CERN-RRB-2014-070 ATLAS Resources Review Board, October 13, 2014 For RRB information (2014) ATLAS Full Design Luminosity Detector Activities Status Report 2014 Introduction The ATLAS management, supported by the ATLAS Executive and Collaboration Boards, kindly invites the RRB to take note of the 2014 status report for the Full Design Luminosity activities. T he initial ATLAS construction period finished by the end of 2008. The initial detector configuration was determined in 2002, following an updated financial plan endorsed by the RRB at that time. As described in the Cost to Completion (CtC) plan (CERN-RRB-2002-114 rev.), original CORE items worth some 30 MCHF were staged to liberate financing to bridge the gap between cost to completion (CtC) and available firm financial pledges. It was understood that once the CtC budget of 72.6 MCHF was fully pledged, the deferred funds would be returned to complete the Full Design Luminosity (FDL) detector, as defined in the Technical Proposal (CERN/LHCC/94-43). While waiting for remaining pledges and the deferred funds to become available, related planning started in 2009. Latest progress was reported in the April 2014 RRB (CERN-RRB-2014-020). The completion of the Full Design Luminosity detector has been progressing well and on schedule w.r.t. to the overall planning of the substantial maintenance and consolidation campaign carried out during the Long Shutdown (LS1). ATLAS expects to be ready with a fully completed and consolidated detector for data taking in Run 2, starting in spring 2015, when the LHC will provide colliding beams at 13-14 TeV center-of-mass energy, and is expected to reach, and even to surpass eventually, the nominal design luminosity. 1. Remaining FDL Detector activities As reported in the April 2014 RRB (CERN-RRB-2014-020), the replacement of the Service Quarter Panels (SQP) of the Pixel detector, as well the completion of the TDAQ system for Full Design Luminosity conditions have been completed very successfully already last year. The Insertable B-Layer (IBL) has now also been installed very successfully, in early May this year. Once all the services were connected and commissioned, insitu tests showed that all Front-End chips were working and 99.9% of the channels were operational, with good noise performance as expected. The commissioning efforts now ongoing for both the IBL and Pixel detectors aim to fully integrate them into a powerful 4-layer pixel detector system in the center of ATLAS, which will be a key for excellent physics performance, with improved btagging capabilities, in Run 2 and Run 3. Table 1 shows the final CORE payments made by Funding Agencies for the IBL in 2014 (unchanged since April 2014). Also shown are the 0.23 MCHF additional payments beyond the scope of the IBL MoU, which had become necessary for reCERN-RRB-2014-070 ATLAS Full Design Luminosity Detector Activities 1 work and additional spares after the observation of wire bond corrosion in 2013. ATLAS is very grateful to the Funding Agencies for having provided these extra resources. Very good progress has also been made on the consolidation of the Forward Detectors ALFA and LUCID. The ALFA Roman Pots have been modified to reduce the beam-induced heating observed in Run 1. Their re-installation is now almost complete. The outer stations have been located in new positions to improve resolution. The mechanics and services for the new LUCID detector have also been installed and are ready to receive the new photomultipliers, whose quartz windows serve as Cherenkov medium. The extra contributions from Funding Agencies beyond M&O-B, recognized in Table 1, are highly appreciated. A funding request for the refurbishment of the ZDC (Zero-Degree Calorimeter), needed for the Heavy Ion physics programme, is currently pending. CERN-RRB-2014-070 ATLAS Full Design Luminosity Detector Activities 2 FDL Contributions to the ATLAS Detector during 2014 by Funding Agency (Payments, in kCHF) Funding Agency Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Brazil Canada Chile China NSFC+MSTC Colombia Czech Republic Denmark France IN2P3 France CEA Georgia Germany BMBF Germany DESY Germany MPI Greece Israel Italy Japan Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia JINR Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei Turkey United Kingdom US DOE+NSF CERN Forward Detectors ALFA LUCID ZDC IBL nominal additional SQP Trigger /DAQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 62 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 267 0 0 4 117 135 27 40 22 42 15 35 39 8 121 220 47 88 100 4 29 35 0 from deferrals total sub-detector total 27 136 0 483 226 0 0 872 0 in addition in M&O-B in addition in M&O-A 795 795 Table 1 CERN-RRB-2014-070 ATLAS Full Design Luminosity Detector Activities 3
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