Future Prospects Prospects for for Higgs Higgs Future Measurements at at LHC LHC Run Run 2+3 2+3 Measurements HubertKroha Kroha Hubert Max-Planck-Institutfűr fűrPhysik, Physik,Munich Munich Max-Planck-Institut forthe theATLAS ATLAS&&CMS CMScollaborations collaborations for 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 The LHC program LHCrun run22++33data datataking takingatat13-14 13-14TeV TeVcms cmsenergy energyuntil untilend endofof2022 2022 LHC LHC Injectors LHC schedule of 02/12/2013, (F.Bordry to LHCC, 04/12/2013), runs 2 and 3 approved LHC Injectors Start of run 2 parameters defined: 13 TeV, 0.5 m -1 3000fbfb -1 3000 Run 1 7-8 TeV 26 fb-1 26 fb-1 21 21 LHC design luminosity Run 2 Run 3 13-14 TeV -1 100fbfb -1 >>100 -1 300fbfb -1 >>300 ≈≈40 40 60 60 instantaneous PhaseI I luminosity Phase upgrade upgrade 21/01/2014 Run 4 integrated luminosity Run 5 -1 300fbfb -1 / year ~~300 / year ≈≈140 140 PhaseIIII Phase upgrade upgrade H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 HL-LHC HL-LHC = average number of pile-up pp interactions per BC. = inel L/nb fr 2 Higgs status With26 26fbfb−1−1atat7-8 7-8TeV TeV(run (run1,1,2010-2012): 2010-2012): With 2012/13:Discovery Discoveryofofaascalar scalar(~3) (~3)Higgs Higgsboson bosoninindecays decaysinto intogaugeboson gaugebosonpairs pairs, ,ZZ, ZZ,WW WW - -2012/13: withmass massofof125.6 125.6GeV GeV(ATLAS-CONF-2013-014, (ATLAS-CONF-2013-014,CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005). CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005). with 2013:Evidence Evidencefor fordecays decaysinto intofermions: fermions:H H : :ATLAS ATLAS4.1 4.1 (ATLAS-CONF-2013-108 (ATLAS-CONF-2013-108),), - -2013: M.VazquezAcosta, Acosta, CMS 3.4 3.4 (CMS-HIG-13-004, (CMS-HIG-13-004,M.Vazquez CMS CERN-LHCseminar seminar03/12/2013) 03/12/2013) CERN-LHC ATL-CONF-2013-108 = BR/ ( BR)SM / [%] (26 fb-1) 21/01/2014 CMS-HIG-13-005 WW ZZ bb ATLAS 20 30 26 32 325 CMS 35 26 29 33 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 54 ATL-CONF-2013-108 CMS-HIG-13-005, 002, 023, arXiv 1312:5353, arXiv 1312:1129 3 Higgs physics with 300 fb−1 at 13-14 TeV With>>10 10xxexisting existingdata dataset, set,2.5 2.5xxinclusive inclusiveHiggs Higgsproduction productioncross crosssection: section: With Precisemeasurements measurementsofofHiggs Higgsproduction productionand anddecay decayrates,couplings rates,couplingsand andmass. mass. ••Precise Test Testofofthe theStandard StandardModel Modelininthe theHiggs Higgssector sectorand andprobe probefor fornew newphysics physics (orderofoffew fewpercent percenteffects effectson onHiggs Higgscouplings couplingsininmost mostmodels). models). (order Searchfor forrare/ rare/new/ new/invisible invisibledecay decaymodes. modes. ••Search Measurementsofoftensor tensorstructure structureofofHiggs Higgscouplings couplingsand andpossible possibleCP CPviolating violatingcontributions. contributions. ••Measurements Searchfor foradditional additionalHiggs Higgsbosons bosonsbeyond beyondthe theStandard StandardModel. Model. ••Search MeasurementofofHiggs Higgsself-coupling self-couplingonly onlyrealistic realisticfor forHL-LHC; HL-LHC;not notdiscussed discussedhere. here. ••Measurement (VBF)production productioncross crosssections sections Theory:NNLO/NNLL NNLO/NNLLQCD QCD++NLO NLOEWK EWKcalculations calculationsofofHiggs HiggsggF ggF(VBF) Theory: uncertainties. with8% 8%(0.6%) (0.6%)scale scaleand and7% 7%(1.7%) (1.7%)PDF+ PDF+suncertainties. with s Branchingratios ratioswith withtypically typically3-5% 3-5%uncertainty. uncertainty. Branching 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 4 Projections for future LHC runs Projectionsfor forrun run22++33together togetherwith withHL-LHC HL-LHCprojections projectionshave havebeen beenprepared preparedfor for •• Projections EuropeanStrategy StrategyUpdate Update2012, 2012,Snowmass SnowmassSummer SummerStudy Study2013 2013and andthe the European ECFAHL-LHC HL-LHCworkshop workshopOctober October2013 2013(most (mostrecent recentupdate). update). ECFA Goaltotokeep keepthe thecurrent currentperformance performanceininrun run22and and33for formaximum maximumdouble doublepile-up pile-uplevel level •• Goal with withthe theplanned planneddetector detectorand andsoftware softwareupgrades, upgrades, mainlyininpixel pixeldetectors detectorsand andtrigger triggersystem system(run (run22&&3). 3). mainly Encouragedby bysuccessful successfulmitigation mitigationofofeffects effectsofofearly earlylarge largepile-up pile-upininrun run1.1. •• Encouraged Fullsimulation simulationofofsignal signaland andbackground backgroundprocesses processesfor forrun run22not notyet yetavailable. available. •• Full ATLAS: ATLAS: Parametrisationofofthe thedetector detectorresponse responsederived derivedfrom from Parametrisation - -full fullrun run11detector detectorsimulation simulationwith withpile-up pile-upup uptoto ==69 69and and fullPhase PhaseI Idetector detectorsimulation simulationfor for up uptoto80 80and and14 14=TeV =TeVcms cmsenergy. energy. - -full Alsosimulation simulationofofPhase PhaseIIIIdetector detectoroptions optionsfor for ==80, 80,140, 140,200 200for forHL-LHC. HL-LHC. - -Also CMS: CMS: Rescalingofofrun run11signal signaland andbackground backgroundyields yieldsfor for14 14TeV TeVcms cmsenergy energy Rescaling withthe theassumption assumptionthat thatcurrent currentdetector detectorperformance performancekept keptafter afterupgrades. upgrades. with Complementedby byparametrized parametrizeddetector detectorsimulation simulation(e.g. (e.g.for for2HDM 2HDMstudies). studies). Complemented 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 5 Higgs coupling measurements Measurementofof (XXH) (XXH)· ·BR(HYY) BR(HYY)~~ΓΓXΓΓY/ /ΓΓH (in (in“small “smallwidth widthapprox.”) approx.”) Measurement X Y H withtotal totalHiggs Higgswidth widthΓΓH==SMΓΓY (+ (+ΓΓBSM),),dominated dominatedby byΓΓb. . with H SM Y BSM b 4.2MeV MeVnot notdirectly directlymeasurable measurableatatLHC, LHC,but butexpected expectedlimits limitsΓΓH<<920 920(200) (200)MeV MeVatat300 300fbfb-1-1(3000 (3000fbfb-1-1) )from from H,SM==4.2 ΓΓH,SM H (ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014). massshift shiftdue duetotofinite finitewidth widtheffects effectsininHH signal signaland andbackground backgroundinterference interference (ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014). mass 1)Signal Signalstrengths strengths==BR/ BR/( (BR) BR)SMdetermined determineddirectly directlyfor foreach eachproduction production&&decay decaychannel. channel. 1) SM fromfitfittoto·BR ·BRmeas. meas.test testdeviations deviationsfrom fromSM. SM. 2)Higgs Higgscoupling couplingscale scalefactors factorsY ==ggYY/g/gYY SM from 2) Y YY YY SM Universalcouplings couplingsVand and Ftotoweak weakgauge gaugebosons bosons(V= (V=W,Z) W,Z)and andfermions fermions(F= (F=b,b,t,t,))ininSM. SM. --Universal V F 2 exceptΓΓ and andΓΓZwhich whichdepend dependon onW Wand andfermion fermionloops loopsininSM, SM, - -ΓΓYY~~YY2 , , except Z global globalcoupling couplingscale scalefactor factor H22==ΓΓH/ /ΓΓH, SM. . H H H, SM Contributionsfrom fromnew newphysics physicsthrough throughΓΓBSMand andloop loopprocesses. processes. - -Contributions BSM 3)Coupling Couplingscale scalefactor factorratios ratios XY==X/ /Yindependent independentofofassumptions assumptionson onHiggs Higgstotal totalwidth. width. 3) XY X Y g , Z ,Z 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 6 Higgs signal strength ATLAS: Syst. Syst.errors errorsas asrun run1,1,with with(without) (without)theory theoryerrors errors ATLAS: CMS:Scenario Scenario1:1: all allsystematic systematicerrors errorsas asrun run1.1. CMS: (Scenario2:2:exp. exp.syst. syst.errors errors~~1/ 1/L,L,theory theoryerrors errorsxx½). ½). (Scenario CMS-13-002 , Snowmass 6 - 20% (300 fb-1) 6 - 14% (300 fb-1) Not yet updated for much improved MVA analysis Very conservative systematic errors Not included in projections since new, much improved analysis in progress ECFA Workshop ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-014 / [%] (300 fb -1) 21/01/2014 WW ZZ ATLAS 14 (9) 13 (8) 12 (6) 22 (16) CMS 12 (6) 11 (6) 11 (7) 14 (8) H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 Z not incl. 39 (38) 147 (145) 14 (11) 42 (40) bb 62 (62) 7 Higgs couplings Combinedfits fitsofofselected selectedcoupling couplingscale scalefactors factorsYassuming assumingthe theStandard StandardModel. Model. Combined Y Largestfitfitversion: version: Largest / [%] (300 fb-1) ATLAS CMS WW ZZ gg bb tt Z 13 (8) 8 (7) 8 (7) 11 (9) 18 (13) b = 22 (20) 23 (21) 79 (78) 7 (5) 6 (4) 6 (4) 8 (6) 13 (10) 15 (14) 23 (23) 41 (41) 8 (6) Rare decay modes 4 - 15% (300 fb-1) CMS-13-002, Snowmass Otherbenchmark benchmarktests: tests: Other 1)Universal Universalcouplings couplingstotofermions fermions(F) (F)and and 1) weakvector vectorbosons bosons(V) (V)as asininthe theStandard StandardModel Model weak 2)Overall Overallcoupling couplingscale scalefactor factorH 2) H (sensitive to new physics). (sensitive to new physics). 3)Branching Branchingfraction fractionBR BRinvtotoinvisible, invisible,undetected undetected 3) inv finalstates(sensitive states(sensitivetotonew newphysics). physics). final / [%] (300 fb-1) ATLAS H V 3.2 (2.5) 3.3 (2.7) CMS 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 6 (3) F BRinv limit [%] 8.6 (7.1) 9 (7) < 28 (<25) < 28 (<17) 8 Higgs coupling ratios CMS-13-002, Snowmass 4 - 18% (300 fb-1) 4 - 14% (300 fb-1) ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, ECFA WS Genericcombined combinedfitfitofofcoupling couplingscale scalefactor factorratios ratiosXY==X/ /Yw/o w/oassumptions assumptionson ontotal totalwidth: width: Generic XY X Y / [%] (300 fb-1) g·Z/H W/Z / Z g/Z /Z b/Z t/g /Z Z/Z ATLAS 6 (3) 5 (4) 11 (5) 12 (11) 13 (11) b = 18 (17) 22 (20) 78 (78) CMS 6 (4) 7 (4) 8 (5) 9 (6) 9 (6) 11 (8) 14 (13) 23 (22) 42 (40) 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 9 Higgs couplings summary CMS, Europ. Strategy Testofofuniversal universalcouplings couplingstoto Test fermions(F) (F)vs. vs.weak weakvector vectorbosons bosons(V) (V) fermions 3 - 6% (V) 7 - 9% (F) Red: 1 errors 300 fb-1 300 Blue: 2 errors Full lines: with current theory errors Dashed lines: without theory errors fb-1 2.7 - 3.3% (V) 7.1 - 8.6% (F) 3000 fb-1 ATLAS ECFA WS 1.7 - 2.6% (V) 3.2 - 4.1% (F) About5% 5%(10%) (10%)precision precisionininHiggs Higgscouplings couplingstotovector vectorbosons bosons(fermions) (fermions)reachable reachablewith withrun run2&3. 2&3. ••About BSMeffects effectson onHiggs Higgscouplings couplingsexpected expectedwell wellbelow below10% 10%level. level. ••BSM Improvementswith with3000 3000fbfb-1-1by by~20-30% ~20-30% for forvector vectorbosons bosons(depending (dependingon onreduction reductionofoftheory theory ••Improvements uncertainties)and andby by~~50% 50% for forfermions. fermions. uncertainties) Sensitivitytotorare raredecay decaymodes modestoto (second (secondfermion fermiongeneration!) generation!)and andZZonly onlyatatHL-LHC. HL-LHC. Sensitivity 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 10 Invisible Higgs decays: Higgs as portal to Dark Matter Comparable95% 95%CL CLlimits limits(ATLAS) (ATLAS) Comparable oninvisible invisiblebranching branchingratio ratioBR BRinvfor for300 300fbfb-1-1 on inv 1)indirectly indirectlyfrom fromHiggs Higgscoupling couplingfit: fit: <<28% 28% (25%) (25%) 1) miss: 2)and andfrom fromdirect directsearch searchfor forZH ZH (ee (ee) )++EETmiss 2) : T 32% (23%) (23%) <<32% Improvementby byfactor factorofof22for for3000 3000fbfb-1-1. . Improvement Interpretationininterms termsofofdark darkmatter matterparticles particles Interpretation couplingmainly mainlytotoHiggs Higgs(“Higgs-portal” (“Higgs-portal”models): models): coupling expecteddirect directupper upperlimits limitsDM-nucleon DM-nucleoncross crosssection section expected dependingon onWIMP WIMPspin: spin: depending Direct search (90% CL) Sensitivitytotolow lowWIMP WIMPmass massrange range<<mmH/2, /2, Sensitivity H exceedingsensitivity sensitivityofofgeneric genericastrophysical astrophysical exceeding DarkMatter Mattersearches. searches. Dark Comparablesensitivity sensitivityofofdirect directand andindirect indirect Comparable searches. searches. Scalar Majorana Vector ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014/15/16, ECFA WS mH /2 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 11 Sensitivity to new physics from Higgs couplings ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-015, ECFA Workshop 1)Extra ExtraHiggs Higgselectroweak electroweaksinglet singletHHmixing mixingwith with126 126GeV GeVHiggs Higgshhwith withthe thesame samecouplings. couplings. 1) Effectson onHiggs Higgscouplings couplingscan canbe berather ratherlarge largeofoforder order6%. 6%. Effects onHiggs Higgswidth widthscale scalefactors factorsindependent independentofofmmH, ,BR BRH,new. . Sensitivityvia viaconstraint constraint h22++H22==11on Sensitivity H h H H,new Fromcoupling couplingfitfitofofh: : H <<0.35 0.35(0.31) (0.31) (95 (95% %CL) CL)for for300 300fbfb-1-1 ((<<0.31 0.31(0.25) (0.25)for for3000 3000fbfb-1-1)). . From h H 2)“Two “TwoHiggs HiggsDoublet DoubletModels” Models”2HDM 2HDM (more (moregeneral generalthan thanMSSM MSSMHiggs Higgssector), sector), 2) modifythe thecouplings couplingsofofthe thelight lightneutral neutralscalar scalarHiggs Higgshhtotoweak weakvector vectorbosons bosonsand andfermions fermions modify andthe themixing mixingangle angleofofthe thetwo twoneutral neutralscalars scalarshhand andHH dependingon ontan tan==vv2/ /vv1and depending 2 1 (uptoto6% 6%effects effectson onb):): (up b Couplings doublet 1 to doublet 2 to C W/Z fermions C up fermions down fermions includes MSSM to quarks as I to leptons as II (lepton specific) to quarks as II to leptons as I (“flipped”) Indirect limits on BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs Excluded 3000 fb-1 SM decoupling limit (h as in SM) Type I Type II Excluded 300 fb-1 Type III Type IV Indirect limits from couplings independent of mA 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-015, ECFA WS 13 Direct search for BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs Cleandecay decaychannels channelswith withfull fullmass massreconstruction reconstruction Clean (ATLAS&&CMS CMSfor forHL-LHC, HL-LHC,ATLAS ATLASalso alsofor forrun run2&3) 2&3): : (ATLAS 1) Heavy Heavyneutral neutralHiggs Higgsdecays decaysH/A H/A , , 1) 3000 fb-1 300 fb-1 5discovery discoverypotential potentialininMSSM MSSMframework framework: : 5 2) Heavy HeavyCP CPeven evenHiggs Higgsdecays decaysHH ZZ ZZ 4l, 4l, 2) expected95% 95%CL CLupper upperlimits limitson on·BR, ·BR, expected projectionofofcurrent currentresults: results: projection ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-016, ECFA WS 300 fb-1 ·BR in SM 3000 fb-1 ~2.5 x improvement 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 14 Direct search for BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs 3) CP CPodd oddHiggs Higgsdecays decays AA ZZhh with with ZZ ll,ll, hh bb bb 3) Expected upper limit on · BR: 300 fb-1 3000 fb-1 ~3x improvement for ·BR(AZh) = 100 fb ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-016, ECFA Workshop CMS PAS FTR-13-024, ECFA WS 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 15 Direct search for BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs 5 5discovery discoveryregions regionsfor forAA ZZhhfor formmAdepending dependingon oncos( cos(--) )for fortan tan==3:3: A 3000 fb-1 3000 fb-1 3000 fb-1 300 fb-1 3000 fb-1 300 fb-1 Type I 300 fb-1 300 fb-1 Type II Hatched: theoretically forbidden due to vacuum stability and unitarity 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 16 Higgs coupling tensor structure Generalmixing mixingof ofCP CPstates statesof ofaaspin-0 spin-0Higgs Higgsboson bosondecaying decayinginto intoZZ ZZ(V=Z) (V=Z) General effectivefield fieldtheory: theory: inineffective CP even Higgs SM tree process anomalous CP even Higgs contributions loop induced: small, neglected -2 SM rad. corr. O(10 ), BSM? CP odd Higgs contribution: BSM orgg4(CP (CPviolating) violating)to toSM SMgg1=1 =1tree treelevel levelterm. term. Testfor foradmixtures admixtureswith withcouplings couplingsgg2or Test 2 4 1 ATLAS: ATLAS: 8Dfitfitto todistributions distributionsof ofkinematic kinematicvariables variables 8D (m4l,m ,mZZ1,2,,1,2, ,, ,1,,))generated generateddepending dependingon ongg2and andgg4 (m 4l 1,2 1 2 4 1,2 Freeparameters: parameters: Free Realand andimaginary imaginarypart partof ofcouplings couplingsgg2and andgg4rel. rel.totogg1. . Real 2 4 1 Alternatively:fitfitof ofcollection collectionof of Alternatively: matrixelement elementratios ratiosfor forSM SMand andalternative alternativehypotheses. hypotheses. matrix CMS: Matrix Matrixelement elementlikelihood likelihoodapproach approachas asfor forrun run1. 1. CMS: 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 17 Higgs to ZZ tensor structure and CP mixing ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-013, ECFA Workshop fb-1 fb-1 Factor 2-3 improvement with HL-LHC 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 Expected 95% CL regions 18 Higgs to ZZ tensor structure and CP mixing Alternativedescription descriptionininterms termsofofcross crosssection sectionfractions fractionsfgfg2,4=|g =|g2,4|2|22,4/( /(1++|g|g2,4|2|22,4)) Alternative 2,4 2,4 1 2,4 2,4 2,4 = arg (g /g ): and relative phases 2,4/g11 ): and relative phases gg2,4 2,4 = arg (g2,4 g4 CMS phase dependent 3000 fb-1 300 fb-1 phase averaged ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-013, ECFA Workshop Sensitivity for 10-20% CP violating admixture with run 2&3. Factor 2-3 improvement with HL-LHC. 95%CL CLlimit limitfgfg4<<0.51 0.51 95% 4 fromCMS CMSrun run11data. data. from 21/01/2014 CMS-13-002, Snowmass 95%CL CLupper upperlimits limits 95% ATLAS8D 8Dfitfit ATLAS ATLAS CMS H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 0.13 0.13 0.04 fg4 = ATLASME MEfitfit ATLAS 0.15 0.43 0.037 0.20 0.13 0.04 19 Conclusions Oneofofthe themain maingoals goalsofofLHC LHCrun run22&&33(14 (14TeV, TeV,300 300fbfb-1-1):): •• One Precisemeasurement measurementofofHiggs Higgsproperties, properties,ininparticular: particular: Precise Higgscouplings couplingstotogauge gaugebosons bosonsatat5%, 5%,totofermions fermions(b, (b,))atat10% 10%level. level. - -Higgs Sensitivityfor forCP-odd CP-oddadmixtures admixturestotoscalar scalarHiggs Higgsatat10-20% 10-20%level. level. - -Sensitivity Similarconclusions conclusionsfrom fromATLAS ATLASand andCMS CMSprojections projectionstaking takinginto intoaccount accountininspite spiteofof •• Similar differencesininthe theassumptions. assumptions. differences Similarsensitivity sensitivityofofdirect directsearches searchesandindirectly andindirectly •• Similar fromHiggs Higgscoupling couplingmeasurements measurementstoto from extensionsofofthe theHiggs Higgssector sector - - extensions DarkMatter Mattercoupling couplingtotoHiggs. Higgs. - - Dark Typicallyfactor factorofof2-3 2-3improvement improvementwith with3000 3000fbfb-1-1atatHL-LHC. HL-LHC. •• Typically Improvementofoftheory theoryprecision precisionneeded, needed,too. too. Improvement Sensitivitytotorare rareHiggs Higgsdecay decaymodes modes(including (includingcoupling couplingtotosecond secondfermion fermiongeneration, generation, •• Sensitivity H)and andHiggs Higgsself-coupling self-couplingonly onlyatatHL-LHC. HL-LHC. H) 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 20 Backup 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 21 Detector upgrades performance for runs 2 & 3 Detectorupgrades upgradesfor forhigh-luminosity, high-luminosity,high highpile-up pile-upconditions conditionsininrun run22&&33mainly mainlyinin Detector pixeldetectors detectorsand andtrigger. trigger. pixel Mainimprovements improvementsininmissing missingenergy energyresolution, resolution,bbtagging taggingperformance performanceand andtrigger triggerefficiency efficiency Main ATLAS b-tagging performance dep. on pile-up level <> and silicon tracker upgrades ATLAS ETmiss distribution for <> = 60 in run 3 ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-009, ECFA WS ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-007, arXiv 1307:7292, Snowmass Improvement of the CMS trigger efficiency for Higgs channels due to upgrades in run 2 at L = 2.2 ·1034 cm -2 s-1 CMS-13-002, Snowmass 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 22 Backup: Higgs status 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 23 Backup: Higgs status Typicalmagnitudes magnitudesof ofBSM BSMHiggs Higgscoupling couplingmodifications modifications Typical 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 24 Higgs width SMwidth widthofof4.2 4.2MeV MeVfor formmH==126 126GeV GeVnot notmeasurable measurableatatLHC. LHC. SM H Finitewidth widtheffects: effects: apparent apparentHiggs Higgsmass massshift shiftdue duetoto Finite interferencebetween betweenHH signal signaland andcontinuum continuumdiphoton diphotonproduction productionbackground background interference (L.J.Dixon Dixonand andY.Li, Y.Li,arXiv:1305:3854, arXiv:1305:3854,Sep. Sep.2013, 2013,S.P. S.P.Martin, Martin,arXiv:1303:3342, arXiv:1303:3342,March March2013). 2013). (L.J. CMSlimit limitfrom fromrun1 run1data: data: ΓΓH << 6.9 6.9GeV GeV (95% (95%CL). CL). CMS H ATLASexpected expectedlimits limitsfor for300 300fbfb-1-1(3000 (3000fbfb-1-1):): ΓΓH<< 920 920MeV MeV(200 (200MeV) MeV) (95% (95%CL). CL). ATLAS H ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, ECFA Workshop Mass shift upper limit (ΓH) Mass shift (ΓH) Expected SM mass shift = -54.4 MeV 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 25 Higgs Portal to Dark Matter ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014 ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-015 Direct limits: 90% CL Indirect limits: 95% CL Scalar Majorana Vector Sensitivitytotolow lowWIMP WIMPmass massrange range<<mmH/2, /2, Sensitivity H exceedingsensitivity sensitivityofofgeneric genericastrophysical astrophysicalDM DMsearches. searches. exceeding SensitivityofofHiggs Higgscoupling couplingmeasurements measurementscomparable comparabletotothe theone oneofof Sensitivity directsearches searchesfor forinvisible invisibleHiggs Higgsdecays decaysatatLHC. LHC. direct 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 26 Backup: Higgs Portal Models for DM ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-014, ECFA Workshop 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 27 Direct search for BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs 95% 95%CL CLAA ZZhhexclusion exclusionregions regionsinintan tandepending dependingon oncos( cos(--) )for formmA==400 400GeV: GeV: A Excluded 3000 fb-1 Excluded 3000 fb-1 Excluded 300 fb-1 Excluded 300 fb-1 Type I Type II Hatched: theoretically forbidden due to vacuum stability and unitarity 21/01/2014 H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 28 Search for BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs Directvs. vs.mmA–independent –independentindirect indirectlimits limits Direct A onAA ZZh: h: complementary complementaryinformation information on CMS PAS FTR-13-024, ECFA WS, 3000 fb-1 Allowed by indirect search Type II Excluded by direct search Type I 21/01/2014 Type II H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 29 Direct Search for BSM Higgs bosons in 2HDMs CMS PAS FTR-13-024, ECFA WS Type I 21/01/2014 Type II H.Kroha, Aspen 2014 30
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