JetCard 1204e 4-port RS-232 PCI Express (PCIe) Card Meet PCI Express V2.0 standard High Speed up to 921.6Kbps Supports 256 byte FIFOs Built-in 15KV ESD protection /RZSUR¿OHGHVLJQFRPSDWLEOHZLWKVPDOOVL]HG3&V Supports 5V/12V/RI (pin9) or 5V/12V/DCD(pin1) power output Driver supported Windows 7 / 8 / Vista / 2K / XP and Linux -30~75o&RSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHIRUKD]DUGRXVHQYLURQPHQW application RoHS /RZ3UR¿OH 4 RS 232 PCI Express 15KV ESD 921.6Kbps Win 7/8 Overview JetCard 1204e is a 4-port RS-232 PCI Express Card, electric noise-free environments and applications with which supports high speed up to 921.6kbps and 256 various operating system, such as Windows XP, 2003, byte FIFOs. It is a low profile PCI Express 1-lane Vista, 2008, Win 7, 8 and Linux. JetCard 1204e is your (x1) serial card, which can be installed in any PCI ideal choice for applications in retail and POS systems, Express slot. JetCard 1204e is an ideal solution for WUDI¿FRSHUDWLRQFHQWHUVDQGEDQNLQJV\VWHPV High Performance JetCard 1204e supports high speed baud rates up to industry-standard 16C550 devices. In addition to 921.6 Kbps, 256-byte deep transmitter and receiver LQFUHDVH SHUIRUPDQFH DQG ),)2 VL]H -HW&DUG DOVR FIFOs. Deep FIFOs reduce CPU overhead and LPSURYHVDXWRPDWLFVRIWZDUHÀRZFRQWUROE\XVLQJ;21 DOORZ XWLOL]DWLRQ RI KLJKHU GDWD UDWHV (DFK 8$57 XOFF and automatic hardware flow control by using channel is software compatible with the widely-used &76576WRSUHYHQW),)2RYHUUXQ Selectable Power Output 455 JetCard 1204e supports 5V or 12V power output(pin that require additional power. User can set the power 1 or pin 9) by selectable jumper setting for devices output by per port. A Beijer Electronics Group Company Industrial Ethernet / PoE / Serial Boards Dimensions (Unit = mm) Industrial Intelligent 106 Rackmount PoE Plus Switch Industrial PoE Plus Switch Industrial 12-24V PoE Switch Industrial PoE Switch Rackmount L3/L2 Switch Gigabit Managed Switch 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Managed Ethernet Switch Interface Bus Interface: PCI Express x 1 Number of Ports: 4 IRQ and I/O Address: Assigned by System Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2 Parity Bits: 1RQH(YHQ2GG6SDFH0DUN Data Signals: 7['5['576&76'75'6599 '&'VHOHFWDEOH*1'995,VHOHFWDEOH Flow Control: 576&76;21;2)) Surge Protection: Embedded 15KV ESD Surge Protection Power Requirements Power Consumption: 320mA @ 3.3V Power Output (per port): 500mA @ 5 V, 500mA @ 12 V Mechanical Dimensions: 112.6 mm x 68.5 mm Environmental O Operating Temperature: -30 ~ 75 C Operating Humidity: a1RQ&RQGHQVLQJ Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 85 C OS Supported: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Win 7, 8, /LQX[41; O Hardware Communication Controller:&8$57&RPSDWLEOH register Set Board Connector: DB44 Female Regulatory Approvals EMI: CE, FCC Warranty: 3 years Performance FIFO Size: 256 byte Baud rate: 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps Entry-level Switch Wireless Outdoor AP Embedded PoE/Router Computer /,18; Industrial Communication Computer :,1/,18; Ethernet/PoE/ Serial Board Ethernet I/O Server &RPLQJ6RRQ Media Converter Ordering Information Serial Device Server JetCard 1204e 4-port RS-232 PCI Express (PCIe) Card SFP Module Includes: Din Rail Power Supply JetCard 1204e Quick Installation Guide Documentation and Software CD-ROM /RZ3UR¿OH%UDFNHW Optional Accessories CM44M9x4-30 CM44M9x4-30 Male DB44 to 4-port male DB9 Cable, 30cm CM44M9x4-30 A Beijer Electronics Group Company 456
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