GP Update June 2014 Welcome... The Trust holds its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 10th July at Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre, to which you are all invited — please see below for more details. There are also ward moves taking place over the coming months as we open our new ward block close to the Emergency Department and move inpatient services from the QEII to the Lister. Outpatients and diagnostic services continue at QEII and from Spring 2015 these will be delivered from the New QEII. If you would like to see some of the changes being made at Lister, please see below regarding tours that take place every month. If your practice or patient groups would like a visit at one of their meetings to hear in more detail about the improvements, do let me know. If you have any on-going issues, please get in touch — my contact details are below. Dr Mary Hartley Primary Care Customer Relations Manager, L70 Lister Hospital, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, SG1 4AB [email protected] 01438 284534 New ward block and AAU and Cardiology moves Maternal flu and whooping cough vaccinations As part of the on-going developments to create a specialist centre at Lister Hospital, the new ward block opens on 8th July. The coronary care unit, currently located on 9b, will move into the first floor of this new space, on Tuesday 8th July, and be known as the Acute Cardiac Unit (ACU). It will have 38 beds and will provide facilities for recovering cardiology patients. From the 1st July the maternity unit will not be holding a whooping cough and flu drop in clinic but will be actively signposting women at booking and antenatal appointments to attend their surgeries for these vaccinations. This allows the service to be delivered closer to the woman’s home. The acute assessment unit, currently located on the ground floor of Strathmore, will move to the new ward block on Thursday 10th July. This space has 24 beds and 14 specialist trolleys that will be used by staff to manage acutely unwell patients referred by GPs, as well as those transferred from the Lister’s emergency Department. It will be renamed the Acute Medical Unit (AMU). Until October, when the ward opens fully, the best place for patient drop-off will be at the Emergency Department (ED) dropoff. The entrance to AMU is an external door to the side of ED, currently signposted for Children’s ED. AMU is then accessed through the first doors on the left, as soon as you enter the building. Electronic clinic letters To ensure that GPs receive all letters in a timely and secure fashion the Trust is continuing to roll out sending clinic letters via email. This issue was raised as a key improvement area within the GP survey. Using email also protects against any lost or misplaced letters. Most departments plan to have commenced the use of email by the end of the summer. Do let me have any feedback. Fracture Clinic Referrals We opened the new Lister Hospital fracture clinic, situated near to the main entrance, on 12th May, with two x-ray rooms and two plaster rooms. All new fracture clinic referrals should be sent to: Receptionists, Emergency Department, Fracture Clinic Appointments, Lister Hospital, L1, Stevenage or faxed to 01438 286059. All changes will be fully signposted. Consultant to Consultant referrals Following a number of queries, the updated Trust access policy is available on line at: In terms of consultant to consultant referrals the policy states: “In order to allow GPs to manage care for their patients, clinicians should not refer directly to colleagues but should write to GPs and advise on appropriate treatment or referral unless the condition is considered clinically urgent or part of the original referral.” Tours of Lister Hospital site With so many changes and investment taking place at Lister Hospital you may be interested in attending one of our tours. Tours will take place on 15th July; 18th August; and 9th September, all 10 — 12 noon. To book a place please contact June O’Sullivan on 01438 284613 or email [email protected]. New blood collection method Trust AGM — Thursday 10th July East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust is currently in the process of changing the method of blood collection within the area to the SMonovette® enclosed blood collection system. You are all invited to the Trust’s Annual General Meeting which is to be held on Thursday 10th July at Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre. The main meeting will start at 6.30pm, but from 5pm onwards there will be an opportunity to talk to staff, partners, network and enjoy some refreshments. To book your place, please email June at: [email protected] or call 01438 284613. The change has become necessary as part of the reorganisation of pathology services with The Pathology Partnership (tPP). The blood collection system is being rationalised and all tPP partner Trusts are changing to Sarstedt collection tubes. There will be a comprehensive training and implementation programme to be conducted by Sarstedt Company, who will contact each surgery to arrange suitable times and dates. Initial stocks of S-Monovette® products will be supplied at the time of training. Staff will be advised to use their current system until the 2nd of July. All other training materials will be provided by Sarstedt. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Sarstedt Ltd on 0116 235 9023. GP Practices dedicated phone numbers: GP line to QEII 01707 328655 GP line to Lister 01438 759928 1 New Consultants North Hertfordshire Medical Society We welcome the following new consultants to the Trust: The North Hertfordshire Medical Society GP Tutors invite you to a GP Update, Wednesday 9th July 2014, 9.30-16.30 at Lister Education Centre. The programme will include: Dr Christopher Lawrence, Consultant Nephrologist (previously in locum post) Dr Abdul Rahman Malik, Acting Consultant, Elderly Medicine Dr Sarah Frearson, Consultant, Palliative Medicine Dr Michelle Kelly, Consultant, Acute Medicine (previously in locum post) Dr Amod Manocha, Locum Consultant Anaesthetist Management of headaches Heart failure Prostate cancer Management of common mental health problems Prevention of CVD Respiratory infection We say thank you and goodbye to: Alcohol and the alcohol services Dr Ivan Trotman, Consultant Palliative Medicine Dr Anna Cohen, Locum Consultant, Neurology Dr Rajiv Swamy, Consultant Histopathologist Dr Baldeep Panesar, Locum Consultant Anaesthetist For more information or to book your place please email [email protected] or call 01438 285587. New aromatherapy service at Maternity Unit A new aromatherapy service has been launched at the Trust’s Diamond Jubilee Maternity Unit, the aim of which is to help improve the experience of women during labour and birth. The service is being offered to women giving birth in the unit’s midwife-led unit and uses a variety of essential oils to help women relax, and improve physical and psychological well-being during labour and birth. Lead midwife Annabel Bradburn has so far trained thirty midwives at the Trust to administer aromatherapy safely during labour. Midwives are now able to prepare an individualised aromatherapy blend for women who return home in early labour, to help reduce anxiety and relieve pain. Aromatherapy can also be used to encourage labour to “get going” again when things slow down, and to alleviate symptoms such as nausea and headaches. Focus on… Cancer Services The new Lister Macmillan cancer centre at Lister Hospital, Stevenage opened its doors on 16th June. It is built on the existing level three, near to main reception and the car park, and offers almost twice the capacity for treating cancer patients than the previous facility, in the tower block. In a first-time partnership, it has been jointly funded by both East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and Macmillan Cancer Support. Dr Rob Hughes, Consultant Clinical Oncologist with special interest in Urology and Colorectal cancer Dr Marek Kasznicki, Consultant Haematologist with special interest in Haemato-oncology Dr Poornima Kumar, Consultant Haematologist with special interest in Obstetric and General Haematology and Haemoglobinopathy The centre provides spacious specialist amenities for patients, including: eight consulting and examination rooms, waiting areas, quiet rooms, two landscaped gardens, offices, diagnostics areas, three chemotherapy treatment bays, a pharmacy room and a drug preparation area. Natural lighting and climate control has been incorporated to create a more calming ambience. Dr Russell Moule, Consultant Clinical Oncologist with special interest in lung, head and neck and thyroid cancers together with image guided and intensity modulated radiotherapy including Cyberknife The centre will bring together outpatient and treatment services including a new Macmillan information and support centre in a new purpose built unit. Dr Andy Polychronis, Consultant Medical Oncologist with special interest in lung, gastrointestinal cancers and cancer of unknown primary Our consultants are: Dr Judith Hanslip, Clinical Director for Cancer Services (Acute) and Consultant Haematologist with special interest in HaematoOncology Dr Nihal Shah, Consultant Clinical Oncologist with special interest in Breast Cancer and Stereotactic Radiotherapy Dr Chris Tew, Consultant Haematologist with special interest in coagulation disorders and general haematology Dr Carie Corner, Consultant Clinical Oncologist with special interest in skin cancer Faxed referrals can be made to 01438 286029. 2
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