will be arranging training around the country based on our Mental Healthwatch Handbook. Please email them if you would like to join the scheme and find out more http://www.nsun.org.uk/assets/downloadableFiles/mentalhealthwatchhandbookv1april20 142.pdf 4.4 Dignity and Opportunity For All: Securing the Rights of Disabled people in the Austerity Era. This report by Just Fair finds that the UK government is in breach of its legal obligations to respect, protect and fulfill the human rights of disabled people. (Click here for full report). The report is the first comprehensive analysis of the extent to which the UK government is meeting its international obligations to realise the rights of disabled people in the austerity era. It examines the rights to independent living, work, social security, social protection and an adequate standard of living. http://just-fair.co.uk/uploads/Dignity_Opportunity_for_All_-_Full_report.pdf 4.5 The Pursuit of Happiness: A new ambition for our mental health. The Centre Forum Commission’s think-tank's report 'The pursuit of happiness' has been published: “Mental health problems are the biggest contributor to poor wellbeing. Therefore, in attempting to increase the proportion of the population who are feeling good and functioning well, and reducing the prevalence of misery, more needs to be done to help people recover from mental health problems.” The report includes the recommendation that: “All organisations with more than 500 employees should work to become mental health friendly employers.” http://www.centreforum.org/assets/pubs/the-pursuit-of-happiness.pdf 4.6 10 Male Carers: More than four in ten (42%) of the UK’s unpaid carers are male. The report from the Carer’s Trust and the Men’s Health Forum ‘Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer?’ looks into the experiences and needs of male carers to help raise awareness of the fact that male carers may not be getting the support they need. http://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/male-carers-husband-partner-dad-son-carer 4.7 ImROC briefing: Risk, Safety and Recovery Mental health services can manage risk more effectively by involving service users in planning for safety, says a new briefing paper published as part of the Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC) programme. http://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/publications/risk_recovery_and_safety.aspx?ID= 708&utm_source=Centre+for+Mental+Health+e-bulletin&utm_campaign=e5644509d8Summer_email_bulletin_250614&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c0ac5acb39e5644509d8-83659869 4.8 White Paper: The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation This new White Paper from NHS Improving Quality examines leading trends in change and transformation from multiple industries across the world. http://www.nhsiq.nhs.uk/resource-search/publications/white-paper.aspx 4.9 Mental Health First Aid helps reduce stigma in Fire Service A new study published in the Journal of Public Mental Health demonstrates that MHFA training within the Fire Service can reduce the stigma linked with mental health problems and increase confidence in line managers to help someone experiencing a problem. The popular publication Mental Health Today as well as Fire Magazine reported on the news – a great step forward in raising awareness around the importance of mental health knowledge within the sector. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=17465729&volume=13&issue=2&articleid=17112960&show=html 5 General Information 5.1 Employment Tribunals and Early Conciliation Following changes to employment tribunal procedure which came into effect on 6 April 2014 under The Employment Tribunals (Early Conciliation: Exemptions and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2014, anyone seeking to bring a claim before an Employment Tribunal, including employment discrimination claims under the Equality Act 2010 on mental health grounds, will now have to notify the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) by completing an ACAS Early Conciliation Form and provide the tribunal with an ACAS Early Conciliation Reference Number. ACAS recommend the use of Early Conciliation as it can help resolve the majority of workplace disputes which may lead to an employment tribunal, and this also includes unfair dismissal claims, disputes about redundancy payments or selection procedures, rights to flexible working, and equal pay claims. The form is available by ringing ACAS on 0300 123 11 22. Information taken from the the MIND legal newsletter. http://www.mind.org.uk/media/971480/legal-newsletter-june-2014-issue16.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Mind&utm_campaign=4337168_Legal+newsle 11 tter+issue+14&utm_content=LegalnewsletterJune2014&dm_i=CZC,2KYKW,3M9MZ1,9F B5M,1 5.2 Stephen Fry supports pilot for ‘revolutionary’ service for young people in Sheffield A new website that helps young people find local mental health services quickly and easily has been launched with support from Stephen Fry. The Find Get Give website, which is being piloted in Sheffield among a number of other UK locations, can be found at www.findgetgive.com. Stephen Fry said: "There are organisations across the UK doing marvellous work to support and help young people with their mental health challenges. But finding that support needs to be quick and easy for young people, otherwise there are real risks of not being able to reach those most in need of help. "Find Get Give is a great initiative that helps tackle this problem and gives young people a voice to feedback on the mental health support they receive, which is so important to make that support even better." Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-2668068/FRY-HELPS-LAUNCHMENTAL-HEALTH-SITE.html#ixzz37RZIkAAU 5.3 Carers and employment The Carer’s Trust can give information about your rights as a carer with regard to employment. Over three million people in the UK combine work with caring responsibilities. Legislation from 2004 recognised the need for greater support to help these carers. Local Authorities should now take into account a carer's wish to work or undertake training when doing a Carers' Assessment. Taking on caring should not mean that you must automatically think you have to give up work. http://www.carers.org/help-directory/carers-and-employment 5.4 Workplace Leeds Peer Support ‘Journeys’ Job Collective: “Led by skilled people with lived experience of Mental Health difficulties; Involvement in social events; Opportunities for skills and personal development; No job seeking pressures” Tel: (0113) 230 2631. Fax:(0113) 278 4710. E-mail: [email protected] 5.5 New mums in Sheffield want more information about mental health services Sheffield CCG reports that nearly 500 women across Sheffield have given their opinions on mental health services for pregnant women and new mums in a survey that has revealed that there are significant gaps in the information about services available to women in the city. http://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/news/New-mums-in-Sheffield-want-more-informationabout-mental-health-services.htm 5.6 Supporting Disabled Students: Disability Rights UK say: “We can provide advice to disabled students who are studying in England and support students who are studying in Wales and Scotland with general information on the Equality Act, welfare benefits and access to Higher Education. - See more at: 12 http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/supporting-disabled-students 5.7 Medicine and mental health There’s still a long way to go in overcoming the stigma of mental health in a field that equates speaking out with weakness. Article about mental health in the medical profession from the Cambridge Varsity magazine. http://www.varsity.co.uk/comment/7368?utm_source=%27see+me%27+Contact+Database+ Meta+List&utm_campaign=57a640b7beMHTP_27_06_20146_27_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9b89ec6581-57a640b7be37179285&mc_cid=57a640b7be&mc_eid=97cf9047b8 5.8 Madness Made Me: a Memoir After her journey through madness Mary O’Hagan realised the mental health system and society did more harm than good. 'Madness Made Me' is a myth-busting account of madness and our customary responses to it through the lens of lived experience. O’Hagan’s journey took her from the psychiatric hospital to the United Nations and many places in between as a leader in the international mad movement. Her fundamental message is that madness is profoundly disruptive but full human experience. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Madness-Made-Me-AMemoir/dp/0473279800/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1403615843&sr=1-1catcorr&keywords=madness+made+me 5.9 Disabled People: A new approach is necessary: A blog post ‘Assessing the Assessors’ published by the Centre for Welfare Reform, (CWR) drew on the experiences of 884 people who had been through a Work Capability Assessment. They described how they had been treated through the assessment process and what impact it had on their lives. http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/20623 5.10 Mentally ill people need to be helped, not hounded: Guardian piece by Polly Toynbee looking at ‘parity of esteem’, including an interesting section with an interview with a Jobcentre Manager about the realities of pressurising people with mental health difficulties to get work. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/08/mentally-ill-need-help-notbullying-by-the-state 5.11 Coalition MPs raise concerns over reform of support for disabled students: Disabled Go news item about Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs raising concerns over government plans to “reform” the system of higher education support for disabled students. The disabled Tory MP Paul Maynard was among coalition MPs who questioned the plans to focus disabled students’ allowance (DSA) on those with the highest support needs http://www.disabledgo.com/blog/2014/07/coalition-mps-raise-concerns-over-reformof-support-for-disabled-students/#.U8zZ_00g9zk 13 5.12 Mental health job support scheme piloted Guardian article about a government pilot of “ways to get more people with mental health problems into work by combining earlier treatment with employment support.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28281839 5.13 Everyday Triumphs A free guide for keeping a healthy heart for people with a mental health problem. People with a severe mental health condition have a greater risk of developing coronary heart disease than the general population. This booklet helps mental health service users take small steps towards a lifestyle that’s good for your heart and is full of useful facts, practical tips and advice. http://www.bhf.org.uk/publications/view-publication.aspx?ps=1002510 5.14 WoW: The Wheel of Well-Being: A project that aims to help people to improve their moods, reduce the risk of depression and strengthen relationships has been launched. The www.wheelofwellbeing.org (WoW) website provides users with a range of material from self-help to formulating your own mental health strategy. Aimed at those with mental ill health and professionals, the site provides a range of tips and ideas. Built around ‘six ways to wellbeing’ the site explores areas including body, mind, connecting and caring. http://www.mentalhealthtoday.co.uk/new-website-launched-to-help-people-to-devisetheir-own-mental-health-strategy.aspx 5.15 Supporting people with dementia in the workplace: Occupational Health article: “Dementia is a national challenge and businesses are not immune. With an ageing population, not only will the average customer be getting older and be more likely to be affected by some form of dementia, but employees will also increasingly be dealing with caring responsibilities for loved ones with the condition”, says Alzheimer’s Society’s George McNamara. http://www.personneltoday.com/hr/supporting-people-dementia-workplace/ 5.16 Creative writing competition for carers The first ever Carers UK creative writing competition is now open for entries! We would love to hear from whether you’re an experienced writer or someone who has never written a poem or short-story before. http://www.carersuk.org/how-you-can-help/writing-competition 6 Job Opportunities, Volunteering etc. 6.1 Befriending Service at BAMHAG (Bradford & Airedale Mental Health Advocacy Group) is looking for Volunteers! Jack Smith, the Befriending Service Project Co-ordinator is starting to recruit, train and support people to become volunteer befrienders to help people with mental health difficulties become less isolated. Having experience of mental 14 health difficulties is viewed positively. If you would like to do this, or would like to be referred for a befriender, please contact Jack on tel. 01274 770118, email [email protected] or write to him at BAMHAG, First Floor, Tradeforce Building, Cornwall Place, Bradford BD8 7JT 6.2 Volunteer for Support After Rape & Sexual Violence Leeds (SARSVL) SARSVL is a much needed service offering support to women and girls who have been affected by rape or sexual violence at any time in their lives. Our aims include raising awareness and understanding of sexual violence, challenging and changing public attitudes, and reflecting the community we serve by encompassing the diversity of women and girls in Leeds. We are currently recruiting women volunteers to help deliver our Support Services telephone, text, email, face to face. The deadline for completed applications is 8th August 2014. We're particularly interested in hearing from women who will help us reflect the whole community we strive to serve, including older women, women with disabilities and BME women of any age. You can find out everything, and download an application form, here Any woman applying for our Helpline Volunteer Training must be able to make all the dates of all sessions including our Selection Evening. 6.3 Vacancies in other voluntary and community organisations in Yorkshire & Humber, both paid and voluntary can be found at the Involve Yorkshire & Humber site here. http://www.involveyorkshirehumber.org.uk/jobs/jobs/ 6.4 Third Sector volunteer recruitment website ‘Charities can post their volunteering vacancies through our recruiter services and wouldbe volunteers can search from hundreds of exciting opportunities that match the skills they have developed in their daily working life to positively impact a charity. Charities get the benefit – you get the satisfaction.’ http://volunteering.thirdsector.co.uk/jobs/yorkshire-and-humber/ 6.5 Voluntary sector mental health jobs in Leeds and surrounding area can be found advertised on the Volition site: http://www.volition.org.uk/ Particularly this month there are vacancies at Leeds Mind’s WorkPlace Leeds (Employment Service) for a team leader and two employment specialists, based at De Lacey House, Abbey Road, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 Closing date for all posts: 12 noon Wednesday 16th October 2013. 6.6 Other Voluntary Sector jobs in Leeds: http://doinggoodleeds.org.uk/jobs/ 7 Funding Opportunities 15 7.1 Consultation: New fund to help VCSE organisations become more sustainable There is still time to respond to this survey from The Cabinet Office. Views are being sought on a new £40 million fund to help voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations secure their futures. The deadline for responses is 24 July. To read more and respond to the consultation, go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/new-fund-to-help-vcse-organisationsbecome-more-sustainable 7.2 Charities Evaluation Service (CES) bursary scheme for non-London organisations Charities that are based outside London and meet the eligibility criteria could receive a bursary to attend a CES training course at our training venue in London. CES have recently been awarded a grant from The Lankelly Chase Foundation to offer a bursary scheme for non-London organisations to attend CES training. Who is eligible? Any registered charity in England that is NOT based in a London borough and that works with the following groups: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender/ Refugee Community Organisation/ Asylum/ Black Asian and Minority Ethnic/ (dis)ability/ women/ marginalised or hard to reach groups and that has 15 or fewer full-time equivalent paid staff. Any other registered charity that is not in a London borough that works with any groups but that falls in our small pricing category and employs 5 or fewer full-time equivalent paid staff (where it is an organisation and not a consultant or sole trader). http://www.ces-vol.org.uk/training/bursary-scheme 7.3 Social Investment Business 38% of charities work in the 20% most deprived communities in UK. This is compared to just 12% of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs). To direct investment into these areas, the Social Investment Business (SIB) provides a tailored package of support and finance called Local Impact Funds. These funds will provide investment readiness support and investments of, typically, less than £250,000 which are put into small charities and social enterprises across the country. SIB has developed Local Impact Funds to attract funds from the EU, national and local investors, and use them to stimulate a local social enterprise economy, creating jobs in organisations delivering vital services in their community, such as housing, health and care for young people, disabled people and older people. For more information and to find out about the pilot schemes, visit the SIB website. 7.4 Regional Innovation Fund now available A Regional Innovation Fund of £2.5 million is now available to promote the adoption of innovation and spread of best practice across the NHS. The fund is open to NHS England, as well as the NHS and Academic Health Science Networks. Bids can be developed alone, or through collaboration with other partners such as providers, local government, the thirdsector, private healthcare and industry. For further information, go to: http://www.england.nhs.uk/2014/05/06/rif-2/ 7.5 MIND funding for peer support To further develop our peer support work, MIND are launching a Peer Support small grants programme, open to groups, organisations and projects in England. Eight grants of up to £5000 will be awarded. 16 http://www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/peer-support-grant-fund/ 7.6 Sheffield FUSE Fund: You could be eligible to receive up to £350 worth of services and support for your voluntary group or organisation. Funded by Sheffield City Council's Voluntary Sector Grant Fund, a new voucher scheme is available for organisations which represent / serve disadvantaged communities, primarily; • • • • • • BME people disability / health carers older people young people and children LBGT. Organisations with an annual income of less than £100,000 will be prioritised. The scheme also supports groups that are user-led, and with no paid staff. If eligible, you will be entitled to up to £350 worth of services from approved providers*. Apply online now, or you can download the application form and return it to us. Full details are available on the FUSE website. Vouchers will be issued on a first come, first served basis. The scheme runs until 31 March 2015. NB. Applications from organisations who haven't received a voucher in 2013-14 will be prioritised initially. If you have any queries, please email [email protected] 7.7 BIG Potential: Big Lottery Fund has announced the launch of Big Potential, a £10 million fund to help voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE) in England get investment ready. Eligible organisations will be able to access specialist one to one support before making an application for grants of between £25,000 and £75,000 to undertake more in-depth investment readiness work with one of Big Potential’s approved providers. The scheme is open to applications from 10 March. http://www.sibgroup.org.uk/bigpotential/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Mind&utm_ca mpaign=3747974_Ecominds+news+update%3a+Spring+2014&utm_content=BIG&dm_i= CZC,28BYE,3M9MZ1,82WMM,1 7.8 Trusthouse Charitable Foundation: Trusthouse supports charities and not-for-profit organisations with awards for work that addresses rural issues or urban deprivation. Organisations providing community support, healthcare or arts, education or heritage activities for vulnerable or deprived people can apply for awards of up to £30,000. http://www.trusthousecharitablefoundation.org.uk/index.html?utm_medium=email&ut m_source=Mind&utm_campaign=3747974_Ecominds+news+update%3a+Spring+201 4&utm_content=trusthouse&dm_i=CZC,28BYE,3M9MZ1,84TOM,1 7.9 Lankelly Chase Foundation are keen to hear about work led by people with lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage. http://www.lankellychase.org.uk/accessing_funding/funding_opportunities 17 7.10 Santander Community Plus Santander Foundation has launched a new fund to support local charities helping disadvantaged people across the UK. Santander Community Plus will provide grants of up to £5,000 for salaries, equipment or materials. It is open to small local charities or local projects of national charities. Applications can be made by visiting anyone of Santander’s 1,300 branches and completing a short nomination form, which can then be dropped off in the special Community Plus post box in the branch. There are no closing dates and entries will be “regularly considered” by a panel of staff drawn from across the region. Successful charities will be notified within two months of submitting their nomination. More information is available on the website. http://www.santanderfoundation.org.uk/community-plus.aspx 7.11 New lottery funding to tackle multiple and complex needs BIG has launched the new funding scheme for partnership-led approaches to delivering services for people with multiple and complex needs in 15 priority areas including West Yorkshire. The scheme’s focus is on people experiencing at least two of the following: mental ill health, substance misuse, homelessness and reoffending. BIG expects each partnership to be Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) led, include statutory representation and genuinely involve those in need in the design and delivery of projects. http://goo.gl/Q310w 7.12 NCVO and BIG support for infrastructure organisations The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and the Big Lottery Fund have launched their £6m Assist programme to support infrastructure organisations. An estimated 1,400 organisations in England will be eligible to apply for grants, to pay for training, consultancy and other development support. Organisations will be able to register and apply via the Assist website http://www.bigassist.org.uk/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Mind++CharityEmail&utm_campaign=1720048_Ecominds+Autumn+2012&dm_i=CZC,10V74,3M9MZ 1,353RC,1 7.13 Funding Central is a free funding database that any user led organisation (DPULO) can use to find out what funding is available http://www.fundingcentral.org.uk/Default.aspx 7.14 Live Unltd. If you’re 11- 21 you could get £500 for a community idea. Live UnLtd backs people aged 11-21 who want to change their world for the better. We do this by providing cash Awards and support to launch projects. If you can see a challenge that you want to take on and turn into a project then Live UnLtd can help you make it happen. http://www.liveunltd.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Mind++CharityEmail&utm_campaign=1364399_Mind+Link+247&dm_i=CZC,T8RZ,1KOUJD,2E23Y,1 7.15 Awards for All. A small grants programme, which aims to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. You can apply for between £300 and £10,000. For more information on how to apply visit http://www.awardsforall.org.uk/ or ring 0845 4102030 18 7.16 Tudor Trust supports the social, emotional and financial needs of people at the margins of our society, and are particularly interested in helping smaller, under-resourced organisations which offer direct services and which involve the people they work with in their planning. Visit the website for more information. http://www.tudortrust.org.uk/ 19 Calendar of events (in date order) – July 2014 onwards Date 23/7/14 24/7/14 24/7/14 4&5/8/14 6/8/14 7&8/8/14 15/8/14 15/8/14 15/8/14 17/9/14 17&18/9/14 18&19/8/14 29&30/9/14 29&30/9/14 2&3/10/14 9/10/14 21&22/10/14 27/11/14 20 Event Deadline for People’s Postcode applications Deadline for applications to VCSE sustainability fund Healthwatch Sheffield MH event Location N/A Organisation Postcode Trust 7.1 N/A Cabinet Office 7.2 Sheffield 3.1 Youth MH First Aid training Service User Network (Leeds & York) ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Close of Work Capability Assessment consultation Close of Care Act 2014 consultation Deadline for applications for Health Care Trainers training Understanding the Changing Benefits System From Diagnosis to Dialogue MH First Aid training Youth MH First Aid MH First Aid training ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Fit For The Future The Love Arts Conversation Mindful Employer Conference Leeds Leeds Leeds N/A Healthwatch Sheffield Community Links LYPFT Community Links DWP 2.2 3.2 2.1 1.4 N/A Bradford Govt Publications Bradford Care Trust 1.8 2.6 London Centre for Mental Health ISPSUK Community Links Community Links Community Links Community Links Involve Leeds PFT Workplace Leeds 3.3 Leicester Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds 3.4 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.1 3.5 3.6 3.7
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