$ee"rtl -4 lftRe Se Gud Go to this website: €L KAY http://tinvurl.com /5eknwu Name Date Block Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, and Viruses-Webquest / eOat: The goal of this webquest is to introduce you to the kinds of cells that make up all living things, and to compare these cells with viruses. .,r'affER COMPLETING THIS WEBQUEST: You should be able to name the six kingdoms, understand the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and be able to describe the basic functions of eukaryotic cell organelles. Tftil{ 6o ) To Go to this website: http://www.bioloqv.arizona.edu/Cell BlO/tutorials/pev/main.html The website title is Prokaryotes, Eukarvotes. & Viruses Tutorial. w{eL -+"- ) e Click on Qlgangation As you read the paragraphs, answer the following questions and complete the concept maps. 1. lnto what 2 groups are all cells classified? All Cells Prwe*oro* e €u4qrrVo'rt- 2. lnto what 6 kingdoms are all living things classified? Ail Living Things $urvftttq' 3. Name the 2 kingdoms that contain all prokaryotes. ft p.u*u fl t eug+<rxe:r\ +. Name the 4 kingdoms that contain all eukaryotes. ?resnu.p. fuucrt+" nA*'r*a f,"t*,q-,o 5. How Living Things Obtain Energy ^. b. N*zt*Pt+s use light or chemical energy to make food. Exampte: PUt^f Y5, l+tr€srlrruptt< obtain energy from eating autotrophs or heterotrophs. ba<rcre$ + ft*trnhus (-r:ene*x Optt+o,tt?4rtchf €4 Cofeoot,aA. CeUs ExamPle: 6. What does "multicellular" mean? 7. About how many cells does the human body contai nz lAt4 8. About how many different types of tissue does the human body contain? 2!b ) '-qffins. Click on Next. Read the paragraphs about prokaryotes and answer the following 9l}tl-ft9; t"(og-t '* ;ru in ul which wtilutl tuvo twu t\lrrguvr,ro, kingdoms? -; 9. Prokaryotic cells are classified j ft *,ciW'e- r €u,b*cXer<rt Reurto 'L,'bAel.+L'* Fa*rs 3, )Qtfuua cRSpreochercs --4eu 10. The two kingdoms you listed in question 9 contain all bacteria. Prokaryotic cells are bacteria. lf you were a bacteria cell, what would your life be like? Describe 5 interesting facts below. 4r' €.*;V*e+orZ C-tut (Yle,arrs,,11 rltscl>s ffY A? Atpt*.2 3- i'!l1c:irs&" fu4-Satrnmu,l|l 2 Draeeno,.Js ,n/ t.Y€e{) 4, (44 't-t-t+a:'Jt' Bur DtvtltL e|/E,l4y 'Ze /\rc-tu?E-s .r ft1u.,sr (t- a;2aail 5. sduQc Rspuo.EnoN &ur ftFrzn Ft,rnqz*s eer;m*- nkrzs ! , 5p*r*dt'cttvs b. Mclrttrroxls lw rn+&E- yLrl) ,TA,e.N fena.z.! l" ?" 7 cs, 4,, ) 1 "<rOlX A:, /1rx:+ Ifirh4 A)Ptwyqrs qr)sLAuL ya! Tb Wt {k futnV (z;,te.e.*-ax6 ffffacitoN\ Rr ft "+ e++p4optJ+rsr9 /ea 4*v. 'Tt?L L4at L4tA+ /^J DWe Ct(enu** tL)ft{LFeaL ,iL ffi-L Lr(/L fru Ae> ee &**ze.t+ C,[qK on Next. Read the paragraphs about eukaryotes and answer the following questions. 1. The eukaryotic cell contains the following membrane and organelles. Read about each one listed and write a short description of each. a. plasma (cell membraneF pg=&A u P ro/ewie-rx1{-*<bapys "lvlrlaupq<r w{)vtottJ(> * @rasE{, c}t mec€& .t, slaar4u*n 5VSrc-rn . b. nucleusWU6*- (ytre.mB'{&+,tL S;ap.oLrlo cN{:,, &tlQarYtgffirnbe ft^n SXLU)L./4 c. nucleolus- sr'F9 fr:a- $lu"n8vs e€ Rrcc d. mitochondria- V::U'A* ftl€nnpa0Az.:'€. VfrJdEY Pepau<rzcN, j e. chloroplasts (in plant Dcu"gir" tt*,r& Q4xt L . R.,EsBcosi,A ftaL Pet t i-d syFfl"Leg rs . cells)- f. rough endoplasmic reticulum- (.-n \ g. ribosomes- lft tEpJ:pr\r'fie*€rzjs ryle*g4.l44gg &nm ra.;e: C)+*tvNL.t-6 ..dlTt+N <.€ZL ,, (0\/e{2e4, tu}rtt-&t UgarmeZ - t- ,4NA brhpvL./ Qsgart-srbrZ fura* PtztZ:N PFoVzN h. smooth endoplasmic LL reticulum- 'frrzltzsrs LN'f-pra)NE-c'r€D /tg,*Ba+aes ft;ul,uiur_ ZrLt*arN"-rb {-ujrlfuru CZLL, 9tT€ ft,lL OVNW?STS f r4?-f*Oc:t-t9f^ at- LipioS i. Golgiapparatusf/+.WO MPn/te,a.trs -n+44'. <:+dR€:V .nt+"fzAi+es FRim T?& Fo>ue+ blL "Tb 6*:rCs1 tDrtlt*. p@7ar^t> AA<_ Frc<_Les€' j. vesiclesCr1*ey Mtrt4&tt&?.t€:s f 9€ee-iEn pfo--re1N1 k. lysosymes- J>aeAMee (a>*+<<s oaK'N) pR,ftA N9 ',f /h'un91@;12,5 cellsF fu+G Cpa\ffi*ttN(-s u&T2tL ,4'ru4 -sn'?&es ,UlttztAi*us tN pa4e11'6 m. cellwall (in plant cells|, A,l .4a)-0 rf orJ 'Tb aa+ tultvw{\4.+;4ue Bt ot-r 0 c"a.u l. vacuoles (in plant < ) Click on Next. Read the paragraphs about viruses and answer the following questions. nSor F Viruses are NOT cells, but they have to infect a cell in order to replicate. 13e or F A virus is simply DNA or RNA (genetic material) surrounded by a protein coat. 14. List 6 viruses that can infect humans: i . ?a-,e '2, lN Pru €g.l Z4- 3, W€r<p€A +, g*a,a.Pax $i 6, q CtUci<r;*t PaX 11 vnN irvtlrur.trD ffic*LY a*u*,rcsd 4, .* FI.JD CIF^ ve eus (*u) OS, tJ€-{56iTL US€ <trLF TeSlanJ 'a€&Zitt' ^//il,-4e-e Active Readin Section: lntroduction to Cells Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow. The first cells to appear on Earth were prokaryotic cells. A prokaryote is an organism made of a single prokaryotic cell. The earliest prokaryotes may have arisen more than 2.5 billion years ago. Bacteria are prokaryotes. They are very small cells with a simple structure. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus. This means that their DNA is not enclosed in a membrane inside the cell. Instead, prokaryotes have a single loop of DNA that floats in the cell's cytoplasm. Protein-making bodies called ribosomes also form part of the cytoplasm. Like all cells, prokaryotes have a cell membrane. All prokaryotes also have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane. The cell wall helps provide support and protection for the cell. Some prokaryotes are enclosed by an additional layer. This layer is called the capsule. The capsule has a sticky surface area, so it allows prokaryotes to cling to surfaces, such as your skin and your teeth. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells. They all have a cell membrane, ribosomes, and DNA as prokaryotic cells do. However, the DNA of eukaryotic cells does not float freely in the c;rtoplasm. Instead, it is found in the nucleus, an internal compartment bound by a cell membrane, The nucleus is one kind of organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Organelles are struefures that perform specific functions. Most organelles are surrounded by a membrane. Some organelles have membranes that form channels which help transport substances from one part ofthe cell to another part of the cell. Eukaryotes are organisms made of one or more eukaryotic cells. The earliest eukaryotes, Iike the first prokaryotes, were single-celled organisms. They arose about I billion years later than the earliest prokaryotes. Later, multicellular eukaryotes arose. Every type of multicellular organism that exists is made up of eukaryotic cells. SKILL: READING EFFECTIVELY Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided. l. What is a prokaryote, and when did prokaryotes arise? 3i'se,ia 4Eu* OR&,/+A| is/n i,ur*rct{- *Rc:s{ 2.9 Gtr*aton, Vffi<s A{-e- {T l+ll> qlQ DnrA €'pqfs ,rFt CgL{- Cl'TTft*s/r1 Original @nlot Copyrishl O by Holl, Rin.hnn od win5r6. Additi$ sd c[Dg6 to Holt Biology drc ori8ind conlcn( ec rhc rcsponsibility of thc in:&uctor, Cell Structure ,\!t5<-r5{-/S 5 - continued Active Readi 2. Describe three main features inside a prokaryotic cell' lOftr1*'fi| , At So=ortr-€3; rnl c{ DNA rN CB-L. u.€,t-n- erunlo 'her{\g&'tu'Jt- @ 0Lu\tb Tb 4,ISAFA<-Zg . u&*l " $fleYY <4PsLL. 7V f ' 3. Describe the sFuctures that form the outside of a prokaryotic cell. Tell whether each structure is common to all prokaryotes. (b-U a,t*t-*,- c-NllYl"ttttt P Uwz-e @ \)N6evz- Tb *T^2 feav#Ydrla-s 4. What is a eukaryote, and when did eukaryotes first arise? NL+{g * *- oC- lwrys- $VLLffit-e AU-e 4d€|t>-'N& L br,^tov.t YgA,as erytt- *lg ?r/<sf fgo?'+&wrtES SKILL: ORGANIZING INFORMATION Fill in the Venn diagram to of Prokaryotes Structures compare and contrast the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Structures of Eukaryotes bN+ Sr^lstt, ct*t bE lnVtXt' cev ln the space provided, write the letter of the phrase that best answers the ouestion. A 8. From which type of cells did multicellular organisms arise? @nrokaryotic cells b. prokaryotic cells with a caPsule c. eukaryotic cells d. both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Origioal Holt mntot Copyriglr O by Hoh, Rinchu ud Witrston, Additions sdchug6lotlE oriSinal @nl6t {c thc rcsPoosibilily of thc insrmtor. Biology I Cell Structure (, Prokarryotic and Eukarvotic Cclls .,a All organisnrs (living things) have at least one or nlore cells. Cells iu our rvorld come in t\\'o basic types, prokaryotic and eukaryotic. "Kar1's" means ttnucleustt of a cell. "Pro" ureans "bcfore," and "ctl" Inealls "true," or "good." So "Prol<aryotic" means "before a nuclcus," and "eul<ntyotic" nteans "possessing a truc nucleus." A.nucleus is a protective cotnpar-tment for DNA and is usually in the center of eukaryotcs. This is a big hint about one of the differences betu,een these tlvo cell types. Prokaryotic cells have no nuclci, while eul<aryotic cells do havc truc nuclei. Both have organelles (little cell parts) but cuk:rryotc orgirnclles arc rrrotectccl bv membrancs and so n'c call thcm mcnrbranc-bound oI'ganclles. This is iar fronr the only difference between these two cell types, hou,ever. Flere's a sirnple visual courparison betlveen a pr:okalyotic cell and a eukaryotic cell: CELL l,'ltl'tBRAllE CaFsld (protcin shcilh) Enuoloo" RNA_.--. protdin l_Jouo ' ]iii,'" -..gnuorono..r:ffi(t I i{,J.;$"",''fffi-" b 'ii}!l*:ry")}i#/ ",",",".. . (c) Eaclcriophoge (b) v-..'.r,i, uft,!8RAHE OEGAIIELLES Animol (Eukoryoti c) Cell USrt BtrA' Tobaaco mosslc vlrusCftlv) (c) Human immunodcliciency vIRUSES virus(Hrv) This particular eukaryotic cell happens to be an aninral cell, but the cclls of nlants, fungi and protists nre also eukaryotic. All bacteria havc nrokan'otic cclls. Despite their apparent diFferences, these two cell t1,pes have a lot in cotttttton. They perfornr t'uost of the same kinds of functions, and in the same !\,ays. Both arc cncloscd by rrlasma membrnnes (protcctivc barricr thtt controls thc movcmcnt of things in and out of thc ccll), filled u'ith cytoplasnr liquid, zrnd loadcd n'ith small structures callcd ribosomes, for protein building. Both have DNA rvhich carries the archived instructions for operating the cell. The DNA in the trvo cell types is precisely (exactly) the saure kind of DNA, and the genetic code for a prokaryotic cell is exactly the same genetic code used in eukaryotic cells. Some things whiclr seen, to be dilfurences aren't. For example, the prolcrryotic ccll h:rs a ccll rvall, and this animal ccll does not. I{or,vever, sonrc eul<aryotic cclls do hnvc cell rvalls lil<e plant and fungi cells. Eukaryotic cells arc much lrrgcr and much morc comDlex than prol<:rn'otic cells. EukarTotic cclls have a true nuclcus. bound bv a doublc mcnrbranc. Prokaryotic cclls have no nuclcus. Eukaryotic DNA is lincar: prol<arJ'otic DNA is circular (it has no ends). It is believed by scientists that prokarlotcs rvcre the firct organisms on carth, appearing about 3.6 billion years ago according to prokaryote fossils. Then eukaryotes cvolved from prol<aryotes and the rest is history! VIRUSES as you knou,now act "alive" r,r4ren they are in host cells. 1'hey are the smallest. . Bacteria can be killed by: rubbing alcohol, antirnicrobial rvipees, and antibiotics, nredicines like penicillin, that destroy the cell rvalls olbacteria and eventually destroy the rvhole cell. (ANTl:against, BIOTIC= living thing) 1 QUESTTON n Does Does it PROKARYOTES VIRTISES have a nucleus? tJe Vrs Ne Yet Yes le< Yes n/es l* fes Yes Vst !e V,tt Na, Ye's Ye: lvr> Yes N., No it have membrane-bound organelles? Does it have a cell membrane? Does Does it have DNA? it have liquid cytoplasm? Does Does it have ribosomes? it have cell walls? When did it evolve? /.5 6l+rorJ JeA'<e Fol* e EUKARYOTES Is it simple or complex? Is it small, smallest or biggest in size of the three? Is it Multiccllular, unicellular or both? Which of th(lA.ingdoms have this type? b What is your way to remember these words? $rrn fr€Sfitl&.- l)*rcu..-,rtt< ftree**€- 2r*"+en*-t+ Oer0d€ Ar 11CU€.(-{xr1i [,S Biuucnr Ye-*A'9 k>o C>.np.-eX 6iaozs; \r'dAY Strr-r'ptz. S-+rr-e*'r &o'r-+ ?P4'tr.si-r+ Pl'*'d[re ftrrt*Z ,Artrnq, 'wvL - ,.{45 4 \,u€iG{rs Nexg Az-T fti-tvt- f B Organizing Life Concent Map Place the following 14 words or phrases into the concept map correctly: o *u*1;ir4actcriar.enimalsr plantq'p+o#qeutaryo+e' AII organismsr?*elery€t€trrnieetlsla#, arrcte$E cells, +i+nseq 9eb*"'**cristke*liie, @ <pl34ft^rd.an (Lir-ing thbgs) per:-crm anC can ght nct incluC*i ___..\ all rh: \vr,e;A) rinc* tb:1.r: ro1:empc:*C c:- IS?TLg -'F tFe tr{ri:h can b: c:- th: trll'ich can bE ci the s-hich do contaia rvhich incluCe: znC ar: ill t frM, Wuuzs a w r-hich inclu&: Y -/-_--: anC @ ./-'_--t-'-\ @ anC w anC --A'- q
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