2009 年度 オーストラリア短期留学プログラム 参加予定のみなさまへ ■旅行代金,保険料について 学生一人あたりの旅行代金は 510,000 円+燃油サーチャージ 14,000 円から,新潟大学が負担 する QUT への授業料約 140,000 円を差し引いた,384,000 円になります(燃油サーチャージや為 替の変動によって変更になる場合があります) 。 また,参加する学生には、必ず海外旅行保険に入っていただきます。最低限入っていただく保 険の費用は 7,000 円から 10,000 円程度になる予定です(上記旅行代金には含まれていません) 。 詳細は,後日お知らせします。 ■申込書類の提出 上記①~⑤の書類をよく読んだ上で,11 月 20 日(金)までに国際課岩田あてに,②~⑤の書類 を提出してください。(保護者様のサイン等のため,〆切までに間に合わない場合は,お知らせ ください) ★記入の際は,次頁の「記入にあたっての注意事項」もよくお読みください。 ① ご旅程表・ご旅行代金見積書 ② ご旅行参加申込書 ③ QUT Homestay Request Form ④ APPLICATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS 記入して提出する書類 ⑤ PERMISSION TO SUPPLY REPORT ■パスポートの取得 日本に帰国する日まで有効期限が残っているパスポートが必要です。 パスポートをお持ちでない方は,12 月末までに取得してください。 新潟市パスポートセンターのページ(http://www.city.niigata.jp/info/machinaka/passport.htm) も参考にしてください。 ご質問等があれば,国際課岩田までお問い合わせください。 -----------------新潟大学 国際課 岩田 尚志 Tel:025-262-6246/Fax:025-262-7519/[email protected] 提出書類 記入にあたっての注意事項 ◆共通事項: 鉛筆ではなくボールペンを使ってはっきりと記入してください。 ◆「ご旅行参加申込書」 ¾ 「パスポートローマ字ネーム」:パスポートをまだ持っていない方は,今後申請するローマ 字ネーム(ヘボン式ローマ字)を記入してください。 ¾ 「保護者様署名欄」:必ず保護者の方ご本人から署名をもらってください。 ¾ 「パスポートコピー貼付」 :パスポートを既に持っている方は,顔写真のページをコピーして 糊付けしてください。持っていない方は,貼らずに提出してください。 ◆「QUT Homestay Request Form」 ¾ 「Course Details」:記入不要です。 ¾ 「Why do you prefer to stay in homestay?」:ご自身がホームステイのメリットだと思う ことを選んでください。 ¾ 「Agents Details」:記入不要です。 ◆「APPLICATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS」 ¾ 「2. Preferred course of study」:記入不要です。 ¾ 「4. Declaration」:日付の記入,署名してください。 ◆「PERMISSION TO SUPPLY REPORT」 ¾ QUT での成績などを新潟大学に通知してもよい,という同意書です。内容を読んで同意でき る場合は「I, 」にローマ字(パスポート表記)で氏名を書き,「Signed」にサインし, 「Date」に日付を書いてください。 不明な点がありましたら,国際課岩田までお問い合わせください。 ご旅行参加申込書 ツアー名 新潟大学 オーストラリア短期留学プログラム JTB新潟 TEL : 025-224-5478 FAX : 025-229-5775 担当:古田(コダ) (個人情報の利用目的の同意)当社は以下に記載いただく個人情報をお客様との連絡のために利用させていただくほか、お客様がお申し込みいた だいた旅行において宿泊・運送機関等の提供するサービスの受領のための手続に必要な範囲内で利用させていただきます。このほか、当社の旅 行商品のご案内をお客様にお届けするために、お客様の個人情報を利用させていただくことがあります。以上に同意のうえ、旅行の参加申し込みを します。 (申込書の送付)個人情報保護の観点から申込書は郵送でお願いします。お時間がない場合などFAXでも受付いたしますが、FAXの送り間違いな どないよう 番号の押し間違い等にはご注意ください また 送信後は お手数でも着信の確認をお願いいたします どないよう、番号の押し間違い等にはご注意ください。また、送信後は、お手数でも着信の確認をお願いいたします。 健康状態チェック欄 現在のあなたの健康状態について、以下どちらかにチェックして下さい。 □ 既往症なく良好 □ 既往症あり(深刻な病気による医師の治療、診察、投薬の経験)→病名: フリガナ お名前 (署名) 性別 パスポート ローマ字 ネーム 出生地 生年月日(西暦) 国籍 男 年 月 日 女 禁煙 喫煙 (都道府県) フリガナ 〒□□□ー□□□□ 電話 現住所 携帯電話 〒□□□ー□□□□ 保護者様 署名欄 (代筆不可) 保護者様 住所 電話 ご旅行中の 日中(9:00~18:00) 国内緊急 連絡先 夜間(18:00~21:00) お名前 続柄 電話番号 お名前 続柄 電話番号 旅券(パスポート):お申し込みいただく旅行には、有効期間が入国時(帰国時まで)残っている旅券が必要です。旅券の有効期 間の確認、旅券取得についてはお客様ご自身で行ってください。不明な点は当社にお問合せ下さい。 ★申し込む旅行に有効な旅券を( □持っている □持っていない)⇒持っている、の場合パスポ ⇒持っている、の場合パスポートコピーを下記に貼付 トコピ を下記に貼付 QUT Homestay Request Form Attach a recent photograph here QUT must receive this form before you arrive in Brisbane. I certify the information supplied in this form is true and correct. I understand the terms and charges of the homestay program. Sign and date Return to: QUT Victoria Park Road Kelvin Grove Road Brisbane _________________________ COURSE DETAILS Name of Course: __________________________________ Student Number: ___________________________________ Length of Course: ________________Name of College:_______________________ Starting Date:__________________ PERSONAL DETAILS Family Name: __________________________________ Other Names: __________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Country: __________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Gender: Female Male Date of Birth: _________________________________________ Marital Status: Nationality: Single Married Religion: ABOUT YOU Why do you prefer to stay in a homestay? ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate your Homestay preference i.e. Double placement, Single Placement or either way Do you enjoy the company of children? Yes Do you like pets ? Do you smoke? No Yes Yes (0-6) (7-12) (13 & older) No (Pets are usually Cats and Dogs) No (smoking is not allowed inside Australian homes) Have you ever lived in another country? Yes No Do you have any allergies or food intolerances? (e.g. wheat, milk, chilli, seafood, nuts etc) Yes Do you take regular medication? Yes No If yes, where and how long: _________________________________ No . If yes, please gives details: _____________________________ If yes, please gives details: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any special needs? Yes No If yes, please gives details: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are your favourite activities? _________________________________________________________________________ ABOUT YOUR FAMILY (Please list family members who are living at home) Age Father ....... Age Mother ....... Age Brothers Age ....... Sisters ....... Father’s Occupation: _______________________________ Mother’s Occupation: _______________________________ Do you live in a: City Apartment Suburban House Country Home LANGUAGE What is your level of English? Poor Not Very Good Good Excellent Listening Speaking Reading Writing How long have you been learning English?___________________________________________________________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY PLEASE CONTACT Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: Relationship to Student:_________________________________ AGENTS DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) Company: _________________________________ Agent’s Name: ______________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Fax: ________________________________ Email:________________________ Tell me about yourself and your family. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Host Families Our Host families may be any of the following: • Couples with no children • Families with young or teenage children • Retired or non-working couples or single people • Single people in spacious homes with spare accommodation • Extended families (relatives living with the family or individual) • A variety of races and nationalities as Australia is a multicultural country Thank you for completing this application. I look forward to finding you a good family. Cora Doody Homestay Coordinator QUT International College English Language Programs Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove Brisbane Qld 4059 Australia Phone +61 7 3138 3611 Fax +61 7 3138 3085 Email [email protected] www.qutic.qut.edu.au CRICOS No. 00213J ID No Office use Date received Representative’s stamp APPLICATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS - STUDY TOURS Instructions Please complete this form using BLOCK LETTERS. 1. Personal details (Please note you must be at least 17 before commencement of your course) Title (Mr, Ms etc) Male Surname or family name Female Date of birth Day Month Current age Year (If you are a current QUT student, all correspondence will be sent to your student email address.) Fax Phone Fax Email Email 2. Passport number Citizenship Address for correspondence Permanent address in home country Phone Given names Preferred course(s) of study From Please tick your course: General English Weeks To Study Tour 3. Refund Policy A ‘course’ refers to the period of ELICOS study covered by a Confirmation of Enrolment form or for non student visa holders, the dates indicated on the letter of offer. A course can comprise one or more sessions. The enrolment fee is non-refundable. Tuition fees are refunded in full within four weeks of receipt of written notification if a visa application is rejected. Student must provide evidence of cancellation in writing. If a student cancels his/her course 28 days or less before their course commences, a cancellation fee of 20 per cent of the unused tuition fees will be charged. If approved, the refund will be made within four weeks. Please note 1. 2. 3. 4. If a student cancels his/her course more than 28 days before their course commences, there will be a 100 per cent refund of tuition fees within four weeks. 5. No refund of fees for a given session can be made after the student has commenced that session. 6 Refunds cannot be paid in Australia. 7. Applications for refund should be made on the prescribed form (Application for ELP student course cancellation and fee refund ) available from the College. 8. If the College is unable to provide the course for which the student has enrolled, there will be a full refund, or transfer to another institution which is able to provide the relevant course, of prepaid fees within two weeks of the date of notice of default. 9. This agreement does not remove the right to take further action under Australia's consumer protection laws. 10. QUT's dispute resolution processes do not circumscribe a student's right to pursue other legal remedies. 4. Declaration I agree to obey the statutes and rules regarding admission and enrolment at QUT and the QUT International College as documented in the current QUT Handbook available at www.handbook.qut.edu.au I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information I have given in this application and the documentation supporting it is correct and complete. I recognise that it is my responsibility to provide all necessary documentary evidence of my qualifications and studies, and hereby authorise QUT to obtain further information if required. I agree to present the original copies of my academic result and transcript for verification by QUT, if requested. I understand that QUT reserves the right to withdraw my offer or enrolment at any stage during my course where false or misleading information has been provided. I have read and understood the sections of the booklet relating to the courses I have selected, admission procedures, entry requirements, fees and refund policy. I undertake to make timely payments of any fees or associated costs for which I am liable. I am aware of the likely costs of my stay in Australia and I understand that neither QUT nor the Australian Government is obliged to help if I require financial assistance. I understand that if I have children between the ages of 6 to 15 who will accompany me in Australia, I will be required to pay compulsory school fees. I understand that any information I provide to QUT may be made available to Commonwealth and State Government agencies, and to the Fund Manager of the ESOS Assurance Fund, pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code. I have read and understood the refund and transfer policies. Applicant’s signature ................................................................................................................................................................... (or parent’s/guardian’s signature if student is under 18 years of age) Date Day Month Year QUT INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE QUT CRICOS CODE 00213J PERMISSION TO SUPPLY REPORT I, ……………………………………………., hereby give my permission for QUT International College to supply reports regarding my progress to Niigata University. I understand that these reports will contain information relevant to my academic progress, attendance, attitude and diligence. Signed: ………………………………………….……. Date: ………………………………………………….. G:\ADMIN\Documents\STUDY TOURISM\03 TEMPLATES\01 ELP APLICATION FORMS TEMPLATES\Permission to Supply Report Form - Niigata University.doc
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