Green action plan - National Museums Liverpool

updated Jan 2012,,,,updated 30/6/13,,,, updated 21/05/14
Sustainability Action
Plan 2011-20
NML Objective
Reduce Co² Emissions by 34% Reduce Energy
by 2020 (based on 1999/2000
Consumption across
Retain Carbon Trust
Actions (SMT/GF)
Deadline Progress to date
Implement energy saving measures
through gallery refurbishment and
capital projects
Introduce passive, low energy
systems where possible
Responsible Officer
Since the previous action plan update, we have Reduction in energy consumption
carried out a full re-fit of the DTO Atrium,
and costs
created a flexible cloaks/education space in the
Walker and started on a major re-fit of the
Pilotage building. All of these projects have
been planned with the use of low energy lighting
and where possible re-using existing equipment.
Chris Bailey, Estates
We are currrently planning the full
Reduction in energy consumption
refurbishment of the South End Galleries at the and costs
Lady Lever Art Gallery, one of the main design
criteria is to keep the environment control as
simple as possible, we intend using Low
Temperature Hot Wayer for heating, and
Portable Humidifiers for RH,
Estates Management, Art
Funding being applied
for for next major
Monitor gas and electricity usuage
Gas, electricity and water consumption metred
on a half hourly basis and any abnormalities in
usage investigated. Energy usage per square
metre is now 24% less than it was in our peak
year of 2002-3
Base line data collected and used to Carole Youds, Estates
set targets and monitor progress.
Monitoring is ongoing
Survey gallery lighting to remove
unnecessary lamps, introduce timers
where possible and look at improving
operational procedures.
Three major lighting schemes covering the
Sculpture Gallery at the Walker, the Atrium at
the DTO and the whole of the Aquarium have
been hollistically changed to low energy LED
lighting systems.
Reduction in energy consumption
and costs
Estates Management, ISM,
Live Centres Manager
Continue to collect data and meet
Carbon Trust Certificate obtained September
2012, works will proceed this year for reaccreditation.
Accreditation is based on ability to
deliver energy saving targets
Carole Youds, Estates
New environmental guidelines issued for
Implications for government
display. A series of meetings have been held
indemnity standards and for loans
led by Tate with representatives from national
museums bringing together conservation and
estates management colleagues to develop a
common understanding of environmental issues
and challenges.
Siobhan Watts, Collections
Management, Chris Bailey,
Estates Management
Green travel plan is updated on a regular basis Potential to change behaviour and
and accessible on the intranet. A survey of staff working practice
business and commuter travel is in
Maxine Carden, Human
Resources, Dickie Felton,
Marketing & Communications
Data on vehicle emissions and enviromental
policies is obtained from contractors as part of
the tendering process. Tender documents have
been updated to ensure there are clauses about
Influence suppliers and contractors
in terms of enviromental impacts,
encourage re-use and recycling of
Anne Fahy, Collections
Cost implication if NML fails to
predict acurately its carbon credit
requirements at the start of each
Estates Management
Set new environmental Introduce new standards and
standards for storage guidelines for staff, informed by recent
research (BIZOT) and NMDC
and display
Reduce staff and
business travel
Collect data to set basline, agree
targets, investigate green travel
options and review targets against
green travel plan
Set new standards for Reduce carbon emissions from art
handling and other vehicle transport
object transport
Become Carbon Neutral by
Carbon Commitment
Establish NML's carbon footprint, put
in place mechanisms to manage the
government's carbon trading scheme
NML is now in its third reporting year with
regards to CRC commitments, and is now
reporting a 9.5% redduction on our total carbon
impact and a 26% reduction in our carbon
impact per square metre.
Produce a risk assessment to
mitigate against impact of
climate change by 2015
Identify the impact of
climate change on
NML's estate and
Review assets and key risk factors,
develop plans for major new
sustainable collection store
Currently looking at ways to reduce our
Loss of key resources such as gas
dependency on natural resources specifically in and electricity would have major
the area of collection storage and display where impacts across the estate
new environmental parameters are being
developed. Experiments underway at the
Walker in galleries 5 and 6 where there is a
stronger reliance on passive as opposed to
mechanical systems.
Chris Bailey, Estates
Management, Siobhan Watts,
Collections Management
Reduce waste by 20% (based
on 2010-11 levels) by 2016-17
Reduce waste by min
4% per annum over 5
Categorise/map different types of
waste, assess current levels across all
venues, review methods of waste
disposal, review and agree targets,
review tender specification for waste
Working with waste contractor to set annual
targets for waste, including targets for %
energy from waste. Recently developed staff
information sheets explaining how different
types of waste is disposed of. Statistics for
waste to be supplied on a monthly basis by the
Waste Contractor so that targets for waste
reduction can be set and monitored.
Tom Twigg, Visitor Services
Increase the use of recovered
materials recycled, new build
@ 15% and refurbsihment @
10% by 2016-17
Increase use of
recycled materials
Build in compliance requirements to
capital projects, investigate new
working practices in
introduce sustainability policy for
changing exhibitions
We are continuing to use recyled materials for Important that staff understand new
exhibitions and we are introducing standardised working practices and waste
exhibition kit and new working practices across disposal methods and procedures
venues which reduces the need for bespoke
items and is designed to minimise waste.
Fiona Philpott, Exhibitions &
Design, Chris Bailey, Estates
Introduce equipment which reduces
Reduce water consumption by Reduce water
7% based on 2010-11 levels by consumption annually water consumption
Mains water fonts have been intoroduced
across the estate, which have had a twofold
benefit, to reduce the dependance on bottled
water deliveries, with its consequent carbon
footprint reduction. Also as water fonts have
been installed adjacent to kitchens, the typical
run off of up to 10 litres to get a cool cup of
water is negated.
Removal of chilled water may have a Bernie Connolly, Estates
negative impact on overall water
Develop a sustainable Research sustainable procurement,
assess actions required, produce
procurement policy
guidance for staff, identify sustainable
and action plan
products, produce lists of local
suppliers and contractors, retain fairtrade accreditation, build into
tendering process
Sustainable procurement action plan developed
for Museum of Liverpool and for National
Museums Liverpool as a whole. The policy now
needs to be rolled out to the wider organisation.
A new stationery supplier has been found with
strong green credentials. All statioery orders are
now managed online.
Will require significant shift in
Finance, Ian Lindsay, Head of Ongoing
current working practice and
IS and Office Services
important to obtain lists or green
supplies. May need to look at central
procurement role
Conduct sustainability
Build sustainability
appraisals of office relocations into office
Review office environments, introduce 2014-15
sustainable working practices,
eradicate unnecessary waste,
reassess requirements,
combine/merge functions where
It will be difficult to achieve major
improvements to collection storage
in the current financial environment.
There is a danger that some storage
areas will continue to deteriorate.
Chris Bailey, Estates
Management, Collections
Management, Maxine Carden,
Human Resources
Make a significant contribution Raise awareness
towards halting and reversing about the value and
importance of
Communicate through events,
exhibitions, teaching, fieldtrips, leaflets
etc on an annual basis
Project team has been set up to look at
streamlining office accommodatoin across NML
and to draw up longer term plans for updating
collection storage facilities. For the shortmedium term practical, low cost improvements
will continue to be made to existing storage
provision. The first phase of office re-locations
is underway with staff moving from the DTO into
the Pilotage Building on the waterfront.
We continue to promote sustainability through
events and activities centred around the Natural
History Centre at World Museum. Over the last
14 months we have also been planting native
wildflowers in front of World Museum. Our aim
is to create an urban meadow for wildlife and we
will use this space to promote strong
environmental messages.
This provides a mechanism for
sharing our vision of sustainability
with visitors
Fiona Philpott, Exhibitions,
Steve Judd, World Museum,
Dickie Felton,
Governance & Delivery
Share NML's vision of
sustainablility with key
stakeholders and
introduce/embed new
green work place
Develop an internal and external
communications strategy, raise staff
awareness and deliver training, build
sustainability into staff induction and
performance and into departmental
business plans, identify quick wins
Put in place a green forum in June 2010 to act
as a focal point for introducing and monitoring
green initiatives. Green intranet page is to be
updated and will keep all staff up to date with
green issues and sustainability is now part of
NML's strategic plan. Staff are also kept
updated about green issues at venue briefings
and through NML's Insider newsletter.
We will continue to identify quick
wins so that staff and visitors can
see visible change and progress
Executive team, Green Forum, Ongoing
Dickie Felton, Marketing &
Sustainable Communities
Encourage use of
volunteers, work with
local community
groups through
outreach programmes,
encourage local
Idenitfy ways in which NML can
contribute to the sustainability of local
communities, share best practice in
sustainability with visitors and other
cultural organisations within city and
House of Memories, aimed at supporting those
who provide care for people with dementia is
gaining momentum and continues to attract
external funding. The programme involves
visitor led tours, self-led activities and memory
boxes. The programme is based around the
collections in the new museum of Liverpool.
The museum also has a large team of
volunteers who support activities across the
organisation. There will be a team supporting
the project at LLAG.
Helps to share organisation's vision
of sustainability and develop
relationships with local business and
other cultiral organisations within the
Education & Communities,
Human Resources,
Exhibitions, Development
Office, Estates &
Embed sustainable
procurement across NML by
Important that staff understand
waste disposal methods and