Ponta Delgada Overload Our Events Staff proudly presents This briefing will guide you in order to maximize your experience through our Oceanic Airspace, helping you to better understand Oceanic Specific Procedures. We therefore request your full cooperation and preparation by reading this document and many other availables! If you have any question or doubt feel free to contact us via e-mail: Marco Ribeiro, PT-EC - [email protected] Pedro Barranha, PT-EAC - [email protected] André Vieira, PT-AOC - [email protected] And always with a CC or mainly to Raul Ferraz, LPPO-CH - [email protected] As this is a special difficult event for some members we will do our best to assist you to have a successful flight to/from our islands. However, if you member fail to comply with the instructions in this briefing and those provided by the online controllers or portuguese staff, you may be forced to divert to another airport or disconnected from the network. Maintain discipline: ● Radio Discipline - respect radio discipline, when entering a new channel wait 5 seconds before transmitting, and never try to communicate while another member is talking. ● Pilot Discipline - follow ATC instructions and do not argue with the controller, unless you have a valid reason to believe the safety of your flight is at stake. IVAO PT 2014 Events Staff Ponta Delgada Overload LPPD Departures General Have charts on board and read relevant airport information http://www.ivao.pt/ops/charts/aerodrome/LPPD/Ponta-Delgada http://www.nav.pt/ais/cd/2014-05-29-AIRAC/html/eAIP/LP-AD-2.LPPD-enPT.html#AD-2.LPPD Route, Pushback & Start-up Clearances For your clearance contact Ponta Delgada Tower [LPPD_TWR, 118.300] between 30 and 10 minutes before your Off Blocks Time. For your Pushback clearance contact Ponta Delgada Tower and be ready for immediate push. Start-up clearance will usually be issued with push-back. Departure Runway Depending on traffic conditions, first waypoint and current winds, either runway will be used for departure, therefore departure runway will be issued on an individual basis. Departure After your takeoff clearance, the tower controller will hand you over to Ponta Delgada Approach [LPPD_APP, 119.400]. Oceanic Clearance If your destination is outside of Azores Islands, you will need your Oceanic Clearance, which will be given by Santa Maria Delivery [LPPO_D_CTR, 132.075] if online, or by Santa Maria Radio [LPPO_OC_CTR, 127.900]. Usually, you will be handed over to one of this stations by the TMA Controller, Santa Maria Radar [LPAZ_CTR, 132.150] at the appropriate time. Please check our Oceanic Procedures here. IVAO PT 2014 Events Staff Ponta Delgada Overload LPPD Arrivals General TMA Arrival Have charts on board and read relevant airport information http://www.ivao.pt/ops/charts/aerodrome/LPPD/Ponta-Delgada http://www.nav.pt/ais/cd/2014-05-29-AIRAC/html/eAIP/LP-AD-2.LPPD-enPT.html#AD-2.LPPD If your departure airport is in one of the Azores Islands, you will experience a regular flight. If you arrive from the Oceanic Airspace the Santa Maria Radio [LPPO_OC_CTR, 127.900] Controller will assign you a squawk code and advise you to monitor the Santa Maria Radar [LPAZ_CTR, 132.150] frequency. This is will be done at the appropriate time by the controllers and you should not request any of this information. If you a STAR is assigned to your flight, you must adhere to published route, vertical profile and speed restrictions. You will be handed over to Delgada Approach [LPPD_APP, 119.400] who will direct you to the landing runway. STAR Speed Restriction - FL100 max 250 KIAS Standard Holdings: - VMG: min 4500ft, max speed 200 KIAS, inb couse 159º, Left Turn - NAVPO: min 5500ft, max speed 200 KIAS, inb course 311º, Left Turn Non-Standard Holdings: - BEKUN: min FL70, max speed 220 KIAS, inb course 277º Right turn - BAVAS: min FL70, max speed 220 KIAS, inb couse 230º Right Turn Landing Depending on wind conditions you should expect runway 30 to land. When established the approach controller will advise you to contact Ponta Delgada Tower [LPPD_TWR, 118.300]. On first contact the Tower Controller will advise you of your exit taxiway in order to best manage the traffic flow. Taxi & Blocks on After vacating the runway you will receive your assigned gate to where you should taxi without delays. After parking, the controller might ask you to disconnect from the network in order to allow other traffics to come in. IVAO PT 2014 Events Staff Ponta Delgada Overload Primary Frequencies: ● ● ● ● ● Santa Maria Radio (Oceanic Controller) - LPPO_OC_CTR, 12790 KHz Santa Maria Delivery (Oceanic Delivery) - LPPO_D_CTR, 132.075 MHz Santa Maria Radar (TMA Controller) - LPAZ_CTR, 132.150 MHz Ponta Delgada Approach - LPPD_APP, 119.400 MHz Ponta Delgada Tower - LPPD_TWR, 118.300 MHz Suggested routes for inbound traffic: ● Portugal LPAZ - NAVPO LPHR - VMG LPLA- MIPR1A MIPRU MIPR3A LPMA - IRKI5S IRKID DCT 35N020W DCT ETROX H104 VSM VSM6A LPPR - LAVPA DCT ERPES DCT 39N020W DCT BEKUN BEKU5A LPPT - BUSE4P BUSEN DCT KOMUT DCT 38N020W DCT BEKUN BEKU5A ● Canada CYYT - CYYT4 YYT DCT 47N050W 44N040W DCT LUKAL H125 LM H113 MIPRU MIPR3A CYYZ - DEDKI2 ART J595 PLB J29 BGR DCT EBONY N37C LOMPI N31F JAROM DCT 44N050W 42N040W DCT KOLIT H141 FRS H132 VFL H114 SOMUL SOMU3A ● Germany EDDF - ULKI1S ULKIG Y180 NISIV UY180 DIK UN857 GIMER UT300 PON UN872 TERPO UN461 RIVAK DCT BERUX DCT KOPAS DCT 41N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B EDDL - MODR8L MODRU Z283 SUMAS UZ283 LNO UZ707 BSN UT300 EVX UT176 LGL UN491 KOKOS UN585 BADUR UN472 LAPEX DCT PASAS DCT 41N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B EDDM - ALG1E ALG Y109 MILKA Y100 TRA UL856 DJL UM129 BEBIX UN10 LMG UN460 RIVAK DCT BERUX DCT KOPAS DCT 41N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B EDDN - IBAG2K IBAGA Y101 OSBIT UL984 FFM TG1 NTM UN857 GIMER UT300 PON UN872 TERPO UN461 RIVAK DCT BERUX DCT KOPAS DCT 41N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B EDDT - BRAN2T BRANE Q201 POVEL UM994 EXOBA UZ717 ABAMI UM170 BAM UZ158 LNO UZ707 BSN UT300 EVX UT176 LGL UN491 KOKOS UN585 BADUR UN472 LAPEX DCT PASAS DCT 41N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B ● Finland EFHK - ODEXA N872 TEB N623 ARS N873 DETSO L734 MOXAM N866 UPGAS UN866 TIPAN UM185 BPK UN866 SAM UN20 GAPLI DCT 45N017W 40N023W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B ● United Kingdom EGCC - NOKI1R NOKIN UP17 NITON UN864 DIKAS UL180 LESLU DCT 48N012W 45N017W 40N023W DCT BAVAS EGKK - SAM2V SAM UN621 KAPEX UN63 LORKU UN866 GOBUR UN484 REGHI DCT 45N015W 42N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B IVAO PT 2014 Events Staff Ponta Delgada Overload ● Netherlands EHAM - GORL1Z GORLO UL980 MANGO UL620 SAM UN621 KAPEX UN63 LORKU UN866 GOBUR UN484 REGHI DCT 45N015W 42N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B ● Denmark EKCH - LANG1C LANGO M611 DEGUL UN872 EEL UZ701 GORLO UL980 MANGO UL620 SAM UN20 GAPLI DCT 45N017W 40N023W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B ● Norway ENGM - ATLAP UP600 SOGLO T400 ALOTI UM89 TRN UP600 ROTEV DCT 51N011W 45N019W 40N023W DCT BAVAS ● Gambia GBYD - ND B600 YF UB600 MAURI UB600G DKH UA600F CABEL UN729 REMGI UN728 TFN DCT KETID DCT ETROX H104 VSM ● Morocco GMMX - MBP4D MABAP UR722 AMSEL DCT LUTAK DCT 38N020W DCT BEKUN BEKU5A ● United States of America KBOS - BOS J575 TUSKY N36F LOMPI N31F JAROM DCT 43N050W 41N040W DCT KOKER H142 FRS H132 VFL H114 SOMUL ● Switzerland LSZH - VEBI3W VEBIT T51 LASUN UN176 MOROK UL856 DJL UM129 BEBIX UN10 LMG UN460 RIVAK DCT BERUX DCT KOPAS DCT 41N020W DCT BAVAS BAVA5B Please note that SID’s and Star’s may not be accurate at the time of your flight. If you need an outbound route just send an e-mail to [email protected] and [email protected] and we will quickly find one for you. Usefull tips: We highly recommend TropicalSim scenery, found here. If you are unfamiliar with oceanic procedures please check this guides: English & Portuguese. Reading of Santa Maria SOP is recommend in order to get to know our specific procedures, especially those regarding Random Routes. You can use this document for clearance and position reports inside the oceanic airspace. IVAO PT 2014 Events Staff
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