慶應義塾大学大学院 法務研究科(法科大学院) 法曹リカレント教育 講義要綱(シラバス) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ご覧になりたい科目を確認するには、 検索キー(Ctrl+F など)で科目名検索が 可能となりますので、ご利用ください。 次ページより講義要綱(シラバス)が続きますが、 今後、内容が更新される可能性があります。 最新の講義要綱(シラバス)については、 https://gslbs.adst.keio.ac.jp/ をご確認ください。 (3 月中旬より 2017 年度の講義要綱を公開予定) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 慶應義塾大学大学院 法務研究科(法科大学院) 法曹リカレント教育 講義要綱(シラバス) 授業科目名 担当者名 単位数 Drafting and Negotiation of M &A and JV Transactions(J.D.)/Dra fting and Negotiation of M&A and JV Transactions(LL.M.) ハンセン, ネルス 2単位:授業回数が 15~16 回 1単位:授業回数が 7~8 回 学期 秋学期 受講条件 1. 授業の目的と 到達目標 2. 関連する科目 との関係 3.授業の方法 4.成績評価 5.教 材 6.授業内容(細目) This course aims to teach you the basic practical elements of M&A, strategic alliances and joint ventures through assignments and exercises derived from real-life examples. We will conduct basic contract drafting and negotiation exercises throughout the course, and discuss the legal and business impact of the language as we progress through the elements of these agreements and other documents. Further, we will conduct due diligence exercises to simulate early assignments that one might get at a law firm doing M&A and connect due diligence with the practicalities of drafting and negotiation to bring home the underestimated importance of legal due diligence and provide practical advice directed at prospective new associates doing this work. Participants in this course should emerge with a basic understanding of how these agreements work in practice, the ability to fix or avoid some common technical blunders, and how to explain these provisions to their future clients once they start their careers. During the course, we will also discuss how foreign law and Japanese law can impact how these agreements are interpreted, and the implications for choice of law in these agreements and the laws under which a strategic alliance is formed. 英語をある程度理解することは必要ですが、M&A 関連用語を英語で学ぶ良い機 会としても考えて頂きたいです。授業中の質問は英語・日本語どちらも対応しま す。また、評価の基準となる宿題も日本語で回答することは問題ありません。英 語のレベル自体は成績評価の対象としません。 There are no formal prerequisites for this course. Any courses related to contract drafting and practice may be helpful, but the material in this course is intended to be at a basic, introductory level. Drafting International Agreements Law, Finance and Taxation of Corporate Acquisitions We will take a practical approach, using examples derived from real contracts as the core of our teaching materials. The course materials will include examples of how contracts were negotiated between foreign companies and Japanese companies, as well as 法曹リカレント教育の成績は「合格」または「不合格」により評価 The course materials will consist primarily of contracts, term sheets and narrative descriptions of the situation in which a hypothetical lawyer finds him or herself drafting a contract or negotiating with a counterparty. Lessons 1-14 focus on M&A. Lesso 第1回 Introduction and Overview; Due Diligence Basics 第2回 The Closing: What happens when the deal is effectuated 第3回 Working Capital Adjustments and other price terms 第4回 Escrows and Holdbacks; Registration Rights 第5回 Earn-Outs: A way to bridge a valuation gap, or a trap for the unwary Buyer? 第6回 Representations and Warranties of the Seller: What is being bought, and what can the seller say about it? 第7回 The Seller Disclosure Schedule; revisiting Due Diligence of the Buyer and Seller 第8回 Indemnification claims, escrow accounts and releases 第9回 Conditions to the Closing 第10回 Termination and Effect of Termination 第11回 Interim Covenants: What can happen, and what must happen, between Signing and Closing? 第12回 “Miscellaneous,” “General” or “Boilerplate” Provisions 第13回 Ancillary Agreements 第14回 Dispute resolution and settlement 第15回 Strategic Alliances: Governance rights, non-competes, capital calls Put and Call Rights; Share transfer restrictions 第16回 ※最新の講義要綱(シラバス)については、https://gslbs.adst.keio.ac.jp/ をご確認ください。 (3 月中旬より 2017 年度の講義要綱を公開予定)
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