
FW: EAC: Minutes of
meetin: Haryana sect
Pandey, Dilip Kumar cd
To: “piuNsar©
” <piuhisar©> >
Tue. Jan 26, 2014 at 3:4
0 PM
Dear sr
Pt find here’Mth MOEF cle
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Dr. D K Pandey (Ph.D)
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front Khairwar, Akhilesh
Sent: Tuesday, Janua
ry 28, 2014 3:38 PM
To: Pandey, IIp Kuma
Subject: EAC: Minutes
of meetin: 1-laryana
EAC Minutes of eptinn
The Minutes of the 1 23
Meeting of the Expert Ap
praisal Committee
for Building/Constructio
n Projects/Township
Proect s. Cos s1 a
ea Development
Regulation Zone, Infras
tructure Development
Miscellaneous projects hel
d on
I b April, 20 i 3 at (.:onfbrcn
JOC, Core- 6 ,
ce Hall,
Floor, Scope Complex, Ne
w Delhi.
Opening Remarks of the
The Chairman welcomed
the members to the 123”’
Expert Appraisal Committe
meeting of the
Confirmation of the Minu
tes of the 122nd Meeting
of the EAC held
on 25th 26th March, 20
13 at Mumbai,
Minutes of the l22Yd Me
eting of the EAC held on 25th
2013 at Mu.mbai were confirm
2t’.h March,
In item No. 4.7 “Amendm
ent to carrying out minin
g operation with the help
of power and machine
ries at Tirunelveli, Kanni
yakumari and Tuticorin
district by M/s V.V, Mi
nerals (F. No, I 06/2004-IA,I
1l)” the folluwing
conditions shall be inserted.
To fiirthc’r cxarnm.e the pro
posal Rapid ETA and Publi
c 1 lea rmq u.s
per die pro cal vn o/ (‘HZ A’
oti/icalinn .301 1, shall he
earned out,
In item no.5.4 “Environ
mental Clearance for pro
posed common hazardous
waste management facilit
y including incineration
at Industrial Growth
Centre, Phase1l, Samba, Ma
ndhera Village, ,Jammu &
Kashmir by M/s APR
Projects Pvt. Ltd IF.
No. i0-43/2012-IA.11lj” the top
ic the project shall he
read as “Integrated commo
n hazardous waste manage
ment facility including
incineration at Industrial
Growth Centre”
Consideration of old Proposals
Amendment in ToR grante
d for development of
Shipyard cum
Captive Jetties including
a LNG Terminal at Layia
, Kutch District,
Gujarat by MIs Gujarat
Integrated Maritime Co
mplex Pvt, Ltd.
(F.No. 11-87120111A-IU
As presented by the project
proponent. ToR was finali
zed in February,
2012 for the development
of Shipyard cum Captive
ties with 2.5 MTPA
H ix
] mm ii u L i\ i
hutt Ii Diti at
(mj ii it
Integrated Maritime Comp
M/ C ti; a
lex Pvt. Ltd. As per die
LNG Policy 21)12,
add 1 jonal LN( I requiremen
t is to he reserved for lov
ern mciii of (hijarat
therefore is proposed 10
enhance LNCi terminal capaci
ty from 1.5 to 5 MTPA.
There will be basic chan
ge in design but there will
addition to number of
During the discus
sion, the followin
g poin
ts emerged:
(‘ommittee not ed
changed. hence th that the approach channel alig
nment is
ere will be reduct
be subrnitted on.
the original and prop n in dredging. Details shall
osed channel, dred
ging etc.
Submit the detail
with nos, type an of frees required to be cut for the pr
oject along
d grith size etc.
The distance be
tween the coal je
500 in, the risk
assessment shou and LifU terminal is about
accident in coal st
orage to LNG term cover the risk due to any
inal uis-a versa.
The Committee
recommends the
amendment In
ToR with the
Cfl Clearance fo
r establishmen
t of shore base
Laboratory at V
d O
lsakhapatnam by
MIs NIO (F. No. cean Research
11-87/201 1).
The proposal w
ussed by the EA
2011 and Comm
C in its meeting
ittee dcfcn’cd th
held in Dcc,
e proposal and so
ught following ad
The committee no
carried out by N d that the HTL/LTL demarcation, ha
IO itself, which
s been
it may lead to
interest, hence it
corifhct of
was suggested to
get HE /LTL dem
by another author
ized agency and
superimpose th
layout and subm
e proposed
it through APC2M
Submit the deta
ils of waste (sol
generation if an
y from the labo , liquid and gaseous )
ratory and its m
treatment and disp
ethod of
Details of the sea
water intake and
disposal facility.
The details subm
itted and presen
by the Committe
ted by the propon
ent was
There are many
are the site is in
against the projec
CR11, no where
ts. Major allegati
, the Oceanogra
500 rnts from sh
phy laboratory is
ore and reques
d to refer to II
American Kotel
s Pvt Ltd (BAY
TL map of Mis hin
PARK) and Karth
2013-TA.tll Th
ikavanam (F.No.
). e NCZMA has deferred
shift the faclift
the reclassificati
y beyond CRZ
on and suggested
e it is not perm
submitted its resp
issible. The NlO
onse to each o
the points made in
the complaint.
During the disc
ussion, the follow
ing points
The Committee note
d th
of CESS and showiz at the pipe line is not shown an cRZ
on other map
superimpose 11w j)i
pClULC vii. ntap of CE , hence suggested to
SS (111(1 submit cd
co-ordinates of the
ong with
prqject site.
The NCZMA has
considered by NCZM t exwnirted prqject. Earlier prop
A was only reclas
CRZ-11I to CRZ-1l fo
r the purpose of fication of the area from
constructing labo
Neither there was
detailed scient(fic pr
oject proposal
NCZMA nor an
y proj
only for reclassific ect appraisal by NCZMA. Since the issu re the
e was
discussion and or an n, the NCZMA has not called the N
IO for
y presentation on the
The proponent expl
ained just 4fication why
not be located be
the laboratory sh
yond 500 m and to
be located close to se ould
facility is needed
a. The
for continuous mon
itoring of both air
characteristics to
d water
especially concerning stigate the air-sea exchange processe
climatically importa
and for understand
ing the physical an
d bi
coastal ivaters, and
how they are bein ological processes in
activities. In the
case of atmospheric sa impacted bq human
mpling, the intake po
must be located
as little inland as
possible because
terrestrial vegeta
tion and human
alter/dilute the marin
e signatura Consi ities will greatly
and relatively little
dering the topography
development in the
area, the proposed si
JIJO Regional Centre
te for
sampling point flvm ideally suited for this purpose, Mouing
over 2ppm contamin 0 in to 500 in from the HTL may lead
ation in the carbon di
oxide content, but it to
be variable depend
increase in aerosols g upon the wind direction. A several fo
is similarly expected.
as short as possible
. This is because grow The pipeline should be
th offouling organi
occurs inside the pi
peline that will lead
(causing consumptio
to enhance respiratio
n of oxygen, and
nutrients), so that
the characteristics
c4fjerent from thos
e at the intake po ing measured will be
int. These effects
expected to increase
non-linearly with th
e length of the pipe e
Therefore, extending
being planned now, the length of the pipeline from -300 in, e.
to more than 500 met
ers will introduce er
much in excess of
a factor of 2, in ad
servicing a lot more
g the
Proponent further
informed that contra
the “representation”
ry to what has be
submitted to the M
en stated in
0. Padma, Secrettu V
a similar pipeline su
y, RFA*,
pplying seawater ha
NlO headquarters
s been existing in
at Dona Paula, (ba
as well as local
inquiries made by us since the 1980s. An internet search
organization, which
in all probability is did not succeed in identifying this
The Committee reco
mmends the propos
al for CRZ Clearance
the above cond
ition in the Cle
arance letter fo
th.e project prop
r strict complia
nce by
Extensions of va
lidity of cleara
nce dated 29.0
container term
7.2008 granted
inal and marin
e container term
JNPT (F.No. 10-8
inal by MIs
As presented by
the project prop
was granted on 29
onent the Enviro
nment clearance
.07.2008. Implem
entation is delaye
cases against the
e to
project. The existin
g liqud berth vil1 be keptcertain court
200 mts Container
as it is and
berth will be co
compensate the de
nstructed in single
lay. Now, the cons
e onuly to
truction is proposed
July, 2013 hence
to commence alter
project proponent
requested for exte
Terminals filed W
nsion. M/s APM
P in July, 2009
in High Court of
denial of participa
Bombay against
tion in tender pr
ocess. The petitio
n dismissed in Mar
The committee re
commended the
extension of EC
for another five
Consideration of
New Proposals:
CRZ Clearance
for the proposed
CNG filling statio
153A ERR sche
n at plot No,
me Block III, Fort
Division on free
road Mumbai by
press Journal
Mis Mahanagar G
as Ltd. (F.No. 19
The Committee de
cided to defer th
proponent did no
e project, since
t attend the mee
the project
4.2 CRZ clea
rance for entire
complex of R.N
Murudeshwar by
. Shety Trust
MIs R.N. Shety
Trust and MIs
Ltd. (F.No, 11-7
Naveen Hotles
The proposal w
as discussed 1w
January. 2012. Th
the EAC in its m
e Committee defe held in
rred the proposal
following informat
and sought additio
s no application
and HTL demarca
The proponent hi
tion on I he prol
is to prepare the
HTL/LTL map th
nut honzcd agency
rough an
in 1: 400( scale, su
perimpose the In
of I tic: project and
\out plan
subrnnt through KCZ
•The EIA s for th
e period of 2007
which need to be
taking into consid
eratton the recent
circulars of the M
The details subm
itted and presente
d by the propon
by the Committee
ent was examined
During the discus
sion, the followin
g poin
ts emerged:
The Committee no
tea that the KCZMA
has onij forwarded
proposal hence suq
estecl the proponent to
act recornmenda two
recommendation on
the project
The project attracts
the EJA Notification.
2006, hence EC shall
obtained from SEJA
. he
A, Karnataka,
In view of the fo
regoing observatio
to defer the pr
oposal. The proposal ns, the committee recommend
shall be reconsider
above observations
ed after the
are addressed and
4.3 CR2 Clarenc
e for laying of 20
“underground Gas
with OFC and 10
Pipeline along
” effluent disposal
pipeline passing
area of Yanam
through CRZ
-Pudueherry by M
IS Gujarat State
Corporation Ltd.
fF,No.11 —21/2013
CR2 Clearance
for onshore gas te
rminal at Mallava
setting up of proc
ram and
ess cum living qu
arter platform at of
hore in
Andhra Pradesh M
Is Gujarat State Pe
Corporation Ltd.(
F.No,11 —22/2013-IA
iVi/ a Gujarat
State Petroleum Co
rporation Ltd in form
the above proposals
ed that the 1)0th
are component of a
single proiect hence,
consjucrcd as a sin
the Committee
gle project,
“CRZ Clearance fo
r onshore gas term
inal at Mailavaram
process cum livin
setting up of
g quarter platform
at offshore in KG-O
Andhra Pradesh an
SN-2001 /03,
d laying of 20 “und
erground Gas Pipe
OFC and 10” efflu
line along with
ent disposal pipe
line passing throug
h CRZ area of
y by M/s Gujarat
State Petroleum C
F.No. 11—21/2013
poration Ltd.(
As presented by
M/s Gujarat State Pe
troleum Corporation
Gandhinagar (A Go
vt.. Of Gujarat Und
Ltd (GSPC),
ng) has signed a
sharing contract with
Govt. Of India on 2nd
exploration and pr
February 2003 for
oduction activities in
carrying out
the Offshore Block
KG Basin East Co
(KGOSN200 1/3)
a,t of India lter disc
overy of Gas in we
has decided to de
ll Kt #8 t
velop the field as “D
eendayal Developm
ent Field”.
Environmental Cl
earance from Min
istry of Environmen
(MoEP) was obtained
t and Forest
for above field develo
pment which consist
s of following:
• Setting up of Well
Head Platform (WHP
) at Offshore (1<048
2. Drilling of 15 deve
lopment wells from
Well Head Platform
3. Laying
of Multiphase produced
fluid pipeline from Offshore (WIIP) to
Land Fall Point (LFP) and from
ISP to Onshore Gas Terminal (001’)
P. Mallavaram.
4. Laying of pipeline for disposa
l of treated effluent from OGT
at identified
marine outfall location.
5. Processing Facilities for 240 MM
SCFD Gas and associated conden
at Onshore Gas Terminal at P. Ma
llavaram Andhra Pradesh
Subsequently with receipt of CFE
from the State pollution Control
Board, physical construction
work for the above field dev
elopment has
already commenced, In the mea
n time, with availability of add
itional well
test data, capacities of some of
the already envisaged facilities were
to be enhanced and also some new
facilities were required to be add
ed in the
Development Scheme so that it
continues to remain effective and
As per the directives of MoEF, GS
PC has submitted application for
CRZ clearance for below mention
ed facilities:
I. Process cum Living Quarter
Platform connected to Well Hea
d Platform
(With gas dehydration, Produced
water treatment, Living Quarter
located at Offshore
2. Enhancement of processing
capacity of Onshore Gas Terminal
Gas 240 MMscfd to 300 MMscfd
and condensate to 1344 MTPD)
3. Enhancement of capacity of
Captive Power plant (CPPJ (4 to 24 MW
4. Evacuation of
process sale gas from OGT throug
h (-500 in long) sale gas
pipeline to east West pipeline (EW
PL) of M/s RGTIL
5. Raw water pipeline (—74 Kin
) to draw raw water from upstre
am of
Dowlaiswaram barrage.
This proposal was considered
by AP state Coastal Zone Manageme
Authority (APCZM.A)
7th November
2012 and recommended the project
MoEF. The expected cost of the project
is 203000 Lakhs.
During the discussion, the fol
lowing points emerged:
Submit the details of the critical environ
mental issues identified
during laying of pipeline.
The Committee noted that the BC for enhanc
ement of captive
power plant is under consideration of
EAC of Thermal committee
which has also sought examining
the requirement qf wild4fe
clearance in view of Coringa
Sanctuary located in 2.5 km
The pIpeline of about 150-200
in length of pipeline is pas
mangroves and the pipeline is propos
ed to be laid through HDD.
In view of the foregoing obs
ervations, the committee rec
to defer the proposal. Th
e proposal shall be reconside
red after the
above observations are add
ressed and submitted.
CRZ Clearance for replac
LPG and POL pipelines
associated facilities for
existing storage terminal
at Port Exim
Park area, Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh, MIs
East India
Petroleum Pvt. Ltd. (F.No.
11 —17/2013 IA.HI).
As presented by the projec
t proponent, M/ s East India
Petroleum Pvt.
Ltd., is one of die sto
rage terminal in private
sector located at
Visakhapatnam, Port Exim
Park area, Andhra Pradesh.
to set up the Port
Based world Class facility
for receipt, storage and handli
of POL products
and LPG. The proposal inv
olves hiving one additional
pipeline of 10” and
5.315 KM length to transp
ort POL products from C )R1 & UR-2 Berths
Situatee on the Western Arm
of Inner Harbour of Visakhapa
tnam Port to the
Existing E1PL tenninal and
associated receipt facilities
Laying a pipeline 14” din and
8.334 KM length to transport
. LPG from
the existing LPG Jetty loc
ated in the Outer Harbour of
the Visakhapatnam
Port to the existing EIPL
terminal arid associated rec
eipt facilities pig
receiving station, Heat exc
hanger, The proposed lines
shall he laid in the
corridor obtained from Vis
akhapatnam Port Trust on
g term lease vide
Estate/ EIPL/wav- [eave/ SA/26
I 787
0. The entire alignment of the
proposed lines
shall be underground at I ,50
m depth in VPT’ premises and
no private land
aequ.isition is proposed.
EIPL has carried out Techn
ical Feasibility study, Risk
Analysis and
Disaster Management Plan for
installation of LPG Blending
Facility by PDIL
(Project Development Ind
ia Ltd., a Government of
India undertaking
company). El PL has carried
oi it Risk Analysts and Disast
er Management
Plan by the reputed organizat
ion DNV (Det Norske Veritas)
LPG pipeline
1 itt
d F a ilities EIPL has cat med
md Disasu r
Management Plan for laying
10” POL pipeline.
The APSCZMA has recom
mended the project x’ide letter
No. 4907/
CZMA/20l2. dated 02-03-201
During the discussion, the
following points emerged:
The committee noted that there
is rn,oratonum in Vishak.apatin
however, 1/i.e proposal is onl
y layinq additionni pipeline
decrease the operation loads
on existing pipelines jOr impro
reliability of operation of pipelin
e without any enhancement
storage ca.pacty, the commit tee
decided to consider the project.
Proponent shall submit an und
ertaking to the ejjèct that there wil
ne no enhancement of stora ye fac
The proponent shall superimpose the pzpclirw
on CRZ map and
submit along with the details along the pipeline
In view of the foregoing observations,
the committee recommend
to defer the proposal. The proposal
shall be reconsidered after the
above observations are addressed and
CRZ Clearance for development of 4.0
Ha of Forest land in
Visakhapatnam Division for “Karthika
vanam” in S.No. 106 of
Yendada Village, Greater Visakhapatnam
Municipal Corporation.
Urban development, Department (F.No.
11 —12/ 2013
development of ecotourism activity including
the proposal involves
construction of R4 cottages,
laya Vedika- lo showcase Art and Cult
ure of the region (open air
auditonum) traditional Indian house, Youth activ
ity Centre. Restaurant and
ethnic food court. The total plot area is 10
Acres and the build up area is
9569.11 acres. The water requirement will
be 70 KLD and will be met from
Public Supply. The waste water generation
of about 56 KLD will he treated
in a modular STP of 60 KLD capacity. The
treated wastewater will he used
for greenheit. Forests clearance has
been obtained vide lelter dated
30.09.2010 from Regional Office, MoEF.
Parking facility is proposed in
5191.33 sqm. Green belt of 19.627 sqm is
proposed. DO set of 250 KVA
has been proposed with acoustic enclosure.
During the discussion, the following poi
nts emerged:
Submit the details of landscape plan, dramaqe
plan.. parking and
circulation etc
Explore the possththtq to retain c:ustin trees
and submit the
dean! of trees along ant h Hipes. girl is SSZC’
In view of the foregoing observations, the
committee recommend
to defer the proposal. The proposal sha
ll be reconsidered after the
above observations are addressed and subm
CRZ Clearance for installation and operate
a conveyor belt (92 M)
at Gut No.221, Kokmandle village, Talu
ka Shrivardhan Distt.
Ralgad MIs Sun Rise Marine Enterprises.
(F.No. 11 —13/ 2013
J\s presented by the proponent, the proposal
involves installation and
operate a conveyor belt (92 M) at Gut No.2
21, Kokmandle village, Taluka
Shrivardhan Distt. Raigad on the bank of Savi
tri river for loading of bauxite
in barge so that the bauxite ore can he trans
ported through barge to the
existingeUy at Sakhri village from wher
e it will be transported through
large l,arc to the vessel for transport. Pres
ently. the ore is transported to
the existing jetty at Dhighi by road of 60 km.
The MCZMA has recommended the project
vidc letter No, CR12012/CR-2 17/TC-2 dated I 8.01.2013.
During the discussion, the following points
Proponent has not submitted the route of transport,
storage etc on
the CRZ map, hence suggested to submit the CRZ
map showing
the above along with the lana features.
In view of the foregoing observations, the com
mittee recommend
to defer the proposal. The proposal shall be reco
nsidered after the
above observations are addressed and submitted
CRZ clearance for carrying out mining operation
with the help of
poser machineries at Tuticorin Districts by
MIs Industrial
Minerals India (P) Ltd. (F.No.J- 17011 /32/ 2003
Clearance for mining rare earth beac
h in Tuticorin District of
Tarnil Nadu on 2308.2004 ‘o total exten
d of 36.60. ha. The proponent has
submitted rccommendation of TCZMA. and lette
r of Radiological Saibty
Officer (RSO)- its own employee suggesting to go for
mechanical mining.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
The legal requirement/instruction
R Atomic Energg Regulatory
.Board regarding mechanical mining shall be submitted
Submit the cou?piluncc report of tile cxsttny pojecl.
Inc monitonny report shall be obtained from Regional
Submit the latest Goode maps for the sites.
Submit the details of th.e refilling and the time requirem
The Jitrther exam.tnation including the requirement
of Rapid EJA and
conduct of Public Hearing as per the provision of ORZ ]Vohfi
cation, 2011, shall
he decided.
In view of the foregoing observations, the committe
e decided to
defer the proposal. The proposal shall be reconsid
ered after the above
observations are addressed and submitted.
Finalisation of ToR for establishment of com
mon Hazardous
Waste Management Facility In Eharuch Guja
rat, MIs Aarti
Specialties Ltd. (F.No. 10 11/2013-IA-Ill)
As presented by the project proponent, the prop
osal involves
establishment of common hazardous waste management
facility in Bhanzch,
(iujara on a total plot area of 21632 sqm. Capacity of 30
TPD of Common
Hazardous Waste Management facility compone
nts 10 TN) Plasma
Gasification System, 20 TPD Incineration System and tOO
proposed project is located in Industrial area of Jhagadia (MDC
. The total
water requirement is 315 KLD (Fresh water 179 KU)
+ recovered
KID). The power requirement is BOO TCVA. Out of total land
area of 21 632
sqm. approximately 3O’. will be used for green belt deve
lopment. The
proposed greenbelt area is 7419 sqm. Species like Baval, Kadatu
, Neem, Bib,
(3ulmohar, Ashoka, Ambo. Badam. Pipro, Vad etc are
suggested for
plantation. The total estimated cost of the project is Rs. 51 crore
During the
discussions, the Committee finalized the following
additional TORforfurther study:
Submit the site along with the land use
Subs-nit the just fication of the &ojecZ, location and technology,
project components and capacities shall be submitted.
Site lay out plan clearly showing various units, green belt,
laboratory, macis, vehicle parking, office building etc to
Submit the details of the compliance with respect to the provision
of Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Tractsboundary movement)) Rules, 2008 including collection and
transportation, design etc.All the appitcahle rules shall be
and mitigation plan to comply the applicable rules shall be
submitted in detaiL
Subrrsit the details of the waste generated, present mode of
disposal as per the State PCB authorization etc.
Submit the MoU made between member units along with
of up to
10km radius.
Examine the details of monitoring of Dioxin and Furan.
monitoring if any with details.
Submit a copy of MoUfor disposal of ash through the TSDF
Submit the details of Air Pollution Control Measures.
Environmental Management Plan should be accompanied
Environmental Mtnutoring Plan and environmental cost
bc.nefit assessment. Reqular monitoring shall
he corned out
odour controt.
Submit details of a comprehensive Disaster
Management Plan
including emergency evacuatton during
natural and rnananade
Submit the copzj .of the noli(ica(ion decla
ring the orco as in(nistriai
area oj.Thaqudzu.
Submit the details a! drainaqe, collection
of run
disposal etc.
aria its
Proponent requested fOr exe.. ptio.n of Pul..
lic. hearing since it is located
in notihed industrial area. Committee
A detailed draft EIA/ KMP repcrt should he
prepared as per the above
additional TOR and shou Id be subm
itted to the Mnist’ as per the
4,10 Finalisation of ToR for establis
hment of common Municipal Solid
Waste Management Facility (CMSWM
F) projects at Dibrugarh MIs
Dibrugarh Municipal Board, Dibrugarh
The Committee decided to defer the proje
ct, since the project
proponent did not attend the meeting.
4.11 Finalisation of ToR for the deve
lopment of Industrial Growth,
Centre, Phase-Il, Saha, Ambala, Hary
ana by MIs Haryana State
Industrial and Infrastructure Development
Corporation Ltd. (FNo,
As presented by the project proponen
t. the pro osal 1flVO1VCS
devetopment of Industrial Growth Saha,
Centre, Phase4l, Arnbaia, Haryana
on a total plot area of 250.94 acres (101
.55 heetare). The area under
acquisition of Vill, ..Jawahargarh (9 acres
-3 Kanal-8 MarIa). ViP Tepia (48
acres—S Kanal— 16 MarIa), Vill Saha (65
acres— 19— 1 1 Marla) and VIII
Dhakouia (92 Kanal— 18 Mariar The proje
ct, does not pass through any
Reserve Forest and Wildlife Sanctuary. The
total water requirement is 1000
RUD. Total ener’ requirement. is 25 MW
. The Punjab Si ate Hon noan: I ies
within 9.69 Km of the project boundary.
As the proieet area is o6 1.3 acres (267
.62 Ha) which has been dived
into two phases .Phase —i is of 410.36 acres
(166.07 Ha.) a.nd phase— TI
250.94 acres (101.55 Tin).
The pro(’et attract Cateqorq ‘B’ 7
under ErA, Not.i/’ieat ron, 2006 ama
is less than SOt) ha. and having a CETP- h
category ‘B’. Jioweve since the State
houndanj vs less (banjO kin. it. is treated as
Category ‘A’
During the discussions, the Committee
finalized the following
additional TOR for further study;
Just rfication for the selectIon of site with the detai
ls of alternative
Examine in detail the proposed site with refer
ence to impact on
infrastrncture covering touter supply, storn wate
r drwnagE
sewerage, power etc., and the disposal of treat
ed/raw wastes
from the industrial estate cm land/water body and
into sewerage
Study the soda-economic situation of the prqje
ct area and its
surroundings and their impact on the project desig
n and
Study the existing flora and fauna of the area and
the impact of
the project on them.
Study the hydrological and yea-hydrological cond
itions of the
project area. Include a contour plan indicating
slopes and
showing drainage pattern and outfall.
Examine and submit details about the resettlem
ent csr,cl
rehabtlttatian of pro feet-a rfected persons in the near
by villages, in
accordance with the National Resettlement and
Ensure that the land is not in the flood plain
Rain water harvesting proposals should he mad
e u’ith due
safeguards for ground water quality. Maximese recycling
of water
and utilisation of rain water.
Examine soil characterzstics, topography, rainfall patte
rn and soil
Application of renewable energy/alternate energy, such as solar
energy, wind energy may be described. &ovide fbr cons
of resources, energy efficiency and use of renewable
sources of
energy in the light of ECBC code.
Management of wastes discharged by the indu
strial units and
the crs’icc ftscililics. espc’eia lb
1 the C’ETP tncty he (lC.SCrib’(i.
kicnttfication of recyclable
arrangements may be made.
of the river.
It(xplore possiblity
o/ qen.eratin.q hio gas from. decompc sable
Arrangements für hazardous •u..’a.ste emen
.t if c.n
in.aij h..
management plai inclhdinq fla rkiuj iiiid
urdoading areas inru be descrined, ‘Traffic
stiraeij should be
earned out on. week days an.d week end.
.Examnme and submit details of Air quality mon
ttornq as per latest
Nationni AnbzenI. Air Quality standards
as notified by The
Mm tstn.j on J 6 November, 2009.
I; iii
Odour mnitiqa Hon plan may be described. Also maic
e provision of
green belt as a. measure for mmtga.tion of
dust and noiüe and
buf[ür bet ij}e&’n habitation and industry
(\viii) LIMP si iould include teehn.ica.l an (1
treatment by eonstt vent unrts,
iii st/tilt ion al (tsfii.
se of Inca! 1
l’rildiiii materials shouid he (icsea))ea.
;iromsoils 0/fLy ash noLipealon. should, be kept
n view.
Lands”ane nb/i. qren belts arid open spares tray
be vescabeci.
Jsxa.rnin.e and submit the details
th.e Green. Belt.
Environmental Management Plan shauld be acco
mpanied with
Environ mental Montoi-znq Plan and en.vrorrm
ncntal cost and
benefit. assessment.
Examine separatelu the deraels for construct ion
arId operat l0fl
both. für .Environmenta.l .Manageinent Plan
Enojronmnenta! Monitorinq Plan.
facilities to he
tied out.
pro vded
in the industrial estate should be
Make assessment at ai y requlatory measure
in lflEii.V of the
viron mental and social impacts’ of the proje
ct. (such as
urtauthoytsed development around the estate),
Submit the details o/CSR activities.,
(\vvi) Obtain and sub mit appn vu I of cent rid
yri mu d vaT er hoa.rd für
u]lthdra wal yf round zaaler
(xxviii Breakup ef the landu -c an.d provision of gree
n buffer to the> extent
of 30% also provide dctals für road.
ftn’ifl) Details of the exmtna road a.rid di.e nror)
osed root?.
(‘cxtxa (.iooqie map a.n.a• the sight photographs •uiould
he proozded.
Model MoU between member in.dustries and the
()thc’r details as ind:cuted
should also be attended.
Appendtv ill of LilA lVbt i/lea too 2006
Publjc heanng to be contht c.tect For proje
ct as per provisions of
Enviro.nrncntal lrn.pact As sess.rne.nt Notificat
ion, 2006 (as amended in 2009 1
in all I he districts separaleiv a nd the 1550 uS
raised 1w he public should ix
19 ldi’essed in th.c En:viro.nrnental Man.a.gement Plan
A derailed draft ETA/liMP report should be prep
ared as per the above
a 4th tnal TOR ai id sh on It! be sxibni itt ed
to the Minis try
Ui e
4.12 52 Projects for CR2 clearance
for Kharland Scheme- Kharland
Development Circle, Govt. of Maharash
tra (F.No.11.72/2013
The Committee decided to defer the proje
ct, since the project
proponent did not attend the meeting.
4.13 Environment and CRZ clearance for
setting up of LNG terminal at
Ennore, Tamil Nadu by MIs Indian Oil Corp
oration [F.No. 1130/20 1 1-iA.III]
The Committee decided to defer the project,
since the project
proponent did not attend the meeting.
4.14 CR2 Clearance for replacement of
existing 8 inch LPG Pipe line
from ONOC Terminal, Urban to BPCL, LPG Bott
ling plant, Uran by
MIs Bliarat Petroleum Cor. Ltd (F. No. 1123
As presented by the project proponent
the proposal tnvolves
replacement of existing 8 LPC:i Pipe line
from ONOC Terminal, Urban to
SPOt., i,P(i nottliiig plant, bran. Sharat uas
Lf’C Bottiin Plant in bran
I ( IV( Ii
LOl but IlinJJ 01 LP(
ltnut r s Bulk In icling ( t( tIn ough t /
kin tin(ier!ronnd piggable I..P( pipeline of size
200 mm NB fron.i ONOC
‘]ermnal at brim. The Pipe
line has been laid in the 5 rn. Rob allocated to us
by CIDCO. The existing pipeline is 24 year old
and it is proposed to be.
rephicco xvi th same 8 nch thickness pipeline
in. the same allocat ccl corridor.
The pipeline will he supported by Leak detec
tion.. Syste.m and
Pu tee hon Sys tent with OFC cable prov
ision for corn mu n ica don and sign ala,
nfl cHock systems through PLC.
Out of 7.2 km length. 43,8 meters of then
pipeline s to be laid. irsId(
ONOC premises, which falls under CRZ—
II and remaining length i.e 7.1 Sb
km do not fall within CRZ area. MCZMA reco
mmended the project vide letter
dated 1901.2013.
During the discussion, the following points
The committee noted that onlu 43,8 m
(en qt1 of pipelri1€ ;s
passmg through (‘RZ area and rt i.5 also witiun
the jrerncses of
ONOC in the cxistinq corridor.
In view of the above the proponent shall
obtain, necessary
statutory clearances as applicable and
comply w?t!7 all tfle
recommendation of risk. assessment report.
‘(‘he old pipeline s/nil!
manqrove area.
All the recom..mendatons of MCZMA shall he com
plied with.
be clrspnsea
ha- C I’M cn’cos/
The Committee recommends the proposal
for CRZ Clearance with
the above condition in the Clearance
letter for strict compliance by
the project proponent.
4.15 CRZ clearance for construction
of vented dam for supply of
thinking water at Malavoor Village across
Gurupura River by MIs
Executive Engineer, Rural Water Supp
ly and Panchayat Raj
Engineering Division (F. No. 11-31/2012-IA
The Committee decided to defer the proje
ct, since the project
proponent did not attend the meeting.
4,16 Environment Clearance for the
establishment of Industrial
Growth Centre at SIDCO Industrial
Complex, Ghati Kathua,
Jammu & Kashmir by MIs State Indu
strial Development
Corporation Pvt. Ltd (F. No. 2122/2O1O-IA
As presented by the project proponent,
the proposa.i is for
cstablshinent of Industrial (lx-owth Centre
at SIDC( I Industrial Corn piex,
ilhad Kathua, ,Jarnmu t, Kashmir, Jamm
u & Kashmir State lnth.istrial
Development Corporation (31< SIDCO), has
proposed to set up Industrtal
area at village (Ihati (Kathua district) about
3.5 km northwards of Jammu—
Pathankot National Highway (NH 1A). The
area lies between latitude 75° 26’
3C”E to 75° 25’ 50”l and longitude 32° 27’ 30”
N to 32° 29’ 04”N and failing
under toposheet no. 43 P/7 (Restricted). Type
of la-nd is unproductive
(Banjar) land and small chunk of rainfed agriculture land. The nearest
village is Oh at ti at 1 .0km in NE nearest railway station
is Budh i Ply Si anon
2,0 km S. nearest highway is NH- IA at 3.3
km SW. Predominant wind
chrectioi. is North-east. The totaJ project area is
182.29 ha and cost of
project is Rs.81 .15 crores.
Owing to proximity of cco-scnsjtive
.lasrota Wildlife
sanctuan•’ (2km NW), and Ujh wetland (0.7km
XV and HFL 0.5km W)
is falling under category P. As suggested by St ate
Board for Wildlife,
only green and orange category industries are propos
ed, rezonation of the
industrial area has been done and red category
industries have been
excluded from the proposal. The project is recomm
ended for National Board
for Wildlife, Public hearing for the project as held on 18-1
Water requirement of the project is 1245 KLD out of:
which only 795
KU) freshwater would be pumped from 6 tube-wells and
remaining 450 ELD
would be treated water, Industries would be usIng water
for manufaclurin
activdies (Process activities) and for operating utilities
viz., DM piant, boilers
Anibiert Air Quality Moitonng was carried out
within 10 kin
periphera.i of the project site.. A.AQ locations
selected in downwind,
cross wind and upwind directions of the proposed plant locatio
n, AAQ levels
recorded are PM,
5 (Mm: 12 ig/m’ &. Max: 28 gg/m; PM
10 (Mm: 24 tg/ m
& Max: 52 pg/m
); 802 (Mm: 6.1 pg/m
3 & Max: 11.6 pg/rn
); NO (iVlin: 8.1
5 (4. Max: 13.9 pg/m. Noise levels are within
g/ m
the Residential
prescribed limits.
Ground Water & surface water sampling was done in winter
and analyzed for important physical and chemical
parameters. In ground
water samples the pH was varying from. 7,08 to 7.87;
TDS are in the range
186 mg/i to 298 mg/I; Hardness is in between 119 mg/I
to 212 mg/I:
Chlorides are in between 18 rng/l to 23 mg/i and Fluorid
e is ranging from
0,16 mg/I to 0.22 mg/l/. In surface water samples the pH
was varying from
7.73 to 7.75; 705 are in the range 223 mg/I to 226 mg/I:
Total Hardness is
n between 1 18 mg/i to 119 mg/i; Chlorides are 42
mg/i and Fluoride is
ranging from 0.16 mg/l to 0.18 mg/l/.
Around 469 KU) of wastewarer will be generated from
the proposed
iridu 51 Hal area, ‘Flse sources of wa stewater woild be industr
ial wastewater
3OSKLD and domestic wastewater I 65KLD. Individual units
tviil he treatinu
waslcwa icr ai’.licir respective onus to mcci inlet s!111(
la!’ds on 2 C[i.’l’Ps at
capacities 200KLI) and 150 KLD. 100% effluent will be
treated and reused
within the industrial area for various activit;es viz,
flushing, wasnirig.
gardenng. eoohng. greenbeit. development a u’:d boiler makeu
p etc.
The domestic wastewater will be treated in sewage treatmen
t plant
(STP) of capacity 200KLD. The STP consists of pre treatm
ent, secondar’
treatment (M13BR) and tertiary treatment of activated carb
on/sand filter and
disinfection. The treated water will he used for greenhelt.
Proper Solid waste management. plan has been develo
ped and all
management practices reTatçd to industrial waste,
hazardous waste,
domestic waste and bio-medical waste would be placed.
In order to comply with the environmental protection measu
res, a
budgetary provision Rs. 17.63 crores with 10%
recurring costs for
Environmental Protection and Safety measures is made. Amou
nt allocated
for CSR activities is Rs. 4.02 crores.
ToR was issued vide letter dated 06/08/2010. As per OM dated
22, 2010 and EAC in its meeting held in October, 2012 and recomm
for extension of ToR for one year. Public hearing for the project
as held on
18-12-2010. The issues raised during the public hearing arc objecti
ons to
the red categoiy industry because of its location near the river.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
(i) Green belt of 15 meters should be provided all along the boundary
the site. The land (Green belt) should not be allotted Jbr any unit
holder and land will not be diverted to any other usage. Submit the
revised layout may for the same
(ii) The internal circulation road should not be left open at the boundary,
open ended and should be shown with proper turning points.
(UQProuide layout map for the proposed parking including parking for
trucks and facilities for the drivers. Details regarding intersections of
the roads should he provided
(it4 Landscape plan should be submitted along with the existing
vegetation and the proposed green areas.
(t4 Existing major nalas/drains should not be diverted and green buffer
should be provided on both the sides of the rzalas/drains. Provide
details regarding the capacity of the drain and whether the drains
carry the erLtzre runoff water.
lvii Provide details with respect to the road which
is connecting the
project site with the highway. Also provide details regarding the
intersection of the highway with the connecting road.
Exu,nine anti submit details recyarding whether (I.e SiP ani be
combined with the CETP along with the cost details
(viii) As committed during the public hearing, proponent should follow
the tero discharge norms and submit details regarding the
management of effluent during monsoon period.
In view of the foregoing observations, the committee decided
defer the proposaL The proposal shall be reconsidered qfter the above
observations an addressed and submitted.
4.17 EnvIronmental Clearance for construction of Passenger
project at Jammu between Mubark Mandi to Mahaniaya
Mahamaya to Shahbad by MIs J&K State
Cable Car Corporation
Ltd. (F.No. 10W. 15/20 12-IA-Ill).
nted by the project proponent, the
proposal is for
construction of Passenger [opeway
project at Jammu between Muhark
Mandi to Mahamayn
ft Maharnaya to Shahha.d. Section—I is acro
ss Tawi
River from Peerkho near Mubarak Mandi
to Mahamava for 1.2 km. long.
Section—Il from Mahatnava to Shahabad (Hah
n Fort) is for 0.45 krns 1011g. 6
seater Monoeabie Pulsated Gondola System for
500 passengers/hour with
mported cabins. rope. grips and other critical
Land required are 1.404 ha, for Peer Kho, Term
inal-i. 2.83 ha of land
br Maharnava, Terminal—li and 0.725 ha
of private land at Shahabad.
Terminal 111. Out of 4.959 ha, 4.234 ha of Fore
st land required, Terminals
will have 2 floors with ticket counter, waiting
hail. queue area, hoarding and
dc—harding area for passengers. Toilets and othe
r basic amenltles. office
rooms, 1’ aid room and Staff room.
The site is within 10 km from Ram Nagar aanetuary
hence thc project
is treated as Category ‘A’. Terminal 11 and III ailin
g in Bahu conservation
The project was examined liv the EAC in its meet
ing held in March.
2012 including conduct of Public Hearing. Public
Hearing was conducted on
21,07,2012 at Peerkho, The public in general supp
orted the project and the
major issue raised was measures to avoid pollution on
River Tawi.
The proposal requires for land use of [.04 ha at
Pheer kho and ‘2.83
l Mat un a a irca and it UcIS consideR d ‘cc
1 oi sts \d NOfl
Committee and committee had agreed in princ
iple. State Wild Life Board has
given its consent for unlization of 2.83 hectares
of Bahu (lame Reserve area
for construction of the project. The Standing Com
mittee of National Board
for Wild Life has also recommended the proposal
in its 26’” meeting held on
3 1 Octol er 20 1 2 in I he Ministry of Environment
and Forest s. New Delhi.
During the discussion, the following points emer
All the con dt;ons stipulated by the IVBWL shall be
complwd u.’itb.
Thc total number of’ trees to he a/fected are 21 7 (106
in section-I
and 1 / 7 in. Section-it). Necessary perrnisszon shall
be obtained
and compensalory piantatton of a
t least 1.3 time shall be carried
and cost pro vision should he made [hr regular maintenan
The existing road connectivity shall be widened and impr
oved to
take care the additional pedestrian movemen
t. Emerqency vehicle
movement, plan aionq with the route
he prepared and
put in place prior to commrncement. Gopy shall
be submitted to
the Reqionaf Office, MoEF.
The responses/commitments made during public hearing shall
complied with letter and spirit.
All the recommendation of the EMP shall be complied with
and spirit. All the mitigation measures submitted in the EM
shall be prepared in a matrix format and the compliance for
mitigation plan shall be submitted to MoEF along with ha(f
compliance report to MoEF-RO.
The Committee recommends the proposal for
Clearance with the above condition In the Clearanc
e letter for strict
compliance by the project proponent
4.18 Environment Clearance for Development for Birs
I Airport Gondia,
Maharashtra by MIs Airport Authority of India
. (F.No. 10143/2007-am).
The Committee decided to defer the proJect since the proje
proponent did not attend the meeting.
4.19 EnvIronment Clearance for rehabilitation and upgr
adatlon of the
existing carriageway to 4/6 lane of Cuttack-Angul (Jn with
in Cuttack of NH-42) Section of 101-42 from km. 0.00
0 to km
112.00 In the State of Orissa by Mis NHAI. (F. No. 10-7
As presented by the project proponent, the project road
starts at kin
0.000 near Mungli Chawk (Jn with NH-5 in Cuttack with
NH.42) and ends
at proposed Angul bypass (km 112.000) which
is a section of NH-42. Total
length of the road is 112 km. The project road traverses
through three
districts viz, km 0 to 29 in Cuttack, km 29 to 89 in Dhenkana
l and km 89 to
112 in Angul. Thi, entire project road passes mostly throu
gh plain/rolling
terrain. Thc existing highway has generally 7 m wide carri
ageway and 1 to
2.5 m wide shoulder on either side with about 10 m road
way. The existing
road would be up graded to 4-lane with paved shoulders
configuration th
provision of capacity augmentation. Existing ROW ranges from
22 in to 60
in. The proposed
ROW is 60m. The proposed road does not pass through
any Natural Sanctuary or ecological sensitive areas. It
passes through
Reserve Forest and one Elephant corridor at km 19.200
(Khuntani Range
under Athgarh Division). About 321.4 ha of agricultur
al land has been
proposed to be acquired (including 129 ha land for
Angul bypass and 1.4
ha for 2 nos. toll plazas). Forest land of about 101
ha also has to be
diverted. Out of 112, Km of the project road 42.5 km of the
road passes
through forest land i.e. about 37% of the total road
length and under
agricultural area for about 20%. Besides, there are built
-up areas for a
considerable stretch (10%).
There arc major intersections with NH-5, NH-S. NH-23 and SH.
Municipal roads/town roads. All junctions will be improved. One bypass of
22.1 km has been proposed at Angul and another bypass at Indipur for 3.3
km length. There are 3 nos Major bridges out of which reconstruction/
widening of 2 nos. proposed for 2-laning and I nos. as 4 laning. Out of total
22 nos of existing Minor bridges reconstruction/widening of 13 nos.
proposed for 2- laning and 9 nos. to 4 lane bridges. Improvement/widening
of existing 113 nos. culverts and Reconstruction of 100 nos. culverts are
There is 1 existing ROB. and one RUB, which will be widened to 4lane. Three flyovers at km.25.080, km. 38.800 and km 48.900 have been
Proposed. The proposed lengths of Service Road are 21.42 km. One animal
underpass at km. 19.200 and seven Vehicular-cum-Pedestrian underpasses
are proposed at km.3.065, km.23.674, km.91.551, km.95.196, km.101.474,
km.104.223 and km.108.014. Two Toll plazas haves been proposed at Km
22+000 and Kin 85+000. 2x32 nos of Bus bays on both sides with bus
shelter and one truck lay-bye at km 23+000 have been proposed.
About 2550 trees which are on existing ROW are proposed to be felled
and for which about 7500 trees will be planted as avenue plantation. About
2045 temporary structures (both kachha. pacca and semi-pacca): 50
religious structures; 8 nos of educational institutional buildings and 2 nos
of Health Centers which are on the proposed ROW will be affected
eomp1etel/ partially. Effort will be made to change in design and alignment
to minimize the impact and to relocate the religious structures in
consultation with local people. Affected families will be compensated as per
NHAI Policy. There are 35 water bodies (fishing pond, community pond,
canal, ditches, streams and river) along the project road. 750 KL of water
per day is proposed to be extracted from surface sources (75%) and ground
waler (25%). The cstimated cost is Rs.1 109.97 Crores,
The project, was considered by the EAC in its meeting held in
September, 2011 and finalized ToR including conduct of public Hearing.
The public hearing was conducted on 31.07.2012 at DRDA, Angul. on
17.10.2012 at Sadbhabana Hall of Collectorate, Dhenkanal and on
01.12.2012 at Radhanath Rath Vi’an Mahavidyalaya, Khuntuni. Major
issues are rehabilitation, acquisition lands tree plantation, usage of ground
water provision for elephant corridor, under passes, fly ash utilization. The
committee examined the information submitted and presented by the
Committee noted that Shri.Bijav Kumar Mohanty, Advocate has sent a
Legal Notice dated 12.04.20 13 through mail stating that his client has
attended the public hearing held for the project and made certain objection
regarding safeguard of the forests area, safety of wildlife and their protection
and steps taken for pollution of Air and Water. All these matter should be
published in the news paper but it was not done. Since there was no
response, he filed a W.P (c) No. 20516 of 2012 in the Hon’blc High Court of
C)rissa and the aatter is pending, hence requested not to consider the
Copy of the notice produced to the proponent and sought the
response. The project proponent referring to the Public hearing minutes
informed that Shri. Bijay Kumar Mohanty. Advocate attended the Public
Hearing and raised the issues regarding safeguard of the forests area, safety
of wildlife and their protection and steps taken for pollution of Air and
Waler. project should tint start beforc the grant of EC/ FC etc. Though the
project proponent informed that the regulation ivill be followed and required
clearance and saleguards will he carried as applicable. However, it is noted
that the minutes does not cover the response of project proponent.
Therefore, the committee suggested the project proponent to reply to the
Advocate and submit a copy to Ministry along with proof.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
The project does not pass through any eco- sensitive areas,
The proposal indicates about 9.85 ha of Reserve forest and 18.60
ha village forests land is to be acquired. Necessary stage -1 forestry
clearance shall be obtained.
(iii) ft is indicated that 920 nos. trees falls within proposed RoW,
howeve, bare minimum, however bare minimum trees to he cut.
Necessary permission from competent authority shall be obtained for
tree cutting. Necessary green belt shall be provided on both side of
the highway with proper central verge and cost provision should be
made for reqular nzaintcnance.
Project road passes a elephant corridor at km 19.2000. Khuntani
Range under Athgarh Division. An underpass in Elephant corridor
shall be provided.
Fly ash shall be used for the prqject as committed.
Permission for ground water drawl shall be obtained from competent
Explore the possibilities of using cold mix technology wherever
possible particularly near wildlife sanctuary.
(Will Rain water harvesting including oil and grease trap shall be
provided. Water harvesting structures shall be located at every 500
mts along the road. Vertical drain type rainwater harvesting
structures shall be set up to minimize surface runoff losses of
.R&i..shall be as per the guidelines of State/ Central Government.
.JRC guidelines shall he fbiiowed for widening & •r.ipgradatzon of
(ri)Th.e rE?sponses/cornrnltrnents rn.ade during pu.hhc h.earirvj sh.ail be
compbed with lettE.r and spri..L
4th,) .AII the recommendation of the EMP he coTnplied with letter and
spint. All the mitigation measures suhm.itted in. the E.iA report shall
he prepared in a matrix format and the compliance for each
mittgatic.m plan shall he suhmittc:?d to MO.EF along with hoff yearly
comphance report to .Mo.EFRO.
The Committee recommended the proposal for Environmental
Clearance with the above condition In the Clearance letter for strict
compliance by the project proponent
4.20 Environmental clearance for 44ane with paved shoulder of the
SidhhSlngraull road NH-75E (km 83/4 tokm 195/6) under NHDP.
IV program, total length 102.6 km in the State of Madhya
Pradesh by MIs Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation
Ltd. (F.No. 1011/20124A3II).
The existing project highway starts from Sidhi near Sidhi Le..
Kin 83/4 at NH75E and ends at Singrauli near ME/UP Border at Chainage
195/6 on N.H75E. Length of Existing roa.d is 112.2 km. Th.e proje.ct road
misses through two district Sidh.i (length. 31km) an.d Singrauh (length 130
km). The existing carriageway having two lane carriageway of 7.00 .n and
proposed paved carriageway will he 17.5 m cxchiding the median. The
Proposed length of project highway is 1.02.60 km. The existing ROW is varies
fro 22 to 35 m. and the proposed ROW is 60 m... on. section a.nd 30m
on existing alignm ‘nt.
There are five bypasses proposed having length 10.00 km which are
(i) K.uchwahi i3ypass- 0.95 km length (ii) Behri bypass
2.8 km
Ka.rthua. bypass 2.1 km. (iv) Bargawa bypass 2.25 km (v) Qorbi
1.. 9 km. 03 New ROBs at Km.. 155±700, 167+550 & 175±900, 14 n..os.
Vehicular Underpasses have been proposed. 2 number toil plaza a..nd 05
nos. truck lay byes (Both side) and 17 nos. bus bays (Both Side), 4 Major
and 33 Minor Bridges have been proposed. There arc no enviror.mcr.tal
sensitive areas within 1.5 km Project road does not pass through National
park/ Sanctuary/ Wi.ldli:fe corridor/
ceo sensitive zone. The t.ohi.i ia.nd
required for the proposed project is 582 ha. (94 ha is Government land, 40$
ha. is Private land and 83 ha is forest land)). The average water requirement
during construction period is 450 KLD
About 2034 tin m hers of trees are likely to be felled most Iv babool &
acorn and minimum 10 tunes i.e. 20340 trees nroposecl to be planted. The
R&R cost including land cost 15 135.40 Crures and EMP cost 15 107.30
Tue project was considered by the EAC in tts meeting held in March,
2012 and finalized ToR including conduct of puolie I baring. The public
hearing was coriducied a Sidhi on .31 / 10/2002 and S ingrauli an
30/01.,’ 201 3 as pe:r provIsi a of lEA Nod fieaton, 2006 Majo.r issues are
Tb.e committee
acquisition. lands and com.pei. sation, quality of roads.
examined the inform.ation submitted and presented by the proponent.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
Project road clues itot paSses thuiuqh a.ny ceo- sensitive area 071(1
ottnzn 7 0 km fulfiL ceo— seIlslt( iG area and tic duersion ot forests
Ian d.
The proposal indicates about 82.52.5 ha (27.468 ha tn Sidhi and
61 057 ha iii Singrauli. Districts) forest sand 15 to be acquired.
Aecessaru staqe —l jhrestry clearance shall he oht (Lined.
it is indiea,ted that 2034 nos. trees likely to he felled fbr the
project. Necessary permission from competent authority shall he
obtained for tree cutting. Compensatory tree plantation of 26340
trees proposed, Cost pro u/sian should be in axle for reejulo r
lii )
I’ hi ash shall he usec. lbr the pmjeet as cc mm.ttled.
Car trolled blastinq shall be ca med out at inzo places in hllq
areas as committed.
There orojeet road passes a ricer Copaci at ch. 1 73. 7 Sm, ttierc
shall not be any disposal of debns into the aver. It sf0 11 he
ensured that the drainaqe/eutchmnnt of tin:’ ruler shall not be
cli.sturbed durtng constructzon.
.Permission for ground water drawl shall he obtained from
competent Authority.
Rain water harcesttng ineludjnq oil and yrease tra.p shall be
pro cYcled. Water ha ruestiny structures shall he locu ted at eucry
500 ruts along the road. Vertical drain type rainwater haruestny
stnictures shall he set up 10 rn.nimi.zc surface ninoif losses of
i’a un eater,
1 Cenlrei I C,ouern men S
R&R shall he as per the qu idelices of State,
IRE’ cuicelirtes shall he Joliowed for underiinq & upajradaüon
The responses/ contra fl meats taude c/u nag puhic flEa rulq situ Ii he
(‘orrialied u’;tI letter (lad spin?.
‘ill the recontnien.dalmoii of the iMi shall he eOfliplled
arid saint All the mflitlcjatiOTi taco sures submiucci za the HA report
shall he prepared in a rnatrmx Jorina I a ad the compliance for each
rn tutu I ran plan stiall be suhmnittea to MoEF (Line with half yea ny
eaniplmanee report to MoM- RU.
The Committee recommended the above proposals for
Environmental Clearance with the above condition in the Clearance
letter for strict compliance by the project proponent.
4.21 Finalisation of TaR for setting of Kuduth,ini Industrial Area,
Kuduthini village, Bellary District, Karnataka, M/s Karnataka
Industrial Areas Development Board. (F,No 21 -2/2O13 IAJH).
As prese.nted by the project proponent th...e prop sal h.wolves setting of Ind.ustrial. Area., K..u.duthini, Bellamy District, Ka.rnata.ka.
K.arnataka Industrial Areas Development Baird (Ki.ADB) is a wholly own..ed
infrastructure .Ageney of Government of Karnata,ka, set up under Karriataia
Induatna I Areas Deveiopm cit. t Act of 1 966 This Board .fu netjon 5 as pel
statul °v provisions, n.iies artd. regulations enacted there under. Th.e Bawd
corn prlses ol semor Government Officers in their ex—offieio capactics. ihe
Board of members meet regularly to !akc decisions and monitor the
functions. KIA[)B holds pride in being the hrs[ Government Organisation In
a, obtain ISO (1001 Ci’ t tieatinn i
K rn
II s a site development meant br cstaijltshrneni of jndustriesmainlv
“B” (ategorv that have very little “Pollution issues’ and less wafer and power
neon ircmcnt.s in comparison to the large scaic proicci s. The maIn Indu stries
thai can be developed in the Proposed lad us! nial Area arc Sponge iron an cl
Iron rerollng mills, etc (All Category B industries only). The proposed i’ojec’I
envisages developing an Industrial Area spread over 1654.10 acres (660.35
l-la of land. The entire land belongs to MADE. The estimated project c’ost
wh wIt covers the development along with the common waste handling ann
cI isposni faci litv is approximately Rs. 300 Crones
The’ major development would be Industrial Area with Plots based on
Size of Industry planned to he developed. The industrial plits wotud be
distribuicd based on the following Sizes, i.e., 0.000.49 acres. 0 .50,0ti
Acres, 1,0-1.99 Acres, 2.0-2.99 Acres, 3.0-3.99 Acres, 4.0-4.99 Acres, 5 05.99 Acres, I (hO— 10.99 acres, Civic amr.ntes, Commercial, Public utility,
Residential and Sohcl waste disposal. KIADS proposes to develop the Green
bc 11 m 1 3 h, At c a wit I an the pi 01CC 1 sftc is Green An a Besides, individi i
industries will also develop green area in their own plol as per KSPCB
Consent Conditions.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
The proporien.t could not be able to prOL’Ide the lon..d use of the
proposed site, justificatiorijor the selection of the site etc.
In view of the foregoing observations, the committee decided to
defer the proposal. The proposal shall be reconsidered after the above
observations are addressed and submitted.
4.22 Finalisation of ToR for product Specific ( Mineral Based) SEZ
in vll1age
over an area of 166.66.5
Radhapuram, District
Thiruvambalapuram, Taluk
State Tamilnadu. M/s V.V. Mineral. (F,No. 21—72/2012
As presented by the project proponent, the proposal involves
development of product Specific (Mineral Basedl SEZ in village
Tirunelveli, Tamil
Radhapuram, District
‘thiruvambalapuram, Taluk
Naclu over an area of 166.66,5 hectare. The proposed project area is an
uncl.a.ssified non a.gri.euitural. piil ta land situa.ted and the
CR.Z. The major part of the area is dry covered by few thorny hushes.
Product ion capac;tv includes: M ncral rocessiug pa st—S 5 million TPA. P.n’t
activitjes-4. 9 mdlion TPA cargo handling capacity. Cogeneration plant, wind
turbine and solar power plant 600 MW, Desalnation Pistil I 00 MLD (sea
wEller intake-244 MUD. reject water- 14167 MLD and disposal of reject water
is into the sea) and CETP75 MUD. The purpose of the proposed project is
processing of Garnet, Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Sillinianite and other
associated heavy m.inerals and production of Rare Earth Oxide, Titanium
Pigments, Synthetic Rutile, Slag, Scandinium, cracking of Monazite for
production of magnets, solvent extraction etc. The total power generation is
250 MW both for industrial arid domestic usage. Radhapuram Taluk is ratn
shadow area. There is no enough groundwater, Hence, proponent proposed
to met the fresh water requirement by its own source by desalination of sea
water, harvesting of rain water and treated water as per demand into stages.
1,2 MLD domestic sewage water is expected to discharge which will be
treated in septic tank and soakpits. Domestic waste water generated will he
used for green belt development.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
Ii) Submit the dctatls of erosion stat vs of the site as per led. by N( SC.M, C’lienn,a.i
(iO It is not ed that the site jbr the port is at the mouth of river. Proponent
sh.czll .svhrnit the details of alternative sites constdered and
just ifica non far the selection ot’nartieuiar site.
that the major SEZ area falls within CRZ circa where SEZ
perirossihic ?ti (RZ. Pnqo,iere iii/oflfl((i that oiiij miiryiissihlc
,niil etc Will DC /1)10 (ed WI! am CR7
UCttt)!tiCS ViZ. I’oii.
Committee suggested to subunit the protect layout on CRZ map along
auth the area break up
(liii It is
is not
In view of the foregoing observations, the committee decided to
defer the proposal. The proposal shall be reconsidered after the above
observations are addressed and submitted.
4.23 FinalizatIon of ToR for enhancement of capacity for Treatment
and Disposal of Common Effluent and Hazardous Solid Waste
State Dobaspet,
Facilities at KIADB Industrial Area, Sompura
by MIs.
Nelamangala Taluk,
Banglore Eco-Park Pvt. Ltd. (F. No. 10-2/2010-IA-Ill).
As presented by the Project proponent the proposal nvoives
EC for the incineration of
enhancenicnt of capacity for ‘Ireatment
25.1 02010. The project not
Ci c;orniiussioned. it. iS proposed to eiiiwncu the capacity from 200 to 300
kg/ hr and evaporate 100 KUD tnrough forced evaporat on.
During the discussions, the Committee finalized the following
additional TOR for further study:
Submit the details of the 100 KLD liquid effluent, source, qua lit:,
and method of transport at ion, handling
Submit the details
mubmt the details of existin(-j Incinerators near the UuC!tiit?j
with the deft: us reaardu.nq co-Incuncratlon,
Submit the aet.ails of the mcrn her units, thctr effluent
quality and consent details and MoU.
Submit the details of mechanism of MRS
Submit the details of location along with the land use around,
googie map
Submit the critical parameters proposed to be monztored along
with the protocol under law
the residue from the evaporatzon
n tiP:.
is beaten
Proponent requested for exemption of Public hearing since
Corrrnittct xcrnptt d Uit public He irinc
nol h d indus’i Ml nit
A detailed draft BIA/EMP report should he prepared as per the above
addition ii I OR md should Lx submitted to I lie Ministry as p i tin,
4,24 Environmental Clearance for rehabilitation and upgradation of
the existing carriageway to 4/6 lane of Angul Sambalpur (Jn. Of
NH-b at Sambalpur) Section of NH-42 from km 111000 to km
265.000 in the State of Orissa by WHAI (File No.10-78/2011-IA-Ill)
As presented by the project proponent, the project road starts from
Angul at Km 112000 and ends at Sambalpur at Km. 265.000 (Jn. of NH-6
at Sambalpur). Total length of the road is 153 km.. The prqject road
traverses through two districts viz. km 112 to 186 in Angul and thereafter
till end point in Sambalpur, The entire project road passes mostly through
plain/rolling terrain. The existing highway has generally 7 m wide
carriageway and 1 to 2,5 m wide shoulder on either side with about 10 m
roadway. The existing road would be up graded to 4-lane with paved
shoulders configuration with provision of capacity augmentation. ROW
ranges from 20 m to 60 m. The proposed ROW is 60m, The proposed road
does not pass through any Natu.ral Sanctuary or ecoiogcal sensitive areas.
l.t Pa.sse.s through Re.serve Forest arid n.oti.fied Ei.epha..nt corndors. About
43.5 kn. of the road passes through under reserve or protected forest land.
Existing land use of the project road indicate that major part of the proje.ct
road falls’ under forest area (29%) and under agricultural area (20%).
Besides, there are built-up areas fOr a considerable stretch, About 320 ha
of agricultural land (including 21.6 ha land for Sambaipur bypass and 1.. 4
ha for, 2 no.. toll plazas) has to he acquired for the widening of this road.
Also Forest land of about 173 ha has to be diveited. There are 4 Major
bridges out of which reconstru.ction /widening of 3 Nos. to 2-lane and I nos.
to 4-laning proposed. Out of total 37 nos of existing Minor bridges 28 nos.
proposed reconstruction/widening as 2- laning and 9 nos., to 4 lane bridges.
241 nos. of culverts has been proposed for Construction/widening and
Reconstruction of 191 nos. culverts in the project stretch, There major
intersections with NH-5, NH-6, NH-23 and SF1, Municipal roads/town roads.
All junctions will he improved. Three Vehicular-cum-pedestrian underpasses
and three flyovers are proposed at kin. i49,000, km.i79,780 and
km.199. 150, There is one existing ROB (at krnJ 47,300) whose widening and
improvement has been proposed. Also one RUB is at km. 239+700, Five
Animal underpasses are proposed at km 194,400, 243,500, 247+809,
250,241 and. 253.500. The proposed length.s of Service Roads 24.50km. A
bypass has been proposed at Sambalpur (length 3,8 km from km. 259,100
to 262.858).
About 4225 nos. trees which are on existing ROW are proposed to be
felled and for which about 15,000 trees will be planted as avenue plantation.
About 2073 structures (both kachha, pacca and semi-pacca), 24 religious
structures, 20 nos of educational institutional buildings and 3 nos of Health
partially/completely, Effort will be made to change in design and alignment
to m.inirnize the impact. Religious structures sh.all be relocated, in suitable
location in consultation with local people. Affected families will be
compensat:ed a.s per NHA.I Policy. Toll been proposed. a.t km
182.000 and kin, 244.500. 23 nos. of Bus bays on both sides with bus
shelters and two truck lay-bye at km 128. 600 and 234.700 are proposed.
There are 75 waLer bodies (fishing pond, community pond, canal,,
streams and river) along the project road. 875 KL of water per day is
proposed to be extracted from suriace sources (75%) and groun.d
(25%). The total estim.ated cost is Rs.l 273.41 Crorcs.
The project was considered by the EAC in its’ iT1eeting held in.
September, 2011 and finalized ToR including conduct of public Hearing.
The puhhc hearing was conducted on 10.07.2012 at DRDA, Angul and on
15.11.2012 at Rairakhol, Sambalpur. Major issues sre rehabilitation, tree
plantation, bypass at Jeranga an I Rairakhol an.d. provision of
Elephant corridor. The committee examined the information sub.mitted and
presented by th.e proponen.t.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
Project road does not passes through any
senstti e area and
within 10 krn..from sensitive area and no diversion of forests
The proposal indicates about 49.24 ha (6.28 ha Reserve Forests
and 42.96 ha village forests) forest land is to he acquired.
lVècessary stage [forestiy clearance shall be obtained,
.11 is indicated that 4.1,000 no f trees frills within 60m RoW
however, tree jelling will he restricted to 45 rn RoW and hence
2tj, 450 nos, trees likely to he felled for the project. Necessary
permission from competen.t authority shall be ohtain.ed for tree
cutttng. Compensatory tree plantation of 2, 54, 500 trees
proposed. Cost pro visionsh.old he made for regular
The project road passes through 5 elephant corridors, Art in El.ephant corrid.or be provd.ed.
Fly ash shall be used fOr the project as comrrutted,
There shall not he an.y disposal of debris th.e water bodies. It
shall he ensured- that the drainage/catchment cf the water bodies
shall not be disturbed during construction.
.Permission jor ground water drawl shall he obtained from
competent Authority.
RWTt .ri;a ter haT’Uesl Ui(J lYlelIJdl.fla oil an ci areasc trap slat/I he
proincted. tVater hari}estlflq structures shall be located at ec’ertj
500 mis alonq th road. 1e,’t,cal drain lijpe lOIN water barr ‘estitia
stnictu res shai.i he set. up to mint misc sur/hce nt no; I osscs
rain tea ten
R&J? shall he as per the qwdehnes of Sta.te/ Central Govern meat.
.JRC guib..elines shall he jbllowed jbr wirie.mnq & up-prado hon.. of
l’he responses/corn initinents made durina
corn p/lea with letter and spirit.
All the recommendation oj tne EMP shall lie complied u’,ih letter
and stunt. All the in iticjat ion measures suhrnittea zn the ETA report
shall he prepa red tn a matrix format aria the compltance Jar c
m.rtrqa.t ion plan sh.a 11 be submitted to .MrtEE along with. h.aif yearly
abbe hearing shall be
comphcsn.ce report to MOEfRO.
The Committee recommended the above proposals for
Environmental Clearance with the above condition in the Clearance
letter for strict compliance by the project proponent.
4.25 Environmental Clearance for rehabilitation and up gradation of
existing single! intermediate lane to 4-lane of Haryana-Punjab
Border (km.239j to Jind (km.307) section of NH-71 in the State of
Haryana by NHAI (F. No. lO-4/2011-LA.IJI)
As presented by the pro eet. proponent
the proposal rs for
rehahiljtation and tip gradation of existing single! intermediate lane tr 2
lane to lane with paved shoulder from Jincl to Jalandhar anti up to
Hi.maehal Border (Nlt70 and NlJ-7 I) in the Stale of Haiyana and Punjab.
The proposed road starts from 1Km Ha..n.sdahiha.r at km 239 of NH-? 1 at
Jalan dhar nrnd ends at. Jin.d. (Km. 307/00) and NH-70 starts front Km 0/000
at Jdlandhar and ends at Punja,b/Himaehal Border (Km 59/000) covering
about 350 kilometers. The project road. falls i.n Hosiarpur, Jaland.ha.r,
Nrc..pur, Moga, S angrur & Patiala of Punja.h and .Jind of The road.
sect ion passes through built-up areas of Jalandhar, (lahiran, Nakodar,
Malstan Shahkot, lalalbad Fategarh Dalah Butta r, Badhn i Lonran
Biiaspur. Barnala. Sangrur. Patran. lKhanun. Jind in NH-71 and Adaznpur,
iKat bar and i-iosiarpur in NI 1—70. Land use pattern within 1 C) km on either
side of project area is agriculture and built—up. Si rnilarlv, land use a long die
projee.t road (within 60 meter corridor) is predorni ran dv agrlcul to re( 5
folbuved by bujit-up and urna nare.a.
Existing RoW of the proje t road varien between 20-30 meters. The
proposed right of way (RoW) is 45ni for widening existing road and 60 m is
.kept for bypa,sses a.nd reai.ignments. Approximate.iy 1085 ha. land is
proposed to be acquired for the improvement of project road, out of which
agriculture land is about 1050 ha and built-up land is 35 ha. Tree cutting
within existing RoW will be required for the construction of 2/4 Lane road.
The proposal indicates diversion of 101.09 ha protected forest land. The
project road does not pass through any ceo-sensitive areas. However, Bir
Aishwan Wildlife Sanctuaries is about 3 km away from the project road.
Approximately 13091 trees proposed to be felled fbr the improvement of
project road. There are existing 8 major bridges, 38 minor bridges, 305
pipe/slab/arch culvert. There are 8 major bridges, 38 minor bridges and
330 culverts have been proposed including existing bridges and culverts.
There are 22 major junctions and 292 minor intersections on the project
road, which have been proposed for improved under proposed design.
Footpaths cum drain have been provided 35 km width of 1.5 m. Service
roads have been provided for 25 km. Bypasses have been proposed to avoid
congestion for built-up town portion. These bypasses arc at Hoshiarpur,
Jalandhar, Gahiran, Nakodar, Malsian, Sahnkot, Badhini, I.ohran, Bilaspur,
Khanuri and .Jind. The total length of the project road is 69.650km. Total
length of bypass is 74 km. Bus bays have been provided at 120 locations on
both sides. 25 Underpasses/ Overpasses have been proposed. Truck lay
byes have been provided at S locations on both sidcs of the road. W-beam
crash barrier/stone masonry guard wall be proposed. There would he about
1500 project affected families due to the improvement of project road. The
entitled persons shall be compensated according to the provisions of the
National Highways Act, 1956. Peak demand of water would be approximate
1200 IZLD during construction. Ply ash will he used for constrUction of road
from Panipat and Rhatinda power plant. The total cost of the project is
approximately Rs. 439 Crores.
The proposal was considered by the EAC in its 97th EAC meeting held
15th February, 2011 and tinalised additional ToR including
conduct of Public Hearing. The public hearing was conducted on 30.01.2013
at Jhanj Kalan. Major issues are Land acquisition and compensation. The
committee examined the information submitted and presented by the
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
Project road does not passes through any eco sensitive area and
within 10 km from ceo- sensitive area and no diversion offorests
The proposal indicates about 97.807 ha Reserve Forests land is
to be acquired. Necessary stage —I forestry clearance shall he
It is indicated that 13091 no f trees likely to be felled for the
project. Necessary permission from competent authority shall be
obtained for tree cuffing. Compensatory tree plantation shall be
carried out. Cost provision should be made for regular
Th.ere shall not he any disposal of debris into the water bodies. It.
shall he ensured that. th.e drainage/ catchmerz.t of the water bodies
shall not he disturbed during construction.
Permissjon jhr ground water drawl shall be obtained from
competent Authority.
Rain water harvest ma including o;l ann grease trap shall he
provided. Water harvesting structures shall be located at every
500 rnts along the rand. Vertical drain type rainwater h.a.mvestiny
structures shall, he set vu to mininhize surface runofF losses of u..’a t er.
R&R shall be u.s per the of State/Central Government.
IRC quidt lines shall he followed fri widening & urugradation of
The i’CSflOI’tseS/ commitments made di ring punlic hearing shall be
complied w;th. letter and spirit.
All, the recci inmenda tion of th.e EWP shall. be complied u.’ith letter
a.n.d spirit. All th.e initigat ion measures submitted in the El/I report
shrill he prepared in a matrix format and the compliance for each.
mitigation plan. shall he submitted to MoEF along with. half yearly
compliance report to MoEF-RO.
The Committee recommended the above proposals for
Environmental Clearance with the above condition in the Clearance
letter for strict compliance by the project proponent.
4.26 Finalisation of ToR for establishment of Greenfield Landfill in
Vapi, GIOC, Distt. Valsad, Gujarat by MIs Vapi Waste and Effluent
Management Co.Ltd [F.No.1O•.16/2013-1A111 I
As presented by the project proponent, the proposal involves
establishment of (Treenfield Landfill in Vapi, GIDC, Distt, Vaisad, Oujarat.
The nearest river is a. bou.t 3.5 kin and nearest habitation is Dadra village of
3.9km. Ground water table is above 6 in. The plot area is 14.5 ha, out of
which 7,87 ha is for landfill foot print area, 3.2 ha open area and green belt.
LandliW capacity is 13.40.000MT..
This project attracts category ‘B’ 7(d) of EIA, Notification, 2006
however, since CC applies (6.2 km Interstate boundary of the UT of claman
& Diii), the project, is treated as Category ‘A’.
the discussion, the following points emerged:
tiroponeitt CON U: not he rib/c to pro tnde 1/u-’ Iur;d use of the
propo.s1 site, Jt4st7,1catloH /Or the selection oj I/Re site etc.
In view of the foregoing observations, the committee decided to
defer the proposal. The proposaZ shall be reconsidered after the above
observations are addressed and submitted.
5, Extra item
Amendment to the Environmental clearance issued for eco textile
park located at vi11ageBaleshwar & Palsana, District Surat, Gujarat
by MIs. Gujarat EcoTexti1e Park Limited [F,No, 1O-72/20074A411].
As presented by the proponent, the Environmental Cleararee
was accorded vide Letter No l.0-72/2007-lA.4Ii da.ted 04/07/2008 for
esubhshing 100 MLD. CETP, 1 0 m dijon NCaL/hour Common Hazardous
Waste lncineration Plant and 22.6 MW gas based Power Plant The CETP
was proposed w treat generated by units situated in the park.
Project Proponent requested to amend EC to treat wastewaler generated by
units sttuated within the park as well as in adjoining areas outsjcie park.
The matter was exami’ed by the Expert AppraRsai Committee (EAC) in
its Meeting held on 3a1
March, 2011 and recommended the
amendment. Meantime. MoEP’ has i-eceived a representation from New
Paisana Industrial Co-operative Society Limited (NPICSL) which objected tht
proposal of taking wastewater from the industrial units located outside the
park. The representation was sent to (lujarat pollution control board for the
18th .Au.gust, 2012 after taking into
eom.m.ents. EAC in its meeting on 17th
account of the representation received front New Paisana. In.dustriai Co
operative Society Limited (NP1CSL), commen.ts from GPCB, decided to
change its earlier recommendation and did not recom.m...end to amend the PC
of CETP to take effluent outside the Industrial Park.
The applicant preferred a,n Appeal no, 65 of 2012 before the Hon’ble
National Green iribunal, The Hon’hle Tribunal vide its Judgment dated 6th
February, 20 1 3 1 ssuecl the foiiovin g directions while quashing the decision
of the E-AC:
“The net result of the foregoing conclusion is that the impugned
decision is unsustainable in the eve of law arid will have to he quashed.
Hence. the impugned decision is quashed and the respondents are directed
to allow tne amendment to the PC as sought by the appellant. The
respondents may put requtred conditions while granting an’iended PC, The
Appeal is aecording allowed. No costs”.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
There sh,all be Flow meters at in- let and outfit to monitor the, flow.
Periodical monitoring shall be carried out for the out let
The treated water shall be recycled to the maximum extend as
The MoU between CETP and member units shall indicate the
?flQ.Vi7flhiFI7, quantity of cfjjluent to be sent to the CETP along with
the quality.
The effluent from member units shall be transported through
CETP tankers only duly maintaining proper manifest system. The
vehicles shall befitted with proper (IPS system.
Before accepting any effluent from member units, the same shall
be as permitted by the SPCB in the consent order. No effluent
from any unit shall be accepted without consent from SPCB under
the Water Act, 1974 as amended.
Suitable meters shrill be provided to measure the quantity
effluent received, quantity of effluent recycled! reused and
Hazardous wastes will be generated in the Jörm of Primary
treatment sludge (@1 ZSMT/Day), Solids from MEE concentrate
drying and used oil will be handled and disposed as per HWM
Rules, 2008.
All the recommendation of the EMI’ shall be complied with letter
and spirit. All the mitigation measures submitted in the EM report
shall be prepared in a matri’c format and the compliance for each
mitigation plan shall be submitted to Re. MoEF along with half
yearly compliance repon.
The CETP is permitted for treating effluent from Textile, dying
industries. Proponent shall not accept effluent from other type of
effluent as committed before the Committee. An undertaking shall
be submitted to the Ministry.
The transportation qf effluent shall be through pipeline as
The Committee recommends the proposal for CRZ Clearance with
the above condition In the Clearance letter for strict compliance by
the project proponent
Recommended Projects
CRZ Clearance for effluent disposal in the saline water zone TPA
viscose staple fiber plant at additional patalganga, distRalgad,
Maharashtra by MIs. Lenzing Modi Fibers India Pvt. Ltd.
[FNo1 13/2O13$AJII]
The proposal was discussed in the 12 1 meetin.g held on 18th
February, 2013 and a.dd.itional information viz, result of outfall
h.ydrauhcs. ].he details submitted by the propori.ent wa.s exam in.ed by the
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
The pipeline route is likely to disturb 15 numbers of mangrove
plants. Therefore 5 times mangrove plantation shall be carrea
out, Permission shall he obtained from the High Court of Bombay
as applicable fbr cutting mangrove plants.
All the recommendations & conditions specified by M(IZMA shall
be complied with.
The dispcccai shall meet MPCB Norms.
Spacing of diffuser ports may he increased to 20 mts with at least
6 ports in the diffuser.
The Committee recommends the proposal for CRZ Clearance with
the above condition in the Clearance letter for strict compliance by
the project proponentS
Environment Clearance for CETP at Naraol, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
by Mis Narol Textile Infrastructure & Enviro Management
[FNo. 1O’84/2O123A4II]
proposal was discussed in the 119th meeting held in December,
2012 and sought a.dd.itionai information viz, NOC from GPCB for d.isch.arge.
in River, reeycie/ reuse plan and green.. belt details, The details’ suhm itted by
the proponent was examined by the Committee.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
There shall he Flow meters at inlet and outlet to monitor th,e,
f ow.
Per :odical monitoring shall be carried out for the out let
The .MbU between CE7.P and member units shall indicate the
quantity of eJfiuent to he sent to tb,e CFTP o.lonq a.; it Ii
the quality.
tto tYpo ted efihient from CE IT’ san/i t)e fllCH(IPC with two I
sewage prior To ts discharge
ni it
Dottiest ic ma icr t-equ ire mci it s h 20 KLD. 0Th ich will be tact
through 7
JUC ii (‘tel Siippl!l i(’iTIHcOS file balance ii
tv.?g?nreIiLeilt or chc.:’fl?lcOl soiuiioo preparation shall be met
througi recycled tn.ia tea ef7lr.ent
.Estim.a ted quantzty of hazardous waste I. a BIT sludge to be
generated from CBTP Jbczity fh 150 .MT/day (primary sludge)
and fr 120 Ii.7’/day (secondary sludge) shall he handled and
disposed to nearby authorized TSDF site as per HWM i.ules’,
2008. The area earmark€id for temp.orary storage of h.a,zardous
wa Ut shall he 22,500 sqm..
The el/luent from member units shall he t.rci iport(:E’a through
or Ia rs onhj datu rnaintwninq prom ma’, fl ct ,ttst(
I TP t
The vehrcles si-toll be tli ted u.’ah prop-er UPS sstem
l3eibre ucceplina any
shall he as permuted
c/fluent from anu utnt
SPC’B under the Water
5vu ,ih7r meters son/I ne pt-a tndect to mensure the epi an titt/ of
ef/7iierrt received, (IT I ii??! Pg of e.ffluen.t recoci ctl. / reused anx I
effluent, from member units, the same
b the Si’CB it? tue eon sent oraer- N
shall be accepted u’’thou t consent from
Act. i 074 (is aTn.e tided
All the recommendation of the liMP shall he contpli d with letter
and spirit. All the mthqation measures submitted in- the lilA
report shall be prepared in a matrix format and the compliance
Jar each mtgatzon plan, shall he submitted to Ro, MoEF along
wtth ha-if yearly camp/ian cc report.
The Committee recommends the proposal for Environment
Clearance with the above condition in the Clearance letter for strict
compliance by the project proponent.
CRZ clearance for construction of sea water intake, pump house,
laying of pipelines for intake and outfall of boiler blow down
desalination plant reject for 150 MW Thermal Power Plant ar
Karapidagai Vadakku Village, Nagapattinam by MIs Nagapattinam
Energy Pvt Ltd .[F. No.11.4912012-IA-UIj
Thc proposal was disc-ussecl in the 11 3rd. meeting held on 4th 5ttt, 2012 tm d sought the copy of NOC from Pollution Control Board for
marine discharge of reject and suggested. to extend. the outfall location
further way frcrn Break water. NUC of PCB was submitted. The detais
suhmiu.ed by the proponent was examined by [lie Committee.
During the discussion, the following points emerged:
The ouzfall point shall be outfall shall be fhrther extended
from. Breakwater,
The effluents shall he disch.arqed ihrouqh
rnuitple ports at th.e outfall Jbr proper thermal and salinity
dispersion. The total effluent diseharqe t.o sea is approx. 2000
en rn/hi-.
All the recommendations & coridtt tons speci/red hi
1 Tarm ii
CZMA snail be complied With.
The disposal shall
The outlet qua?tty as well as the sea water near the out/all shall
be monitored especially for [‘emperature and sahn ity reqularty
ova report subii: tiled to RU MoET a lony with six mon tbiy
rnonrtortn.q report.
TPCB Norms
The Committee recommends the proposal for CR3 Clearance with
the above condition, in the Clearance letter for strict compliance by
the project proponent
Environmental Clearance for Common Effluent Treatment Plant
at GIDC Industrial Estate, Ankleshwar, Distt Bharuch, Gujarat by
MIs. Ankleshwar Cleaner Process Technology Center Ltd. (F.No.
The project was examined! by the EAC in its meeting held on I 3;’.. i5
July, 201 1 and sought details of the treatment using bioTopaz during the
rainy days along with the filed kinetics, details of the transportation of
hazardous materials and treatment to be given by the. member industries
especially for removal of am.monical nitrogen. The information submitted by
the proponent was discussed.
Durin.g the discussion, the following points emerged:
Consent order shall he obiczinedfromn Pollution Control l3ourd and
norms of (“(‘B shall be complied with.
lye liability Jar ass( ida ted rsfr of the roduct Bio Topaz. (b lij
mest with the developer and also the product cem-H [lea Hon from the
aecredtted agency shall be provided prior to the corn rnenecrnen t.
The tralIs/)ortaTioii ‘f llaZclflIOiIS
Motor l’€i’i.Tcie Ac I 030,
s),ol/ lid’ OS
The Committee recommends the proposal for Environment
Clearance subject to the above conditiona
Ant, titiqationfr) pendin; aqainst the p’vposrci project and/or
directions or orders ;)assed by
court oj luu.y wig statutory
authority against the project is to be deft; tied out.
Submit detailed alignment plan, with details such as nature of
terrain (plain, rolling, hilly), land use pattern, habitation, cropping
pattern, forest area, environmentally sensitive places, mangroucs,
not/ied industrial areas, sand dunes, sea, river, lake, details of
villages, teshils, districts and states. latitude and Iongitude for
important locations frilling on the alignment by employing remote
sensing techniques followed by ground truthing and also through
secondary data sources.
Describe various alternatives considered, procedures and criteria
adopted for selection of the final alternative with reasons.
Submit Land use map of the study area to a scale qf 1: 25,000
based on recent satellite imagery delineating the crop lands (both
single and double crop), agricultural plantations, fallow lands,
waste lands, water bodies, built-up areas, forest area and other
surface features such as railway tracks, ports, airports, roads,
and major industries etc. and submit a detailed ground surveyed
map on 1:2000 scale showing the existing features fallinq within
the right of way namely trees, structures including archeological
& religious, monuments eta if any.
if the proposed route is passing through any hilly area, examine
and submit the stability of slopes if the proposed road is to pass
through cutting or embankment / control of soil erosion from.
If the proposed mute involves tunneling, the details of the tunnel
and locations of tunneling with geological structural fraction
should be provided. In case the road passes through a flood
plain of the river, the details of micro drainage, flood passages
and information on flood periodicity at least of last 50 !Iears in
the area should be examined.
The projects is located within 10km. of the sanctuary a map duly
authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features
vis-Uuis the profret location and the recommendations or
comments vi’ the Chief Wildlife Warden thereon should be
furnished cit the staqe of EC.
Study regarding the Animal bypasses / underpasses eta ‘across
the habitation areas shall be carried out. Adequate cattle passes
für the movement of agriculture material shall be provided at the
stretches passing through habitation areas.
If the proposed rouw is passing through a city or town, ta’ith
houses and human habitation on the either side of the road, the
necessity for provision of bypasses/diversions/under passes
shall be examined and submitted. The proposal should also
indicate the location of wayside amenities, which should include
petrol stationjservice
conveyance etc.
Submit details about measures taket. for the pedestrian safety
and construction of’ underpasses and foot-over bridges along with
flyovers and interchanges.
Assess whether there is a possibility that the proposed project
will adversely affect road traffic in the surrounding areas (e.g. by
causing increases in traffic congestion and traffic accidents).
Examine and submit the details cii’ use of fl.zi ash in the road
(‘OflStflU’IlOul, if th(’ JYfl’j(’t’t road is lt)(’(it(’Cf !CiIhil? 11w ioU km from
the Thermal Power Plum.
Examine and submit the details of sand quarry, borrow area and
Climate and meteorology (mcix and mm temperature, relative
humidity. rainfall, frequency of tropical cyclone and snow fall);
the nearest IMD meteorological station from which climatological
data have been obtained to be indicated.
The ufr quality monitoring should be carried out as per the new
notification issued on l6’’ Novembeç 2009.
Identify project activities during construction and operation
phases, which will affect the noise levels and the potential for
increased noise resulting from this project. Discuss the effect of
noise levels on near by habitation during the construction and
operational phases of the proposed highway. Identjfy noise
reduction measures and traffic management strategies to be
deployed for reducing the negative impact if any. Prediction of
noise levels should be done by using mathematical modeling at
different representative locations.
Examine the impact during construction activities due to
generation offugitive dust from crusher units, air emissions from
hot mix plants and vehicles used for transportation of materials
and prediction of impact on ambient air quality using appropriate
mathematical mode4 description of mode4 input requirement and
ref crenec of derivution. thsiribuuon of iiwjor iolliiir.nts and
presentation in tabular fonii for easy interpretation shall be
carried out.
P Also examine and submit the details about the protection to
existing habitations from dust, noise, odour etc. during
construction stage.
If the proposed route involves cutting of earth., the details of area
to be cut, depth of cut, locations, soil type, volume and quantity of
earth and other materials to be removed with location of
disposal! dump site along with necessary permission.
If the proposed route is passing through low lying areas, details
ofJill materials and initial and final levels after filling above MSL,
should be examined and submit.
Examine and submit the water bodies including the seasonal
rifles within the corridor of impacts cilcmç, with their status,
volumetric capacity. quality likely impacts on them due to the
“xxiii Examine and submit details of water quantity required and
source of water including water requirement during the
construction stage with supporting data and also classification of
ground water based on the COWA classification.
(‘xxiii) Examine and submit the details of measures taken during
constructions of bridges across river!canal./major or minor drains
keeping in view the flooding of the rivers and the life span of the
existing bridges. Provision of speed breakers, safety signals,
service lanes and foot paths should be examined at appropriate
locations through out the proposed road to avoid the accidents.
(xxiv) If there will be any change in the drainage pattern after the
proposed activity, details of changes shall be examined and
Ruin water haruestinq pit should be at least .3 5 in. above the
lsiqhest ground waler tubk’. PR )L’151071 shall he ,H(idC for (ill and
removal from surfisce runoff
If there is a possibility that the construction/widening of road will
cause impact such as destruction of forest, poaching, reductions
in wetland areas, (f so, examine the impact and submit details.
(xxvii) Submit the details of mad safety, signage, service roads,
vehicular under passes, accident prone zone and the mitigation
(xxviii) IRC guidelines shall be followed for widening & upgradation of
Submit details of social impact assessment due to the proposed
construction of road.
(xxx) Examine road design standards, safety eqz4pment specifications
and Management System training to ensure that design details
take account of safety concerns arid submit the traffic
management plan.
Accident data and geographic distribution should be reviewed
and analyzed to predict and identify trends incase of expansion
of the existing highway and provide Post accident emergency
assistance and medical care to accident victims,
If the proposed project involves any land reclamation, details to
be provided for which activity land to redaim. and the area of
land to be reclaimed.
(xxxiii) Details of the properties, houses, businesses etc. activities likely
to be effected by land acquisition and their financial loses
Detailed R&R plan with data on the existing socio-economic
status of the population in the study area arid broad plan for
resettlement of the displaced population, site for the resettlement
alternative livelihood concerns/employment and
rehabilitation of the displaced people, civil and housing amenities
being offered, etc and the schedule of the implementation of the
project specific
(xxxv) Submit details of Corporate Social Responsibility. Necessary
provisions should be made in the budget.
Estimated cost of the project including environmental monitoring
cost and funding agencies, whether governmental or on the basis
of BOT etc and provide details of budget provisions (capital &
recurring) for the project specific R&R Plan.
(xxxvii) Submit environmental management and monitoring plan for all
phases of the project viz, construction and operation.
General Guidelines
The EM document shall he printed on both sides, as for as
The status of accreditation of the £1.4 consultant with
NABET/QCI shall be speccathj mentioned. The consultant
shall certify that his accreditation is for the sector for which this
EtA is prepared.
On the front page of EFA/EMP reports, the name of the
cortsultant!consultcincy firm along with their complete details
including their accreditation, if any shall be indicated. The
consultant while submittinq the EJA/EMP report shall givc art
undertaking to the effect that the prescribed TORs (TOR
proposed by the project proponent and additional TOR given by
the MoEF) have been complied with and the data submitted is
factually correct (Refer MoEF office memorandum dated 4th
August, 2009).
While submitting the EJA/EMP reports, the name of the experts
associated with/involved in the preparation of these reports
and the laboratories through which the samples have been got
analysed should be stated in the report. It shall dearly be
indicated whether these laboratories are approved under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules made there
under (Please refer MoEF office memorandum dated 4th August,
2009). The project leader of the £1.4 study shall also be
All the TOR points as presented before the Expert Appraisal
committee (EAC) shall be covered.
Environmental Management Plan presented before the EAC as a
part of MA report, shall he made part of Concessionaire
Agreement! other relevant documents. Proponent shall submit
an undertaking in this regard.
Since most of the environmental issues are related to design
parameters, following additional information should also be
sought under Chapter-I! ( Disclosure of Consultant)
Name of the Design Consultant, Name of the EM consultant, EM
Coordinator, Functional Area Expert and detail of accreditation
123rd Meeting of the Expert Appraisa
l Committee for Building Constniction.
Coastal Regulation Zone, Infrastructure Development
and Miscellaneous
projects held on 15th 16th April, 2013 at Conference Hall.
IOC. Core- 6. 5th
Floor, Scope Complex. New Delhi.
List of Participants
Expert Committee
Shri Naresh Dayal
Dr. Mi. Sharma
Dr. Apurha Gupta
Shri V.G.Koshy
Dr. S.P. Bansal
Dr. 1-1.5. Ramesh
Dr. Y. Basavaraju
Dr. Neertj Sharma
Shri BaJa Subramaniam
Shri lAth Kapur
Vice Chairman
Member Secretary
MoE!’ officials
10. Shri Fl Thirunavukkarasu
11. Shri Amardeep Raju
Scientist ‘C’, MoEF
Scientist ‘C’, MoEF