B2 | THE BRUNEI TIMES | Saturday, 16 August, 2014 Saturday, 16 August, 2014 | THE BRUNEI TIMES EDU@BT | B3 EDU@BT Tunas Jaya PGGMB celebrates Hari Raya Rebecca Oi BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (Left to Right) Art Tutors and students of PTE Meragang in a group photo with the staff of DPB; students trying their hand at calligraphy; DPB artists showing a sktech made before colour is added to it using Adobe Photoshop. Pictures: BT/Rebecca Oi PTEM visits DPB BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN I T WAS a day of creative learning when Upper and Lower Six Art students from Meragang Sixth Form Centre (PTEM) visited the Language and Literature Bureau (DPB) at the Old Airport recently. The delegation made up of 12 students and four tutors were led by PTEM’s Head of Art and Design Department, Dk Selinna DP Pg Hj Asmalee were given the opportunity to gain insight on the local creative industry. The event was kickstarted with a welcoming speech by the Assistant Head of Administration and Management Hj Isa Kula who gave a brief introduction of the bureau’s establishment as well as its vision. The students were then given a talk by Level three artists from the Art and Photography section Mohammad Rezuan Hj Jamaeh and Pg Kamarulzaman Pg Hj Tajuddin who explained about the illustrations that are produced for magazines such as Mekar and Naindung as well as story books. Mohammad Rezuan told the students that a creative new generation is needed as there is grave difficulty in portraying moving figures. The bureau is in need for people who can draw figures realistically and are proficient in using Adobe Photoshop, not to mention a strong basic foundation in the elements and discipline of design and art. He went on to say that artists must be able to visualise and sketch drawings by just reading stories that are provided. The finished illustrations, design, text and layout are then sent to the publishing section which will then be edited, before being published. The students were then spilt into groups and were shown how the Jawi calligraphy plays an important part in the Sultanate. Hj Alias Hj Ghaffar who heads the transcription as well as Muhammad Mubasir Hj Sabli said that they translate the names of shops and companies into Jawi which are first written by hand before being printed onto the boards. There are four and five fonts which are used and this is transcribed with a khat pen made from feathers. Lower Six student Nurul Aziizah Hj Zulkifli who went for the presentation on Islamic Calligraphy told The Brunei Times that it was eyeopener for her and she will be using what she has learnt in her future endeavours. - Rebecca Oi The Brunei Times Students in West Australia celebrate Raya The students performing a Raya song. Picture: BT/Azli Azney W ITH the Hari Raya spirit still lingering in the air around the Sultanate, the same feeling was ever present in the celebration held at the Sekolah Tunas Jaya PGGMB. True to the concept of togetherness, pupils and teachers alike all took part in making the joyous occasion a success by bringing in a wide array of Hari Raya festive food, cakes and drinks as well as refreshments for the function. A recital of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa Selamat by Ustazah Hjh Fatimah Bahar and Ustazah Hj Rokiah Hj Kudin the kickstarted the event which was then followed by a speech by the school’s principal Ng Nyuk Lan. The Principal wished all the students “Selamat Hari Raya” and said that the event was held to enliven the month of Syawal while strengthening the relationships teachers and pupils. The principal also reminded the students especially those who will be sitting their PSR examinations to study hard. “Do not waste your time with activities that has no beneficial outcomes. Always remember that having an education is important for your own future”. Reunion at Sekolah Rendah Rambai Azli Azney TUTONG Year Three pupils thoroughly enjoying themselves. Picture: BT/Rebecca Oi Year Four pupil Wafi Hakim Abd Hakim told The Brunei Times that the celebration was fun and he really enjoyed himself. According to him, he had the opportunity to mingle with friends from other classes during the open house event. Year Six Nur Annisa Natasha Jasni said that highlight of the celebration was when pupils from all levels lined up to shake hands with teachers and at the same time took the opportunity to seek forgiveness from their teachers. Members of the school were dressed in their finest Hari Raya costumes as they sang along to festive songs and enjoyed the delicious meals. The Brunei Times C HILDREN clapped, swayed and sang along as they watched their fellow pupils performed Hari Raya songs at the Aidil Fitri celebration at the Rambai Primary School in Tutong. Some of the children even stood on chairs at the back of the Dining Hall since their vision was blocked by the older attendees sitting up front. Attending the event were the parents of the students along with special guests, surviving members of Sekolah Rendah Rambai’s first pupils (then known as Sekolah Melayu Rambai when it was officially opened by AlMarhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien on November 3, 1956). During the event, some of the pupils performed a Raya song for the guests and then 11 girls and 11 boys were chosen to model their Hari Raya clothes. The girls were largely shy about showing PTET students perform for a charitable cause (Left to Right) Graduates and final year students of the EICF-HNTec programme looking at one of the oil and gas companies' booths; waiting in line to register. Pictures: BT/Hafiizah Maideen Job opportunities for EICFHNTec graduates Hafiizah Maideen BELAIT G RADUATES of the Energy Industry Competency Framework-Higher National Technical Education Certificate (EICFHNTec) flocked the hall of Jefri Bolkiah Engineering College (MKJB) for a two-day event that will hopefully land them a job offer letter. Yesterday, more than 300 EICF-HNtec graduates and final year students were seen inquiring the representatives of several oil and gas companies’ booths, such as Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), Brunei Liquefied Natural Gas (BLNG), Halliburton, PTAS Sdn Bhd to name a few. Graduates and the students then submitted their application to companies of their choice, and the latter will then have an option to either make a conditional offer or conduct and interview for the applicants. On Aug 12, selected graduates were given a job offer letter by the companies in a ceremony which will be held in the afternoon. The event is a good way for the job-seekers to plan and choose their career pathway, and at the same time find a relevant employment amongst the variation of companies in the oil and gas industry. It is also a chance for potential employers to promote EICF-HNTec programmes, as well as a chance to increase the number of reliable and trained Bruneians in their respective fields. The Brunei Times What is kindness? BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN D OES kindness arise via experience or is it a value that is hard-wired into the brain? Is kindness marked by a pleasant disposition and concern for others? Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca the Younger who died in 65 AD said that “Whenever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness”. With that in mind, The Brunei Times took to the streets to ask members of the public on their thoughts and opinions of kindness and why the value is necessary for humans to coexist and live harmoniously. The Brunei Times (Left to Right) Students from Tutong Sixth Form Centre (PTET) helping to clean the compound at Belait Community Centre; some students mingling with residents of the Belait Community Centre while others cleaned the premises. Pictures: Courtesy of PTET TUTONG T Around 30 Bruneian students currently studying around Western Australia attended a Hari Raya celebration at a restaurant in Perth on August 9. The event saw performances from students as well as local food and kueh served. Picture: Courtesy of Brunei Student Association of Western Australia Pictures: BT/Raghadah Agus Adibah Hamdani 25 years old “Kindness starts within us. It comes from a place that reflects our true feelings and positive values. Its not simply just making someone's day with a smile or giving your loved ones a warm embrace but sometimes kindness is a difficult act. It can also be helping people from succumbing to darkness that may crush them. It takes courage to tell someone the truth or say ‘no’ to stop them from facing bad consequences. In fact, it can leave us feeling less than kind just because we care. Nevertheless always be kind to yourself and one another.” HE Youth for Happiness (YFH) and Recycling and Conservation clubs of Tutong Sixth Form Centre (PTET) once again offered a helping hand to the public with their latest charity event. Staff and students were treated to a showcase of musical talent in a concert organised by the two clubs on August 7. The eight performing acts of the afternoon consisted of singing, dancing and instru- mentation by the brightest musical stars of the student body, with the YFH and Recycling clubs managing the floor, hosting and advertising the event. The concert received an enthusiastic turnout from students, staff and their families, with the proceeds from ticket sales going towards the Belait Community Centre and future charitable endeavours. In conjunction with the charity event, the two PTET clubs recently organised a visit to celebrate 2014 Family Day with the residents Azimah Ahma 25 years old Ernaliza Kasali 24 years old “Kindness…. When you receive nothing but happiness in return. Something that even the blind, deaf, mute people can see, hear and tell. For example, giving a sip of drink to a pilgrim during drought; a small act with the grandest of intentions.” “Kindness is more than a good deed for someone, it is tenderness. It is an attitude expressing genuine love to someone. Love is born through the giving of kindness; kindness is one of the greater gifts you can bestow upon another. The world needs kindness, it melts cruelty.” Quratu Aini 25 years old, Financial Consultant Dk Nur Bazilah Pg Badaruddin 24 tahun ”We have to be kind to others. Kindness is we give something without wanting something in return. Kindness is the most valuable but least costly you will ever give someone. Kindness the most powerful least costly power human must have. Be kind to other and others will definitely do the same.” ”Membuat kebaikan adalah sangat penting, kerana kita tahu seseorang yang membuat kebaikan itu akan dibalas dengan kebaikan juga. Kita juga tahu, bila kita membuat kebaikan kepada seseorang tanpa kita sedari ia boleh membantu seseorang itu untuk melakukan kebaikan kepada orang lain juga. Manakala, jika seseorang melakukan kejahatan terhadap kita dan kita balas dengan kebaikan pula tidak mustahil membantu orang tersebut untuk melakukan kebaikan juga of the Belait Community Centre. The club members and a number of voluntary students delighted the residents with performances, lunch and a light cleaning campaign around the compound. This event aspired to instil and spread awareness as well as giving students the opportunity to engage with the residents of the centre. The elderly residents enjoyed a lovely afternoon regaling the young minds of PTET with their rich and vibrant life experiences. Stu- Fathiyah Hj Ahmad (Kiri) 21 tahun, Mahasiswi ITB Nurafifah Nadzirah Hasmali (Kanan) 21 tahun, Mahasiswi ITB “Kebaikan itu bukan sahaja merupakan satu nilai yang murni, malah ia juga boleh merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim diantara sesama. Malahan, apa yang kita lakukan itu akan dihargai oleh mereka yang kita berikan bantuan. Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk menggalakkan seseorang itu melakukan kebaikan iaitu melalui papan tanda dan juga bantuan media massa.” "Kebaikan boleh berlaku dimana-mana sahaja bukan tertumpu kepada satu tempat bahkan ianya sangat meluas. Sebagai contoh di sekolah seperti membantu mereka yang lemah dalam satu mata pelajaran dengan mengadakan mengadakan‘study ‘study group’. Selain itu ianya juga boleh menjadikan rakan-rakan yang baru dikenal di sekolah sebagai keluarga sendiri dengan kebaikan yang telah kita lakukan." off their Raya dresses but the boys were bolder and posed for the audience, much to the cheering and laughter from the parents and their peers. After that, the parents and the older guests participated in a small “Name that tune, Raya version” game. Participants were given a piece of paper and pencil and they had to write down what songs were being played. The beginning 60 seconds of three Hari Raya songs were then played for the participants to figure out. The event slowly came to a close with the handing over of participation prizes for all of the participants of the fashion show and the prizes for the winners of both the fashion show and the “Name that Tune, Raya version” game. The event ended with a group photo of the first pupils of Sekolah Melayu Rambai, joined by the current Principal of Sekolah Rendah Rambai, Ghazli Hj Umar. After that, the guests, parents, teachers and students moved to the classrooms to eat the food that was prepared for them. The Brunei Times dents were also able to broaden their social skills and build their confidence communicating with different age groups; socialising, entertaining and bringing happiness to all. Prior to leaving the centre, the students and a representative from the centre planted a lime tree to signify the visit, with the hope that in the coming years, future PTET students would be reminded of their predecessors’ efforts and strive to do more for the greater community in general. The Youth for Happiness and Recycling and Conservation clubs play a unique role in the daily school lives of their members, primarily as they strive to remind students that school is more than just an institution for learning in the classroom. The clubs offer students the opportunity to reach out and engage with the local community and the environment with first-hand experiences. PTET aims to educate students with social responsibility outside of classrooms, producing well-rounded and knowledgeable youth with vision. This is added value to the ability and determination of these students in changing the lives of others for good. It is furthermore believed that these youth will foster a sense of happiness and personal achievement through altruism and care within their community. The Brunei Times Mardiana Sulaiman 30 tahun “Dalam melakukan kebaikan itu semua bermula dari diri sendiri. Kebaikan itu ada dalam diri kita tinggal kita sendiri memikir bagaimana untuk melakukan mahupun menggunakannya. Ia seperti memberi dan menerima‘give menerima ‘give and take’. Jika kita memberi dengan kebaikan, InshaAllah kita juga akan dibalas dengan kebaikan. Bukan itu sahaja, orang ramai kadangnya terlalu awal menilai seseorang itu, melihat dari segi penampilan dan luaran mereka sudah dapat membezakan seseorang itu baik ataupun jahat. Kita tidak boleh menilai seseorang dari luaran.”
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