SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCE FWC BENEFICIARIES 2013 - LOT 10: EU-EAC Liaison Officer Request for service 2014 / 337057 1. BACKGROUND The East African Community (EAC) was established in 1999 by Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Burundi and Rwanda joined in 2009. The EAC Customs Union (CU) was launched in 2005, after the entry into effect of the Customs Union Protocol. To lead to the implementation of the CU a series of instruments have been developed, including the Customs Management Act (2004) and various legal instruments relating to trade in goods e.g. the SQMT Act (2008). In 2010, the Community signed a Common Market Protocol which is now being implemented. The Community has ambitions for a Monetary Union and foresees a Political Federation in some years to come. The EAC Development Strategy is the overarching document defining development priorities in the EAC. The 4th EAC Development Strategy was elaborated in 2011 and covers a five year period (2011/12-2015/16). The priorities of the Strategy are: Consolidation of the benefits of a fully fledged Customs Union; Full Implementation of the Common Market; Establishment of the East African Monetary Union; Laying the Foundation for a Political Federation; Development of Regional Infrastructure; Development and strengthening of the Regional Productive Sectors; Development of the social sector; and Strengthening of EAC Organs and Institutions. The EAC organs and institutions include: the EAC Secretariat, East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), East African Court of Justice (EACJ), Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO), Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA), Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA), East African Development Bank (EADB). In order to implement the EAC strategy, sector specific documents include, amongst others, the EAC Transport Strategy and Regional Road Sector Development Program 2011, the EAC Regional Power System Master Plan 2011, the East African Railways Master Plan 2009, EAC industrialisation policy and strategy, and the EAC Food Security Action Plan (2011 – 2015). A Protocol on good governance is currently being prepared. Implementation of the development vision is being supported by various development partners. The EAC Budget for 2012/13 amounts to 130 million USD, of which more than 65% is funded by development partners. The EU has been supporting regional integration in the EAC region, mainly through the National Indicative Programmes in the five member states and through the Regional Indicative Programme (RIP) of the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean (ESA-IO) region. The initial budget of the 10th EDF ESA-IO RIP amounted to € 645 million, covering four regional organizations (ROs): EAC, COMESA, IGAD and IOC. After the 10th EDF Mid Term Review, the budget was reduced to € 619 million. Its two focal areas are regional economic integration and regional political integration/cooperation. Support goes to the EAC Secretariat and other EAC organs to implement their trade agenda, support to the EAC's programme on developing frameworks for good and democratic governance as well as migration, trade facilitation along the Central Corridor, and a power transmission line between Burundi and Rwanda. The EAC is part of the wider ESA-IO region which has a complex ‘architecture’, in which several countries are members of at least 2 Regional Organisations. This 'multiple membership' is a challenge for regional integration. The 'Tripartite Free Trade Area' agreement between COMESA-SADC-EAC states is an attempt to address the issue. It was launched in 2008 with the objective to establish a single Free Trade Area covering the 26 countries of the three regional organisations but the modalities are still being negotiated. At the recent SADC-EU Ministerial Political Dialogue (Maputo, 20 March 2013), both parties agreed on the need for the speedy implementation of the process. In this context, the IRCC (Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee) was created in 2001 by COMESA, EAC, IGAD, IOC and EU in order to improve the delivery of aid by the EU to the ESA-IO region under the 9th and 10th EDF. It is a platform where the four organisations and EU coordinate programmes and strategies to be implemented under the COMESA-EACIGAD-IOC RIP, in the presence of SADC, the African Union Commission and the ACP Secretariat. The EAC Secretariat is the current Chair of IRCC. The only on-going (interim) Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) in the region have been signed with Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar and Zimbabwe. There are on-going EPA negotiations with 3 groupings of countries: EAC, SADC and a full EPA with the whole ESA (COMESA) region. The EAC region faces a long list of challenges in many areas. Its trade agenda needs to be carried forward and its Customs Union and Common Market fully implemented. Challenges include issues such as a multiplicity of agencies and legal regimes regulating trade, different interpretations of regional laws, insufficient skills mix of implementing agencies and lack of legal mandate on part of the Secretariat to enforce trade facilitation instruments. The region faces infrastructure challenges, having the lowest energy access ratio in the world, old railway infrastructure, limited road networks, and inefficient ports. It also faces challenges in promoting good governance, democracy, gender equality, cross-border management of natural resources and ensuring peace and security for its citizens. In order to support the region in meeting these challenges, RIP for the 11th EDF covering the regional organizations in the EA-SA-IO region (COMESA, EAC, IGAD, IOC and – to be confirmed in 2014 -SADC) is in preparation. This programme will build on the 9th and 10th EDF interventions and on the results of the Mid-Term Review of the 10th EDF. Within 11th EDF RIP, a separate allocation for the EAC region will be created, to support specific interventions and actors in the region. The EDF support will be geared to three main pillars of the regional cooperation agenda: peace and security, economic regional integration and management of natural resources. The EAC has decided to move very strongly to meet international standards in terms of accounting, audit, internal control and procurement procedures. This would allow the EAC to be eligible for contribution agreements with the EU for the implementation of certain projects under the 11 EDF. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT Global objective The global objective of this assignment is to facilitate the relationship between the EAC and the EU, notably for the implementation of EU development cooperation programmes with the EAC region within the wider context of the EA-SA-IO coordinated approach and the EU support to the African continental integration agenda. Specific objective(s) The specific objective of this assignment is to serve as a focal point for the EAC – EU partnership, to coordinate and ensure a swift planning, implementation and follow-up of EU supported policies and programmes within the EAC. Requested services The liaison officer will be required: 1. To be the liaison point in the EAC for all EU-EAC cooperation and European Commission funded programs, including for the programming of the 11th EDF. 2. To respond to queries from the Secretary General of the EAC, the EU Head of Delegation to the EAC on issues related to the policies, programs and initiatives of the strategic partnership. 3. To help the strategic partnership move forward by incorporating European Commission funded programsinto the EAC strategies as elaborated by its secretariat and member states. In particular, the liaison officer shall contribute to the alignment of RISPs 3 to the EAC Partnership Fund. 4. To work in direct support of the policies and technical programs jointly entered into by the EU and the EAC and to ensure that European Commission funded programs in the EAC yield the desired results for both the EU and EAC. 5. To be a direct support to the division directors for the successful planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of European Commission funded programs, including on procurement and contractual aspects. 6. To support EAC technical personnel to deliver quarterly briefing reports on EU-EAC activities and accomplishments, as well as an annual summary report, inclusive of indicators and valid data. 7. To work with the EAC resources mobilization unit and the planning section to report on the European Commission Funded program in all quarterly and annual reports (to be possible aligned with EAC reporting). 8. To participate in EAC quality control teams, especially for the work sponsored by EU. 9. To work in any and all areas that may enhance the visibility and program achievements of the EU-EAC strategic partnership and to report results on the same. 10. Possibly to facilitate the organisation of meetings related to EU-EAC cooperation. Required outputs The inception report will define the proposed work plan within the scope of the assignment and will detail the specific tasks to be carried out in order to fulfil the requested services. The quarterly reports on EU-EAC activities will include all relevant information to followup on EU funded cooperation programmes with the EAC. Each report will state the results achieved and proposals to mitigate the risks that may hamper a swift implementation of EU funded programmes. The final report will report on the results achieved for each service requested and propose ways to improve the daily cooperation between the EAC and the EU. 3. EXPERTS PROFILE or EXPERTISE REQUIRED One senior expert will required to complete the assignment for an estimated of 240 working days delivered over 12 months period. Qualifications and skills: • Masters degree in Economics, Political Science, International Trade, Law or any development-related field; • Demonstrated knowledge of the Cotonou Agreement, EU development cooperation policies, EU-Africa Strategy and EDF implementation rules and procedure; • Demonstrated knowledge of EAC policies, programmes and proceduresDemonstrated knowledge and skills in strategy formulation and facilitation; • Demonstrated knowledge on project cycle management and innovative financial instruments (blending); • Demonstrated knowledge on institutional assessments and standards on , audit, internal control and procurement procedures • Fluency in written and spoken English; • Excellent analytical, conceptual and reporting skills; • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; • Computer literacy; • Knowledge of French and / or Swahili would be an asset. Experience: • Minimum 10 years of experience in development cooperation with at least 5 years in project management on projects of regional nature; • Demonstrated experience in the East Africa region and integration process; • Experience in aid delivery; • • • • Extensive experience in EU support to regional integration: at least 2 assignments covering TA on EU-funded regional programmes must be demonstrated, including one relating to support in capacity development; Extensive experience in strategic planning; Experience in EC procurement/contracting would be an asset Experience in gender empowerment and equality would be an asset. 4. LOCATION AND DURATION The indicative starting date for this assignment is 1st of March 2014. The total duration of the assignment is 240 working days over 12 months. The main location of the assignment is Arusha (EAC premises), Tanzania. Missions are to be foreseen in the EAC capitals (Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, Kampala, Kigali, Bujumbura), IRCC Secretariat and COMESA (Lusaka) and SADC (Gaborone) and possibly to Brussels. Indicative starting date Indicative ending date 1st of March 2014 31 of February 2015 5. REPORTING The working language is English. All the reports have to be produced in English. Format of reports will be agreed upon during inception phase. The Inception Report shall be submitted within the first two weeks of assignment (electronic version only). The quarterly briefing report on EAC activities shall be submitted in the course of the assignments (electronic version only). The draft final report shall be submitted within two weeks after the end of the assignment. The Final Report, including an executive summary, shall be submitted within 10 calendar days after reception of the comments on the draft final report (electronic version only). 6. INCIDENTAL EXPENDITURE In addition to international flights, regional flights and the meetings organisation will be considered as reimbursable costs. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION This is a fee-based price contract. Offers should be submitted with a comprehensive methodology (max. 5 pages) describing the understanding of the present terms of reference, the strategy to achieve the expected results and outputs, and a description of the activities to be performed. The EAC will provide office space and office equipment. The liaison officer will report to the EU Head of Delegation in Tanzania and to the EAC Secretary General or their designees. The EU Delegations, the EAC Secretariat and the various NAO Offices will endeavour to provide designated counterparts to work together with the liaison officer for the duration of the engagement. The working days mentioned must be performed by the liaison officer. Therefore, any working day that must be charged for travel (if necessary and depending on the place of origin of the Expert) must be added to the working days requested. 8. EVALUATION OF OFFERS The contracting authority reserves the right to conduct interviews to select the expert. EVALUATION GRID Methodology: Understanding of ToR Strategy / Methodology 5 20 Total score for methodology 25 Expert 1 – Senior expert Qualification and skills Professional experience 25 50 Total score for expert 75 Overall total score 100
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