CHELTENHAM SECONDARY COLLEGE YEAR 10 2015 Senior School Team: Senior School Manager: Ms Fiona de Zylva Year 11 Co-ordinators: Marina Bassi Brett Younger Year 10 Coordinators: Noall Beddoes Marian O’Shaughnessy Year 9 Coordinators: Kathi Anderson Katherine Balson Careers & Pathways Leader: Lexia Knight Bernard Street, Cheltenham, Victoria, 3192 Telephone: 9555 5955 Facsimile: 9555 8617 Email : [email protected] Web: Senior School Student Commitments Our College Values Are: PERSONAL BEST SENSE OF COMMUNITY RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY As Senior School students we expect you to demonstrate these values as you go about your everyday business at the College. Strive to achieve your personal best in all classes, all work, exams and extra curriculum programs that you are involved in. To complete all coursework, school assessed tasks, SACs and Examinations on time and to the best of your ability. Spend at least the recommended time on homework:, Year 10, 1-2 hours per day, and VCE two hours per day for Level 1&2 subjects and three hours per day for level 3&4 subjects. Spend no more than 15 hours per week on employment in Years 9 and 10 and no more than 10 hours in VCE. Independently find a work experience placement in Year 10 and Year 11 if necessary because that aids in the discovery of a possible career interest pathway. Follow the College rules with good grace. Treat our College’s teachers and all other class members with respect. Attend all classes unless ill or for an approved reason. Represent the College in a positive way when participating in extracurricular activities YEAR 10 COURSE SELECTIONS FOR 2014/15 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COURSE SELECTION The Year 10 Course for consists of a combination of Core (English, Maths, Science, Commerce, PE and one unit of Humanities(choice of Geography or History) and Elective subjects. Students will complete an application form containing up to nine elective requests in preference order, and submit their applications and pay any associated costs. They will then be allocated four elective subjects according to preference order and the availability of subjects on the timetable when it is constructed. As part of the elective choice, students may apply to “accelerate” their studies by completing a VCE or VET subject. Students who are performing above expected level (achieving B+ Average) in their Year 9 studies are strongly encouraged to do this. More information on how to apply to accelerate, and the benefits of acceleration are available in this booklet. In selecting a course of study students should consider: 1. Subjects the student enjoys. 2. Subjects in which the student achieves success. 3. Subjects in that they may need for future study or work. 4. Subjects that maintain and develop the students’ special skills and talents. 5. Subjects that give them a balanced course VCE unit descriptions are available in the Senior School Pathways Information CD found in your course selection package or on the Cheltenham Secondary College website. This information should be read carefully with parents and carers, with extra consideration given to “high cost electives”. Once you have completed your selections: If you are applying to accelerate into a VCE or VET, the Acceleration Application form MUST in th completed by Monday, August, 18 2014 Your Course Selection Sheet must be submitted to the Year 9 Office no later than st Thursday, August 21 2014. Late submission of your Course Selection Sheet may result in your selections being given a lower priority. Keep a copy of these forms for you own reference. Please note that subjects will operate according to teacher availability and student demand, and student must be available for Final Course Counselling and Course Confirmation prior to roll over. YEAR 10 COURSE STRUCTURE The Year 10 Students study 12 units across two semesters (6 per semester). Some subjects are two units long, and others are for one semester. Similarly, some subjects are compulsory, or “core” and other units are electives. The structure allows Year 10 students to select a personalised course of study that caters to their interests, abilities and future pathways. Core Subjects Every Year 10 student studies: A Core English subject (2 units) A Core Maths subject (2 units) Core Commerce (1 unit) Core Science (1 unit) A Core Humanities subject (1 unit) Core Physical Education (1 unit) = Total of Core subject allotment of 8 units Elective Subjects Each Year 10 also chooses four elective units. Some electives are worth two units (e.g. Acceleration VCE or VET subjects, and Italiano) but most are worth one unit. Here are some different ways students could make up their elective subjects: Student A History (1 unit) Studio Art 2D (1 unit) Wood A (1 unit) Science B (1 unit) = 4 units Student B LOTE: Italiano (2 units) Student C VCE Psychology (Acceleration, 2 units Food Tech B (1 Unit) Science C (1 unit) 4 units Student D Physical Fitness (1 unit) Science B (1 unit) LOTE: Italiano (2 units) VET Automotive (Accel, 2 units) 4 units 4 units = Total Elective subject allotment of 4 units Here is another way of thinking about Year 10: Semester 1 Semester 2 English subject Unit 1 English subject Unit 2 Maths subject Unit 1 Maths subject Unit 2 Core Science 1 Unit Core Phys. Education 1 Unit Geography OR History Commerce 1 Unit Elective 1 Elective 3 Elective 2 Elective 4 ACCELERATION This term refers to students in one particular year level studying units from the year level above. At Cheltenham we encourage Year 9 students who have been achieving about the expected standard (or getting a B+ average) to include a VCE or VET subject as part of their course for Year 10. Acceleration offers the student a number of advantages: 1. Students get a ‘taste’ of what is involved in studying a VCE or VET unit and are therefore better prepared for VCE in the following year. This is an excellent way of creating an easier ‘transition’ into their VCE studies. 2. Students are able to broaden and extend their range of studies when they are in Year 11 and 12 as they have already completed one subject. Our Senior School Timetable is constructed in a way that allows Year 10 students to choose any Year 11 subject (with the exception of Maths, Chemistry and Physics). Year 9 students are encouraged to investigate Cheltenham’s VCE offerings by reading the subject descriptors on the current Senior School Pathways Handbook CD, discussing subjects with their current teachers and approaching teachers who are teaching their desired VCE or VET subject. Choice of subject should not be based on the scaling of the subject but on student interest and whether they feel they could achieve well in the subject. ALL application forms will be available on the school website It is important to understand that the opportunity to accelerate is dependent on the student meeting the College’s Criteria for Acceleration. All applications to accelerate will be assessed by the Middle and Senior School Leaders alongside Year Level Coordinators. This process ensures that we give students the best opportunity for success. VET PROGRAM CONDITIONS Please note the following conditions apply if you are undertaking a VET in School program in 2015: 1. We strongly encourage student wishing to do a VET program to investigate the course they wish to do thoroughly prior to enrolment. Students need to find out exactly what travel time and work commitments are and the length of the course (number of years). They will be expected to find their own means of transport to and from the various locations where the VET program will be held. Students are encouraged to find out exactly what costs are associated with this course. It is expected that full payment will be made by the due date. It is not possible to withdraw from the VET course of study after February without having to meet the full financial commitments of the course. 2. Students are expected to attend all scheduled VET classes. It is vital that students in the Senior School undertaking a VET program attend regularly and punctually. If the student is unable to attend then it would be expected that they will call Cheltenham Secondary College by 8.45am on 9555 5955 and also the TAFE provider to let them know of their absence. For regular nonattendance, students will be asked to produce a medical certificate to the year level coordinators when they return to school. 3. Student will be expected to complete all set coursework and assessment for the program they are undertaking. 4. Students will be expected to behave in a manner that is in keeping with the Cheltenham Secondary College values. As Senior School students we would expect their conduct and behaviour to reflect the College values of Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best and a Sense of Community. Senior School students need to understand that they will be representing our College when they are at other educational settings and they will be expected to demonstrate maturity at all times. 5. Students who choose to undertake a VET subject will need to be aware that they should not compromise their achievement in mainstream Year 10 or VCE subjects. In order to achieve success in the year level they are currently enrolled in students must keep up with the work they may miss when they are out of the school. It will be the students’ responsibility to find out what work they missed and seek the support of the teacher to complete set work. This will require regular communication with their subject teachers to ensure that they are up to date with their work. 6. Please note that students in Year 10 will NOT have study periods in 2015. Year 11 and 12 students will have study periods. No students are permitted to leave the school grounds during their study periods. Students will be expected to be in the College library or the Senior School Study area. 7. If students are in breach of any of the rules associated with VET in schools programs, the Senior School Year Level coordinators, the Senior School Manager, the Careers and Pathways leader, an Assistant Principal and parents will meet to review the student’s enrolment in the selected course. We encourage students to keep a focus on their studies and spread their time equally amongst all the subjects that they have to chosen to do in 2015/ 2016. PROCESS FOR ACCELERATION Student’s Must: 1. Complete the application form fully including a parent/guardian signature. 2. Have the endorsement of the KLA Leader responsible for the unit (part of the application form) The Middle and Senior School Sub-School Co-ordinators/Managers/Leaders will assess the student’s: 1. School reports and academic progress (students are generally expected to be working above the expected standard at a B+ average) 2. Work ethic (classwork and homework) 3. Organisational and time management skills 4. Attendance records Finally, the Middle and Senior School Leaders will consider whether participating in the acceleration subject will put their chance of success in Year 10 at risk. Students who are choosing to accelerate must understand that acceleration is subject to the availability of a subject, and that students in Year 11 will be given first priority (over Year 10s) NB The offer of a place is dependent on availability of the subject. Students may only study one acceleration (VCE or VET) subject per year. The acceleration program is structured to ensure students DO NOT miss core subjects. Students who are accepted into the program will have their progress checked at regular intervals. Students must maintain satisfactory progress in all units in order to continue with the acceleration program. If students are successful in completing their Unit 1 & 2 acceleration subject, they may be invited to complete Unit 3 & 4 in Year 11. This allows students to finish VCE with six, rather than the usual five subjects. This can give access to a wider range of tertiary options and improve Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranks (ATAR) The application form will be available on our College website – www.cheltsec, VCE SUBJECTS OFFERED IN 2015 See Senior School Pathways Handbook 2015/2016 for more details on each subject VCE Arts and Humanities VCE Maths, Science and Technology THE ARTS Drama Music Performance Media Studio Arts Visual Communication BUSINESS Accounting Business Management Economics Legal Studies HUMANITIES Geography History Health and Human Development Italian Literature Outdoor and Environmental Studies Physical Education MATHEMATICS Foundation Maths General Maths Mathematical Methods Specialist Maths (General Maths Extensions) Please check the Maths pathways document. SCIENCE Biology Chemistry Physics Psychology TECHNOLOGY Information Technology Design & Technology (Wood) Food & Technology VET PROGRAMS OFFERED AT CSC Certificate II Automotive Certificate II Engineering Studies Certificate II Sport & Recreation Certificate II in Furnishing (new in 2015) CHOOSING YOUR SUBJECTS It is important to consider a range of different questions when choosing your subjects. Look at the follow list of “things to consider”. Have you thought about these things when filling in your course selections form? The counselling panel may ask you questions about some of these issues so please stop for a minute and think carefully about your answers. You may want to write some answers in the spaces provided. Things to consider Student notes Counselling Panel Comments Subjects I enjoy Areas I excel in Subjects I might need for further study (VCE, TAFE, apprenticeship) or employment Areas in which I need to develop further Attendance Work Habits Others Important Students must be available for Final Course Counselling and Course Confirmation during the roll over to 2014 classes in November/December 2014 Students and parents are advised to keep a copy of this form for their own references DUE DATE: Thursday, August 21st 2014 WHERE: YEAR 9 OFFICE CHELTENHAM ACCELERATION PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM (VCE) Step 1 Name Form Group Proposed Acceleration Unit VCE Subject Name PLEASE NOTE, FEES APPLY TO SOME VCE SUBJECTS Student statement (reason for application) Step 2 Present/previous teacher in this area Well Above Above At the expected level Below Well Below Below Well Below Academic Progress Work Ethic Attendance Step 3: KLA coordinators statement/signature Signature Step 4 Parent/Guardian statement/signature Signature Step 5: Current Year Level Coordinator’s/Middle School Manager’s statement: At the expected Well Above Above level Academic Progress Work Ethic Attendance Application Approval Student Signature Yes / No Please circle the appropriate one Senior School Year Level Coordinator/Manager Note: This process will need to commence early so that staff have the opportunity to check the student’s progress. This form MUST be submitted to the Year 9 Office before Monday, August 18th 2014 CHELTENHAM ACCELERATION PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM (VET) STUDENT NAME: STUDENT FORM 2014: VET or Pathways Courses already completed (Please list the courses you have already done): PROPOSED VCE Subjects 2015: VET PROGRAM 2015: CAMPUS LOCATION: COST TO STUDENT: The cost payable for the chosen VET in Schools course will be calculated on the basis of total course cost invoiced by the provider to Cheltenham Secondary College less the government funding and less any deposit paid. DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO BE PAID IS $250.00 FULL PAYMENT DATE: Families can enter into a payment plan if desired. Most providers invoice the College on a semester basis, so that will be our starting point for a payment plan option. Student Signature: ___________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Year Level Coordinator: ___________________________________ Careers and Pathways Leader: ______________________________ th This form MUST be submitted to the Year 9 Office before Monday, August 18 2014. The form will be given to Ms Lexia Knight in order to assist the students’ enrolment with the VET providers. HIGH COST ELECTIVE Student Name_______________ The purpose of this pro forma is to alert to you that some Year 10 subjects conducted at Cheltenham Secondary College are regarded as “high cost electives” subjects and it is necessary to ask that participants pay extra costs above the normal Curriculum Materials & Services Charges if they are involved. It has been normal practice by the College to process the additional costs associated with these “high resource” subjects during the re-enrolment process during November and December. For enrolment into 2015 the College has separated the processing of receipts for the “high cost elective” subjects from the process for the payment of the College’s Curriculum Materials & Services Charges. If your student has elected to do any of the subjects listed in the table below, they must return this form to the Bursar with payment by Subject Media (VCE Units 1 & 2) Media (Semester Based) Studio Arts (VCE Units 1 & 2) Physical Fitness Physical Recreation Human Movement Outdoor and Environmental Studies (VCE Units 1 & 2) VET in Schools (On Site) VET in Schools (Off Site) Total Costs Deposit Required By 21st August 2014 $190.00 $100.00 $40.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $650.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $100.00 TBC TBC $250.00 $250.00 Subjects Placed on Subject Selection Preferenc e Sheet (Please Tick) Payment Due $ TOTAL Any outstanding balances, if you have not paid in full, MUST BE PAID BY FRIDAY 5th DECEMBER 2014. Students will be asked to make alternative subject selections if payments not completed by 5th December 2014. As mentioned above the separation of the “high cost electives” subjects from the Curriculum Materials & Services Charges and enrolment process has been designed to assist in the management of your financial commitments. Nevertheless, if you feel meeting the payment requirement By Tuesday 21st August 2013, will cause difficulties, please contact the Business Manager to work through alternative arrangements. If it is your child’s preference to undertake one or more of the subjects in the above table, your child will need to take this notice to the Bursar, along with the associated payments for processing. If you require any additional information please contact the Year 9 Office. Bursar’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ TO BE COMPLETED AND HANDED BY THE BURSAR BY TUESDAY 21 AUGUST 2014 PAYMENT DETAILS STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________________ AMOUNT DUE: Subject $_______________ Total Costs Deposit Due Media 1&2 $190.00 $50.00 Media (Semester based) Outdoor Education Studio Art 1&2 $100.00 $50.00 $650.00 $100.00 $40.00 $40.00 $90.00 $90.00 $45.00 $45.00 TBC $250.00 TBC $250.00 Physical Fitness Physical Recreation VET in Schools (On Site) VET in Schools (Off Site) Have you chosen this subject? (Please tick) Payment Due TOTAL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT (VISA/MASTER CARD/BANKCARD) CASH CHEQUE EFTPOS Internet (Via Banking Munchmonitor) Name of Cardholder:_______________________________ Card Expiry Expiry Date________/_________ Card Number:_________________________________ Amount:$________ Signature:___________________________________ CREDIT CARD CHELTENHAM SECONDARY COLLEGE Course Selection Sheet for students entering Year 10 Student Code Student Name Current Form Group Core Subjects: 8 Units Total STOP: Have you English Subject Choice (circle) CORE ENGLISH ENG Core English OR EAL English as an Additional Language Units 2 2 CORE MATHEMATICS MMM Maths Methods, OR MGE General Mathematics, OR MAF Foundation Mathematics, OR Units 2 2 2 CORE HUMANITIES COM Commerce – Moving On, AND one of either HIS History: Australia 1900 – 1945 OR GEO Geography: A Local and Global Experience Units 1 1 1 Hums. Subject Choice (circle): CORE HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION PED Physical Education Units 1 Health/Phys Ed Subject Choice CORE SCIENCE SCI Science Units 1 Science Subject Choice clearly circled ENG or EAL your Maths Subject Choice (circle) choices? MMM or MGE or MAF COM (compulsory) plus: HIS or GEO PED (compulsory) SCI (compulsory) Acceleration Subjects: VCE or VET *This is an optional choice which will take the place of 2 of your 4 elective units SUBJECT NAME SUBJECT NAME PREF. 1: PREF. 2: Elective Subjects: Choose 9 (you will receive 4) ARTS ELECTIVES DRA Drama Media Studies ($100) MED MUS Music Performance MED Media Performance A2D Studio Art 2D A3D Studio Art 3D AID Architectural Drawing and Interior Design VIS Visual Communication and Design ENGLISH ELECTIVES ENX Extension English – Literature HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Fitness ($90) PPF Physical Recreation ($90) PHR HUMANITIES ELECTIVES HIS History: Australia 1900 - 1945 GEO Geography: A Local and Global Experience CODE Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STOP: Accelerating students MUST submit an application form LANGUAGES ELECTIVES LOT Italiano: C and D Units MATHS ELECTIVES MAX Advanced Maths SCIENCE ELECTIVES SCB Science B (Physics/Chemistry) SCC Science C (Biology/Chemistry) TECHNOLOGY ELECTIVES WTA Materials Technology –Wood A WTB Materials Technology – Wood B FTA Food and Technology – Food A FTB Food and Technology – Food B TXA Design & Technology – Textiles A TXB Design & Technology – Textiles B MEN Engineering and Metalwork MSL Sheet Metal & Leadlight MJE Jewellery SUBJECT NAME CODE Pref. 1: Pref. 2: Pref. 3 Pref. 4 Pref. 5 Pref. 6: Pref. 7 Pref. 8: Pref. 9: Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature: Units 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUBJECT NAME STOP: Have you allowed TWO choices for LOTE? SIGNED FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE YEAR 9 OFFICE BY Thursday, August 21st 2014 With payment to the bursar for high cost electives due THE SAME DAY CHELTENHAM SECONDARY COLLEGE Course Selection Sheet for students entering Year 10 Student Code Student Name Current Form Group STOP: Core Subjects: 8 Units Total Have you clearly circled your English Subject Choice (circle) choices? CORE ENGLISH ENG Core English OR EAL English as an Additional Language Units 2 2 CORE MATHEMATICS MMM Maths Methods, OR MGE General Mathematics, OR MAF Foundation Mathematics, OR Units 2 2 2 CORE HUMANITIES COM Commerce – Moving On, AND one of either HIS History: Australia 1900 – 1945 OR GEO Geography: A Local and Global Experience Units 1 1 1 Hums. Subject Choice (circle): CORE HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION PED Physical Education Units 1 Health/Phys Ed Subject Choice CORE SCIENCE SCI Science Units 1 Science Subject Choice ENG or EAL Maths Subject Choice (circle) MMM or MGE or MAF COM (compulsory) plus: HIS or GEO PED (compulsory) SCI (compulsory) Acceleration Subjects: VCE or VET STOP: Accelerating students MUST submit an application form *This is an optional choice which will take the place of 2 of your 4 elective units SUBJECT NAME SUBJECT NAME PREF. 1: PREF. 2: Elective Subjects: Choose 9 (you will receive 4) ARTS ELECTIVES DRA Drama Media Studies ($100) MED MUS Music Performance MED Media Performance A2D Studio Art 2D A3D Studio Art 3D AID Architectural Drawing and Interior Design VIS Visual Communication and Design ENGLISH ELECTIVES ENX Extension English – Literature HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Fitness ($90) PPF Physical Recreation ($90) PHR HUMANITIES ELECTIVES HIS History: Australia 1900 - 1945 GEO Geography: A Local and Global Experience CODE Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LANGUAGES ELECTIVES LOT Italiano: C and D Units MATHS ELECTIVES MAX Advanced Maths SCIENCE ELECTIVES SCB Science B (Physics/Chemistry) SCC Science C (Biology/Chemistry) TECHNOLOGY ELECTIVES WTA Materials Technology –Wood A WTB Materials Technology – Wood B FTA Food and Technology – Food A FTB Food and Technology – Food B TXA Design & Technology – Textiles A TXB Design & Technology – Textiles B MEN Engineering and Metalwork MSL Sheet Metal & Leadlight MJE Jewellery SUBJECT NAME CODE Pref. 1: Pref. 2: Pref. 3 Pref. 4 Pref. 5 Pref. 6: Pref. 7 Pref. 8: Pref. 9: Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature: Units 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUBJECT NAME STOP: Have you allowed TWO choices for LOTE? SIGNED FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE YEAR 9 OFFICE BY Thursday, August 21st 2014 With payment to the bursar for high cost electives due THE SAME DAY
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