Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania 1414 N. Cameron Street, Second Floor Harrisburg, PA 17103-1049 (800) 692-7443 (Voice) (877) 375-7139 (TDD) www.drnpa.org VIA EMAIL September 22, 2014 Honorable Gene DiGirolamo, Chair Pennsylvania House Human Services Committee 49 East Wing P.O. Box 202018 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2018 Honorable Angel Cruz, Democratic Chair Pennsylvania House Human Services Committee 528E Main Capitol Building P.O. Box 202180 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2180 RE: House Resolution 1018 Dear Chairperson DiGirolamo and Chairperson Cruz: The Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania (DRN) is the organization designated pursuant to federal law to protect the rights of and advocate for Pennsylvanians with disabilities. DRN urges your support for Representative Thomas Murt’s House Resolution 1018. This Resolution authorizes the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a comprehensive study and make a report on the impact of the 2012-2013 ten percent reduction in funding for countymanaged community mental health services and establishes an advisory committee. Please move House Resolution 1018 out of the Human Services Committee on September 24 so it can receive full House consideration this session. Protecting and advancing the rights of people with disabilities Honorable Gene DiGirolamo, Chair Honorable Angel Cruz, Democratic Chair RE: House Resolution 1018 September 22, 2014 Page 2 of 2 Base-funded mental health services are critical for promoting recovery and preventing institutionalization but have experienced a decade of cuts and budget freezes. This has resulted in reductions in crisis services and evidence-based practices needed for treatment and recovery. Waiting lists for services have increased. DRN receives numerous requests for assistance each year, and our children and adult clients with mental illness are unable to access necessary community mental health services due to the funding reductions. Many are on waiting lists, and some have been institutionalized. Pennsylvania needs the study in House Resolution 1018 to determine the effect of funding reductions on access to county-based mental health services. The study will inform lawmakers and stakeholders whether there is sufficient access to services and supports for children and adults with mental illness. This information is critical for formulating an appropriate budget for 2015-2016. DRN again requests that House Resolution 1018 be moved out of the Human Services Committee this week so it can receive full House consideration this session. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Peri Jude Radecic Chief Executive Officer cc: Melanie Brown, via email Ashley McCahan, via email Lynette Perkin, via email
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