MEALO News Special Edition MEALO - Manitoba English as an Additional Language Organizations October 2014 Inside this issue: THE PRESIDENT’s REPORT The President’s Report 1 MEALO Year in 2 MEALO Committee 3 MEALO News 4 Professional 5 Development Opportunities MEALO Members 6 MEALO Board of Directors President: Shannon MacFarlane Enhanced English Skills for Employment Vice-President: Deborah Handziuk Manitoba Institute of Trades & Technology Treasurer: Val Cavers Mosaic Secretary: Maureen Keelan A&O Entry Program for Older Adult Immigrants Member-at-Large: Ben Starkey University of Manitoba Teresa Burke Executive Director What a busy year it has been! Since ”repatriation” to CIC funding for all Manitoba EAL Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) in April 2013, MEALO has been an active voice at many tables on behalf of EAL programs in Manitoba. Other MEALO involvements include attending the National Settlement Conference in Ottawa November 2013, and MEALO being invited to contribute to MIRSSA’s submissions to CIC post conference. Thirty-one EAL and Settlement SPOs from Manitoba were also invited to attend. The MEALO Board of Directors is composed of managers or directors of Manitoba EAL SPOs. It shares insights and feedback from a number of different EAL programs regarding trends and observations as we continue to work with CIC to provide the best possible service to Manitoba newcomers. As you know, the Adult Language Training (ALT) branch played a pivotal role in keeping us informed, abreast of trends and aware of goals and expectations as we delivered programming to MB newcomers. Based on the initial MEALO strategic plan, many service provider organizations indicated the desire to continue networking and to be connected through cohesive means to share best practices and concerns through the transition. MEALO provides this opportunity through PD activities and EAL Coordinator meetings. MEALO was also invited to submit names of potential members of the Settlement and Integration Committee of the Manitoba Advisory Council of Citizenship (MACCIM). We are hopeful that MEALO members will be among those chosen to participate. In order to provide these services, MEALO submitted a proposal to CIC and were so grateful to receive funding until March 31, 2016. We were able to hire part-time Executive Director, Sylvia Provenski of Brandon, to help us launch and go full steam ahead. MEALO offers professional development in Winnipeg and the regions. It liaises with CIC on issues concerning expectations and timelines presented to EAL SPOs and generally acts as a conduit to CIC on other important issues such as rejected Canadian citizenship applications submitted by Manitoba residents. MEALO quarterly newsletters and ebulletins tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience of our members, and shares that expertise with all. We are proud to say that MEALO currently has 30 member organizations all are MB EAL SPOs. We will continue to offer member driven PD events, provide networking opportunities throughout the year, and continue to be a voice to CIC on all matters relating to the delivery of EAL in our fair province. We want to continue to support services to MB newcomers to the best of our ability. We invite all MEALO members to take an active role in MEALO, YOUR organization. There are several opportunities to serve on committees, share best practices and concerns, and attend PD events. WE look forward to seeing you at the MEALO AGM on October 3rd, 2014. Our sector has been concerned about our inability to serve CIC ineligible clients (Canadian citizens, refugee claimant and those PNP approved clients who are waiting for the letter of approval from CIC). To that end, MEALO has been accepted to present a delegation to the Manitoba legislature on October 14, 2014 to voice our concerns and bring forward case studies of how this situation is adversely affecting Manitobans. Please stay tuned for developments through the MEALO newsletter. MEALO Year in Review MEALO Objectives were developed based on the needs of EAL Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) across Manitoba, and in consultation with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). MEALO also provided several professional development events throughout the year in both Winnipeg and Brandon. 1. EAL Coordinator Meeting, September 2013, Winnipeg 1. Conduct activities in the form of research, networking and colleting environment information. 2. Q and A workshop with CIC, September 2013, Winnipeg 3. EAL Coordinator Meeting, February 2014, Winnipeg 2. Sharing information with members and providing professional development. 4. Program Evaluation workshop, February 2014, Winnipeg 3. Supporting EAL program coordinators in both rural and urban areas. 5. EAL Coordinator Meeting, February 2014, Winnipeg 6. CLB Exit Reporting Workshop, March 2014 in Brandon 4. Manage and recruitment of members and addressing their needs. 7. EAL Regional Coordinators Meeting, March 2014, Brandon 8. MEALO Workshop at TEAM Conference, May 2014, Winnipeg Activities completed to achieve the objectives include: Conduct activities in the form of research, networking and colleting environment information 1. An October 2013 survey together with information gathered at the September 2013 EAL Coordinators meeting identified EAL program needs throughout Manitoba. Supporting EAL program coordinators in both rural and urban areas. MEALO members are connected and supported through a variety of ways: 2. MEALO attended the Vision 2020 Conference held in Ottawa. MEALO Website * new website to be launched October 3, 2014! 3. Research and Professional Development Committees were created. * See attached committee reports. TUTELA: MEALO Program Coordinators Group 4. Networking occurred through webinars, face to face meetings and workshops. Tutela Live Meetings: September 2013 meeting and February 2014 were also offered Live via Tutela. 5. Information was communicated to members regularly via the MEALO website, email, newsletters and Tutela. MEALO e-News bulletins, sent approximately once a month MEALO News: printed newsletter offered four times a year MEALO email Sharing information with members and providing professional development. MEALO members of the board shared information about Manitoba EAL with conference participants from across the country, and also with MEALO members through their participation at a variety of conferences: 1. VISION 2020 conference 2. National Language Settlement Conference 3. TESL Canada Conference * MEALO hosted a Poster Session 4. Local Immigration Partnership Winnipeg Community Event 5. MEALO is actively involved, under the guidance of MIRSSA, in planning the Integration Summit in November. Manage and recruitment of members and addressing their needs. In October 2013 there were 18 MEALO members. Today, October 2014, there are 30 MEALO members, which includes most CIC funded EAL programs in Manitoba. MEALO News Page 3 MEALO Professional Development Committee This year the MEALO professional development committee coordinated several events including an informative survey that will help to guide our activities in the upcoming months. Starting in February, we offered a hands-on workshop on program evaluation, followed by a workshop on assessment that was delivered in Brandon by Ann Tigchelaar in March. MEALO assembled a panel of administrators for a panel discussion at the TEAM conference in May that was well attended and provided a nice opportunity for administrators to discuss common issues. In June MEALO conducted a survey of PD needs; in addition to wanting more information on the CIC financial claim, human resources management, and understanding assessment, members told us that they would like some specific PD on instructor observation, childcare programming, the National Language Placement and Progression Guidelines, and more opportunities for face to face sharing! Coming this fall, MEALO is partnering with our sister settlement umbrella agency MIRSSA to offer a workshop on the use of social media tools to promote community building and interagency communication. We also hope to plan another PD for the regions before the end of this fiscal year. On an ongoing basis, MEALO is happy to provide administrators with support. We are establishing a buddy program that will match administrators; this will be available in a formal way shortly. If you are interested in being a part of our committee please contact one of us, we’d be happy to have more members! Maureen Keelan, Ben Starkey, Val Cavers MEALO Research Committee On February 14, 2014, MEALO announced the creation of a Research Committee and put out a call for members. The purpose of the Research Committee is to collect information on EAL administrative topics and issues using either formal research methodologies or informal approaches. The Research Committee is chaired by Deborah Handziuk and the members are Rebecca Siebert and Kerri Caldwell Korabelnikov. Rebecca is the EAL Program Coordinator at the Pembina Campus of the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology. Kerri is the Academic Coordinator at the Red River College Language Training Centre. The Committee is currently gathering information regarding the availability of funded language classes for CIC ineligible clients in Canada. This information will be included in the presentation to be made by the delegation to the MLA’s and Ministers at the Manitoba Legislative Building on October 14, 2014. Deborah Handziuk, Committee Chair MEALO News Page 4 OCTOBER 14th, MEALO will be Taking a Delegation to the Manitoba Legislature MEALO will present on the issue of “ineligible clients” not having access to EAL classes. We would like to start an open dialogue with the Province on this issue. This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard and to communicate to the Province the significant effects that have been felt. We are planning to present the following: The effect on newcomers and their families The effect on Manitoban society and population in general. The effect on Service Provider Organizations and their staff. Possible solutions to this issue. MEALO has been given 30 minutes to present and 30 minutes for Questions and Answers. In the lead up to the presentation, the MEALO research committee will be gathering relevant information to present related information, such as what is happening in other provinces in regards to “ineligible clients.” An email to MEALO members was sent out in September requesting their help with gathering statistics such as the number of “ineligible clients” that were asked to leave the program after the 2013 transition from provincial to federal funding, and case studies that would highlight some of the above points. In case you haven’t yet responded to our questionnaire; here are the questions that were emailed to MEALO members: 1. Please indicate the number of “ineligible clients” that you had to ask to leave your program after the transition from provincial to federal funding in 2013. (e.g. 15 refugee claimants, 15 citizens) 2. What percentage was this of your overall student total at that time (e.g. 30 students from 350 students = 12%) 3. Describe any other impacts felt in your program. 4. Do you have one case that you know of personally, that would be a good example to bring to the Leg to present. We would like examples that illustrate how difficult it has been for those who can no longer access settlement services. We may ask this person to come to the Leg to present, or a MEALO board member may relay their story. Thank you, Ben Starkey, MEALO Board of Directors MEALO’s New Executive Director October brings some new staff changes for MEALO. Please join us as we say a fond farewell to Sylvia Provenski, Executive Director since August 2013, and a warm welcome to Teresa Burke! A message from outgoing Executive Director, Sylvia Provenski: “Hello MEALO friends! I would like to express my gratitude for the time I have spent with you as the Executive Director of MEALO. It has been a year filled with exciting challenges and opportunities. I have watched MEALO grow and mature into a strong, vibrant organization with equally strong leadership. When I took on the position as the Executive Director it was with the understanding that I would stay one year to help MEALO get on its feet and then I would pass on the reins to someone else. I am happy to pass on this leadership role to a wonderful and very capable person, Teresa Burke.” I wish you all the best, Sincerely, Sylvia Provenski We are happy to introduce, Teresa Burke as MEALO’s new Executive Director! Teresa Burke has been an active contributor to the EAL community for over a decade, we are looking forward to her contributions to our organization. She possesses a breadth of experience in EAL having worked as an EAL instructor, both in Manitoba and Alberta, a WELARC assessor and most recently as the Program Coordinator of the ESP program at the University of Winnipeg. Teresa is excited to be part of the MEALO team, working with the board and EAL community to support English language training and services in Manitoba. MEALO News Page 5 Manitoba Settlement & Integration Summit: November 6th & 7th Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is funding settlement and integration summits across Canada for two main purposes: 1) To facilitate connections and create a space for developing innovative solutions for stakeholders in settlement and integration and 2) To help inform the coming CIC Call for Proposals for programming post 2016. MIRSSA was asked by CIC to establish an advisory committee to help shape the agenda of the Manitoba summit which will take place November 6th and 7th. To that end, the advisory committee, which consists of broad sector representation including various government representatives, has met on a number of occasions. MEALO is pleased to be at the table as part of the advisory committee. All CIC funded EAL SPOs will be receiving invitations shortly and other organizations affected by immigration will also be invited to attend. TEAM TALKS Teachers of EAL to Adults in Manitoba TEAM is a professional organization that supports EAL teachers and students in Manitoba by providing professional development opportunities and advocacy. The next TEAM Talk event is September 30th TEAL TEAL--SAGE Conference “Connecting Communities” OCTOBER 24th, 2014 Fort Richmond Collegiate Keynote speaker: Sarah Gazan “Cultural Proficiency” A personal and professional journey through the lens of cultural proficiency. Check the TEAM website for more info: Breakout sessions to be announced. Online registration will be available soon. For more info Email: [email protected] email Melanie at: [email protected] October 2014 MEALO News Page 6 MEALO Members 2014-2015 A & O ENTRY PROGRAM FOR OLDER ADULT IMMIGRANTS ALTERED MINDS INC. A.P.P.L.E ASSINIBOINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE EAL NEIGHBORHOOD CLASSES FOR WOMEN EDGE SKILLS CENTRE INC EESE: ENHANCED ENGLISH SKILLS FOR EMPLOYMENT ENGLISH ONLINE INC. IMMIGRANT CENTRE MB - ACCESS ENGLISH CENTRE (AEC) IMMIGRANT REFUGEE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION OF MANITOBA MANITOBA INSTITUTE OF TRADES & TECHNOLOGY MANITOBA NURSES UNION MOSAIC - NEWCOMER FAMILY RESOURCE NETWORK NEEPAWA & AREA IMMIGRANT SETTLEMENT SERVICES PEMBINA VALLEY LANGUAGE/EDUCATION FOR ADULTS PORTAGE LEARNING & LITERACY CENTRE RED RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANGUAGE TRAINING CENTRE RENE DELEURME CENTER- LOUIS RIEL SD RIVER EAST TRANSCONA SCHOOL DIVISION ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM SEVEN OAKS ADULT LEARNING AND SETTLEMENT SERVICES CENTRE SOUTH EASTMAN ENGLISH AND LITERACY SERVICES SWAN VALLEY SETTLEMENT AND IMMIGRANT SERVICES INC THE UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG TURTLE MOUNTAIN EAL SERVICES UFCW TRAINING CENTRE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF THE NORTH UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA ADULT EAL PROGRAM FOR NEWCOMERS WESTMAN IMMIGRANT SERVICES WINNIPEG ADULT EAL PROGRAM WINNIPEG ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE Want to be a MEALO Member? Contact [email protected] for more information. MEALO 400 - 275 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B3 Phone: 204-594-2061 Fax: 204-943-9614 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Manitoba English as an Additional Language Organizations provides sectoral representation for Manitoba adult EAL service provider organizations (SPO). We support adult EAL service providers in Manitoba by providing: An enduring structure for adult EAL service provider organizations in Manitoba Disseminating best practices and new initiatives - provincial and national Disseminating information Providing collegial support and information sharing Responding to SPO's capacity building needs Providing professional development for SPO administrators Representing provincial SPO's at national forums
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