Datasheet AE IMC PMU

AE IMC pmu
Tasks required by law
Professional project support
Power limitation according
to the directive
The rules and regulations on renewab-
with our AE SiteLinkmonitoring por-
le energy are constantly being updated
tal, you can also display the total po-
in Germany and many other countries.
wer output and total energy in graph
The current version of Germany’s Rene-
format. The scope of supply of the
wable Energy Act requires all PV systems
AE IMC pmu can also be extended accor-
brought into operation since 31st of De-
ding to your preferences, by connecting
cember 2011 to take part in feed-in and
additional sensors for example.
network safety management. Comparable rules also apply in other countries.
The issue of feed-in and network safety
management is therefore gaining importance in more and more PV markets. One
important measure is that the network
operator can influence the power of a
plant by remote control. An exception to
this feature are PV plants with a maximum
power of up to 30 kW, which can limit the
feed-in supply to 70 % of the module output. The power management unit – AE
IMC pmu for short – can offer you and
your network operator control and regulation-functions as required under the
Renewable Energy Act, like power limitation and reactive power of all connected
AE 3TL 8–46 kW inverters. In conjunction
AE IMC pmu
Art. no.
Grid code for inverter
Complies with all German low and medium voltage grid regulations
(BDEW, VDE-AR-N 4105, EEG 2012)
Max. supply power, W
Supply voltage
AC 115 … 230 V / 50 … 60 Hz (external AC adaptor)
Via LED (On, Operating, Error, Switching Status
Operating notification
for power reduction)
4 digital combined inputs (stepping 0 %, 30%, 60%, 100%, optionally reprogrammable
Specification of power reduction
or binary function, resulting in 16 possible programmable switching statuses)
From external via analog interfaces or alternatively via
Specification of reactive power
programmable characteristic curve
Ethernet connection for connecting with modem,
Integrated interfaces
2 x RS485 (galvanically isolated), USB (service interface),
RS485: 2 x 31 inverters, i.e. max. 62 inverters,
Max. controllable inverters
Total length per branch: max 1000 m
For confirmation of the system operator’s lost earnings
all signals for power limitation and reactive power are logged
Communication via Ethernet connection with AE SiteLink Evaluation possibilities
Communication with AE SiteLink portal
for all internal data loggers of the connected inverters via AE SiteLink, therefore no
additional connection, e.g. via Ethernet, is necessary
Wall mounting; top hat rail installation (optional)
Up to 300 m
AE WirelessConnect
Up to 300 m
AE WirelessConnect
System data
Power reduction
AE StringCombiner
AE WirelessConnect
AE SiteLink
CAN bus
System data
Power reduction
Subject to modification. Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
REFUsol GmbH | Uracher Straße 91 | 72555 Metzingen | Germany | Tel. +49 7123 969-0 | Fax +49 7123 969-165 | [email protected]
DSL router/GSM modem