SEARCHES FOR EXOTIC PHYSICS Steve Worm Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Oxford, 3 June 2014 OUTLINE • What is “Exo,c”? – Standard Model, standard problems – New energy regime – “ExoGc” defined • Resonances and “standard stuff” – Z’ and ATLAS/CMS comparison – W’, Dijet resonance – High ST: black holes • Long-‐lived par,cles – displaced jets – HSCP • Dark MaEer – monojet DM – DM and mono-‐γ, W/Z, top, Higgs... • Conclusions • Top, Boosted Jets, Di-‐boson Resonances – Vector-‐like Tʹ′⟶ tZ/tH/bW – X ⟶ Z semi-‐leptonic, hadronic – Gbulk ⟶ WW, ZZ ⟶ semi-‐leptonic 2 OUTLINE • What is “Exo,c”? – Standard Model, standard problems – New energy regime – “ExoGc” defined • Resonances and “standard stuff” – Z’ and ATLAS/CMS comparison – W’, Dijet resonance – High ST: black holes • Top, Boosted Jets, Di-‐boson Resonances – Vector-‐like Tʹ′⟶ tZ/tH/bW – X ⟶ Z semi-‐leptonic, hadronic – Gbulk ⟶ WW, ZZ ⟶ semi-‐leptonic • Long-‐lived par,cles – displaced jets – HSCP • Dark MaEer – monojet DM – DM and mono-‐γ, W/Z, top, Higgs... • Conclusions • Not an aEempt to cover all Exo,c results for ATLAS or CMS – Each collaboraGon has 60-‐70 analyses; I selected some highlights – Extra apologies to ATLAS... I show more CMS results (really a CMS talk) 3 THE STANDARD MODEL From experimental evidence and theory insight, a simple picture emerged: The Standard “Ingredients”: – Handful of fundamental parGcles – ParGcles constructed by 2 or 3 quarks and only a few rules – A few forces mediated by bosons – Add the Higgs, to give parGcles mass Standard Model Particles The Standard Model has been incredibly successful in explaining all data... …but there are problems too 4 STANDARD MODEL, STANDARD PROBLEMS • AnGmaZer: What happened to all the an, • Dark MaZer: We don’t know what most of the in our world is made of! 5 STANDARD MODEL, STANDARD PROBLEMS “Cracks” have started to appear in the Standard Model… Many problems idenKfied over Kme -‐ No explanaGon of masses, coupling constants -‐ Why three families? -‐ Gravity not included -‐ The “hierarchy” problem, fine tuning… -‐ What is the Dark Energy? …and yet it explains the data The Standard Model isn’t so much wrong as it is incomplete 6 EFFECTIVE THEORIES... AND SCALE • Fundamental theory may be hiding at shorter distances (higher energies) • ~1900 we reached the atomic scale – 10-‐8 cm ≈ ħ2/e2me – Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics • ~1950 we reached strong interacGon scale – 10-‐13 cm ≈ Mexp[-‐8π2gs2(M)b0] – QCD; Quarks, Gluons • 2010 we reach (and exceeded) the EWK scale – 10-‐17 cm, the TeV scale – EWK phase transiGon; W, Z, e… acquire mass – v = (√2GF)-‐1/2 ≈ 246 GeV ← Higgs VEV Expect lots of interes,ng stuff at 13 TeV! 7 ACCELERATOR ADVANCES • Each advance is a revoluKon… but sadly only once or twice per generaKon – Previous energy record-‐holder (Tevatron) started in 1983 – 30 years ago – LEP at CERN stopped in 2000 – 14 years ago The jump to 13 TeV will be a huge advance for BSM searches 8 DETECTORS AND DISCOVERIES 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 positron neutron pion kaon Cloud Chambers 1960 1970 1980 1990 J/Ψ hyperons anG-‐proton resonances Emulsions 2000 top upsilon W, Z Wire Chambers Bubble Chambers Silicon Don’t underes,mate the role of new technology, techniques, triggers... 9 THE FOUR MAIN LHC EXPERIMENTS ATLAS ALICE CMS LHCB 10 BSM AND EXOTICA: WHAT IS “EXOTIC”? • ExoGca/ExoGcs is an old term (and physics admin grouping), but with new purpose: Comprehensive search of the HEP parameter space for new physics • Exo,ca covers the full range of new phenomena searches – generally no set map or guide (as in Supersymmetry or Higgs) – at first, race to cover as much territory as possible (signatures, models) – then work on depth: more “general” searches, more complete coverage • Beyond the Standard Model (BSM), but ozen no set framework as in SUSY – ExoGca/ExoGcs use models as moGvaGon and sanity check – Not just “crazy stuff” or lezovers; ExoGca is now the highest priority for LHC’s Run 2 11 THE HIERARCHY PROBLEM • ImplicaKons of Higgs as a scalar – radiaGve correcGons to self-‐energy are divergent – maybe we are missing a new (fermion/scalar/vector) degree of freedom? • Supersymmetry: – sparGcles cancel parGcle contribuGons – well-‐studied but so far undetected • Higgs is a composite: – strongly-‐coupled BSM, yielding vector-‐like q – mulG-‐jet resonances from heavy gluons • Extra Dimensions: – Higgs is a vector in 5D – moGvates LED searches, KK excitaGons Low-‐mass Higgs causes tensions, but also mo,vates new physics at ~TeV 12 RESONANCES AND OTHER “USUAL SUSPECTS”: Z’, W’, DIJETS... Maybe the new physics really s,cks out...or hides under a lot of jets (QCD)? 13 NEW ENERGY REGIMES • Each advance in energy makes new discovery possible Multiplicity • Many historic examples of discovery from “bumps” in the mass spectra pp à X multiplicity S [(GeV)2] 14 DILEPTON RESONANCE SEARCH: TRIGGER ATLAS • ee channel – Diphoton trigger – ET > 35 GeV and ET > 25 GeV • μμ channel – Single muon triggers – ET > 24 GeV or ET > 36 GeV CMS • ee channel – Dielectron trigger – Both clusters with ET > 33 GeV • μμ channel – Single muon trigger – ET > 40 GeV 15 DILEPTON RESONANCE SEARCH: ELECTRONS ATLAS • Single electron threshold – ET1 > 40 GeV – ET2 > 30 GeV • Suppress jets faking e’s – Icalo0.2 < 0.7%·∙ET + 5 GeV (leading) – Icalo0.2 < 2.2%·∙ET + 6 GeV (subleading) A x ε = 73% (m = 2 TeV) CMS • Single electron threshold – ET1 > 35 GeV – ET2 > 35 GeV • Suppress jets faking e’s – Itracker0.3 < 5 GeV – Icalo0.3 < 3%·∙ET A x ε = 67% (m = 2.5 TeV) 16 DILEPTON RESONANCE SEARCH: MUONS ATLAS • Single muon triggers – pT > 25 GeV – |η|< 2.4 CMS • Single muon trigger – pT > 45 GeV – |η|< 2.4 • Suppress cosmic rays • Suppress cosmic rays – |d0| < 0.2 mm – |z0-‐z(vertex)|< 1 mm – |d0| < 0.2 mm – |z0-‐z(vertex)|< 24 cm • Suppress jets faking μ’s • Suppress jets faking μ’s – ∑pT(∆R<0.3) < 5%·∙pT • Require opposite charge – ∑pT(∆R<0.3) < 10%·∙pT – |z0-‐z(vertex)|< 0.2mm • Require opposite charge A x ε = 46% (m = 2 TeV) A x ε = 80% (m = 2.5 TeV) 17 DILEPTON RESONANCE SEARCH: BACKGROUNDS • SM Drell-‐Yan: γ*/Z-‐> l+l-‐ – shape taken from Monte Carlo – normalisaGon taken from Z peak in data • t-‐tbar: – where Z goes to e+e-‐, µ+µ-‐ – est. from MC, cross-‐checked in data – also includes Z-‐>ττ, WW, WZ • Jet Background (for ee): – di-‐jet, W+jet events where the jets are misidenGfied as electrons/muons • Cosmic Ray Background (for µµ): – muons from cosmic rays – esGmated <0.1 event azer vertex and angular difference requirements ...Start taking data and what do we see? 18 19 ca r i c e 12 d IN 0 i 2 l s h c r Ma • Many new models have Z-‐like narrow resonances decaying to dileptons Z’ 2011 DATA? [hep-ex 1206.1849] • InteresGng features in dilepton spectra – around 2σ each for CMS & ATLAS in e+μ – similar in scale to 2011 Higgs excess Worth watching in 2012’s 8 TeV data... [ATLAS-CONF-2012-007] 20 DILEPTON RESONANCE SEARCH • Event selecGon [ATLAS arXiv:1405.4123 , CMS EXO-12-061] – CMS: ET (e1,e2) > 35 GeV, pT (μ1,μ2) > 45 GeV, plus isolaGon criteria – ATLAS: ET (e1,e2) > (40,30) GeV, pT (μ1,μ2) > 25 GeV, plus isolaGon criteria • Backgrounds – Z/γ*, Z, tW, VV, Z → ττ, mulGjets with ≥1 jet reconstructed as lepton – esGmated by funcGonal fit No obvious excess observed in 2012 data CMS 21 DILEPTON RESONANCE (Z’) SEARCH • Both experiments analysed full 8 TeV datasets, combined ee and μμ channels • No excess; limits set for a variety of narrow resonances (Z’SSM, Z’ψ, etc.) M(Z’SSM) expected CMS > 2.96 TeV ATLAS > 2.87 TeV observed > 2.96 TeV > 2.90 TeV Excess in 2011 data just below 1 TeV all but gone in 2012 22 ATLAS AND CMS DIFFERENCES? ATLAS CMS • Uses signal templates for Z’ limits • Use narrow resonance window • Loss of sensiGvity at high masses (parton luminosiGes) – Cross secGon upper limits less model dependent – Give outside world descripGon of what was done • Cross secGon limits model-‐specific B [pb] • narrow resonance G* has no rise: 1 ATLAS Preliminary s = 8 TeV G* ll 10-1 10-3 10-4 ee, µµ: 10-5 0.5 L dt = 20 fb 1 • Not sensiGve to parton luminosiGes Expected limit Expected ± 1 Expected ± 2 Observed limit k/ MPl = 0.1 k/ MPl = 0.05 k/ MPl = 0.03 k/ MPl = 0.01 10-2 • Generic resonance search -1 1.5 2 2.5 3 • Take signal shapes within ±40% of the mass peak into account to compute theory curves 3.5 Big difference in efficiency and approach... small difference in limit MG* [TeV] 23 EXTRA DIMENSIONS IN DILEPTONS (CMS) [CMS EXO-12-027, CMS EXO-12-031] Limit on Ms [TeV] CMS Preliminary CMS ee+µµ(8TeV,20fb-1) Atlas ee+µµ+γ γ (7TeV,5.0fb-1) CMS ee+µµ+γ γ (7TeV,2.0fb-1) CMS γ γ (7TeV,34pb-1) DØ ee+γ γ (1.96TeV, 1.05fb-1) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MS (ADD) at LO 95% CL limits CMS dimuon CMS dielectron Combined: Combined limits in HLZ convenKon at NLO (K=1.3) 2 Lumi. [“-‐1] 20.6 19.6 20.6+19.6 3 δ=3 Exp. [TeV] 4.34 4.62 4.76 4 5 δ=3 Obs. [TeV] 4.33 4.64 4.77 6 δ=6 Exp. [TeV] 3.07 3.27 3.37 7 nED δ=6 Obs. [TeV] 3.06 3.28 3.37 ΛT (GRW) [TeV] (GRW) 3.64 3.90 4.01 24 SEARCH FOR W’ ➞ lν [CMS PAS EXO-12-060, ATLAS-CONF-2014-017] Events / 1 GeV • Search for a new heavy gauge boson W' decaying to a charged lepton (µ or e) and ν CMS Preliminary ∫ L dt = 20 fb-1 s = 8 TeV 7 10 106 105 W' → µ ν M=2500 GeV W' → µ ν M=500 GeV 104 W→µν QCD tt +single top W → τν DY → µµ DY → ττ Diboson data 3 10 2 10 • Many models possible right-‐handed W' bosons with standard-‐model couplings lez-‐handed W' bosons including interference Kaluza-‐Klein W'KK-‐states in split-‐UED Excited chiral boson (W*) • Event SelecGon and Backgrounds – back-‐to-‐back isolated lepton and ETmiss – Plot transverse mass of lν system – backgrounds from W, QCD, Z+single t, DY, VV No significant excess observed muon 1 -1 10 10-2 10-3 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 MT [GeV] Ratio data/MC – – – – syst uncer. 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 electron 25 SEARCH FOR W’ ➞ lν σ × B [fb] [CMS PAS EXO-12-060, ATLAS-CONF-2014-017] CMS preliminary, 20 fb-1, 2012, s = 8 TeV Observed 95% CL limit Observed 95% CL limit W' → eν Observed 95% CL limit W' → µ ν Expected 95% CL limit Expected 95% CL limit ± 1 σ Expected 95% CL limit ± 2 σ SSM W' NNLO PDF uncertainty W KK with µ = 10 TeV NNLO W KK with µ = 0.05 TeV NNLO 104 103 miss e + ET 102 8 TeV 2012 miss , µ+E T 10 1 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 MW' [GeV] M(W’SSM) 95% CL Luminosity Expected Observed ATLAS e+µ, 2012 20 > 3.19 TeV > 3.27 TeV CMS e+µ, 2012 20 > 3.37 TeV > 3.35 TeV 26 SEARCH FOR DIJET RESONANCES [ATLAS-CONF-2012-148] [CMS PAS EXO-12-059] CMS Preliminary • Search for dijet resonance in smoothly falling mass spectrum – leading jet mass mjj > 0.9-‐1 TeV from trigger and other constraints – Background esGmated from smooth funcGonal fit 27 SEARCH FOR DIJET RESONANCES [CMS PAS EXO-12-016] [ATLAS-CONF-2012-110] CMS Preliminary M(q*) 95% CL ATLAS 2011 CMS 2011 ATLAS 2012 CMS 2012 Luminosity 4.8 5.0 13.0 19.6 Expected > 3.09 TeV > 3.27 TeV > 3.70 TeV > 3.75 TeV Observed > 3.55 TeV > 3.05 TeV > 3.84 TeV > 3.50 TeV 28 HIGH MULTIPLICITY, LARGE ST & BLACK HOLES • [arXiv:1303:5338, EXO-12-009] Search for microscopic Black Holes in 12 “-‐1 of 8 TeV data – HypotheGcal BH would evaporate into many high-‐pt. objects – EsGmate by ST, the pT sum of physics objects with pT > 50 GeV • Main background of QCD esGmated by fit to n=2 distribuGon – Normalised for each mulGplicity bin separately at ST = 1.8–2.2 TeV – Model-‐independent limits vs ST and mulGplicity Black Hole limits around 5 TeV, also model-‐independent limits on high ST σ(S > STmin) × A (pb) CMS s = 8 TeV -1 L = 12.1 fb Multiplicity N ≥ 4 Observed Expected ± 1σ Expected ± 2σ T 10-1 10 -2 10 -3 10-4 2000 3000 4000 5000 STmin (GeV) 29 8-JET EVENT, ST = 3 TEV [arXiv:1303:5338, EXO-12-009] Many interes,ng events found! 30 TOP, BOOSTED JETS & DIBOSON RESONANCES New physics might decay to t or make resonance w/ heavy par,cles (t, W, Z, H) 31 VECTOR-LIKE T′⟶ tZ/tH/bW (CMS) [CMS arXiv:1311.7667] • Combined informaGon from single lepton, SS and OS dilepton, trilepton (+jets) • Separate bins by W-‐tags, #jets, #b-‐jets, HT, MET, lepton pT, 3rd/4th jet pT – – – – Opposite-‐Sign targe,ng tZtZ: on-‐Z, ≥5 jets, ≥2 b-‐jets, HT>500 GeV, ST>1000 GeV Opposite-‐Sign targe,ng bWbW: off-‐Z, 2-‐3 jets, HT>300 GeV, ST>900 GeV Same-‐Sign targe,ng tZ or tH: ≥3 jets, HT>500 GeV, ST>700 GeV + lepton flavor Mul,lepton category targe,ng tZ or tH: ≥3 jets, HT>500 GeV, ST>700 GeV + lepton flavor 32 VECTOR-LIKE T′⟶ tZ/tH/bW (CMS) [CMS arXiv:1311.7667] • Combine all channels to get limits – At lez: specific BR assumpGon of BR(T’→bW/tH/tZ)=50/25/25% – At right: limits for all possible BR Limits on the mass of Tʹ′ between 687 and 782 GeV 33 HEAVY TOP-LIKE QUARKS TO bW (ATLAS) • W+jets and QCD use data-‐ driven esGmates ATLAS Preliminary L dt = 14.3 fb -1 140 Data ( s = 8 TeV) TT (600) Chiral TT (600) Singlet tt Non-t t Total BG uncert. 120 100 Events / 150 GeV Events / 150 GeV • TT → bWlepbWhad → lvbjjb → l+4j+MET [ATLAS-CONF-2013-060] loose 80 ATLAS Preliminary L dt = 14.3 fb -1 Data ( s = 8 TeV) 45 TT (600) Chiral TT (600) Singlet 40 tt Non-t t Total BG uncert. 35 30 tight 25 20 60 15 40 10 Data / BG Data / BG 0 1.5 1 0.5 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ATLAS Preliminary Theory (approx. NNLO prediction ±1 ) 95% CL expected limit mreco [GeV] TT) [pb] 102 95% CL expected limit ±1 (pp 102 ATLAS Preliminary Theory (approx. NNLO prediction ±1 ) 95% CL expected limit 95% CL expected limit ±1 10 95% CL expected limit ±2 95% CL expected limit ±2 95% CL observed limit TT 1 95% CL observed limit Wb+X 10-2 Wb+X 10-1 s = 8 TeV 10-2 -1 Ldt = 14.3 fb 300 TT 1 10-1 Combined bW+tH limits on singlet T are mT > 670 GeV 2 1 mreco [GeV] 10 • Tight: minΔR(l,b) > 1.4, minΔR(Whad,b) > 1.4 0 3 (pp • Loose: > 1 Whad, HT > 800, pT(b1) > 160, pT(b2) > 80, ΔR(l,MET) < 1.2 5 0 TT) [pb] • Require 1 e or µ, > 1 b, > 4 jets, MET > 20 GeV 20 400 500 -1 Ldt = 14.3 fb SU(2) singlet 600 700 s = 8 TeV 800 900 mT [GeV] 300 400 500 Chiral 600 700 800 900 mT [GeV] 34 X ⟶ o RESONANCE (CMS) – Top-‐tagging: requirements on # of subjets, jet mass, minimum pair-‐wise mass (W) – 2 jets, Cambridge-‐Aachen with R=0.8 – Scale factor measured in orthogonal muon+jets sample Events / (5 GeV/c2) • SelecGon and tagging for hadronic: [CMS arXiv:1309.2030] -1 CMS Preliminary, s = 8 TeV, 19.6 fb 1800 1600 mDATA = 84.3 ± 0.3 GeV/c2 W 1400 mMC W = 83.7 ± 0.2 GeV/c2 1200 1000 Data tt W+Jets Non-W MJ Z+jets Single Top Data fit MC fit 800 600 • Similar approach for semileptonic 400 200 Limits on M(GKK) < 2.5 TeV, M(Z’) < 2.7 TeV 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 CMS Preliminary, s = 8 TeV, 19.6 fb-1 103 95% CL Limit on σ(pp → Z' → tt) (pb) Events / (50 GeV/c2) Hadronic W Jet Mass (GeV/c2) Data Non-Top Multijet SM tt 1 TeV RS KK gluon 2 TeV RS KK gluon 3 TeV RS KK gluon 102 10 1 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 tt Invariant Mass (GeV/c2) CMS Preliminary, s = 8 TeV, 19.6 fb-1 combined limits 10% Width Z' Expected Limit Observed Limit ± 1σ ± 2σ Topcolor Z' × 1.3, 10% Width (Harris, et. al.) 10 1 10-1 10-2 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Z' Mass (GeV/c2) 35 HIGH-MASS DIBOSON RESONANCE SEARCHES W’/ρTC ⟶ WZ ⟶ 3l + MET [CMS EXO-‐12-‐025, ATLAS-‐CONF-‐2014-‐015] lepton + MET boosted Z ⟶ µµ Gbulk ⟶ WW ⟶ l + jet + MET lepton + MET boosted W jet boosted Z jet boosted W jet boosted W/Z boosted W/Z [CMS arXiv:1405.3447, ATLAS-‐CONF-‐2013-‐074] Gbulk ⟶ ZZ ⟶ 2l + 2jets [CMS arXiv:1405.3447, ATLAS-‐CONF-‐2013-‐074] GRS ⟶ WW/ZZ and W’ ⟶ WZ [CMS arXiv:1405.1994] ...and many more searches underway 36 SEMILEPTONIC WW, ZZ (CMS) g CMS Preliminary, 19.5 fb-1 at s=8TeV, W→ µν • Search for WW (or ZZ) W G resonance at high mass ⌫ 1000 q W – RaGo of 2-‐to-‐1 jets: τ2/τ1 = τ21 q WW/WZ/ZZ Single Top tt W+jets data Events / 0.03 • IdenGfy boosted W-‐jets g with “N-‐subješness” [CMS arXiv:1405.1337] ` 800 ~ Bulk Graviton M=1.5TeV k=0.2 (×6×104) 600 400 200 – N-‐subješness: τ21 < 0.5 for high purity, and 0.5 < τ21 < 0.75 for low 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 τ21 • Study performance of “W-‐tagging” in data – derive data/MC scale factor (SF) for each analysis – error on “substructure SF” ⟶ systemaGc on signal • Study merged hadronic W's from Z – boosted enough to merge jets from W – not so boosted that the b quark also merges 37 SEMILEPTONIC WW, ZZ (CMS) [CMS arXiv:1405.1337] • Measure of dominant W+jets backgrounds taken from data – Side-‐band region Mjet=[40,65] GeV – W signal region Mjet=[65,105] GeV – W+jets: MWW obtained from scaled Mjet sidebands • Limits set on bulk graviton producGon Gmes BR – 700 “ for 0.6 TeV mass – 10 “ for 2.5 TeV mass µ µv ee combined limits 38 LONG-LIVED PARTICLES Maybe the new physics has a long life,me, and has been missed! 39 DISPLACED JETS (CMS) [CMS EXO-12-038] • Massive long-‐lived parGcles can decay to (displaced) jets – Split SUSY, RPV SUSY, Gauge Mediated SUSY, Hidden Valley models, etc. – gg ⟶ H ⟶ XX ⟶ (qq) (qq) – MH = [200, 400, 1000] GeV, MX = [50, 150, 350] GeV, cτX = [3, 30, 300] cm • Search for events with dijets from a common, displaced vertex Data QCD H(1000)→ 2X(350) cτ =35cm H(400) → 2X(150) cτ =40cm H(200) → 2X(50) cτ =20cm 5 10 CMS Preliminary ∫ -1 L dt = 17 pb , s = 8 TeV 104 3 10 102 10 1 Data/QCD • dijets / bin – Trigger: events with HT > 300 GeV and ≥ 2 jets with small fracGon of prompt tracks – Offline: form mulGvariate discriminant based on vertex track mulGplicity, fracGon of tracks with posiGve d0, and variables from a dedicated track clustering algorithm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1.5 1 0.5 Track Multiplicity Discriminant Vertex Track Multiplicity 40 DISPLACED JETS (CMS) [CMS EXO-12-038] • Background predicGon using ABCD technique: jet1, jet2, secondary vertex details • Search using “cut & count” technique opGmised for LXY < 20 cm and > 20 cm • For X0 mean proper lifeGmes of 0.1 to 200 cm, limits typically 0.3−300 “. Number of Candidates < 20 cm(low) 1 < 0.15 > 0.9 1.60 ± 0.26(stat.) ± 0.51(syst.) 2 Table 1: Predicted background and the number of observed candidates for optimised selections. CMS Preliminary CMS Preliminary CMS Preliminary ∫ L dt = 18.6 fb , s = 8 TeV -1 observed background 102 predicted background ∫ L dt = 18.6 fb , s = 8 TeV -1 102 observed background predicted background 10 10 ∫ L dt = 18.6 fb , -1 -1 10 10-2 s = 8 TeV mH = 1000 GeV mX = 350 GeV Obs. Limit Exp. Limit Exp. ± 1σ Exp. ± 2σ 1 Lxy < 20 cm Lxy > 20 cm Significance 1 Significance > 20 cm(high) 1 < 0.09 > 0.8 1.14 ± 0.15(stat.) ± 0.52(syst.) 1 σ B2 [pb] (95% CL) Number of Candidates Lxy prompt tracks prompt energy fraction vertex/cluster disc. expected background observed 2 0 -2 0.01 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 2 0 -2 0.01 Vertex/Cluster Discriminant . 10-3 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 10 0.9 Vertex/Cluster Discriminant . 102 cτ [cm] 41 LONG-LIVED CHARGED PARTICLES (CMS) [CMS EXO-12-026] • Heavy, (quasi-‐)stable, also charged: slow (β<1), high dE/dx, long Gme-‐of-‐flight • stau benchmark model: – |Q=e| in GMSB (SPS7) – e/3 ≤ |Q| ≤ 8e pair producGon (neutral under SU(2)L) R0 R+ • gluino (spit SUSY) or stop (large gluino masses limit) benchmark – form R-‐hadrons containing a massive parton, – uncertainty from hadronizaGon (fracGon of gluino balls?) and charge flipping – electric charge can change while interacGng with the detector • SelecGon – basic selecGon: pT > 45 GeV, |η| < 2.1, |dxy| and |dz|< 0.5 cm, very loose isolaGon, etc. – Track pT : inner tracker transverse momentum – Muon 1/β : measured by muon system – Track Ias : incompaGbility of the track energy loss w.r.t MIP expected dE/dx 42 Q=1 HSCP Q≠1 HSCP [CMS EXO-12-026] HSCP unchanged - Tracker + TOF Multiply charged - violet HSCP becoming neutral - Tracker-only Fractionally charged - red HSCP neutral in tracker - Muon-only 43 HSCP - BACKGROUNDS AND RESULTS • ABCD-‐technique; pT, dE/dx and 1/β variables – – – – – Tk-‐Only Tk+TOF Mu-‐Only mulG. charged frac. charged [CMS EXO-12-026] pT +dE/dx pT +dE/dx +1/β pT +1/β dE/dx +1/β pT +dE/dx • Tk and Tk+TOF: predict the mass from dE/dx 44 HSCP - LIMITS [CMS EXO-12-026] • First CMS limits on gluino fully hadronizing into gluino balls (f=100%) MGluino > 1322 GeV, MStop > 935 GeV 45 DARK MATTER & ISR TAGGING Maybe the new physics can explain the puzzle of Dark MaEer! 46 PRODUCTION OF DARK MATTER AT THE LHC • Search for evidence of pair-‐producKon of Dark Maoer parKcles (χ) q χ Production at Colliders q χ • Dark Maoer producKon gives missing transverse energy (MET) 4 • Photons (or jets from a gluon) can be radiated from quarks, giving “mono”photon/jet 4plus MET: ini,al-‐state radia,on (ISR) q¯ q¯ ¯ q Monophoton + MET ¯ q Monojet + MET 47 DARK MATTER AND ADD FROM MONOJETS [ATLAS-CONF-12-147, CMS EXO-12-048] • Pair-‐produced Dark MaZer or Extra Dimensions – Search for missing energy and radiated jet – Similar searches in monophoton and other channels • Monojet SelecGon for CMS (similar for ATLAS): • Backgrounds from Data-‐Driven and MC – Measure Z + jets -‐-‐> predict Z(νν) + jets – Measure W + jets -‐-‐> predict W(lν) + jets – smaller backgrounds from top, QCD, non-‐collision Events / 25 GeV – Leading jet pT > ~120 GeV – topological cuts to reduce QCD, e.g. Δϕ(j1,j2)<2.5 – veto events with isolated leptons 107 Z→ ν ν CMS Preliminary 6 10 s = 8 TeV tt t ∫ L dt = 19.5 fb -1 5 10 W →lν QCD - Z→l+l 104 ADD MD= 2 TeV, δ = 3 103 UNP dU=1.7, ΛU = 2 TeV DM Λ = 0.9 TeV, Mχ = 1 GeV Data 102 • Best limits with ETmiss > 350–400 GeV 10 1 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Emiss [GeV]48 T 49 LARGE EXTRA DIMENSIONS FROM MONOJETS [ATLAS-CONF-12-147, CMS EXO-12-048] MD (TeV/c2) Large Extra Dimensions: Arkani-‐ Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali (ADD) 8 CMS Preliminary 7 ∫L dt = 19.5 fb , -1 s=8 TeV CMS Monojet (LO) 8 TeV, 19.5 fb-1 6 ATLAS Monojet (LO) 8 TeV, 10 fb-1 CMS Monojet (LO) 7 TeV, 5 fb-1 5 LEP CDF 4 D∅ 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 δ MD (ADD) at LO 95% CL limits ATLAS Monojet CMS Monojet √s [TeV] 8 8 Lumi [“.-‐1] 10.5 19.5 δ=3 Exp. [TeV] 3.39 3.94 δ=3 Obs. [TeV] 3.16 3.96 δ=6 Exp. [TeV] 2.69 2.95 δ=6 Obs. [TeV] 2.58 2.94 50 DARK MATTER AND MONOJETS [CMS EXO-12-048] • Pair-‐producGon of DM (χ) characterized by a contact interacGon effecGve theory • Limits compared to direct-‐detecGon experiments in (decepGvely) simple plots 10-36 CMS Preliminary 10-37 10-38 CMS, s = 7 TeV, 5.1 fb-1 10-39 CMS, s = 8 TeV, 19.5 fb-1 -40 10 C -41 N o Ge 11 T 20 012 IMPLE 2 10 S 10-42 C -43 20 1 OU P P 2 S II CDM 10 10-44 N100 XENO -45 µ 10 10-46 χ-Nucleon Cross Section [cm2] χ-Nucleon Cross Section [cm2] • ATLAS & CMS generaGng comparable results (χγ µχ)(qγ q) Spin Independent, Vector Operator 1 10 Λ2 2 10 3 10 2 Mχ [GeV/c ] 10-36 10-37 12 E 20 L P M SI 12 P P 20 C OU + W W K r Supe 10-38 10-39 CMS, s = 7 TeV, 5.1 fb-1 -40 10 - + eW W b u C Ice CMS, s = 8 TeV, 19.5 fb-1 -41 10 10-42 10-43 10-44 CMS Preliminary -45 10 10-46 Spin Dependent, Axial-vector operator 1 10 102 (χγ µγ χ)(qγ µγ q) 5 5 Λ2 3 10 Mχ [GeV/c251] MONO-EVERYTHING! 4 4 q¯ • In last two years: q¯ – Hundreds of citaGons for collider DM – Hundreds of phenomenology papers ¯ – “ISR tagging” established technique for all new parGcle searches (not just DM) q ¯ q Monojet Monophoton Figure 1: Dark matter production in association Figurewith 1: Dark a single matter jet inproduction a hadron collider. in association with a single jet in a hadro 3.1. Dark matter pair production through aDark diagram matter likepair figure production 1 is one through of the leading a diagram channels like figure 1 is one of th for dark matter searches at hadron colliders for dark [3, 4]. matter The searches signal would at hadron manifest colliders itself [3, as an 4]. excess The signal would manifest / T ) events / T ) events which of jets plus missing energy (j + E of jets over plus themissing Standard energy Model (j + background, E over the consists Standard Model backgrou inv ⌫) mainly of (Z ! ⌫⌫) + j and (W ! `inv ⌫)mainly + j final of (Z states. ! ⌫⌫) In + the j and latter (Wcase ! `the charged + j final lepton states. ` isIn the latter case the / T final / T fina lost, as indicated by the superscript “inv”. lost,Experimental as indicated by studies the superscript of j + E “inv”. states Experimental have been studies of j + E performed by CDF [22], CMS [23] and ATLAS performed [24, by 25],CDF mostly [22],inCMS the context [23] andofATLAS Extra Dimensions. [24, 25], mostly in the context of Our analysis will, for the most part, be based Our analysis on the ATLAS will, forsearch the most [25]part, which belooked based for on the monoATLAS search [25] whic jets in 1 fb 1 of data, although we will also jets in compare 1 fb 1 to of the data, earlier although CMSwe analysis will also [23], compare which used to the earlier CMS analys 36 pb 1 of integrated luminosity. The 36 ATLAS pb 1 search of integrated containsluminosity. three separate The ATLAS analyses search based contains on three separate successively harder pT cuts, the major selection successively criteria harder from pT each cuts, analysis the major that selection we apply criteria in ourfrom each analysis tha analysis are given below.3 analysis are given below.3 MonoZ q¯ q q W/Z MonoW (Monolepton) g t / T > 120 GeV, / T GeV, LowPT Selection requires E LowPT one jet Selection with pTrequires (j1 ) > 120 E > 120|⌘(j GeV, one2, jet andwith events pT (j1 ) > 120 GeV, |⌘(j1 1 )| < are vetoed if they contain a second jet with are vetoed pT (j2 ) if> they 30 GeV contain and a|⌘(j second 4.5.with pT (j2 ) > 30 GeV and |⌘(j2 )| 2 )| < jet χ χ / T > 220 GeV, / TGeV, HighPT Selection requires E HighPT one jet Selection with pTrequires (j1 ) > 250 E > 220|⌘(j GeV, one 2, jet andwith events pT (j1 ) > 250 GeV, |⌘(j 1 )| < are vetoed if there is a second jet withare |⌘(jvetoed if there and with is a second either pjet 60 GeV 4.5 and with either pT 2 )| < 4.5 2 ) > |⌘(j 2 )| < or T (jwith / T ) < 0.5. Any further jets with |⌘(j /<T )4.5 (j2 , E (j22)| ,E < must 0.5. Any havefurther pT (j3 ) jets < 30with GeV. |⌘(j2 )| < 4.5 must have pT (j3 ) < ¯ q MonoW/Z (hadronic) Comparing Various Mono-Jet Analyses 3.1. Comparing Various Mono-Jet Analyses g / T > 300 /T > veryHighPT Selection requires E veryHighPT GeV, one jet Selection with prequires E GeV, 300 |⌘(j GeV, < 2,jet and with pT (j1 ) > 350 GeV 1 )| one T (j1 ) > 350 events are vetoed if there is a second jetevents with |⌘(j are2 )| vetoed < 4.5ifand there with is aeither second pT jet (j2 )with > 60|⌘(j GeV 2 )| < 4.5 and with eithe / / or (j2 , E T ) < 0.5. Any further jets with or |⌘(j (j22)| , E<T )4.5 < must 0.5. Any havefurther pT (j3 ) jets < 30with GeV. |⌘(j2 )| < 4.5 must 52 have pT (j3 t ttbar InDM MonoTop all cases events are vetoed if they contain In allany cases hard events leptons, are vetoed definediffor they electrons containasany |⌘(e)| hard < leptons, 2.47 defined for electro e 1: Dark matter production in association with a single jet in a hadron collider. MONOPHOTON DARK MATTER (CMS) [CMS EXO-12-047] • Monophoton to Dark Maoer – single photon plus significant MET – aggressive isolaGon-‐based cleanup to ensure purity – backgrounds from physics (W, Z) and halo • Strong DM limits from effecKve field theory 53 MONOLEPTON DARK MATTER (CMS) [CMS EXO-13-004] • Dark Maoer producKon with a W – W recoiling against pair-‐produced DM – vector-‐ and axial-‐vector couplings considered – interference effects parameterised by ξ (W+ diagram at right) 106 105 104 103 102 10 1 -1 10 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 µ + Emiss Mχ = 300 GeV Λ = 200 GeV Spin Independent DM ξ = +1 T -1 ∫ L dt = 20 fb W → lν s = 8 TeV t t +single top QCD DY DM ξ = -1 DM ξ = 0 Diboson data syst uncer. CMS preliminary 2012 20 fb-1 s = 8 TeV 10-30 10-31 10-32 Observed limit Expected limit Expected ± 1 σ -33 10 Expected ± 2 σ 10-34 Limit in 90 C.L. Spin Independent 10-35 electron + muon ξ = +1 10-36 CMS Preliminary 2012 20 fb-1 s = 8 TeV χ-proton σ (cm2) Events / 1 GeV CMS Preliminary χ-nucleon σ (cm2) • Limits can be quite strong (interference) CMS monojet 2012 Xenon 100 2012 COUPP 2012 SIMPLE 2012 CoGeNT 2011 CDMSII 2011 CDMSII 2010 10-38 10-40 10-42 1500 2000 2500 MT (GeV) Expected limit for ξ=+1 10-36 Observed limit for ξ=-1 Observed limit for ξ=0 Observed limit for ξ=+1 10-37 10-40 10-41 1000 Spin Independent 10-39 10-39 500 Expected limit for ξ=0 10-38 10-37 10-43 Expected limit for ξ=-1 10-35 10-41 1 10 102 103 Mχ (GeV) 1 10 102 103 Mχ (GeV) 54 MONO W/Z HADRONIC (ATLAS) • ATLAS analysis looks for a radiated hadronic W or Z (boosted topology) [ATLAS arXiv1309.4017v2] • Also sensiGve to WH and ZH, where H ➝ χ χ 55 DARK MATTER IN TOP QUARK PAIRS (CMS) [CMS B2G-13-004] • Select top quark pairs in di-‐lepton events – Exactly two leptons, two or more jets, MET > 320 – Cuts on scalar sum of leptons & jets, opening angles g χ χ • Scalar coupling, four-‐fermion contact interacKon – Limits set on scale (M✳︎), translated to limits on σ – σ > 0.09 (0.24) pb excluded for Mχ of 50 (1000) GeV t g t 56 MONOTOP DARK MATTER (CMS) • Event SelecGon – Three jets, with j2>60 GeV and j3>40, one tagged b-‐jet – Veto events with j4 > 35 GeV or e(μ) > 20(10) GeV – M(j1j2j3) < 250 GeV, MET> 350 GeV [CMS B2G-12-022] χ • Results – Excellent agreement with data – DM coupling set to 0.1 for q=u/d [arXiv:1106.199] – Exclude scalar (vector) DM masses below 327 (655) GeV χ 57 HIGGS “PORTAL” TO DARK MATTER • DM can couple to the Higgs sector; H ➝ χ χ [CMS arXiv:1404.1344, ATLAS arXiv1402.3244] – Limits on branching fracGon of Higgs to “invisible” parGcles used for limits on DM – Can be scalar, vector or fermionic couplings – Limits only up to DM mass Mχ < MH/2 • First results from ATLAS, CMS set strong bounds on Higgs couplings to DM 58 CMS EXOTICA 95% CL E LQ1, β=0.5 LQ1, β=1.0 IMITS E LQ2, β=0.5 LQ2, β=1.0 LQ3 (bν), Q=±1/3, β=0.0 LQ3 (bτ), Q=±2/3 or ±4/3, β=1.0 stop (bτ) XCLUSION L q* (qg), dijet q* (qW) q* (qZ) q* , dijet pair q* , boosted Z e*, Λ = 2 TeV μ*, Λ = 2 TeV Z’SSM (ee, µµ) Z’SSM (ττ) Z’ (tt hadronic) width=1.2% Z’ (dijet) Z’ (tt lep+jet) width=1.2% Z’SSM (ll) fbb=0.2 G (dijet) G (ttbar hadronic) G (jet+MET) k/M = 0.2 G (γγ) k/M = 0.1 G (Z(ll)Z(qq)) k/M = 0.1 W’ (lν) W’ (dijet) W’ (td) W’→ WZ(leptonic) WR’ (tb) WR, MNR=MWR/2 WKK μ = 10 TeV ρTC, πTC > 700 GeV String Resonances (qg) s8 Resonance (gg) E6 diquarks (qq) Axigluon/Coloron (qqbar) gluino, 3jet, RPV gluino, Stopped Gluino stop, HSCP stop, Stopped Gluino stau, HSCP, GMSB hyper-K, hyper-ρ=1.2 TeV neutralino, cτ<50cm 1 2 3 4 5 LeptoQuarks 0 Compositeness 0 (T V) 6 Heavy Resonances 1 b’ → tW, (3l, 2l) + b-jet q’, b’/t’ degenerate, Vtb=1 b’ → tW, l+jets B’ → bZ (100%) T’ → tZ (100%) t’ → bW (100%), l+jets t’ → bW (100%), l+l C.I. Λ , Χ analysis, Λ+ LL/RR C.I. Λ , Χ analysis, Λ- LL/RR C.I., µµ, destructve LLIM C.I., µµ, constructive LLIM C.I., single e (HnCM) C.I., single µ (HnCM) C.I., incl. jet, destructive C.I., incl. jet, constructive Sh. Rahatlou 0 1 2 3 4 Long Lived 1 2 3 4 0 6 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contact Interactions Ms, γγ, HLZ, nED = 3 Ms, γγ, HLZ, nED = 6 Ms, ll, HLZ, nED = 3 Ms, ll, HLZ, nED = 6 MD, monojet, nED = 3 MD, monojet, nED = 6 MD, mono-γ, nED = 3 MD, mono-γ, nED = 6 5 6 MBH, rotating, MD=3TeV, nED = 2 MBH, non-rot, MD=3TeV, nED = 2 MBH, boil. remn., MD=3TeV, nED = 2 MBH, stable remn., MD=3TeV, nED = 2 MBH, Quantum BH, MD=3TeV, nED = 2 5 3 4th Generation 0 0 2 5 10 15 Extra Dimensions & Black Holes 0 1 2 3 4 51 59 6 60 CONCLUSIONS • The LHC has an extremely acKve programme of “ExoKc” searches • Results presented today include highlights from: – Resonances in Z’, W’, dijets – Top, boosted jets & diboson resonances – New long-‐lived parGcles – Dark maZer & ISR tagging • More than 100 results out now... many more results available on the web: – hZps:// & B2G – hZps:// More results on the way – leaving no stone unturned! 61 62 JET SUBSTRUCTURE TECHNIQUES • Mass Drop: idenGfy subjets [arXiv:0802.2470] j2 • Filtering: recluster consGtuents of j1, j2 [arXiv:0802.2470] • Trimming: uses kt algorithm to idenGfy and cut subjets [arXiv:0912.1342] 63 JET SUBSTRUCTURE TECHNIQUES • Pruning: cut sozer or wider consGtuents during jet reconstrucGon [arXiv:0912.0033] • N-‐subješness: [arXiv:1101.2268] – Measure to what degree a jet can be considered to be composed of N-‐subjets – Force a jet algorithm to produce N subjets – The N-‐subješness characterizes how close to these jets the pT is distributed • Q-‐jets: [arXiv:1201:1914] – Instead of clustering according to dij (as in CA), cluster at each algorithm step randomly according to a probability distribuGon of P = exp(-‐αdij) – Get a probability distribuGon for the jet substructure instead of just one quanGty – Discriminator: volaGlity (~RMS) of the jet mass 64
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