MOST IMMEDIATE BY SPEED POST/S1>ECIAL MESSE GER F. No. CPS 4-212013- FSM Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Krishi Bhawan, ew Delhi. Dated: 3rd ovember, 2014 Subject: Minutes of the meeting on "Evolving Strategies for Enhancing Wheat production with special reference to Management of Wheat Rust and Kamal bunt" held on 16.1 0.2014 under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner at Lucknow -reg, The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith a copy of the minutes of the meeting on "Evolving Strategies for Enhancing Wheat production with special reference to Management of Wheat Rust and Kamal bunt" under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner held on 16.10.2014 in Lucknow for information and necessary action. Distribution:A.ICAR 1. DG (ICAR) & Secretary (DARE), Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 2. DDG (Crop Sciences), Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 3. Director, DWR (ICAR), Agrasain Road, Kamal, (Haryana) 4. Director, Central Soil Salinity Research lnstt. (CSSRI, ICAR), Kamal. B. SAUs/State Govt. 1. Vice Chancellor, CCS HAU, Hissar 2. Vice Chancellor, PAU, Ludhiana 3. Vice Chancellor, SKRAU, Bikaner 4. Vice Chancellor, GBPUAT, Pant Nagar 5. Vice Chancellor, SKUAST (Jammu), Jammu 6. Vice Chancellor, CSKHP Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palarnpur 7. Vice Chancellor, SBBPUA&T, Modinagar, Meerut 8. Principal Secretary, Deptt. of Agriculture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow 9. Director, General (Agriculture), Govt. of Haryana, Krishi Bhawan, Panchkula, Chandigarh (Haryana) 10. Commissioner of Agriculture, Govt. of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Sachivalaya, Jaipur, Rajasthan 11. Director of Agriculture, Govt. of Punjab, 85-86, Sector-34, Ghandigarh 12. Director of Agriculture, Govt. of UP, Krishi Bhawan, Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, Lucknow (UP) 13. Director of Agriculture, Govt. ofHP Krishi Bhawan, Valauganj, Shimla 14. Director of Agriculture, Govt. ofUttarakhand, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 15. Director of Agriculture, Govt. of J&K, Jammu & Kashmir 16. Managing Director, State Seed Corporations UPIHP/J&KlUttrakhand/Haryanai Punjab and Rajasthan sca, contd ..2/- -2C.DAC 1. Plant Protection Advisor, Dte. of Plant Protection & Quarantine, Govt. of India, NHIV, Faridabad-120001 (Haryana) 2. CMD NSC/SFCI, Beej Bhawan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi-l 1001214-15 3. Director, Directorate of Wheat Development, GoI, CGO. Complex, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad 4. Director, Directorate of Sugarcane Development, Lucknow 5. Director, Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre, DAC, Near, Krishi Vistar Sadan, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-llOOl2 6. PPS to Secretary (A&C), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 7. PPS to Agriculture Commissioner, Krishi Bhawan, new Delhi 8. PS to Joint Secretary (Crops), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 9. PS to Joint Secretary (Seeds), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 10. PS to Director (Crops), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 11. PS to Additional Commissioner (Crops), Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi D. Others 1. Director, P&PR Unit, ISRO Hqs, Antariksh Bhawan, New BEL Road, Bangalore560231 2. Director, Space Application Centre, ISRO, Ahmemdabad 3. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), New Delhi CG Block, National Agricultural Science Center (NASC) Complex DPS Marg, New Delhi. ****** Proceedings of the meeting on "Evolving strategies for enhancing wheat production with reference to Management of Wheat Rust and Karnal Bunt diseases" held at Lucknow on 16.10.2014 A meeting on "Evolving Strategy for enhancing wheat production with reference to Management of Wheat Rust and Kamal Bunt diseases" under the chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India was held at Yojana Bhawan , Lucknow on 16.10.2014. Director, Directorate of Agriculture, Govt of Uttar Pradesh welcomed the participants. The list of participants is annexed. • Agriculture Commissioner, GOI has briefed a purpose of the meeting and focused to find out the strategies to control the incidence of Yellow Rust and Kamal Bunt diseases of wheat in north-western plain zone. • Principal Scientist, DWR, Karnal made presentationion on Evolving Strategies for enhancing wheat production with special reference to Management of Wheat Rust and karnal bunt diseases. He informed that stripe (yellow) rust is more prevalent in Western parts & Northern Hills, whereas leaf rust throughout the country and Stem rust in Central & Peninsular India. DWR has taken various initiatives like extensive survey, installation of trap plot nursery, awareness campaign through distribution of pamphlet and leaflets, circulation of wheat crop health newsletter, advisory for timely application of fungicide and seed treatment with bio-agent. He further advocated the cultivation of recommended rust resistant varieties and phasing out of susceptible varieties from the seed chain. He further elaborated that during 2013-14, owing to the cool and humid weather, the population of pathotype 46 119, which is virulent to Yr9 and YrA has increased in proportion and was observed in more than 74 % of the samples analyzed. The pathotype 78S84 (can tolerate higher temperature as compared to 46S 119) which is virulent to Yr9 and Yr27 has reduced to 18.5%. A new pathotype has been identified which is not very virulent but is very competitive. • Representatives of the State Departments of Agriculture of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand made presentations on the strategies for the effective control of yellow rust and kamal bunt diseases of wheat in the coming rabi season 2014-15 . Yellow rust was reported in 2013-14 in the states of UP, Haryana, Punjab, HP and Rajasthan. States have formulated strategies like phasing out of susceptible cultivars, seed rolling plan of resistant varieties, seed treatment with fungicide, cultivation of resistant varieties, timely sowing, monitoring of yellow rust by a teams of experts, massive awareness campaign, assured spray of fungicides, etc. In Uttar Pradesh , yellow rust is confined to districts Saharanpur, Bareily and Pilibhit .The alternate hosts identified for wheat rust i.e. Berberry, Blue grass & Kentucky have been found in hilly tracks & Plain ofUttarakhand and Haryana. The significant observation made by the Director, Agriculture, Jammu about incidence of yellow rust along the Indo-Pak border and he suggested that necessary arrangement for survey & surveillance and spray of fungicide should be made with Indo-Pak border in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs. He also suggested that CIMMYT should make effort for similar Survey & Surveillance as well as spray of fungicide from Pakistan side on Indo-Pak border by the Pakistani Authority. ' • Scientist, CIMMYT highlighted some specific ways to manage wheat rust like identification of new resistant genes and molecular markers, breeding varieties with durable & diverse resistance to rusts, reducing cultivation of susceptible varieties especially in areas where rusts survive in the offseason, release, seed multiplication & distribution of new resistant varieties with diverse resistance and emergency chemical control strategies. On the other hand, karnal bunt disease is too localized but very important for India. The specific ways to manage disease are use of pathogen free seed, foliar spray and cultural practices. • Scientist of SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad indicated that detection of wheat rust is one of the part of FASAL project. He also informed that DWR scientists have been trained adequately in remote sensing data analysis and development of inputs use for Decision Support System for Disease Management. • During the discussion with the representatives of the SAUs, Vice-Chancellor, CCSHAU stressed on phasing out of yellow rust susceptible varieties, focus on seed treatment, timely spray of recommend fungicide and necessary steps for the control of karnal bunt. Scientist PAU, Ludhiana indicated that incidence of yellow rust even under high temperature is emerging as a matter of serious concern. The incidence of disease in wheat areas along with International border needs to be taken up in an aggressive manner and more number of trap nurseries should be planted. • In the concluding remarks, Agriculture Commissioner, GoI and Chairman of the meeting emphasized that SAUs, ICAR and international organizations should take joint initiatives for detection of aggressive races of yellow rust surviving even under high temperature. States should gear up survey and surveillance of yellow rust for timely detection and delivery of advisory to the farmers. Further, he stressed that prepositioning of fungicides in the choronic areas of yellow rust (Yamunanagar district in Haryana) State nodel officer for providing information to DWR and DAC on regular basis, technical backstopping from SAUs/ICARlKVKs to be engaged for timely action to control the rust. The following points emerged after detailed discussion: 1. Survey and surveillance should be initiated from the month of December for timely detection of wheat rust. [Action: States/lCARISA Us/GOI) 2. More number of Trap Plot Nurseries (TPN) to be established for early detection of wheat yellow rust. (Action: D WR, SA Us, States) 3. Putting maximum alert in the identified hot spot areas of yellow rust to take immediate steps to control the spread of disease. (Action: DWD,DWR and State) 4. Advocacy of seed treatment & spraying of fungicides at flowering & earhead stage for control of Kamal Bunt disease should be done. (Action: D WR, SA Us and States) 5. Necessary arrangement for survey & surveillance for yellow rust along the Indo-Pak border in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir states as well as arrangement of spray of fungicide. (Action: Govt of India, DWR, CIMMYT and States) 6. SAUs and states should share the information with DWR for further apprising Task Force for taking various initiatives for the control of yellow rust both at central and state level (Action: DAC & DWR and States) 7. Delivery of advisory for seed treatment & growing resistant varieties for Yellow rust and Karnal Bunt diseases should be made well before commencement of the sowing season. (Action: SA Us and States) 8. Non-recommended and susceptible varieties should be phased out from both cultivation and seed chain from the disease prone areas. (Action: States) 9. Pre-positioning of recommended fungicides for seed treatment as well as spraying for control of Yellow Rust & Kamal Bunt. (Action: States) 10. The seed crop of wheat to be 100% treated/sprayed at appropriate stage to control the karnal bunt (Action: State Seed Corporation, NSC, SAUs, DAC (Seed Divisiont) 11. SAUs, ICAR and international organizations should take joint initiatives for detection of aggressive races of yellow rust surviving even under high temperature. (Action: , D WR, SA Us and CIMMYT) • Annexure t. List of Participants SI.No. Name Designation DAC 1 Dr. J.S. Sandhu Agriculture Commissioner, 2 Dr. D.P. Malik Addil. Comm., DAC, New Delhi 3 Dr. G.K. Choudhury Director, DWD, Ghaziabad 4 Dr. M.C. Diwakar Director, DSD, Lucknow 5 Shri Ram Ashare Addil. Plant Protection Advisor, IPM, Faridabad 6 Dr. Neetu Scientist, MNCFC 7 Dr. J.P. Singh AD, ClPMC, Lucknow 8 Shri K.P Pathak APPO, ClPMC, Lucknow Gol, New Delhi ICAR --~. 9 Dr. M.S. Saharan PS, DWR, Kamal 10 Dr. Ravish Chatarath PS, DWR, Kamal 11 Dr. S.C. Tripathi PS, DWR, Kamal 12 Dr. V. K. Mishra Head, CSSRI, Lucknow SAUs/CIMMYTIISRO 13 Dr. K.S. Khokhar Vice Chancellor, CCSHAU, Hissar 14 Dr. S.S. Siwach Director (Research), CCSHAU, Hissar 15 Dr. J.P. Jaiswal Professor, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar 16 Dr. V.K. Razdan Professor, SKUAS&T, Jammu 17 Dr. P. P. Singh Senior Plant Pathologist, Ludhiana 18 Dr. Ramesh Singh Assistant Professor, CVPUA&T, Meerut 19 Dr. Deepshikha JRO, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar 20 Dr Arun Kumar Joshi Principal Scientist, ClMMYT 21 Dr. K. C. Chaudhary Scientist, SAC, lSRO, Ahmadabad States 22 Dr. S.S. Jamwal Director (Agriculture), Jammu 23 Shri Som Raj Koha JDA, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 24 Shri Y. S. Patharia PPO, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 25 Shri K.C. Meena JDA CPP), Jaipur, Rajasthan 26 Dr. Parveen Kumar DDA, Haryana 27 Dr. Sujit Kumar Scientific Officer, Lucknow, UP 28 Dr. K. Fatima DD (PP), Lucknow, UP 29 Dr. Parma Ram JDA (A.C.) Uttarakhand SI.No. Name Designation I l (Officials of Lucknow) 30 Dr Sumit Mishra A.D., DSD, Lucknow 31 Dr. Atul Kumar Singh S.T.A., DSD, Lucknow 32 Shri Ram Sewak Yadav DSD, Lucknow 33 Shri Gyan Singh ADA, SF 34 Shri Ashish Kumar JDA (Pulses), Lucknow 35 Shri 36 Shri Ganesh Muni Tripathi DDA (PP) Allahabad Division 37 Shri Anand Tiwari JDA (Engg.) 38 Shri R.P.N. Singh T.A., DSD, Lucknow 39 Shri Ankit Verma S.T.A., DSD, Lucknow 40 Dr. Mukesh Gautam MD (SDC), Lucknow, UP 41 Shri M.P. Singh ADA (ISOPOM), Lucknow 42 Shri S. K. Agnihotri JDA (SS), Doharighat, Lucknow 43 Shri R.R. Singh ADA (Wheat), Lucknow 44 Dr. P.K. Thakur ADA (Jute), Lucknow 45 Shri P.N. Katiyal ADA (PP), Lucknow 46 Shri M.P. Singh Director, SSC, Lucknow 47 Dr. B.K Singh State Consultant, Lucknow 48 Shri V.K Singh JDA (B), Lucknow 49 Dr. S.K. Singh State Advisor, NFSM 50 Shri J.K. Singh State Consultant, Lucknow 51 Shri M. Singh T.A., Lucknow c.r. Srivastava DDA (Farm) Seed Agencies 52 Shri Mustavir RM, NSC, Lucknow 53 Shri Surendra Singh Assist. Manager, NSC, Lucknow ****** •
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