Turf quality concept for stadium pitches in the German Bundesliga Mueller-Beck, K. and H. Nonn Introduction T he turfgrass pitches in the stadiums of the First and Second “Bundesliga” have to offer an optimal pitch quality to guarantee a fair match service according to the rules. Besides the sportive and protective functions of the turfgrass also the visual aspects for TV broadcasting are considered. Fig. 1: Sward density measured by ground cover rate. Fig. 2: Water infiltration rate measured by double-ring infiltrometer. To ensure the high quality of the turfgrass surface, the Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL), who is responsible for the organisation of the “German Soccer League” (Bundesliga), has set up an expert team in 2011, which developed within one year a three stage quality concept. Fig. 3: Shear strength measured by vane apparatus. Stage 1: Evaluation and monitoring system (since season 2012/2013); Stage 2: Further education program (in implementation phase); Stage 3: Annual Award “Pitch of the Year” (in preparation). Fig. 4: Evenness measured by level indicator (optional). This article presents and explains the content and results of the quality concept’s Stage 1 “evaluation and monitoring system”. 4 th ETS Conference 2014 The curves in figure 6 are showing a decline for the turf quality from the beginning of the season to late winter. With the start of the second half in the Bundesliga (end of January) the quality is increasing. The reasons for this are the applications of maintenance and renovating procedures as overseeding or renewing of the sods. Additionally, in spring the plants growing season starts and regeneration growth begins. Results 1. General evaluation The subjective estimation of the pitch quality by the two team captains and the referee directly after the match, based on the individual playing experi- Measurements of the quality parameters are done by the groundsmen. The methods are based on European or German standards (Table 1). This standardized basis allows for the comparison of the data among each other, and for the pooling with later data to find and compare trends. The above-mentioned standards were used as target value. When there are no adequate minimum requirements defined by the standards, the values identified during the measuring periods can be used as threshold for the future. During the season 2012/2013 the measurement of the specific quality parameters was conducted everywhere at the same time (within 1 week), and repeated 8 times during the playing 111 Practical Paper Fig. 5: Position of the measuring points on the pitch (SD = sward density, W = water infiltration rate, S = shear strength). This assessment system, which was introduced in the season 2012/2013, is based on two parts and is obligatory for all clubs in the First and Second Bundesliga. 2.Measurement of the following quality parameters: sward density, water infiltration rate, shear strength and evenness (figures 1 to 4) at eight given times during the playing season on predetermined measuring points (figure 5). During the season 2012/2013 the pitch quality in the Bundesliga was rated an average of 3.9 (min. 3.4 end of February and max. 4.5 mid of May), which is indicating a very good pitch quality (figure 6). The quality rating for the pitches in the second league reached the average of 3.6 (min. 2.8 beginning of February and max. 4.4 mid of September) which means a good quality aspect too. 2. Measuring and Monitoring Stage 1: Evaluation and monitoring system 1. General evaluation of the pitch quality by both team captains (guest and home) and the referee on each Matchday. ence, uses a five-scale ranking from 1 = poor to 5 = excellent with a comment function. The rating is transmitted online to the DFL and is stored in and interpreted by using a database. The additional comments to the ratings allow to draw conclusions from the reasons for positive or negative assessments. These comments are helpful for the groundsmen to initiate specific maintenance procedures. Fig. 6: Ranking of turfgrass quality evaluation during playing season 2012/2013 (average of each Match day in “First Bundesliga” (BL) and “Second Bundesliga” (2.BL)). Quality criteria EU or German standard Sward density DIN EN 12231:2003-07, method B Water infiltration rate DIN EN 12616:2003-07, method B Shear resistance DIN 18035-4:2012-01 Evenness DIN 18035-4:2012-01 Tab. 1: Quality criteria and standards for evaluation. Sward Density (%) SD 1 SD 2 SD 3 SD 4 SD 5 SD 6 SD 7 SD 8 SD 9 cw 32 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 cw 40/41 97 96 97 97 96 97 97 96 97 cw 32 cw 40/41 Water infiltration Rate (mm/h) WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 mean mean mean mean 45 72 79 42 55 68 66 49 cw 32 cw 40/41 Shear Strength (kPa) WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 mean mean mean mean 48 50 53 52 57 56 47 63 cw = calender week Tab. 2: Example of results of the quality tests at different times (cw 32 and cw 40/41) in one soccer field, the BayArena Leverkusen (“First Bundesliga”). season. As an example, the test results of the stadium in Leverkusen for two measuring periods are shown (table 2). Now, as a result of the first measurement period, the data, averaged over the season and over all stadiums, serve as base mean value for the quality. Measuring the evenness was optional and therefore it is not considered in the results. On average, over the complete season of the Bundesliga, the following results were ascertained: )) )) )) 90 % sward density; 30 mm/h water infiltration rate; 60 kPa shear strength. These data serve as threshold value for future good quality turf on the stadium pitches. Conclusion The collection of objective, measurable parameters and their correlation with subjective ratings of turf quality, establish a clever strategy for the management of the stadium pitches quality. Furthermore the regular control and documentation of the specific criteria provides the groundsmen in charge with useful decision guidance for the safeguarding of the turf quality. Measuring and evaluation attest a high quality standard in the stadiums of the German Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga. Potentially the present measurements could be completed with the introduction of other quality parameters, like resiliency, strength reduction, ball roll distance to mention but a few. The positive acceptance and the implementation of stage 1 of the DFL quality concept by the groundsmen, and the rising attendance for education and advanced training (stage 2) acknowledge the significance of both quality levels: quantitative data and qualitative information. Based on the positive experience with stage 1 implementation of the turf quality concept, now the basis for stage 2 “education and advanced training” has been laid. This then leads to the annual Award “Pitch of the Year” (stage 3). The DFL-expert team is confident, that the high quality standard of the German Bundesliga stadiums will permanently maintained and even enhanced. Annex: „Turf quality concept for stadium pitches in the German Soccer League” Authors: Dr. Klaus Mueller-Beck President German Turfgrass Society Warendorf, Germany [email protected] Dr. Harald Nonn EUROGREEN GmbH R&D Turfgrass Science Betzdorf, Germany [email protected] 1124 th ETS Conference 2014
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