Anna J. Lehner [email protected] Post-Doctoral Researcher Materials Research Laboratory University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5121 updated December 2014 Currently since February 2014 As a Post-Doctoral fellow at UCSB I work on the synthesis, experimental characterization and computational modelling of functional materials. In collaboration with Prof. R. Seshadri, Prof. F. Wudl, Prof. M. L. Chabinyc, and Prof. G. D. Stucky I focus on materials for lithium and sodium conversion type batteries as well as on main-group metal halide perovskite photovoltaics. Research vision Working towards environmentally friendly and sustainable energy conversion and storage through the synthesis and characterization of new materials for electrochemical energy storage and photovoltaic applications. Deriving a fundamental understanding of structureproperty relationships and reaction mechanisms of functional materials. Education 2010 – 2013 Doctorate in Chemistry, Universit¨ at Freiburg, Germany, Thesis: Thiooxometallate – Strukturchemie, spektroskopische Eigenschaften und chemische Bindung (summa cum laude), Adviser: Prof. Dr. C. R¨ ohr 2004 – 2009 Diploma in Chemistry, Universit¨ at Freiburg Thesis: Beitr¨ age zur Chemie von Perhalomethylkationen und neuen Oxidationsmitteln (grade 1.0), Adviser: Prof. Dr. I. Krossing Awards and Recognition 2014 – present 2013 2012 – 2013 2010 – 2012 2010 2010 2010 2007 – 2009 2007 2004 – 2009 Post-Doctoral scholarship of the Swiss National Fonds, SNF Post-Doctoral scholarship of the DAAD (declined to accept SNF) Promotionsabschlussstipendium, LGFG Baden-W¨ urttemberg Ph.D. scholarship of the Fonds der chemischen Industrie Steinhofer award for course achievement, Universit¨ at Freiburg Ph.D. scholarship LGFG Baden-W¨ urttemberg Alumni award for course achievement, Universit¨ at Freiburg Book money bursary, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes Faculty award for undergraduate achievement, Universit¨ at Freiburg Scholarship of the Bayerische Begabtenf¨ orderung 1/3 Skills Inorganic synthesis at high temperatures, air-free techniques, gas reactions, hydro/solvothermal methods, transport reactions, ampoule sealing, microwave reactions, electrochemical cell and PV device fabrication, clean-room experience Characterization: Crystal structure determination by X-ray diffraction (single crystals or powders including Rietveld refinement), crystallography, NMR, IR/Raman, and UVVis spectroscopy, UPS/XPS, electron microscopy, thermoanalytical measurements, techniques of electrochemical and opto-electronic device characterization Quantum chemical calculations of the electronic structure and properties of molecules and periodic solids (programs Turbomole, Gaussian, Wien2k, VASP) Teaching and Mentoring Supervised Inorganic Chemistry advanced lab courses. Designed quizzes, graded lab reports, and instructed students during doctorate. Mentored researchers during a Teaching Degree, B.Sc, Diploma thesis and during a summer internship Taught Inorganic and Physical Chemistry courses for three semesters at Freiburg, filled in for Prof. R. Seshadri for graduate class on Inorganic materials at UCSB. Professional affiliations Member of the German Crystallographic Society Member of the European Crystallographic Association (Secretary of GIG1, Young Crystallographers) Publications 10. J. Brgoch, A. J. Lehner, M. Chabinyc, R. Seshadri: Ab-initio calculatins of band gaps and absolute band positions of polymorphs of RbPbI3 and CsPbI3 : Implications for maingroup halide perovskite photovoltaics. J. Phys. Chem. C (2014) 118, 27721–27727. doi 9. A. J. Lehner, C. R¨ ohr: Potassium Double Salts with the Mixed Trisulfidometalate Ions [MoOS3 ]2− and [WOS3 ]2− . Z. Naturforsch. (2013) 68b, 761–777. doi 8. A. J. Lehner, L. V. Schindler, C. R¨ ohr: Crystal Structures of the Alkali Thiosulfates 1 A2 S2 O3 · nH2 O (A/n = K/0, K/ 3 , Rb/1). Z. Naturforsch. (2013) 68b, 323–337. doi 7. M. Daub, A. J. Lehner, H. H¨ oppe: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Optical Properties of Na2 RE (PO4 )(WO4 ) (RE = Y, Tb-Lu). Dalton Trans. (2012) 42, 12121–12128. doi 6. A. J. Lehner, M. Braitsch, C. R¨ ohr: Hydrates of the Alkali Trioxidomonosulfidomolybdates and -tungstates: K2 [(Mo/W)O3 S] · 1.5 H2 O and (Rb/Cs)2 [(Mo/W)O3 S] · H2 O. Z. Kristallogr. (2012) 227, 557–568. doi 5. A. J. Lehner, K. Kraut, C. R¨ ohr: Gemischte Alkalimetall-Oxidosulfidomolybdate A2 [MoOx S4−x ] (x = 1, 2, 3; A = K, Rb, Cs, NH4 ). Synthesen, Kristallstrukturen und Eigenschaften. Z. Naturforsch. (2012) 67b, 127–148. 4. T. K¨ ochner, N. Trapp, T. A. Engesser, A. J. Lehner, C. R¨ ohr, S. Riedel, C. Knapp, H. Scherer, I. Krossing: In-Between Complex and Cluster: A 14-Vertex Cage in [Ag2 Se12 ]2+ . Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2011) 50, 11253–11256. doi 2/3 3. + A. J. Lehner, N. Trapp, H. Scherer, I. Krossing: CCl+ 3 and CBr3 salts with the F − F F − F [Al(OR )4 ] and [( RO)3 Al-F-Al(OR )3 ] anions (R = C(CF3 )3 ). Dalton Trans. (2011) 40, 1448–1452. doi 2. T. K¨ ochner, S. Riedel, A. J. Lehner, H. Scherer, I. Raabe, T. A. Engesser, F. W. Scholz, U. Gellrich, P. Eiden, R. A. Paz Schmidt, D. A. Plattner, I. Krossing: The Reaction of F − + White Phosphorus with NO+ /NO+ 2 [Al(OR )4 ] : The [P4 NO] Cluster Formed by an Unexpected Nitrosonium Insertion. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2010) 49, 8319–8143. doi 1. M. Schroeder, T. Schl¨ oder, A. J. Lehner, H. Hillebrecht: Synthesis, Structure, Bonding, and Properties of Sc3 Al3 O5 C2 and ScAl2 ONC; Unique Compounds with Ordered Distribution of Anions and Cations, Inorg. Chem. (2010) 49, 3130–3140. doi Oral presentations 4. 3. 2. 1. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (2014): First-principles studies of 6s2 6p0 perovskites of relevance to hybrid photovoltaics. Seminar on Solid-State Chemistry, Hirschegg, Austria (2012): Gemischte Oxidosulfidometallate: Variationen von chemischer Formel, Strukturchemie und Farbigkeit in Experiment und Theorie. NASSCC conference, Hamilton, Canada (2011): Mixed Thiooxotungstates and molybdates A2 [(Mo/W)Sx O4−x ] (x = 1-3; A = K, Rb, Cs, NH4 ): Synthesis, Structural Chemistry and Properties. Seminar on Solid-State Chemistry, Hirschegg, Austria (2010): Thiooxomolybdate ... wie zerbrochene Fl¨ ugel von Lytta vesicatoria. Selected poster presentations 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 21. DGK conference, Freiberg, Germany: A. J. Lehner, L. V. Schindler, C. R¨ ohr: The crystal structure of the potassiumtrisulphidometallate double salts K3 [M OS3 ]Y (M = Mo, W; Y = Cl, SH) and K6 [WOS3 ]2 (S2 O3 ) and the crystal structure of K2 (S2 O3 ). Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. (2013) 33. 27. ECM conference, Bergen, Norway: A. J. Lehner, C. R¨ ohr: Crystal chemistry and electronic structures of thiooxo metallates. Acta Crystallogr. A (2012) S205. 4. SPSSM conference, Bordeaux, France: A. J. Lehner, C. R¨ ohr: Thiooxo Metallates: A model system for crystal chemistry and UV/VIS spectra relations. (2012) 12. DGK conference, M¨ unchen, Germany: A. J. Lehner, C. R¨ ohr: A new thiooxorhenate (Et4 N)2 [(ReO(S4 ))2 (S2 )(S)] and the reinvestigation of the crystal structure of (Et4 N)[ReS4 ]. Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. (2012) 32, 93. Joint Meeting of the DGK and DMG, Salzburg, Austria: A. J. Lehner, M. Braitsch, C. R¨ ohr: Gemischte Thiooxowolframate A2 [WOx S4−x ]. Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. (2011) 31. 3/3
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