GREATER EGG HARBOR REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT ABSEGAMI, CEDAR CREEK & OAKCREST HIGH SCHOOLS Mays Landing, NJ 08330 Absegami High School – 7:00 p.m. September 8, 2014 BOARD MEETING AGENDA This is to advise those present at this meeting of the Board of Education of the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District, in the County of Atlantic, that adequate notice has been given of this meeting as required by the provision of Chapter 231 of the Laws of 1975; that notice thereof has been forwarded for publication in the District official newspapers, posted in the Absegami, Cedar Creek and Oakcrest High Schools, and forwarded to all of the Clerks of the municipalities within this school district within the time required by said Act. There are two opportunities to address the members of the Board. The Board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or discourteous. The public comment portion of the meeting allows the Board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations. The first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only. The second opportunity, following the business items, is when residents may address the Board on any topic. Comments shall be limited to school-related issues and each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes. You are not permitted to yield your time to another. The public comment portion of the meeting, during both sessions, will not exceed 30 minutes. Upon being recognized, persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and address. 1. Call to Order 2. Reading of Notice of the Meeting/Announcements 3. Flag Salute 4. Invocation – Moment of Silence 5. Roll Call 6. Recommend approval of minutes of the following meetings: August 23, 2014 – Special August 25, 2014 – Regular 7. Correspondence 8. Open to Public (Questions/Comments – Agenda Items Only) Board Action Board Agenda 9. 2 September 8, 2014 School Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s Report 1) 2) 3) Recommend approval of August 2014 Budget Bills, per computer printout, in the amount of $5,269,382.74. Board Action Recommend approval of August 2014 Purchase Orders, as per computer printout, in the amount of $3,042,811.25. . Board Action Recommend approval of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE GREATER EGG HARBOR REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE COUNTY OF ATLANTIC, NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS TO THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RESOLVED that the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District Board of Education authorize the Districts architects, Fraytak Veisz Hopkins Duthie, P.C. to submit facility, renovations, additions, alterations and site improvements for all schools to the NJ Department of Education for approval on the Districts behalf. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that amendments to the Long-Range Facilities Plan by Fraytak Veisz Hopkins Duthie, P.C. be updated to incorporate the projects. Board Action 3 Board Agenda 10. September 8, 2014 Superintendent’s Report 1) Exhibit S-1 – Attendance Information None 2) Exhibit S-2 – Suspensions Information None 3) Exhibit S-3 – Job Responsibility – Meetings approved by Superintendent 4) Exhibit S-4 – Field Trips – Approved by Superintendent 5) Exhibit S-5 – Professional Days – Staff 6) Presentation by Mr. Michael McGuinness: RK Occupational and Environmental Analysis, Inc. Information Information None Board Action Information 7) HIB School Self-Assessment / HIB-Grade Report Presentation by Mr. John Ragan, District Antibullying Coordinator; Michael Wilbraham, Vice Principal of Absegami; Scott Parker, Vice Principal of Cedar Creek; and Jackie Fresne, Vice Principal of Oakcrest. Information 8) Recommend approval of the 2013-2014 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying-HIB School Self Assessments for Determining Grades (Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act) for Absegami, Cedar Creek, and Oakcrest High Schools. Exhibit S-6 Board Action 9) Recommend approval of the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying report, contents therein, and outcomes for the period September 2, 2014 to September 8, 2014. Exhibit S-7 Board Action 4 Board Agenda 11. September 8, 2014 Committee Reports A. Finance, Building, Site, Transportation and School Safety Committee – Mr. Ross 1) 2) B. Recommend approval of purchasing bids received, Exhibit F-1. Board Action Recommend approval of purchasing bids awarded, Exhibit F-2 Board Action Legislative and Policy Committee – Mrs. Guenther 1) First Reading of Policies/Regulations/Bylaws (Enclosed for Board Members) Pol & Reg 2412 Pol & Reg 2417 Pol & Reg 2481 Home Instruction due to Health Conditions Student Intervention and Referral Services Home or Out-of-School Instruction for a Gen. Education Student For Reasons Other Than a Temp. or Chronic Health Condition Pol & Reg 5200 Attendance Pol & Reg 5610 Suspension Pol & Reg 5611 Removal of Students for Firearms Offenses Policy 5612 Assaults on District Board of Ed. Members or Employees Regulation 5612 Assaults on District Board of Ed. Members or Employees Pol & Reg 5613 Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses Policy 5620 Expulsion Pol & Reg 8462 Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children Revised/Mandated Revised/Mandated Revised/Mandated Revised/Mandated Revised/Mandated Revised/Mandated Revised/Mandated New/Mandated New/Mandated Revised Revised/Mandated Information 2) Policy 5120 First Reading of Policy/Regulations/Bylaws (Enclosed for Board Members) Assignment of Pupils (Geographic Options) Revised Information 5 Board Agenda C. September 8, 2014 Program Committee – Mrs. Johnson 1) Recommend approval of donations as listed on Exhibit P-1. 2) Recommend approval to accept Carl D. Perkins Grant FY15 funds in the amount of $19,858 for the 2014/2015 school year that was approved by the NJDOE on August 27, 2014. Perkins funds will be used for Culinary Arts equipment and supplies, Computer Applications supplies, field trips and MOUS, NOCTI and SERV-SAFE testing materials. Program Director: Margaret Doran Board Action 3) Recommend approval of the placement of the following students at Atlantic County Special Services School District “Severe Cognitively Impaired Program” for the 2014-2015 regular school year at the per diem rate of $216.00 per student beginning September 3, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015. Students requiring Extended School Year (ESY) services from July 1, 2014 to July 30, 2015 are assessed an additional cost of $2100.00. Students requiring extraordinary services (one to one aide) during the ESY program are assessed an additional cost of $2,300.00. Students requiring extraordinary services (one to one aide) during the regular 2014-2015 school year are assessed an additional cost of $41,220.00. ODP-2014-050 ESY & Extraordinary Serv. ODP-2014-084 Extraordinary Serv. ODP-2014-091 ESY ODP-2014-111 ESY & Extraordinary Serv. 4) Board Action Board Action Recommend approval of a contract tuition agreement with the Atlantic County Institute of Technology for the 2014/2015 school year in the amount of $2,186,920 for the following programs: Academy Student Tuition Pathways to Careers Student Tuition # of Students 329 37 Cost per Pupil $5,680 $8,600 Amount $1,868,720 $318,200 Board Action 5) Recommend approval of the placement of the following students at Coastal Learning Center during the 2014-2015 school year effective September 3, 2014 at the per diem rate of $256.06 for each student. Students requiring Extended School Year (ESY) services are assessed the per diem rate of $256.06 beginning July 1, 2014. Students requiring extraordinary 1 on 1 services are assessed the per diem rate of $135.00. 6 Board Agenda ODP-2014-007 ESY and Extraordinary Serv. ODP-2013-008 ODP-2013-009 ODP-2013-010 ODP-2013-011 ODP-2013-012 ODP-2013-013 ODP-2013-110 ESY 6) September 8, 2014 OHS AHS AHS AHS AHS CCHS AHS OHS Board Action Recommend approval of the placement of the following students at YALE School for the 2014-2015 extended and regular school year. The per diem rate at YALE School – Voorhees is $289.35 effective July 7, 2014. Students requiring extraordinary services are assessed the per diem rate of $178.57. ODP-2014-025 ODP-2014-026 ODP-2014-053 and Extraordinary Services ODP-2014-054 Board Action 7) Recommend approval of a contract agreement with the Atlantic County Vocational School Alternative High School Program for the 2014-2015 school year. This agreement is for one regular education placement position at the annual rate of $13,200 per position and 3 special education placement positions at the annual rate of $19,900 per position effective September 4, 2014. Board Action 8) Recommend approval of a contract agreement with Hewitt Psychiatric, PC for the provision of psychiatric evaluation services for GEHRHSD students when the need is identified within a student’s IEP per the Child Study Team during the 2014-2015 school year. The rate for this service is: Psychiatric Evaluation (Lawnside Office) $500.00 (Vineland Office) $525.00 (At School) $525.00 (Neurodevelopment) $550.00 (Fitness for Duty Examination) $950.00 Board Action 7 Board Agenda 9) Recommend approval of a contract agreement with Educere, Inc. in Ambler PA for the provision of online, at home virtual school services to GEHRHSD students for the 2014-2015 school year. The annual cost for this service is $1,999.00 per student for the 2014-2015 school year. The weekly per class rate is $29.00 per student for the 2014-2015 school year. Board Action 10) Recommend approval of a contract agreement with Ricardo V. Oasin, MD for the provision of psychiatric evaluation services for GEHRHSD students when the need is identified within a student’s IEP per the Child Study Team during the 2014-2015 school year. The rates for these services are: Psychiatric Evaluation Neuropsychiatric Evaluation 11) $500.00 $500.00 Board Action Recommend approval of the placement of the following OHS student at Atlantic County Special Services School District “Behavior Disabilities Program” for the 2014-2015 regular school year at the per diem rate of $241.00 per student beginning September 3, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015. This student requires Extended School Year (ESY) services from July 1, 2014 to July 30, 2015 at an additional cost of $2100.00. This student requires extraordinary services (one to one aide) during Extended School Year at a cost of $2,300.00 and during the regular 20142015 school year at a cost of $41,220.00. ODP-2014-090 ESY D. September 8, 2014 Technology Committee – Mrs. Garrison Board Action 8 Board Agenda E. September 8, 2014 Athletics and Activities Committee – Mr. Cheatham 1) Recommend approval for the Oakcrest High School Baseball Team to travel to Vero Beach, FL 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 13, 2015 through Sunday, March 22, 2015 to participate in a Spring Training Varsity Baseball trip. Two day of school will be missed. Cost to students is $859.50, fundraising is available. Cost to Board is $380.00 for two substitutes for two day. Chaperones: Sean Olson, Doug Cervi and John Commander. Administrator in attendance is Dave Bennett. Board Action 9 Board Agenda F. September 8, 2014 Administration and Personnel Committee – Mrs. Hood The Superintendent recommends to the Personnel Committee and the Board of Education all teaching staff members as listed, including personnel hired under emergent employment. Appointment is pending receipt of required certification documents from the NJ Department of Education (if applicable), approval from the Office of Criminal History Review, and results of physical examination: 1) Recommend acceptance of the resignation from Kaitlyn Pecan, Absegami High School Paraprofessional, effective August 25, 2014.Board Action 2) Recommend approval of the following GEHRHSD staff to serve as Educational Interpreter for a OHS student during the Fall Sports 2014 Season (after school) starting 8-27-14 at the stipend tutorial rate of $33.00 per hour. Kathleen Yandoli Board Action 3) Recommend approval for Cedar Creek Paraprofessional, Kevin Kady, to provide one-on-one services to a CCHS student for 3 hours at Freshman Orientation at his hourly rate of $14.72. Board Action 4) Recommend approval of the following Bus Supervisors for Absegami High School for the 2014/2015 school year. Full stipend is $1,693.00 and half stipend is $846.50: Scott Alten – Full Mike Haluska – Full Ben Wilson – Full Pam Montecalvo – Full 5) Ernie Rockelman – Full Rob McConville – Half John Morris – full Tara Kubiak – Full Board Action Recommend approval of the following Bus Supervisors for Cedar Creek High School for the 2014/2015 school year. They will all be half stipend, $846.50. Linda Brennan Carolyn Calderone James Groeber Mark Hoban Sarah Leathers James Brownhill James Erney Erin Hoban Erini Kouzoukas Erin Sharpe Board Action 10 Board Agenda 6) Recommend approval of the following Bus Supervisors for Oakcrest High School for the 2014/2015 school year. Full stipend is $1,693.00 and half stipend is $846.50: Rick Pohlig – Full Leah McDonnell – Half Kevin Wiesner – Half Terra Hiltner – Half Margaret Boylan – Full 7) 9) Cynthia Young – Half Alicia Molinelli – Half Kim Klein – Half Megan Carr – Half Michael Sykes – Half Board Action Recommend approval of the following Co-Assistant Coaches for Oakcrest High School for the 2014/2015 Fall season: Allen Booth Kevin Miller 8) September 8, 2014 Girls Volleyball Step 1 Girls Volleyball Step 1 $1654.57 $1654.57 Recommend rescission of Oakcrest High School Band Front contract to Amy Irick for the 2014 summer season. Board Action Board Action Recommend approval of the revised 2014 Oakcrest summer band front stipends, step 2, $4591.85: Jason Findeison Richard Tinsley Shari Carty Marissa Hines Step 2 Step 2 Step 2 Step 0 Percussion Percussion Band Front Front Ensemble $1050.00 $1050.00 $1491.85 $1000.00 Board Action 10) Recommend approval of the Fall 2014/2015 Oakcrest Fall Band front stipends, step 2, $3841.72: Shari Carty Richard Tinsley Jason Findeison Marissa Hines Fred Washington $400.00 $450.00 $450.00 $500.00 $2041.72 Board Action 11) Recommend approval of William Peters as a volunteer for the Absegami High School Band for the 2014/2015 school year. Board Action 12) Recommend approval of Rachel Carlson as a Girls Soccer volunteer for Oakcrest High School for the 2014/2015 school year. Board Action 11 Board Agenda 13) September 8, 2014 Recommend approval for the following Rutgers University students to complete their clinical experiences for their Community Health Course. They will spend four hours a week in their assigned building: Student Gina Giuliante Gabrielle Leone School Oakcrest Absegami Cooperating Nurse Cynthia Young Nancy Lord Board Action 14) Recommend approval of an unpaid Federal Family Leave Act leave of absence for Elizabeth Kosciewicz, District Night Watchperson from August 16, 2014 through November 7, 2014. Board Action 15) Recommend approval of the following substitutes: Randy Dean Jada Alcoba Board Action 12 Board Agenda 12. Board Meeting Follow-Up 13. Old Business 14. New Business 15. Open to Public (All Matters) 16. Executive Session September 8, 2014 RESOLUTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE GREATER EGG HARBOR REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PERMIT DISCUSSION OF SUBJECTS IN CLOSED SESSIONS RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on September 8, 2014 that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Matters of pending or anticipated litigation Personnel Matters Student Matters Negotiations Safety & Security Matters of Attorney-Client Privilege Other It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel matters, with the consent of the employee. Formal action may be taken. 17. Adjournment
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