International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014 Comparative Analysis of Face Recognition using DCT, DWT and PCA for Rotated faces Debaraj Rana1, Sunita Dalai2, Bhawna3, Sujata Minz4, N. Prasanna5, Tapasri Tapasmita Sahu6 1,2 Department of ECE, Asst. Professor, Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha, INDIA Department of ECE, B.Tech Students, Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha, INDIA 3, 4, 5, 6 ABSTRACT Face recognition has been an active research area in the pattern recognition and computer vision domains. Human’s day to day actions are increasingly being handled electronically, instead of face to face. Face is a complex multidimensional structure and needs good computing techniques for recognition. The main aim of Face Recognition system is to retrieve face images which are similar to a specific query face image in large face Databases. The retrieved face images can be used for many applications. In this paper we have done face recognition using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). to varieties of test images which are rotated 15° towards right, 15° towards left, 30° towards right, 30° towards left, with low illumination and different facial expressions. Then we have developed a comparative analysis between all the three techniques based on recognition rate. Keywords - DCT, DWT, Face Recognition, PCA I. consuming and less efficient. It is better get unique and important information and discards other useless information in order to make system efficient. Face recognition [6] systems can be widely used in areas where more security is needed. Researchers have developed varieties of new techniques to improve the face recognition rate. Also different people gone for different approaches like Geometric /Template Based Approaches, Piecemeal/ Holistic Approaches, Template/Statistical/ Neural Network Approaches [22]. In this paper we have done the face recognition using statistical and frequency domain approach. We have applied DCT, DWT and PCA for face recognition. Face recognition techniques applied to FEI database from which we have taken 180 test images and these test images are of different varieties like frontal face with different expression, low illumination also some are rotated 15O, 30O towards right as well as left. After applying all the three technique to the test images then we have developed a comparative analysis among the three techniques based on the recognition rate. INTRODUCTION II. DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM (DCT) Face recognition (FR) has emerged as one of the most extensively studied research topics that spans multiple disciplines such as pattern recognition, signal processing and computer vision [6]. This is due to its numerous important applications in identity authentication, security access control, intelligent human-computer interaction, and automatic indexing of image and video databases. Face recognition has repeatedly shown its importance over the last ten years or so. Not only is it a vividly researched area of image analysis, pattern recognition and more precisely biometrics but also it has become an important part of our everyday lives since it was introduced as one of the identification methods to be used in e-passports and in many security purposes. The human face is full of information but working with all the information is time DCT has emerged as a popular transformation technique widely used in signal and image processing. This is due to its strong “energy compaction” property: most of the signal information tends to be concentrated in a few low-frequency components of the DCT [2, 16]. DCT transforms the input into a linear combination of weighted basis functions. These basis functions are the frequency components of the input data. DCT is similar to the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in the sense that they transform a signal or image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain, use sinusoidal base functions, and exhibit good de-correlation and energy compaction characteristics. The major difference is that the DCT transform uses simple cosine-based basis functions whereas the DFT is a complex transform and therefore stipulates that both image magnitude and phase 852 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014 information be encoded The general equation for the DCT of an NxM image age f (x, y) is defined by the following equation [2]: vertical features of outline and nose are clearer than its horizontal features, depicts face pose features. [18] (1) The size of input image is N x M and f(i, j) is the intensity of pixel at x(i, j). F(u, v) is the DCT coefficient for the pixel at x(i,j). The DCT of an image is shown figure 1 below. [Fig.2 Two Level Decomposition using down sampling] [Fig.1 DCT of a face Image] III. DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM (DWT) [Fig. 3 Three Level Wavelet Decomposition] Wavelets have many advantages over other mathematical transforms such as the DFT or DCT. Functions with discontinuities and functions with sharp spikes usually take substantially fewer wavelet basis functions than sine-cosine functions to achieve a comparable approximation. Wavelets ability to provide spatial and frequency representations of the image simultaneously motivates its use for feature extraction The Haar wavelet transform is a widely used technique that has an established name as a simple and powerful technique for the multi-resolution decomposition of time series. An original image of size N x N is first of all pass through a filter horizontally and vertically as shown in figure 2. The low pass filtering in horizontal direction and high pass filtering in vertical direction gives rise to LH component, likewise filtering gives rise to four components LL, LH, HL and HH during first level of decomposition [3, 17]. The LL component which represents the approximate coefficients of the decomposition is used to produce next level of decomposition. The sub band HL represents major facial expression features. The sub band LH, the The sub band HH is the unstable band in all sub bands because it is easily disturbed by noises, expressions and poses. And the sub band LL will be the most stable sub band. Here an image and its detail and approximate coefficients are shown in figure 4. (a) (b) [Fig. 4 (a) An Face image (b) One Level Decomposed DWT output] IV. PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS (PCA) The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most successful techniques that have been used in 853 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014 image recognition and compression. PCA is a statistical method under the broad title of factor analysis [7]. The purpose of PCA is to reduce the large dimensionality of the data space (observed variables) to the smaller intrinsic dimensionality of feature space (independent variables), which are needed to describe the data economically. The main idea of using PCA [5] for face recognition is to express the large 1-D vector of pixels constructed from 2-D facial image into the compact principal components of the feature space. This can be called eigenspace projection. Eigenspace is calculated by identifying the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix derived from a set of facial images (vectors) [7]. After an image has been projected in the eigenspace, a feature vector containing the coefficients of the projection [20] is used to represent the image. The algorithm is as follows: Each image I(x, y) will be represented as a NxM vector Γi and then average face Ψ is computed as : (2) reconstructed from its projection coefficients and the eigenvectors. The Eigen faces of a set of faces of the database are shown in figure 5. [Fig. 5 Eigen faces using PCA] V. PROPOSED METHOD Database: We have considered FEI database [23] and create the face database by manually cropping the face images. The face database contains 50 face images with dimension 144x104. Then the test images are divided in to six category with each category contain 30 face image with dimension 144x104. The six varieties database contain face images rotated 30o towards right as well as towards left, 15o towards right as well as towards left, also with low illumination and different facial expression. We have applied each of the method separately to the database. Accordingly with different test images we found out the recognition result. where R represents the number of faces in the raining set. Then mean subtracted face image as Φi= Γi- Ψ. After the covariance matrix is calculated as (3) Where A=[Φ1 Φ2 . …. ΦR]. The eigenspace can be calculated by calculating eigenvectors Vi of C, but as the size of C (N2xN2) is very large, so instead Vi we have to calculate Ui which is eigen vector of ATA where Vi and Ui related as Vi=AUi For Eigenspace we have to consider K best eigenvector of Vi.[19, 22] An unknown face can be recognize after normalize Ф=Γ-Ψ and projecting on eigenspace as [Fig.6 Test images from FEI Database] (4) Where wi is the coefficient of projection. The projection coefficients allow us to represent images as linear combinations of the eigenvectors. It is well known that the projection coefficients define a compact image representation and that a given image can be [Fig. 7 Sample of Face database] 854 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 DCT Feature Extraction Feature Selection Test Images DCT Feature Extraction Feature Selection Face Recognized Training Images Distance Measurement The algorithm process for recognition using DCT is as follows. [Fig.8 Face Recognition algorithm using DCT] Test . Images DWT DWT Feature Extraction Feature Selection Feature Extraction Feature Selection Face Recognized Training Images Distance Measurement (b) Recognition using DWT For recognition using DWT we have decomposed the database images to 3 levels and extracted the features, then the test images are gone for same process and found out the features. The features then compared with database features and recognition done. The algorithm is as follows. Training Images Projection on Eigen Space Coefficient of Projection Test Images Projection on Eigen Space Coefficient of Projection Face Recognized (a) Recognition using DCT We have first found out the DCT coefficient of all the data base images then using the triangular selection method [16] selected the best coefficients. Then same process is applied to a test image and using Euclidean distance we found out the recognition. The Euclidean distance is given as (5) Distance Measurement Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014 (b) [Fig.10 (a) Procedure to create Eigen space, (b) Face Recognition algorithm using PCA] VI. RESULT ANALYSIS The experimental results have been developed by taking all the test images which includes the frontal faces as well as the rotated face images. All the test images are gone through the three different techniques PCA, DCT and DWT. We have found out the recognition rate for each category of test images with each technique. On the basis of the recognition rate we have compared the three techniques. In this experiment we tested the recognition rate for all three techniques DCT, DWT and PCA. For every single technique we calculated the recognition rate for 180 test images which are rotated 30 degree left as well as towards right, 15 degree left as well as towards right, faces with low illumination and faces with different expressions. The recognition rate is calculated by the formula: Recognition Rate= (No. of image recognized correctly / Total no. of test image) × 100 The recognition result as follows: [Fig.9 Face Recognition algorithm using DWT] (c) Recognition using PCA The database image taken and from a large dimension we have tuned to a low dimension using the principal components. This low space is called eigenspace. Then each database image is projected on eigenspace and the coefficient of projection was found. Likewise for a test image same coefficients of projection calculate and face recognition done using Euclidean distance. The algorithm as follows: Training Images Mean Image Covariance Matrix Eigen Vector Eigen Space (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) [Fig.11 Face Recognition result for Test Images (a) 15O rotated to right (b) 15O rotated to left (c) 30O rotated to left (d) (a) 855 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014 30O rotated to right (e) with less illumination of light (f) with different facial expression] develop same hybrid technique of all three to improve recognition rate REFERENCES Journal Papers: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) [Fig. 12 The comparative result for DCT, DWT and PCA with test images (a) 15O rotated to right (b)15O rotated to left (c) 30O rotated to left (d) 30O rotated to right (e) with less illumination of light (f) with different facial expression] VII. CONCLUSION In this paper we have done the face recognition using three methods DCT, DWT and PCA. For the simulation we have taken FEI database. Here we have considered a database of 30 frontal face images and 180 test images with six different categories like 30 degree to left, 30 degree to right etc. After recognition using all the three methods we compared the recognition rate of each method with each category and finally we have shown the comparative result among all. In most cases DCT is giving good results as compared to other techniques with the FEI database. In future we have planned to improve the techniques, so that we can increase the recognition rate through the test images which are rotated. Also we have planned to [1].Anil kumar Katharotiya ,Swati Patel ,Mahesh Goyani, “Comparative Analysis between DCT & DWT Techniques of Image Compression”, Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, Vol 1, No.2, 2011. [2].Ziad M. Hafed Martin D. 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