CZU PROCEDURES FOR MASS FIREFIGHTER I SEPARATIONS 1. The attached “Exit package” must be completed and reviewed by the Firefighters’ Supervisor PRIOR to signing out at Felton Headquarters. PLEASE ONLY TURN IN THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRING YOUR SIGNATURE AND THE EXIT SURVEY. ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS ARE INFORMATIONAL AND FOR YOUR REFERENCE ONLY. 2. Supervisors must submit completed and signed timesheets and meal reports and for separating FFIs in accordance with directives from the Personnel and Finance offices; typically one week prior to separation. 3. Firefighters will report to Felton Headquarters in work uniform at 0800 hours and are all expected to stay until 1200 hours, unless directed otherwise. All separating Firefighters are compensated for 4 hours to allow time for the sign out process. The 4 hours will not be reflected on the time sheet but will be handled by the Personnel Office. 4. Firefighters will check in at the TRAINING OFFICE where they will be grouped and assigned check out times. 5. The SERVICE CENTER, PERSONNEL, and FINANCE will process each group as assigned by the Firefighter I Coordinator. 6. If a Firefighter is unable to sign out on their assigned date, they must contact the Firefighter I Coordinator to schedule an appointment to complete their sign-out process as soon as possible. 7. Use the CZU Check-Out Sheet to insure you have completed all the necessary paperwork and procedures for the Warehouse, Personnel, and Finance in order to separate from employment. 8. Upon separation, safety gear must be laundered and returned to the Service Center in good condition. Employees are financially responsible for any lost or missing gear at the time of separation. Those Firefighters that are also County Volunteers must return the additional gear that was assigned during fire season. 9. Bring a check or money order for all pay meals, including pay meals consumed at other stations. 10. COBRA Insurance If you choose to enroll in COBRA Health, Dental, and/or Vision coverage, you will need to complete additional enrollment forms at the HQ Personnel office. 11. Last but not least – BE PATIENT! You will be here for the full 4 hours. Our staff is here to assist you with this lengthy process, but it goes more smoothly with a good attitude. STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEPARATION/DISPOSITION OF CALPERS CONTRIBUTIONS STD. 687 (REV. 10/2004) THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS INFORMATION ON THE RIGHTS OF MEMBERS IF THEY ARE SEPARATING FROM STATE EMPLOYMENT, WHICH INCLUDES ACCEPTING A POSITION AT A PUBLIC AGENCY COVERED BY ANOTHER CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RETIREMENT SYSTEM, CREATING RECIPROCAL RIGHTS NOTE: If you are moving from one CalPERS covered employer to another, you may not withdraw your CalPERS contributions A. NOTICE TO FIRST TIER MEMBERS ELECTING A REFUND OF RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS and inform CalPERS of the name of the public agency in which you will be or are employed. 2. The refund you receive from CalPERS is subject to 20% Federal income tax withholding. Withholding applies only to the portion of your refund that is subject to Federal income tax (i.e., interest your contributions have earned and any tax deferred contributions, if applicable). Whether you elect to receive your refund or roll it over, you have the option of having 2% of the taxable portion withheld for California state income tax. For additional information on income tax, rollovers, and excise tax, refer to the BAS-500, "IMPORTANT CALPERS REFUND TAX INFORMATION", attached. B. NOTICE TO SECOND TIER MEMBERS WHO ARE TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT If you are a vested Second Tier member, and you terminate your employment, your service will be placed in a deferred retirement status without action on your part. When you reach age 55, you will be eligible to receive a retirement allowance from CalPERS. (You are vested if you have at least 10 years of service credit.) C. Mendocino Merced Orange Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego San Joaquin D. – Other California Public Agencies: Cities of Concord, Costa Mesa (safety only), Fresno, Oakland (non-safety), Pasadena, Sacramento, San Clemente (non-safety), San Diego, and San Jose; East Bay Municipal Utility District, East Bay Regional Park District; Contra Costa Water District; County of San Luis Obispo, and the City and County of San Francisco; Long Beach Schools Business Management System; Los Angeles City Retirement System; Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, California Administrative Services Authority. b. You elect to leave your contributions on deposit with CalPERS c. The basic death benefit or disability retirement; d. A rate of contribution to the public agency retirement system based on your age of entry into membership in CalPERS or another reciprocal retirement system. If you wish to advise CalPERS directly of your election to establish reciprocity, please send written correspondence to the address listed under Section D. ALL MEMBERS WHO ACCEPT EMPLOYMENT COVERED BY THE STATE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, LEGISLATORS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, OR THE JUDGES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM I/II 1. As a member of CalPERS accepting employment covered by the State Teachers' Retirement System, Legislators' Retirement System, or Judges' Retirement System I/II, you will have certain rights if you elect to leave your contributions on deposit with CalPERS and inform CalPERS of the name of the other retirement system. 2. If you elect to continue your membership, the final compensation used to determine your benefits under CalPERS will be the highest earned under the two systems provided you retire concurrently under both systems. 3. Contributions you elect to leave on deposit in CalPERS may not be withdrawn while you remain in employment covered by one of these retirement systems. 4. If you wish to advise CalPERS directly of your employment covered by one of these retirement systems, please send written correspondence to the following address. CalPERS Member Services Division, Unit 841 P. O. Box 942704 Sacramento, CA 94229-2704 (888) CalPERS 225-7377 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (916) 795-3240; FAX (916) 795-1224 As a member of CalPERS accepting employment covered by one of the reciprocal retirement systems, you will have certain rights if: You enter employment in which you become a member of a reciprocal system within 6 months after separating from CalPERScovered employment, and Your service under all reciprocal systems will be considered to determine eligibility for benefits under the several systems; NOTE: Be sure to notify CalPERS of any future address change to ensure delivery of your Annual Member Statement. San Mateo Santa Barbara Sonoma Stanislaus Tulare Ventura a. b. 4. – The University of California 1. The final compensation used to determine your benefits under CalPERS will be the highest earned under the two systems provided you retire concurrently under both systems; Contributions you elect to leave on deposit in CalPERS may not be withdrawn while you remain in employment covered by one of the reciprocal systems. At present the following are CalPERS reciprocal systems: Alameda Contra Costa Fresno Imperial Kern Los Angeles Marin a. 3. ALL MEMBERS WHO ACCEPT EMPLOYMENT COVERED BY A RETIREMENT SYSTEM HAVING A RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT WITH CALPERS – 1937 Act County System (inclusive of Districts affiliated with each County Retirement System): The rights of such membership if continued are: NOTE: Be sure to notify CalPERS of any future address change to ensure delivery of your Annual Member Statement. PRIVACY NOTIFICATION The information you are asked to provide on this form is requested by the Office of the State Controller, Personnel/Payroll Services Division. This notice is required by Section 1798.17 of the Information Practices Act of 1977 (California Civil Code Sections 1798 through 1798.76) and the Federal Privacy Act (5 USC 552a, subd. (e)(3)) to be provided whenever an agency requests personal information from an individual. The information on this form is to be used by the State Controller's Office and the Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) for the purposes of identification and processing retirement contributions. Where authorized by law, address information may be transferred to the following governmental agencies: Internal Revenue Service and Franchise Tax Board. Certain items of information provided on this form may be transferred to the following governmental agencies where authorized by law: Employment Development Department, Department of Social Services, Social Security Administration, Federal Internal Revenue Service, California State Franchise Tax Board, other state income tax bureaus, and other governmental entities when required by state or federal law. It is mandatory that you furnish the information requested on this form. Failure to furnish the requested information may result in an inaccurate determination of credit for State service, payroll calculations, and retirement and/or health benefits. Legal references authorizing maintenance of this information include the Internal Revenue Code, Sections 6011, 6051 and 6109 (26 USCA 6011, 6051, 6109), and the regulations thereto. Employees have the right to review their own personal information maintained by the State Controller's Office, unless access is exempted by law. The following office is responsible for the system of records and shall, upon request, inform you of the location of your records and the categories of persons using the information therein: Personnel/Payroll Services Division, State Controller's Office, P. O. Box 942850, Sacramento, CA 94250-5878. STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEPARATION/DISPOSITION OF CALPERS CONTRIBUTIONS STD. 687 (REV. 10/2004) IMPORTANT CALPERS REFUND TAX INFORMATION The following consists of summarized tax information and is provided in accordance with Section 402(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. AS CALPERS CANNOT PROVIDE SPECIFIC INFORMATION OR TAX ADVICE, PLEASE SEE YOUR TAX CONSULTANT, THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OR THE STATE FRANCHISE TAX BOARD. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING ROLLOVERS, CONSULT THE APPROPRIATE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION OF YOUR CHOICE. to be rolled over. Also ineligible for rollover treatment is the amount of a distribution that is necessary to satisfy the minimum distribution requirements that apply after you separate from employment or you turn age 70 1/2, whichever occurs later. ROLLOVERS – An "eligible rollover distribution" consists of the taxable portion of a refund of your contributions, including interest, due to a separation from all CalPERS-covered employment. You may avoid current taxation on any portion of the taxable amount of an eligible rollover distribution by rolling over that portion into an individual retirement arrangement (IRA) or another qualified employer retirement plan that accepts rollover contributions. A tax-free rollover of the taxable amount of an eligible rollover distribution may be accomplished in one of the following ways: 1) receipt of a CalPERS service or disability retirement benefit, paid as a monthly allowance over you/your beneficiary's life; or 1) 2) Direct Rollover –You may direct CalPERS to transfer all or any portion of the taxable amount of the distribution to a specified IRA or qualified defined contribution plan that accepts rollovers. It cannot be made to another defined benefit plan such as CalPERS. However, the portion to be directly rolled over must be at least $500. Taxes will be reportable when you take the money out of an IRA or other qualified plan. Regular Rollover –You may take an in-hand distribution and, not later than 60 days after you receive the distribution, transfer all or a portion of the taxable portion of the distribution to an IRA or qualified plan that accepts rollovers. Taxes will be reportable when you take the money out of an IRA or other qualified plan. Even if you plan to roll over the taxable portion of the eligible distribution, unless you elect a Direct Rollover, you will only receive 80% of your distribution. Federal tax rules require CalPERS to automatically deduct 20% federal tax withholding from the taxable portion of your refund, if it is over $200. If you wish to make the Regular Rollover for the full 100%, you will have to make up the 20% difference out-of-pocket. You will also be taxed on the 20% that was withheld. When filing your individual tax return you then can get a refund of the amount withheld to the extent you have no further tax liability. Early distributions from a qualified retirement plan are subject to an early withdrawal penalty tax of 10% federal and 2 1/2% State tax on the taxable portion of the distribution PLUS any income tax due on the distribution if it is received prior to age 59 1/2, unless an exception applies. Please be aware not all distributions are eligible to be rolled over. Any distribution that is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments made at least annually under a life annuity, over life expectancy or over a specified period of 10 or more years is ineligible (BAS-500) EXCEPTION TO THE ADDITIONAL TAX – There are some instances where an individual will be exempt from the early withdrawal penalty tax even if he/she takes an early distribution from a qualified retirement plan. These are as follows: 2) a lump sum distribution, if made to a beneficiary because of your death; or 3) a lump sum distribution, if made to you because of your separation from service after attaining age 55 or after becoming disabled. FIVE AND TEN-YEAR AVERAGING / CAPITAL GAIN – If you receive a lump sum distribution after you are age 59 1/2, you may be able to make a one-time election to figure the tax on the payment by using "5-year averaging". To qualify for 5-year tax averaging, you must be at least age 59 1/2 and have participated in CalPERS (the plan making the distribution) for no less than 5 years before the year the distribution is made. If you receive a lump sum distribution and you were born before January 1, 1936, you can make a one-time election to figure the tax on the payment by using "10-year averaging" (using 1986 tax rates). Only one election is available to an individual, and if made, eliminates the ability to elect 5-year averaging and capital gain treatment after attaining age 59 1/2. However, any 10-year averaging election made prior to January 1, 1987, and before attaining age 59 1/2, does not count toward your one election. If you were born prior to January 1, 1936 and you receive a lump sum distribution, any pre-1974 CalPERS contributions you paid (if applicable) may be taxed as long-term "capital gain" at a rate of 20%. CALIFORNIA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING – Whether you elect to receive a refund OR directly roll over your contributions, you may choose to have state tax withheld or not withheld. State tax, if withheld, is 2% of the taxable portion of the refund. An individual also has the right to revoke or change their choice prior to the mailing of their contributions. For California residents who do not make a choice, 2% will automatically be withheld for State tax even if you elect a rollover. For individuals who reside outside of California, no state tax will be withheld unless specifically requested. Please be aware that you may still owe California state taxes. Publications are available from the Internal Revenue Service which provide specific information on special tax treatment on lump sum distributions. If you have state tax liability questions, contact the State Franchise Tax Board. STATE E OF CALIFORNIA A NATURAL RES SOURCES AGENC CY Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governo or DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY Y AND FIRE PROTECTION P..O. Box 944246 SA ACRAMENTO, CA A 94244-2460 (916) 653-7772 Website: W Novemb ber 17, 2014 4 *POLIC CY CHANG GE* PLE EASE READ D All Firefig ghter I’s sep parated due e to a layofff situation w will now have e their time base changed to interm mittent. This means yo ou are not officially o sep parated, but simply “turned off”. When you return, the proc cess will be simplified as a you will o only need to o be “turned d on”. Your benefits will work th he same wa ay; turned offf now, turne ed on upon n returning. This doe es not affectt your unem mployment eligibility. e Sincerely, Carla Delnegro Carla De elnegro Senior Personnel P Specialist, S CZU Headquarters “The Departm ment of Forestry and a Fire Protectio on serves and saffeguards the peopple and protects the property andd resources of Caalifornia.” Firre Fighter I “N Non-Wo ork Stattus” Fact Sh heet The follow wing information expla ains new terrminology, in regards tto the statu us of a Fireffighter I (FFI) at the end of their t norma al work (fire e) season, a and is inten nded to answ wer questio ons arising fro om the chan nge. Ins stead of beiing “Separa ated” as in the t past, FF FI’s are now w placed in n a “Non-Wo ork Sta atus” where e they are converted c to o an interm mittent time base at the e end of the eir normal work season. s Le eave credits s (annual le eave, vacattion, and ho olidays) will be bought out an nd FFI’s will still have the t option tto rollover o or buyout any PLP cre edit balances they y choose. FFI’s F in “No on-Work Sta atus” are sttill eligible ffor unemploymen nt benefits. Wh hen a FFI voluntarily v le eaves employment, fo or any reaso on, the emp ployee MUS ST in writing. They are n pro ovide their resignation r not eligible for unemployment benefits and they will be b permane ently separrated from S State servicce. They w will still have e retturn rights the next sea ason, provid ded they m meet rehire rrequiremen nts (work 60 0 continuous ca alendar day ys, recommended for rrehire, etc.)), but they w will not be p placed in a “Non-Work Status”. Up pon initial hiire, each FF FI will comp plete “Non-W Work Statu us” docume ents (the Ca alPERS Membership Disposition, D Disposition n of all PLP P credits, an nd Cobra Ele ection for co ontinuation of benefits s). Personn nel will utilizze these pre efilled documents fo or the “end of o the work k season” prrocess, with h the choices that are ind dicated at hire. Should d a FFI late er want to m make chang ges to any o of their original cho oices, they are to notiffy personne el immediattely. When n in a “Non--Work Statu us”, FF FI’s benefits s remain suspended un ntil they retturn to workk. Wh hen a FFI re eturns to “W Work Status s” for fire se eason, theyy will have tthe opportu unity to confirm the eir benefit choices (i.e. add/delete e a depende ent, cancel coverage, nges, etc.). Since they y are not be eing separa ated each year, when tthey address chan retturn to “Work Status”, the benefits s they originally had, w will commence without additional doc cuments to complete, unless prevviously unre eported cha anges have e curred. Alll other volu untary ded ductions in n place prio or to reduc ction in tim me occ ba ase (such as a auto/hom me loan pa ayments, b bank deduc ctions, etc c.) will resu ume up pon return to “Work Status”. S Revised 9/2 23/2014 Questiion and d Answ wers 1. Will a FFI be rem moved from Direct Dep posit when tthey move to “Non-Wo ork Status”? ? Yes, th hey will be removed frrom Direct Deposit, D to allow any p pay owed tto the Deparrtment (i.e., meals, uniiform allowa ances, etc.)) to be ded ducted from their final p pay. 2. Can a FFI cash out o their retirement if in n “Non-Worrk Status”? n order to cash c out rettirement, em mployee mu ust resign, iin writing, a and therefo ore No. In their status s will ch hange from m “Non-Worrk Status” to o permanen ntly separated and not eligible e for unemp ployment benefits. b m Timely y Payment o of Wages ssince this iss not a 3. Does the Unit still have to meet “Separation”? The em mployee is not “separa rating”, whic ch means th hat Labor C Code 203 d does not app ply, howev ver, it is the e expectatio on of the De epartment tthat the emp mployee sha all have theiir pay issued d timely usin ng Labor Code C 203 as s a guide. 4. At wha at point do we pay the e uniform allowance to o the FFI’s? Uniforrm allowanc ces will be paid p at the same time as the restt of their fin nal pay. 5. If a FF FI accepts an a LT FAE assignmen nt, does the e employee have a righ ht of return to a FFI po osition upon n completio on of the assignment? No, th here are no reinstatement rights to o the FFI position, unlless there h has been 60 0 contin nuous calen ndar days in n that class,, in the currrent or prevvious seaso on, an if the e FFI meets s all other re ehire requirrements. 6. If a FF FI is in “Non n-Work Stattus” and is called to pa articipate in n an adminiistrative investigation, or to t represen nt the Department at a hearing orr other task, how are th hey compe ensated forr this time? Since the employ yee was no ot “separate ed”, they are e paid for a all hours, on n an hour fo or hour basis, b using g their interm mittent time e base the ssame as an ny other inte ermittent emplo oyee, up to 53 hours off work (the weekly thre eshold for E EDWC). Revised 9/2 23/2014 7. Will this change the RPP process? There will be no change to the RPP process. The Unit will send out RPP paperwork to FFI’s during the same timeframe as they would normally would. 8. Will this new status allow for the employee to change their benefit enrollment options (i.e., dependents, plan, etc.) upon return to “Work status”? Yes. Employees should contact their assigned Personnel Specialist to report any changes to their coverage prior to reenrollment. 9. Are there any changes to the types of leave credits that are cashed out? No, the rules for leave credit cash out will not change. Employees will still be able to carry-over or cash out VPLP/PLP credits and all other eligible leave credits will be cashed out upon conversion to “Non-Work Status”. 10. Does this process apply to other classifications (i.e., LT FAE, LT FFII, etc.)? No, this process only applies to FFI’s. 11. What happens if a FFI resigns (i.e. return to school, etc.) prior to the end of fire season? The FFI must provide their resignation, in writing. The FFI’s status will then change from “Non-Work Status” to “permanently separated” and will not be eligible for unemployment benefits. 12. If a FFI doesn’t return to work the following fire season, what is their status? Returning FFI’s have three opportunities to waive a job offer. If the Unit contacts the FFI during the hiring process and requests the employee to return to work, and the employee does not respond within a reasonable timeframe or does not accept the work, this is considered one waiver. The Department can attempt this contact up to three times during a “normal declared fire season”. The third time of either “no response” or “decline to work”, constitutes a third waiver thus severing the employment relationship via a voluntary resignation effective the date of the third waiver. If the Department calls the employee back to work during non-fire season, and the employee waives to return to work, this is not deemed a waiver since it is outside of the “normal declared fire season”. Revised 9/23/2014 "COBRA" GROUP CONTINUATION BENEFIT COVERAGE Rates for January 1, 2014 thru December 31, 2014 Rates are calculated at 102%. Not all carriers, however, will require 102%. HEALTH PLAN CODE PLAN NAME 1 Party 2 Party 3 Party 205 Blue Shield HMO $668.12 $1,336.24 $1,737.11 042 Blue Shield Net Value $587.30 $1,174.59 $1,526.97 056 Kaiser $674.84 $1,349.68 $1,754.59 $935.54 $1,871.09 $2,432.41 **** Kaiser Out-of-State 222 PersChoice $656.40 $1,312.80 $1,706.64 045 PersSelect $606.85 $1,213.70 $1,577.81 278 PersCare $712.70 $1,425.41 $1,853.03 $49.45 $86.83 $125.81 $55.37 $98.41 $143.29 **** These premiums cover all regions of Kaiser Out-of-State 007 Delta Premier (Basic Plan) Rank and File Employees Only VISION DENTAL 007 Delta Premier (Basic Plan) Dependents of Rank and File Employees 009 DeltaCare USA $18.07 $29.65 $41.01 020 Premier Access $16.96 $27.48 $38.48 016 Safeguard $16.91 $27.40 $38.37 025 Western Dental $15.01 $24.78 $35.15 Vision Service Plan $8.81 $8.81 $8.81 Premier Vision Service Plan $15.50 $22.20 $30.36 451-001 (Non Coben) 451-002 (Coben) FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING THESE PLANS GO TO: FOR ENROLLMENT FORMS GO TO: and Click on the link for CZU Personnel
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