2014 Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Saturday, November 29, 2014 Olmsted County Fairgrounds Breeds Selling Include: Hampshire, Columbia, Suffolk, Wether Dams, Southdown, Dorset Show starts at 9:00 a.m. – Wayne Busch, MN - Judge Sale Time: 1:00 PM Sale Managed by: Minnesota Hampshire Sheep Association Contact Information: Bob Koehler th 1712 111 St., Slayton, MN 56172 Home: 507-836-8319 Cell: 507-760-0949 Location: Horse Barn, Olmsted County Fairgrounds at the th intersection of Hwy 63 and 16 Street South in Rochester, MN Sale Phone: Questions may be directed to 507-760-0949. Phone Bids: can be arranged with consignors or by contacting Jake Herrig at 507-227-4228 or Jon Mork at 715-222-0700. Phone bids must be pre-approved by sale management. any person or persons in attendance at the sale. Health certificates will be available on all animals sold. Sale Guarantee Except for those stated in the below guarantee, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with the respect to the sheep being sold in this sale. The warranties and guarantees set forth in the below guarantee are in lieu of all warranties, either expressed or implied, and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer, or any party claiming through the buyer, for any breach of warranty or guarantee therein provided, and all other obligations or liabilities. 1. Every ewe will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return a non-breeder to the seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trial and the animal is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the privilege of replacing the ewe with one of equal value to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller, or refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply to any animals that are shown subsequent to the date of sale. 2. Animals sold as bred animals that are not in fact bred, shall be adjusted by one of the following seller’s options. a) Replace the original ewe with another bred ewe, or with an ewe with lamb at side to the satisfaction of the buyer, or b) The buyer keeps the original animal with the seller to provide a compensatory lamb to the satisfaction of the buyer, or c) The buyer keeps the original animal (with guarantee as a subsequent breeder) but the seller refunds 33.3% of the purchase price rather than a replacement lamb. Delivery Assistance: Contact us prior to the sale and we will provide assistance in locating trucking. Minimum Bids: There is a $250 minimum bid on all sheep, unless otherwise stated at auction time. Registration Certificates and Health Certificates: All entries will have health certificates. Buyers must be aware of any entry permits required by the destination state. Registration certificates will be transferred at the consignor’s expense. All sheep must have scrapie tags. Some Nearby Motels: Super 8- 1230 South Broadway (507288-8288) / Econo Lodge-1850 S. Broadway (507-282-9905) / Wyndham Gardens-1625 S. Broadway (507-281-2211) Youth Awards: (Junior Gift Certificates) MN Suffolk Sheep Association presents two $100 awards to MN youth 8-18 years old to be used towards the purchase of a registered Suffolk ewe at this sale. MN Hampshire Sheep Association presents five $200 awards to MN 4-H or FFA youth to be used towards the purchase of a registered Hampshire ewe at this sale. TERMS & CONDITIONS Terms: Cash or check with identification. Animals purchased on order must be paid within ten days of invoice. The Auctioneers decision is final on any disputed bids. All sheep are at the buyers risk as soon as sold. There will be a 20% service charge on any insufficient funds check issued. Substitute entries will be designated with a bar line below lot number. Neither sale management nor consignors assume any liability in case of accidents of any kind or losses of any kind to 3 Ownership passes at the time of sale. a) This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only, and no other parties assume any kind of liability, legal or otherwise, expressed or implied. MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE Hampshire Art Frame 16465 Paul Ave., Worthington MN 56187 507-376-4928 [email protected] 1. Yearling Ewe Frame 3615 RR TW Born: 2-19-2013 S: Koehler 1046 RR Paradigm D: Frame 9047 RR TR Service sire-Koehler 1330 RR Times Square. Very thick and correct with great breed type. Her twin was my lead yearling ewe this year. She is from my best ewe family. She is bred to Times Square who was Champion Hampshire Ram at the 2014 Clay Co. Fair in Spencer, IA. 2. February Ewe Lamb Frame 3715 RR TW Born: 2-19-14 S: Koehler 1060 RR Upscale TR D: Frame 2985 RR TW Sells Open. This is a big heavy boned ewe that should make a big yearling. 3. February Ewe Lamb Frame 4663 RR TW Born: 2-22-12014 S: Koehler 1060 RR Upscale TR D: Frame 1024 RR TW Sells open. This ewe is very correct. She was in my show flock. Upscale sires big framed sheep. Hampshire Bobendrier Boys 1351 Hwy 75, Pipestone MN 56164 507-825-2364 507-215-0334 [email protected] 4. Yearling Ewe Bobendrier Boys 13-48 RR SG Born: 4-1-13 S: Caskey 1132 “Final Edition” D: Klug HH 10-131T Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 Service Sire-Bobendrier “Rare Edition”, 13-48’s dam, Klug 10-131 has produced 5 ewes in 3 lambings. A very correct, well made ewe that is not done growing. She sells bred tp Bobendrier “Rare Edition”, third March Ram Lamb at Louisville in 2013. 5. February Ewe Lamb Bobendrier Boys 14-26 QR TW Born: 2-13-14 S: Hickman 908 D: Schultz’s 74 Service sire-Koehler 1330 RR Times Square. This is a long bodied thick ewe. We have her 2014 ewe lamb in our keeper pen. She is bred to Times Square who was Champion Hampshire Ram at the 2014 Clay Co. Fair in Spencer, IA. Hampshire Boyer Hampshires Barb & Ken Boyer 5300 Highway 63 South, Rochester MN 55904 507-282-3776 [email protected] 8. Sells Open. A very flashy ewe lamb purchased in dam at the 2013 MN Bred Ewe Sale. Twin sister was Champion Ewe at the 2014 Minnesota State Hamp Show in Fairmont. Lots of show potential for 2015! Exposed to Boyer 1413. This is an excellent ewe lamb. Sired by an outcross ram of Bakken/Quam/Bobendrier breeding. Her dam, 618 will soon be nine years old and is still in our flock because she continues to produce lambs like this. We already have three daughters of 618 in our flock including 918, the dam of 1311, our current stud ram and class winner at the 2013 State Hampshire Show. Sells exposed to Boyer 1413, our best ram lamb. Hampshire Bobendrier Hampshires 1607 90th Ave., Pipestone MN 56164 507-825-4072 [email protected] www.bobendrierhampshires.com/ 6. Information Sale Day Born: S: D: We have a number of females to pick from-just haven’t decided which one yet! We’ll bring a major league prospect! Hampshire Robert G. Koehler & Family 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-836-8319 507-760-0949 [email protected] 7. Brood Ewe Koehler 1216 RR TW Born: 2-15-12 S: Koehler 1149 RR Buford D: Koehler 0870 TW February Ewe Lamb Boyer 1414 QR SG Born: 2-15-14 S: Bakken 1307 RRNN D: Boyer 618 TW Hampshire Bruce Bakken & Family 29557 St. HWY 13, Hartland MN 56042 507-845-2113 [email protected] 9. Yearling Ewe Bakken 1304 RRNN SG Born: 1-16-13 S: Bobendier 11-154 NNP RR TW D: Boese 6 TW Service Sire-Quam 11163 RRNN, 1st place slick shorn yearling ewe at the 2014 MN State Hampshire Show (Martin County). She is stout and correct. Marked Sept. 7, 2014. Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected] MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE Hampshire Christensen Family Hampshires 15661 250th Ave, Tyler, MN 56178 507-828-9162 [email protected] 10. January Ewe Lamb Christensen CF 1402 QR QD Born: 1-3-14 S: Merrill 9184 D: Bobendrier 1090 Sells open. This ewe has nice Hamp characteristics. My son showed her this year at the county fair and at the state show in Fairmont. She would make a nice yearling ewe project for next year. 11. Yearling Ewe Christensen CF 1320 QR TW Born: 1-12-13 S: Merrill 9184 D: Bobendrier 1090 Service sire- Koehler 1256 RR Equinox. This ewe did well for us this year. She took third place at the MN State Fair 4-H Show and received a purple. She marked 8-30-14 to Koehler 1256 RR Equinox. 12. Yearling Ewe Christensen CF 1323 RR TW Born: 1-11-13 S: Merrill 9184 D: Bobendrier 0835 Service sire- Koehler 1256 RR Equinox. This is an all around good ewe. Her mother was one of our better show ewes. Twin brother won January ram lamb at Fairmont in 2013. She marked 9-1-14 to Koehler 1256 RR Equinox. Hampshire Rod Eggink 8291 185th Ave. S.E., Becker, MN 55308 763-234-7419 [email protected] 13. March Ewe Lamb Eggink 1410 TW Born: 3-1-14 S: Caskey 3604 D: Eggink 902 This is our best March lamb. Sending a really good one as this is our first consignment to this sale. Hampshire Reid Merrill 2163 250 St, Canby MN 56220 507-223-7121 Sells open. This was our February show ewe. She is big, long, and pretty. Will keep her twin sister. 15. February Ewe Lamb Merrill 4067 TR Born: 2-20-14 S: Frame “Work of Art” D: Merrill 9051 Sells open-I hesitate to sell this correct wooly ewe but we are keeping her 2 sisters. “Work of Art” sired the top selling ewe lamb at last year’s sale going to Morks. She made a great show ewe for them. Born and raised a triplet. Sells open. This was our slick sheared show ewe. Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 17. Yearling Ewe Knox 13-20 RR TW Born: 3-25-13 S: Knox 12-16 D: Knox 11-15 Bred to Mork Greenway Y6 ET. These first 2 ewes were raised by Ellen Lindquist and were bottle lambs. 13-20 was Grand Champion female at the St. Croix County Fair as was her dam two years ago. 18. Yearling Ewe Knox 13-06 RR SG Born: 3-9-13 S: Knox 12-24 TW D: Knox 9-18 14. February Ewe Lamb Merrill 4058 TW Born: 2-19-14 S: Barnes 2-10 D: Merrill 9131 16. February Ewe Lamb Merrill 4039 TR Born: 2-12-14 S: Barnes 2-10 D: Merrill 9375 Hampshire Green Hill Farm Tom Knox 3234 140th Ave, Glenwood City WI 54013 715-265-4004 [email protected] Bred to Mork Greenway Y6 ET. Started out as a bottle lamb but really came on. These 4 ewes were marked bred by an ET son of Held 29-10 19. Yearling Ewe Knox 13-4 RR TW Born: 3-9-13 S: Knox 12-24 TW D: Knox 10-35 Bred to Mork Greenway Y6 ET. These 4 ewes all go back to Mork’s “Shocker” that was Champion at Louisville on the top side and back to a “Power Bilt”/Deakin 01-776 on the bottom. 20. Yearling Ewe Knox 13-18 RR TW Born: 3-18-13 S: Knox 12-24 TW D: Knox 9-28 RR TW Bred to Mork Greenway Y6 ET. Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected] MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE Hampshire Greenway Farms Jon & Laird Mork W 6402 690th Ave, Beldenville WI 54003 715-222-0700 (Jon) 320-679-3491 (Laird) [email protected] 21. Yearling Ewe Mork Greenway 20 RR TR Born: 3-2-13 S: Mork Greenway 1111 SG D: Wester 51 SG Bred to Hickman 1077 RR “Nick’s Pick”. Should not sell this one! Stood in the top ½ at the MN State Fair Yrl Ewe Class. And she had just broke in her yearling teeth! Very complete and big!! Bred to Hickman 1077, a Max son. He was a popular 3rd place Jan. Ram Lamb at the MN State Fair. 22. February Ewe Lamb Knox 14-13 RR TW Born: 2-13-14 S: Knox 12-24 TW D: Knox 10-35 This Feb. ewe lamb is going to be big. What a pedigree! S.O.L./Shocker/Boomerang/High Definition/Midwest Skipper/Deakin 01-776/Shockwave/Power Built…what a list of studs!! Hampshire Herrig Family Hampshires David & Jake Herrig 677 State Hwy 267, Slayton MN 56172 Dave: 507-220-1360 Jake: 507-227-4228 [email protected] www.herrigsheep.com 23. Brood Ewe Herrig 635 RRNN SG Born: 1-5-09 S: Quam 3007 D: Herrig 0482 Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 Bred to Herrig 0962 RRNN. This ewe has been a great producer for us. She has produced 2 ewes we put into the flock and we have sold a fall ram in Sedalia out of her. She is bred to Herrig 0962 who is a son of Herrig “Turbo” who was Champion Ram at the 2013 Ohio Sale where he was high selling ram. 24. Brood Ewe Herrig 726 QRNN SG Born: 1-26-10 S: Frame 5046 D: Herrig 0369 Bred to Herrig 0962 RRNN. This ewe has been a great producer that has produced many sale lambs. She is a Frame 5046 daughter. She is bred to Herrig 0962 who is a son of Herrig “Turbo” who was Champion ram at the 2013 Ohio Sale where he was high selling ram. Hampshire Gene & Marci Sanford 12529 Canby Ave., Faribault, MN 55021 507-645-4989 [email protected] Hampshire Highland Hampshires Gary T. Klug P.O. Box 383, Harlan, IA 51537 712-202-4461 [email protected] 27. March Ewe Lamb Klug HH 14-165T NNP RR TW Born: 3-13-14 S: Klug HH 13-120P D: Klug HH 12-152T NNP Snappy eye catching lamb. Good visual lines, excellent wool and breed characteristics and good bone. 28. March Ewe Lamb Klug HH 14-168T NNP RR TR Born: 3-17-14 S: Klug HH 13-125P Parks D: Klug HH 12-55T Exposed. She lives large! Alert, vigorous, assertive…Triplet raised by a 2 yr old. Will get big with a zest for life. Suffolk Marlin Subra W15142 Cty Rd P, Taylor WI 54659 715-662-3003 [email protected] 25. Yearling Ewe Sanford M337 RR SG Born: 3-5-13 S: Sanford M128 D: Sanford M804 Service Sire-Bobendrier. Sire was Res. Champion Ram at the 2011 MN State Hamp Show. Sells bred to our new Bobendrier ram, a fall ram sired by the Klug ram. 26. February Ewe Lamb Sanford M414 RR TW Born: 2-5-14 S: Sanford M128 D: Sanford M158 Sells open. Classy sharp lamb. Will make an excellent show ewe for 2015. 29. February Ewe Lamb Subra 14614 RR SG Born: 2-12-14 S: “Corvallis” Baglien 12682 D: Subra 2514B Exposed to Kimm 3082-12109 RR. “Corvallis” is a massive Oregon bred ram backed by Tom Slack genetics. Sells exposed to Kimm 3082-12109 RR, our MacCauley 2010 son. 30. March Ewe Lamb Subra 14855B RR TW Born: 3-10-14 S: “Corvallis” Baglien 12682 D: Subra 1845 Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected] MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE Exposed to Kimm 3082-12109 RR. A wide topped rugged ewe lamb. Our flock is based on production oriented sheep with bone, body, and muscle. Suffolk Randy Dombek 2422 290th St, Ivanhoe MN 56142-4029 507-694-5938 [email protected] 31. February Ewe Lamb DF 2769 RR TW Born: 2-3-14 S: WHS 3-07 “Wolfman” D: DF 2284 RR Exposed to Dombek Family 2724 RR. Sells exposed to our State Champion ram. 32. February Ewe Lamb DF 2798 TW Born: 2-11-14 S: WHS 3-07 “Wolfman” D: DF 2547 Exposed to Dombek Family 2724 RR. Dam is out Benda 11223, a “Karma” son. Exposed to our State Champion ram. Suffolk Zehnder & Zehnder 1883 200th St, Truman MN 56088 Tom-507-381-1754 Steve-507-776-2423 33. Yearling Ewe Zehnder 355 RRNN TW Born: 3-1-13 S: “24-7” Oak Hill D: Zehnder 943 RRNN Bred to Lucky Lindy Corson 146757. Bred to Lucky Lindy, our new Corson stud buck who was 2nd Jan. at Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Lindy is Ruby Mountain-Double Lucky, Mr. Lucky, Lucky 13 breeding. 24-7 sired the Res. Gr. Ch. Ram at MWSRS selling to Renn Vue Farms of Michigan. Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 Dorset Arndt Acres Ronald Arndt 11775 Co Rd 50, Norwood MN 55368 952-466-5876 34. February Ewe Lamb Zehnder 418 RRNN TW Born: 2-2-14 S: “24-7” Oak Hill D: Zehnder 919 RRNN Open. 24-7 sired the Res. Grand Champion ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Retaining 418’s twin sister in our flock. 35. February Ewe Lamb Zehnder 422 RRNN TR Born: 2-2-14 S: “24-7” Oak Hill D: Zehnder 943 RRNN 24-7 sired the Res. Grand Champion Ram and 1st place fall ewe at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We are retaining 422’s triplet sisters in our flock. 38. Yearling Ewe Arndt Acres 13-008 RR SG Born: 1-26-13 S: Arndt Acres 11-083 D: Arndt Acres 11-058 Bred to Riverwood Farms 6015. Arndt Acres 13-008 goes back to Penn State 4223 on both the top and bottom side. He was champ ram at Sedalia in 2005. She also goes back to Riverwood Farms 3861 on both sides. She was Res. Champ Ewe in Sedalia in 2005. The service sire is out of “Premium Pickle”. He was a ram we picked up at Riverwood’s dispersal last year. 39. Fall Ewe Lamb Arndt Acres 13-044 RR SG Born: 10-2-13 S: Arndt Acres 11-083 D: Arndt Acres 734 36. March ewe Lamb Zehnder 455 RRNN TW Born: 3-23-14 S: “24-7” Oak Hill D: Zehnder 860 RRNN 24-7 sired the Res. Grand Champion Ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale selling to Renn Vue Farms of Michigan and 1st place fall ewe selling to Katherine Horner of N.J.. Suffolk Robert Subra & Family 51340 170th St., Austin, MN 55912 507-437-1323 or (cell) 507-440-2946 [email protected] Sells open. Arndt Acres 13-044 was a fall ewe we showed at several county fairs and the state fair. Sanford D789 has been our top stud ram for the last couple of years. He goes back to “Blueprint”. Her dam goes back to Penn State 4223 & a Dew Drop Farms ram we used several years ago. 40. January Ewe Lamb Arndt Acres 14-004 RR SG Born: 1-30-14 S: Arndt Acres 11-109 D: Arndt Acres 12-014 37. Brood Ewe R. Subra 12-51 TW Born: 2-16-12 S: Schoelerman 1006 D: Hoskins 8072 Bred to Hawkins 1389. Ram turned out with this ewe Aug. 1, 2014. Sells Open. Arndt Acres 11-109 is one of our newer stud rams. We showed him as a lamb and yearling to great success. He goes back to Sanford D789 and Penn State 4223. Her dam has Penn State 4223 once in her bloodline & Riverwood Farms 3861 twice. Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected] MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE Dorset Fruechte Family Dosets 2344 30th Ave., Ward, SD 57026 605-690-3309 [email protected] 41. February Ewe Lamb Fruechte Dorset 535 TW QR+ Born: 2-7-14 S: Sugar Loaf 48P D: Fruechte 460 Sells Open. Here’s your show yearling ewe for 2015. An extremely attractive feminine lamb who’s dam was our slick sheared yearling ewe in our show flock last year. 42. Brood Ewe Fruechte 322 QR SG Born: 2-9-09 S: Schafner 7F-101 D: McCrumb 7134 Bred to Sugarloaf 48P. Here’s a goldie! Very interesting pedigree, grand daughter to “Commotion”. This girl won her class as a ewe lamb at SD State Fair, and is bred to the Res. Champion ram from the 2013 SD State Fair. C. Dorset Gene & Marci Sanford 12529 Canby Ave., Faribault, MN 55021 507-645-4989 [email protected] 43. Fall Ewe Lamb Sanford E125 RR TW Born: 11-2-13 S: Dynasty D: Sanford 0448 Sells exposed to Sanford E049, Supreme Champion Ram 2014 Rice Co. Fair which included the MN State Suffolk Show. The sire, Dynasty, sired 3 class winners at 2014 MN State Fair for us. Columbia Leland Thiesen & Sons 39737 US Highway71, Windom MN 56101 507-831-4906 www.thiesencolumbias.homestead.com 44. Yearling Ewe Thiesen 524 RR TR Born: 2-5-13 S: A&K 9530 D: Thiesen 366 Bred to Thiesen 1409. This ewe lambed as a ewe lamb in April 2014. Sells bred to our top February ram lamb. A top notch triplet RR yearling for your flock. 45. Yearling Ewe Thiesen 523 RR TW Born: 2-20-13 S: A&K 9530 D: Key 2067 46. February Ewe Lamb Thiesen 1408 RR TW Born: 2-4-14 S: Jarvis R78 D: Thiesen 480 Columbia Oak Meadow Sheep, Bruce Nickel 30799 CSAH 34, Litchfield, MN 55355 320-693-2428 [email protected] 48. Brood Ewe Oak Meadow 701 SG Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 D. Columbia Doug Pamp & Family 1237 290th Ave., Garvin, MN 56132 507-626-0301 [email protected] 49. Yearling Ewe Pamp 3035 TW Born: 2-5-13 S: Key 1332 QR D: Pamp 0075 50. Yearling Ewe Pamp 3055 TW Born: 1-22-13 S: Key 1969 D: Pamp 0014 Service Sire-Bauck 4-13. Excellent fleece, marked for February lamb. Sells Open. An Excellent yearling ewe prospect from our 2014 show flock. Bred to Thiesen 585 Bred to Thiesen 585 Service Sire-Bauck 4-13. Strong, typey ewe that we showed as a lamb. Marked for late Jan. or early February. Service sire-Travaille. Very good twin RR Yearling ewe. Bred to lamb in late February. 47. Brood Ewe Oak Meadow 763 SG Born: 3-7-12 S: Crider 341 D: Oak Meadow 6 OR Born: 1-31-11 S: Key Mt 1198 D: Oak Meadow 267 Southdown Adam Bierstedt 605 14th St. S. W., Pipestone, MN 56164 507-215-3177 [email protected] 51. February Ewe Lamb Bierstedt 14-06 RR SG Born: 2-18-14 S: Bruns 1009 D: Parmely Family 0018 Exposed to Bierstedt 14-01. This ewe lamb is exposed to the Grand Champion Ram at the 2014 MN State Fair FFA Show. Her sire is one of the thickest and deepest rams I’ve seen. She is as good structured as they come. She marked for an early February lamb. Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected] MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE Southdown Herrig Family Southdowns, David & Jake Herrig 677 State Hwy 267, Slayton MN 56172 Dave: 507-220-1360 Jake: 507-227-4228 [email protected] www.herrigsheep.com 52. March Ewe Lamb Herrig 2104 QRNN EDF Born: 3-1-14 S: Pleasant Springs 5886 Night Train D: Herrig 2018 This is a nice show prospect for next year. She is a maternal sister to our lead yrl this year that was Reserve Champion Yrl Ewe at the MN State Fair 4-H Show. She is sired by Night Train who also sired the 2011 National Champion Ewe at NAILE. 53. March Ewe Lamb Herrig 2108 RRNN EDF Born: 3-6-14 S: Pleasant Springs 5886 Night Train D: Herrig 2027 This is a nice show prospect for next year. This lambs mother is out of a Circle J ram and goes back to Mother Hen on the dam’s side. Wether Dam Donald M. Drewry 3105 250 St. E., Farmington, MN 55024 651-210-2494 [email protected] 54. January Ewe Lamb 14864 RRNN SG Born: 1-3-14 S: Dagger D: Drewry 12575 Exposed to Cyclone. Her dam is a Buckwheat daughter. She’s the last dagger ewe we’ll raise. Dagger is a Swagger son from MacLennan. Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 Wether Dam Pat Foster 2153 76th St. SW, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218-820-6001 [email protected] 55. Yearling Ewe 13838 RRNN TW Born: 1-13-13 S: Dagger D: Drewry 10363 Bred to Hellfire on 8-29-14. Hellfire is our biggest hipped ram, and he’s our biggest racked ram. We bred him to “pretty ewes” and 13838 is just that. 56. Brood Ewe 12205 RRNN TW Born: 1-10-12 S: Stryker D: Ellerbrock 7870 Bred to Cyclone. Stylish Stryker daughter. Stryker daughters are the core of our flock. We’re retaining her full sister. Cyclone is a big hipped moderate framed ram. Wether Dam RCM Show Cattle & Sheep, Randy Sabotta 8765 48th St. N.E., Eyota, MN 55934 507-273-8855 [email protected] 59. Brood Ewe Foster 0056 TW Born: 2-28-12 S: U of W 10015 D: Otteson 72481 Bred to Mork Greenway 44 “Mark”. Dam was Grand Champion at NE Livestock Show market lamb class in 2008 and has produced quality market lambs for us to last year. We have kept her ewes for commercial use, they have nice rib and level hip. #44 has thrown nice stretchy level hipped lambs that gain well and look nice in the show ring. We purchased #44 last year when we bought Mark Wester’s flock. Good quality and happy with the results. Thanks Mark. 60. Brood Ewe Foster 0022 TW Born: 2-12-11 S: U of W 10015 D: Willow Pine II 11 57. January Ewe Lamb AWTR 3184 QR+ TW Born: 1-10-14 S: Pimp Juice D: AWTR-DEMAG Selling open. A purchased ewe lamb from AWTR. Sire is Pimp Juice out of a ewe from AWTR and DEMAG. Was shown this summer and went to the MN State Fair. 58. February Ewe Lamb Samuelson MN26354 QR+ TW Born: 2-15-14 S: Border Patrol son D: McIlrath Exposed to a Border patrol son. Purchased from Bob Samuelson. Was Res. Ch. ewe lamb at Olmstedt County Fair. Please call for more information. Exposed from Aug. 15 to Oct. 15. Bred to Mork Greenway 44 “Mark. Big broody ewe that has given us nice ram lambs the last 2 years. This year we kept one to use on a few ewes for market lambs and he is also for sale. He is sired by #44 also. So we bred her back the same way. 61. Brood Ewe Foster 0054 SG Born: 2-23-12 S: U of W 10015 D: Held 09-2105 NNP RR Bred to Mork Greenway 44 “Mark. Correct ewe that we feel this year bred to #44 will give nice, sound, correct, and solid lambs. They will be good in the show ring and in your flock. Can be registered. Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected] MINNESOTA BRED EWE SALE 62. Brood Ewe Foster 0105 TW Born: 2-18-10 S: Willow Pine II 8008 D: Wester 40 Bred to Mork Greenway 44 “Mark”. Correct ewe with great genetics throughout and to put #44 on top makes things that much better. He produces long solid level hipped lambs that hit the ground running. #0105 has produced lambs that gain fast and look good too. Her momma was one of our starter ewes that continues to throw great lambs. #40 placed top in her class at the NE Livestock Show as a lamb and as a yearling after we purchased her. So hard working and good looks are in these genes. Wether Dam Kinsley Show Lambs Eric Kinsley 1424 County 9 Blvd, Dennison, MN 55018 612-432-1203 [email protected] 63. February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Born: 2-2014 S: Diamond Eyes son D: Exposed to Scarface. The first crop of ewe lambs out of our Diamond Eyes son was so ridiculously deep that I kept 20 and sold another dozen for a $971 average. I’ll be consigning one of my keepers on this lot which means someone gets a chance to steal one based on how we usually sell here. She sells exposed to Scarface, a product of our AI program and a son of TDub (Trunk x Wooly Mammoth), who’s offspring have hung 40 banners the last 3 years across the country. Minnesota Bred Ewe Sale Rochester, MN November 29, 2014 D: Kinsley 034 (Burch 1205 Daughter) 64. March Ewe Lamb Kinsley 482 TW QR or RR Born: 3-6-14 S: Kinsley 326 (Trigger son x Wizard) D: Kinsley 291 (Border Patrol x Legacy-from Brian Johnson) Exposed to Diamond Eyes son. One thing was obvious after lambing the first set of lambs out of our Diamond Eyes son, he fires every time on our Johnson bloodline. This genetic combination netted us 7 outstanding keeper females and produced the Reserve Wether Dam at the MN State Fair and Grand Overall Ewe lamb at Rice Co. and Reserve Market Lamb at Rice Co. Sells exposed to Diamond Ewes son, expect big things and bid with confidence. Service sire- Diamond Eyes son. This ewe is a bit on the small side but this summer yearling is out of one of our most proven matings. I sold a full sister off the farm in 2012 for $800 and another in 2013 for $1100 on the MN Best Sale. She sells bred to the Diamond Eyes son and is ultrasounded with 1 for January 25. 67. Information Sale Day Born: S: D: 65. Brood Ewe Kinsley 032 TW QR or RR Born: 2010 S: Wizard D: 615- Ultra’s Image daughter Service sire- Scarface. The Wizard ewes are highly productive females. They’re easy fleshing, great milking ewes with outstanding maternal ability and they raise marketable sheep every year. Kinsley 032 has raised the Grand Hampshire at the Tulsa County Fair in OK and one of our high selling wethers on the Best U Can Get Sale in KS in 2013. She sells bred to Scarface and is ultrasounded with twins for Jan 21st lambs. 66. Yearling Ewe Kinsley 388 TW QR or RR Born: 2013 S: Border Patrol (Kid Rock son) Contact information: 1712 111th St., Slayton, MN 56172 507-760-0949, [email protected]
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