O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION NIQ Ref. No. : AAI/BG/GAGAN/DLT Cartridges/2014/Aug Date: 02nd Sept. 2014 Name of work: Supply of “Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges” for DLT Drive (Model Quantum – 8000 Drive) at GAGAN, AAI, Bangalore . Sealed quotations in the prescribed form in two bid system are hereby invited by General Manager (Com), Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore -560037, on behalf of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India from the reputed Supplier, for the supply of following items: Sl. No. 01. 02 Description of Item Digital Linear Tape (DLT) Recording Data Cartridges Technical Specifications: # Parameter Specification a Make HP,SONY,MAXELL,IMATION etc b Cartridge Type DLT-IV Magnetic Recording Media c Width of Tape ½ Inch d Capacity 40 GB Native/80 GB Compressed e Compatible Compatible with Quantum DLT 8000 drive f Tape Length 1828 ft Storage g Cartridge Size 105.8 × 105.4 × 25.4 (mm) h Durability 1000000 Tape Passes Digital Linear Tape Head Cleaning Cartridge Technical Specifications: # Parameter Specification a Make HP,SONY,MAXELL,IMATION etc b Cartridge Type Cleaning Tape III c Compatible Compatible with Quantum DLT 8000 drive d Capacity 20 Cleanings e Cartridge Size 105.8 × 105.4 × 25.4 (mm) Quantity 40 02 Technical bid must be sealed in Envelope 'A' containing documents indicated in Annexure-II Financial bid must be sealed in Envelope "B" containing the financial bid in the prescribed format given in Annexure-IV. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Both these envelopes to be enclosed in a Master Envelope that has to be super-scribed with “Quotation for the Supply of “Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges” and addressed to The General Manager (Com), Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore 560 037. Quotation forms can also be downloaded from AAI website at www.airportsindia.org.in OR www.aai.aero. Last Date and Time of Receipt of Quotations : 17/09/2014, up to 1430 Hrs. Date and Time of Opening of Quotation : 17/09/2014, At 1500 Hrs. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Terms and Conditions : 1. Duly completed quotation along with requisite documents should reach by registered post or in person to the O/o The General Manager (Com), Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore -560 037, on or before due date / time specified. 2. Quotation will be opened on 17/09/2014 at 1500 hrs in presence of interested bidders or their authorized representatives. AAI will not be responsible for delay in submission of quotations sent by post. 3. The financial bid (Envelope B) of only those bidders will be opened whose papers submitted in envelop ‘A’ are found to be in order. 4. The price quoted in the Annexure-IV should be inclusive of all taxes. No extra payment will be made other than quoted amount. 5. The validity of quotation should be for a minimum period of 60 days. 6. Incomplete & ambiguous quotations will be rejected. 7. Delivery Period : Within 2 weeks from the date of supply order issued. 8. Liquidated Damages : In case of delay in completion of the contract, liquidated damages (L.D.) shall be levied @ 1% of the full value of uncompleted portion of work per week (part of week to be treated as one week) subject to a maximum of 10% of total contract value. If the uncompleted work, restricts the operation of complete system then LD shall be applicable to total value of contract with approval of Competent Authority. 9. Product brochure shall be attached in Envelope “A”. 10. Documentary proof of valid PAN No./VAT No./Service tax no. should be attached along with the quotation. 11. Payment will be made after satisfactory working of supplied items, through cheque / electronic transfer. Along with the quotation, the bidder shall also provide account no., bank details and IFSC code. 12. No request for advance payment will be entertained. 13. On the award of contract, all the items, as mentioned in the NIQ shall be supplied to the O/o The GM (Com), GAGAN Complex, Airports Authority of India, Kundalahalli, Bangalore560037. 14. Supplier should deliver only brand new items; not the refurbished one. 15. AAI reserves the right to accept/reject any quotation without assigning any reason. For General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Annexure- I ACCEPTANCE LETTER (TO BE SUBMITTED IN ENVELOPE NO. "A") Ref: _______________________ Date: ______________ To, The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Bangalore – 560 037 Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of NIQ Name of work : Supply of “Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges” for DLT Drive (Model Quantum – 8000 Drive) at GAGAN, AAI, Bangalore . NIQ No. : AAI/BG/GAGAN/DLT Cartridges/2014/Aug Dated 02nd Sept. 2014 Dear Sir, 1. I / we hereby acknowledge that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the NIQ document for the above stated work. 2. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the conditions stated in the of NIQ document in its entirety for the work, stated above. 3. I / We understand that after unconditionally accepting the NIQ conditions in its entirety, it is not permissible to put any remarks / conditions in the quotation enclosed in envelope "A" & "B" and the same has been followed in the present case. I /We also understand that in case any provisions of NIQ document are found violated after opening envelope "A" & "B", submitted quotation will be rejected. 4. That, I have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for awarding this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills. 5. That if any officer of AAI ask for bribe/gratification, I will immediately report it to the appropriate authority in AAI. Yours faithfully, Date : Place : (Signature of the Bidder) with rubber stamp ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Annexure - II ENVELOPE “A”- TECHNICAL BID (TO BE SUBMITTED IN ENVELOPE NO. "A") Ref: ___________________________ Date: ____________ To, The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Bangalore – 560 037 Sub: “Envelope A”: Technical Bid – For the Supply of “Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges” for DLT Drive (Model Quantum – 8000 Drive) at GAGAN, AAI, Bangalore NIQ No. : AAI/BG/GAGAN/DLT Cartridges/2014/Aug. Dated : 02nd Sept. 2014 Dear Sir, This is with reference to the NIQ document as mentioned above; we are hereby submitting our technical bid along with the following documents as required by your NIQ. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Letter of acceptance (Annexure-I) of all the terms and conditions, as mentioned in NIQ. Product Brochure Compliance Statement of Technical Specification (Annexure-III) Signed copy of original NIQ. Copy of Service / Sales Tax No. Copy of PAN No. Copy of VAT No. Note: Ambiguous statements & incomplete supporting documents may attract the risk of rejection without further reference. Yours Sincerely, Date: ____________ (Authorized Signatory) Name & Address of the Firm :______________________________ Telephone & Fax Nos. Mobile E-mail Address :______________________________ :______________________________ :______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Annexure - III ENVELOPE “A”- TECHNICAL BID (TO BE SUBMITTED IN ENVELOPE NO. "A") Compliance Statement of Technical Specifications Sl. No. 01. 02 Description of Item Digital Linear Tape (DLT) Recording Data Cartridges # Parameter Specification a Make HP,SONY,MAXELL,IMATION etc b Cartridge Type DLT-IV Magnetic Recording Media c Width of Tape ½ Inch d Capacity 40 GB Native/80 GB Compressed e Compatible Compatible with Quantum DLT 8000 drive f Tape Length 1828 ft Storage g Cartridge Size 105.8 × 105.4 × 25.4 (mm) h Durability 1000000 Tape Passes Complied/Not Complied Digital Linear Tape Head Cleaning Cartridge # Parameter Specification a Make HP,SONY,MAXELL,IMATION etc b Cartridge Type Cleaning Tape III c Compatible Compatible with Quantum DLT 8000 drive d Capacity 20 Cleanings e Cartridge Size 105.8 × 105.4 × 25.4 (mm) Date: ____________ (Authorized Signatory) Name & Address of the Firm :______________________________ Telephone & Fax Nos. :______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION ENVELOPE “B”- FINANCIAL BID (TO BE SUBMITTED IN ENVELOPE NO. "B") Annexure - IV AAI NIQ Ref No. : AAI/BG/GAGAN/DLT Cartridges/2014/Aug. Dated : 02nd Sept. 2014 Name of work : Supply of “Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges” for DLT Drive (Model Quantum – 8000 Drive) at GAGAN, AAI, Bangalore 1. Name and Address of the bidder : Sl. Details of Item No. Qty (A) 1. 2 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) Recording Data Cartridges Digital Linear Tape Head Cleaning Cartridge Unit price in Rupees (B) VAT (C) Other Duties (D) Total Price ( B+C+D) x A Rs. 40 02 Total Price in words Note 1: Form C & D for concessional duty shall not be acceptable for AAI for exemption or reduction in Govt. Duties. Note 2: Use of erasure, over writing and / or corrections in the price Bid should be avoided. However, in case it becomes unavoidable to use any of these for correction, the same must be authenticated by the person signing the bid with his signature. Note 3: Change in nomenclature of schedule and added optional items in this schedule attract action as per AAI terms and conditions. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455 O/o The General Manager (Com) Airports Authority of India, GAGAN Complex, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Note 4: No rows and columns should be left blank. In case price already included in the basic price and break up cannot be given or there is no cost, same may be indicated in the column or row as “Included” or “Not applicable” or “Nil” as may be appropriate. Note 5: In case of any ambiguity in total unit price or total amount figures or non-adherence to Note4 all calculations will be carried out taking Unit rate as base. I / We agree to all terms and conditions and Note above DATE : PLACE : SIG.OF BIDDER OFFICE SEAL ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 8 Phone: 080-2852 3788 Fax: 080-2854 1455
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