IFB 2014 Available Suppliers The companies listed below have advised that they are available to assist with products and services for the International Festival for Business 2014: Business Name CPD Eco Street Adverts Business Supply Type Website Contact Accreditation www.cpduk.co.uk 0208 840 4383 Advertising ecostreetadverts.com 07817229324 The Paper Cup Company Advertising www.thepapercupcompany.co.uk 01200 449 900 WC Media Ltd Advertising wc-media.co.uk [email protected] PPL Group Advertising www.thepplgroup.com 0151 707 4200 Analytics https://www.ruleranalytics.com/ 0800 118 5321 Glacial Art Ruler Analytics Art - Ice Scultors www.glacialart.com 0151 521 5070 Made Here Arts www.made-here.co.uk 07956 852 331 Comtec Presentations Arts, Entertainment www.comtec-presentations.com 0161 370 7772 Comedy Coach Tour Arts, Entertainment www.comedycoachtour.com 07964 755931 Arts/Event www.shiverpool.co.uk 0151 709 2030 Audio www.thevocalbooth.com 0151 707 2833 Audio Visual www.adlibevents.co.uk 0151 668 0002 Shiverpool The Vocal Booth Adlib Solutions Stagetex Audio Visual www.stagetexav.co.uk 0151 329 2220 Business AV Audio Visual www.businessav.co.uk 0800 587 9908 Blitz Communications Audio Visual www.blitzcommunications.co.uk 0161 855 2790 Pro AV Audio Visual www.proav.com 0845 680 7000 Altitude Productions Limited Audio Visual http://www.altitudeproductions.com/ contact.html 0151 639 3736 Heroes PA Hire Audio Visual https://www.facebook.com/pages/HeroesPA-Hire/390900554342125 07970 648 185 Fazenda Bar and Grill fazenda.co.uk 0151 227 2733 Business Adviser www.davidparrish.com 0151 906 1966 Cakes http://themaplecakery.co.uk/index.html 07510 105549 Pickled Walnut Catering www.pickledwalnutcatering.co.uk 0151 638 0011 The Lindley Group David Parrish The Maple Cakery Catering www.centreplate.co.uk 01782 222000 NSPCC Charity www.nspcc.org.uk 020 7825 2500 Vauxhall Neighbourhoood Council Charity www.vnc.org.uk 0151 207 5668 Bold Street Coffee Coffee/Event Space www.boldstreetcoffee.co.uk 0151 707 0760 Siren Coffee/Event Space http://www.sirenliverpool.co.uk/ 0151 706 8148 Andy Bounds Communication http://www.andybounds.com/ 0151 231 1186 Think Publicity Communications www.thinkpublicity.co.uk 0151 236 5372 Communications & IT http://www.adaptivecomms.co.uk/ 01704 540547 Adaptive Comms FESTIVAL PARTNERS Business Name EDP Voice Group The Copy Consultancy Business Supply Type Website Contact Consultancy www.edp-uk.co.uk 01744 766000 Contact Centre www.voicegroup.co.uk 0114 321 0000 Copywriting http://www.thecopyconsultancy.co.uk/ 07545 152 088 There Today Couriers www.theretoday.co.uk 0151 666 1500 On the Eighth Creative Agency http://ontheeighth.com/ 0161 300 8538 Survey Me Data collection www.survey-me.co.uk 0161 439 5331 Design www.ltprintgroup.co.uk 0151 647 8006 LT Print Group Cultivate Creative Design www.cultivatecreative.co.uk 01744 750 880 Studio Mashbo Design www.studiomashbo.com 0151 708 1924 Sparkle Design www.sparklevfx.com 0151 345 0313 Marick Partners Design www.marickpartners.co.uk 0161 877 7693 4 Corner's Design Design http://www.4cornersdesign.co.uk/ 01704 841593 Merchant Taylors Education www.merchanttaylors.com 0151 949 9351 Hugh Baird Education www.hughbaird.ac.uk 0151 353 4444 Lee Westwood Golf School Education leewestwoodgolfschool.com 0844 879 3467 Wirral Metropolitan College Education wmc.ac.uk 0151 551 7777 Knowsley Community College Education www.knowsleycollege.ac.uk 0151 477 5850 King George V College Education www.kgv.ac.uk 01704 548 656 The Technical Department Electrical www.thetechnicaldepartment.com 01483 238 050 Engineering www.tenetconsultants.co.uk 01925 230700 Gerundagula Productions Entertainment http://www.breathein.co.uk/ [email protected] Your Move Estate Agents www.your-move.co.uk 01744 754413 Tenet Consultants Craft Creative Event organiser www.craftcreativeevents.co.uk 0151 203 2409 MSP Event organiser www.msp-av.co.uk 0844 811 0901 SK Events Event organiser www.skevents.co.uk 0151 432 5652 World Span Group Event organiser www.worldspangroup.com 01745 828400 Event Tank Event organiser www.eventtank.co.uk 07914 368 346 R&B Group Event organiser rbgroup.co.uk 0191 276 3999 Clear Presentations Event organiser www.clearpresentations.com 0161 448 2424 Thorns Event organiser www.thorns.co.uk 0161 788 9064 Dimension Group Event organiser www.dimensiongroup.co.uk 01268 285361 DW Stadium Event Space www.dwstadium.com 01942 774 000 Baltic Creative Event Space www.baltic-creative.com 0151 708 2840 Event Staff http://www.showforce.com/ 0151 708 7409 Kick Showforce Event/Audio Visual www.kickpa.co.uk 0151 430 7000 IE Audio Hire Event/Audio Visual www.ieaudiohire.co.uk 07925 642 988 12 Degrees Events www.12degreesshop.co.uk 0845 491 8743 Our Kid Brother Events www.ourkidbrother.com 020 7323 2092 Orion Events orion-events.co.uk 0151 707 1279 FESTIVAL PARTNERS Business Supply Type Website Contact Really Now Business Name Events www.reallynow.co.uk 0754 953 7606 MCL Create Events mclcreate.com 0161 745 9933 Bien Venue Events www.bvevents.co.uk 01625 877776 Igloo Events Events http://www.iglooevents.co.uk/ 0161 643 7848 Autumn Marketing Events Events http://www.autumnmarketingevents.co.uk/ 07813 978870 Knutsford Exhibitions Limitied Exhibition exhibition-design.biz 01565 634218 Exhibit World Exhibition www.exhibitworld.co.uk 0151 606 1606 Sovereign Exhibitions Exhibition www.sovereignexhibitions.co.uk 01676 549 000 Grand Prix Experience Experience days/Event www.grandprixexperience.co.uk 07956 253295 Hurricane Films Films www.hurricanefilms.net 0151 707 9700 Tomfoolery Pictures Ltd Films http://www.tomfoolerypictures.co.uk/ [email protected] UK Bullion Direct Financial www.ukbulliondirect.com 01603 670517 Mersey Flowers Florist www.merseyflowers.co.uk 0151 7372436 Joseph Massie Creative Florist www.josephmassiecreative.com 07572 422 326 Gift Boxes http://www.belgraviagifts.com/ 0843 221 1808 Storm Consultancy Belgravia House of Gifts Health and Safety www.stormconsultancyuk.com 01704 551700 MacDonald Hotels Hotel www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk 0845 120 4991 Thornton Hall Hotel Hotel thorntonhallhotel.com 0151 336 3938 HR and Business Development www.peoplesolutionsnwl.co.uk 07543 637 028 HR/Law Service www.peninsulagrouplimited.com 0800 0282 420 Insurance affordableinsurancesolutions.co.uk 07914 787814 Interior/Office Design www.form-office.net 0800 7831550 People Solutions (North West) Ltd Peninsula Affordable Insurance Solutions Form ADT Interior/Office Design www.adtworkplace.com 0161 655 0290 Paragon PLC Interior/Office Design paragonplc.com 0115 951 9512 Form Contemporary Office Interior/Office Design http://www.form-office.net/ 0800 783 1550 Lomas Office Furniture & Stationery Ltd Interior/Office Design http://www.lomasoffice.co.uk/ 01254 690 600 Steelcase Solutions Interior/Office Design http://www.steelcase-solutions.co.uk/ 0161 200 6990 The Senator Group Interior/Office Design http://www.senator.co.uk/ 020 7388 7621 Clear Mapping Company Mapping Cartography http://www.clearmapping.co.uk/ 01326 741 134 Leopold Marketing Marketing www.leopoldmarketing.com 0843 506 5291 Liquid Marketing www.liquidsolution.co.uk 0151 231 6240 Active Profile Marketing www.activeprofile.co.uk 0151 705 3675 Crosby Associates Marketing www.crosbyassociates.co.uk 0151 476 6767 World Famous Group Marketing www.worldfamousgroup.com 020 7692 0006 Regenic Marketing regenic.co.uk 0800 083 2348 Reef Group Marketing www.reefgroup.eu The Network Marketing www.thenetwork-uk.com 0208 742 4070 Media www.psvmedia.com 01704 507881 PSV Media FESTIVAL PARTNERS Business Name Business Supply Type Website Contact Global Trade Media Media www.globaltrademedia.com 0207 936 6400 Sales Media Evolution Media www.salesmediaevolution.com 0845 094 6267 Kiosk Media www.kiosk.tm 0151 625 8822 Innesco Media www.innesco.co.uk 0207 409 3434 Printel/MaD Media www.mediaanddigital.com 0800 542 0700 Fact Media www.fact.co.uk 0151 707 4464 Mills Media Media www.millsmediagroup.com 0151 649 3600 New Media Branding Media/Branding www.newmediabranding.com 0845 520 0660 Zut Media Media/Video zutmedia.com 0845 862 4445 Sentric Music Music Rights www.sentricmusic.com 0207 099 5991 Nanotechnology nanolandglobal.com 020 3287 9234 Nanoland Global Blue Ski Photography Photography www.blueskiphotography.com 0151 625 4517 JohnsonJames Photography johnsonjames.co.uk 0151 648 8224 AA Photographic Photography www.aaphotographic.com 07802 737 419 St Helens Photo Studio Photography www.sthelensphotostudio.com 01744 610108 Pete Carr Photography www.petecarr.net 07968 919 993 StephenKingPhotography Photography http://stephenkingphotography.co.uk/ 07813 761 984 PR www.janeleah.com 07949 379 974 Jane Leah Consults DeWinter PR www.thinkdewinter.co.uk 01244 320677 Lily Pad PR PR http://www.lilypadpr.co.uk/ 0844 35 11 484 Buzz PR and Marketing PR Marketing buzzprandmarketing.co.uk 01695 572 779 Shout Communications PR/Broadcast http://www.shoutcommunications.co.uk/ 0207 240 7373 Presentation Consultancy andrewbarlow.org 0151 924 3339 Print Factory Andrew Barlow Printing www.printfactory.co.uk 0151 708 0590 Prinovis Printing www.prinovis.com 0151 494 5200 CDP Print Management Printing http://www.cdp.co.uk/ 0800 1954 991 Foojit Printing/mail http://www.fooj.it/ 0151 665 0008 We Produce Production http://www.weproduce.co.uk/ 07921 382629 Wild Thang Promotional http://www.wildthang.co.uk/ 0800 917 9809 Ashtenne Property www.ashtenne-online.co.uk 0151 331 4000 The Edge Publication www.theedgewirral.co.uk 0151 200 7422 Lucam Consultancy Recruitment www.lucamconsultancy.com 01744 758 160 Wickland Westcott Recruitment/training www.wickland-westcott.co.uk 01625 508100 Primarius Security www.primarius.me.uk 0845 576 0904 Bibby Ship Management Shipping www.bibbyshipmanagement.com 0151 708 8000 CMA CGM Shipping www.cma-cgm.com 0151 227 1771 Signmakers www.brimark-signs.com 0151 652 6842 Skills/Training www.connexionslive.com 0800 0126 606 Software inviqa 020 3179 9555 Brimark Signs Connexions Inviqa FESTIVAL PARTNERS Business Supply Type Website Contact Fuzzelogic Solutions Business Name Software/Mobile www.fuzzelogicsolutions.com 01624 618950 Draw and Code Software/Mobile www.drawandcode.com 0151 329 0900 Apposing Software/Mobile www.apposing.co.uk 0151 706 0107 Citrus Suite Software/Mobile www.citrussuite.com 0151 345 1979 Edge 360 Software/Mobile edgethreesixty.com 0151 223 0001 Catalyst World Class Speaker www.catalystworldclass.com 01628 673737 Performing Artistes Speaker www.performingartistes.co.uk 01932 590 376 Hotowka Speaker www.hotowka.co.uk 01274 685 152 Enterprise Speakers Speakers www.enterprisespeakers.co.uk 0843 289 2612 Purple Tie Promotions Speakers http://www.purpletiepromotions.com/ 07979 441599 UKOS Stationery www.ukosplc.com 01565 650231 Telephony www.digiteleurope.co.uk 0151 650 0065 Skiddle Digitel Europe Ticket sales/Events www.skiddle.com 0843 289 3333 Event Bright Ticket sales/Events www.eventbrite.co.uk 0800 652 8399 Tours http://www.architecture.com/RegionsAndInternational/UKNationsAndRegions/England/ RIBANorthWest/RIBANorthWest.aspx#. U1kb6fldUQM 0151 703 0107 RIBA NW Today Translations Translations www.todaytranslations.com 07736 585 586 TW Languages Translations www.twlanguages.com 0161 826 8777 Evident Languages Translations evidentlanguage.com 07847 998319 Oban Multilingual Translations http://www.obanmultilingual.com/ 01273 704 434 Teneo Translation UK Translations http://www.teneotranslationsuk.com/ 0844 409 6709 The Big Word Translations http://www.thebigword.com/uk/ 0870 748 000 AJ Taxis Transport www.taxi-one.co.uk 0151 226 1356 Arnold Clark Transport www.arnoldclark.com 0844 815 2129 Professional Chauffeur Services Transport pcslimited.org 0845 223 2000 Green Motion Transport www.greenmotion.co.uk 0333 888 4000 Enterprise Holdings Inc Transport www.enterpriseholdings.com 888 999 3722 INTX Transport www.intx.co.uk 0808 2222121 Green Motion Transport http://www.greenmotion.co.uk/ 0333 888 4000 Aspen Travel Travel Agents www.aspentravel.co.uk 0161 748 6864 Crown Travel Travel Agents www.crowntravel.co.uk 0151 724 2265 Artists Club Venue http://www.artists-club.com/ 0151 236 2940 Grosvenor Leo Casino Venue http://www.grosvenorcasinos.com/local-casinos/liverpool 0800 083 1990 The Gateway Centre Venue http://www.thegatewaycentre.org/ 0151 298 3200 ImagePlay Video http://imageplay.co.uk/ We are not agents for, and do not represent these persons or companies whose products or services may be displayed or listed above and they have not been vetted or checked by Liverpool Vision. If you purchase products or services from any of these companies you will enter into a contractual relationship with the seller/provider and Liverpool Vision accepts no liability of any kind. FESTIVAL PARTNERS
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