Copy No._______ TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROVISIONING OF BARBER SERVICES TO SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR, CHHATTISGARH TENDER NO. SSAP/EST/TENDER/1034/BARB SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR CHHATTISGARH Tel: 07774-232999, e-mail: [email protected]; website: NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) 1. Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh invites sealed bids, under TECHNOCOMMERCIAL BID SYSTEM (Two Bid System), from bidders for Provisioning of Barber Services to Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. 2. Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information/Tender document either from Office of Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh or can download the Tender Document from school website - 3. The Bid Schedule is as under : (a) Sales of Documents : During Office Hours from 25 July 2014 (b) Submission of Bids : Till 1300 hours on 16 Aug 2014 (c) Opening of Technical Bids : At 1630 hours on 16 Aug 2014 4. The Tender Document has to be submitted in two separate envelopes as detailed below : (a) TECHNICA L BID First envelope should be super scribed as ''TECHNICAL BID''. The BID document alongwith all the enclosures arranged in order and the Technical Bid Undertaking duly signed and stamped and kept inside the Envelope. (b) PRICE BID Second envelope should be super scribed as 'PRICE BID' (c) All the two envelopes should be kept in one envelop super scribing as “Supply of Barber Services” 5. Tender Document can be purchased on payment of ` 500/- (Rupees Five hundred Only) from school office. In case of downloaded documents, the cost of the Tender Document should be enclosed alongwith the Technical Bid in the form of DD payable to The “Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh”. 6. The last date for submission of the Tender Document shall be 16 Aug 2014 latest by 1300 hours. 7. All further amendments/corrigendum in Tender Document or Bid Schedule, if any, shall be notified on our website only. 8. The Tender Document should be addressed to :THE PRINCIPAL SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR AMBIKAPUR – 497001 CHHATTISGARH 9. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). The tender should be accompanied by EMD in the form of Demand Draft from any scheduled bank for ` 3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand Only) in favour of “Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh” payable at Ambikapur. 10. Opening of EMD and Technical Bids. EMD and Technical Bid will be opened on 16 Aug 2014 at 1630 hours in Sainik School Ambikapur. SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR CHHATTISGARH Tel: 07774-232999, e-mail: [email protected]; website: SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR (CHHATTISGARH) PROJECT INFORMATION OWNER Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. PROJECT TITLE PROVISIONING OF BARBER SERVICES TYPE OF ENDER OPEN TENDER ENQUIRY (TECHNO-COMMERCIAL SYSTEM):(a) The technical bids (Part-I) are to be opened at Sainik School Ambikapur at the first instance and evaluated by a competent committee or authority. (b) At the second stage Price/Commercial bid (Part-II) of only the technically acceptable offers will be opened for further evaluation and ranking before awarding the contract. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Provisioning of Barber Services PROJECT LOCATION Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. TENDER FEE ` 500.00 (Non-refundable) in the form of DD in favour of the “Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur”. EMD ` 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only) in the form DD/Fixed Deposit /Banker's Cheque/Bank Guarantee from any of the public sector banks or a private sector bank authorized to conduct government business, (As per annexure) in favour of the “Principal Sainik School Ambikapur”. LAST DATE, TIME & 16 Aug 2014 by 1300 hrs at Sainik School PLACE OF SUBMISSION Ambikapur, Dist – Surguja, Chhattisgarh , PIN – 497001. OF TENDER DATE, TIME & PLACE OF 16 Aug 2014 by 1630 hrs at Sainik School Ambikapur, Dist – Surguja, Chhattisgarh , PIN – OPENING OF TENDER 497001. PROJECT In charge Lt Cdr ER Rajesh Registrar Sainik School Ambikapur Ambikapur – 497001 Chhattisgarh SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR CHHATTISGARH Tel: 07774-232999, e-mail: [email protected]; website: SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR (CHHATTISGARH) DETAILS OF CONTRACTOR/FIRM (To be duly filled in by the Contractor. Incomplete forms are liable to be rejected) 1. 2. Name of the applicant/Firm (in CAPITAL letters) Registered/Permanent Address of the Applicant/Firm 3. Address for Communication 4. Nearest Police Station 5 Name of the Owner/Proprietor/Partners (Whichever is applicable) Name of the Academic Official Owner/Proprietor/Partner Qualification Designation s 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Address Contact No. (a) Telephone No. (b) FAX No. (c) Mobile No. (d) e-mail Voter ID No./Driving Licence No./PAN No. Encl -1 (Photo copy to be enclosed) Name & Address of the Bankers with A/C No. and 11-digit Encl -2 IFS Code (Photo copy of first page of pass book or cancelled cheque to be enclosed) Particulars of Experience:- (Copy of letter/certificate to be enclosed) (a) Length in the trade Encl -3 (b) Full particulars of the Contract Were/Are you involved in any police case? (Details of the Encl -4 same or no case pending certificate form your nearest police station to be enclosed) Details of deposit of Earnest money (Please mention the Encl -5 No. & date by which the ‘earnest money’ deposited and original of the same to be enclosed) This is to certify that the above particulars are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We also understand that incomplete form and/or details/information not supported with certified copies of relevant documents is liable to be rejected. LETTER OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER (To be submitted by the Contractor on his Letter Head) The Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur Chhattisgarh. Dear Sir, 1. Having examined the tender document relating to the Provisioning of Barber Services to Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh comprising of the General and Special Conditions of Contract, Schedule of Quantities etc., having understood the provisions and requirements relating to the project, having conducted a thorough study of the job, location of site, availability of power supplies, transportation and communication facilities, availability and accessibility of materials, and all other factors governing the projects/ We hereby submit our offer for the execution of the proposed work in accordance with the terms and conditions and within the time period as specified in the tender document at the rates (all inclusive) quoted by me/us in the accompanying Schedule of Quantities. 2. I/We undertake to do all extra works which may be assigned to us as a part of this contract, at the rates quoted in the tender document. If after the tender document is accepted, I/We fail to commence the execution of the works within seven days, Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur shall have full authority to forfeit the earnest money deposited and award the contract to any other contractor they deem fit. We hereby deposit EMD of Rs.3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) vide Bank draft no. .......................................... dated................... In favor of Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh drawn on ......................................... Seal, Signature, Name & Designation of the tenderer Place: Date: ukbZ dk;Z dh lsokvksa gsrq fu;e ,oa 'krsZ 1lSfud Ldwy vfEcdkiqj ds i{k esa ukbZ dh lsokvksa ds fy, v/kksgLrk{kjh }kjk eqgjcUn fufonk,a vkeaf=r dh xbZ gSaA fufonk,a etcwr ,oa lhYM fd, gq, fyQkQs esa ^^ukbZ dh lsokvksa ds fy, fufonk** ,oa ^^Lo;a dk irk** vafdr fd;k gqvk izLrqr djuk gksxkA 2lsokvksa ds fy, izLrqr dh tkus okyh njsa lSfud Ldwy vfEcdkiqj ds fy, leLr izdkj ds dj tSls lfoZl VSDl vkfn lfgr gksuh pkfg,] vU;Fkk dh fLFkfr esa leLr mRrjnkf;Ro lsok iznkrk dks ogu djuk iMsxkA 3fufonk QkeZ esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh dkaV&NkaV vFkok vksOgj jkbfVax ugha gksuh pkfg,A ;fn dksbZ vkadM+k lq/kkjk tkrk gS rks bls lQkbZ ls dkVk tkuk pkfg, ,oa lq/kkj fd;k gqvk vkadM+k Åij fy[k dj mlh LFkku ij iw.kZ gLrk{kj ,oa fnuk¡d lfgr djuk gksxkA ;fn dksbZ lq/kkj fd;k gqvk vkadM+k fcuk gLrk{kj ds ik;k tkrk gS rks bl fLFkfr esa fufonk fujLr fd;s tkus ;ksX; gksxhA 4v/kksgLrk{kjh Lo;a dks U;wure fufonk dks Lohd`r djus gsrq ca/kudkjh ugha gksxk ,oa mldk ;g vf/kdkj lqjf{kr jgsxk fd og lsok iznkrk dh lsokvksa ,oa mlds ikl miyC/k lkefxz;ksa ds ijh{k.k ds mijkUr gh Lohd`r djsxkA 5Bsdsnkj dks vius fufonk ds lkFk fu/kkZfjr jkf'k :i;s 3,000/- (पये तीन हजार मा) /kjksgj jkf'k ds :i esa izkpk;Z lSfud Ldwy vfEcdkiqj ds Ik{k esa ns; cSad Mªk¶V ds :Ik esa tek djuk gksxk] tks fd fufonk vLohd`r gksus dh fLFkfr esa okil dj nh tk;sxhA ;fn fufonk Lohd`r gksrh gS rks mDr jkf’k fo|ky; ds ikl vuqca/k vof/k dh lekIr gksus rd vekur jkf’k ds :i tek jgsxh A vuqca/k ds vlQy gksus ij vekur jkf’k tIr dj yh tk;sxhA fufonk Lohd`r gksus dh fLFkfr esa vuqca/k vof/k dh lekfIr ij okil dj nh tk;sxhA os leLr fufonk,a fujLr dh tkosaxh ftuds lkFk /kjksgj jkf'k dk Mªk¶V layXu ugha jgsxkA 6- Bsdsnkj }kjk fuosfnr nj ij ,d o"kZ rd cukbZ j[kuh gksxhA 7eqgjcan fufonkvksa esa fuEufyf[kr nLrkost vko';d gS ,oa fdlh Hkh nLrkost ds vuqiyC/k gksus ij fufonk QkeZ vekU; fd;k tkosxkA ¼d½ ¼[k½ ¼x½ ¼?k½ izdj.k ¼M+½ fu/kkZfjr /kjksgj jkf'k dk cSad Mªk¶VA fuokZpu ernkrk igpku i=@MªkbZfoax ykblsal@iSu dkMZ dh Nk;kizfrA cSad [kkrk dk izFke i`"B dk QksVks dkWih A lacaf/kr Fkkuk izHkkjh ls Bsdsnkj ds fo:n fdlh izdkj dk vkijkf/kd@jktuSfrd dk izek.k i= A leLr Ik`"Bksa ij vf/kd`r O;fDr ds gLrk{kj fnukad lfgrA 8ukbZ dh lsok,sa nsus okyks dks ,d d{k iznku fd;k tk;sxk] ftlesa fctyh ,oa d{k dk fdjk;k Bsdsnkj }kjk izfrekg ns; gksxk A 9- ,d ekg esa de ls de nks ckj ,d ckyd dh cky dfVax dh tkuh vfuok;Z gSaA 10- fufonk;sa vafre rkjh[k ,oa mlls igys Hkh fufonk isVh esa Mkyh tk ldrh gSA 11- lSfud Ldwy vfEcdkiqj dks ;g vf/kdkj lqjf{kr gS fd oks fcuk dksbZ dkj.k crk;s fdlh Hkh vFkok leLr fufonkvksa dks fujLr dj ldrh gSA 12- lSfud Ldwy esa yxHkx 565 Nk= jgrs gSa] rFkk Bsdsnkj dks gj Nk= dk ,d eghus esa de ls de nks ckj dfVax djuk vfuok;Z gSA le; rFkk cPpksa dh fxurh ds vk/kkj esa j[krs gq,] Bsdsnkj dks de ls de 2 ukbZ mijksDr le;kof/k esa miyC/k djkus gksaxsA Bsdsnkj vius lqfo/kk ds fy, 2 ¼nks½ ls T;knk ukbZ j[k ldrk gS] ij lcds ikl dafMdk 14 ds vuqlkj leLr midj.k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 13- cky dfVax ds fy, le; fu/kkZfjr gSA fu/kkZfjr le; esa lsok iznkrk dks fo|ky; ifjlj esa jguk vfuok;Z gksxk A le; dk fu/kkZj.k fuEuor gS %& 'kjn dkyhu le; lkekU; fnol & nksi 2-00 cts ls lk;a 6-00 cts rd jfookj ,oa NqfV~V;ka & lqcg 8-00 ls nksi 12-00 ,oa 2-00 cts ls lk;a 6-00 cts rd xzh"e dkyhu le; lkekU; fnol & nksi 2-00 cts ls lk;a 7-00 cts rd jfookj ,oa NqfV~V;ka & lqcg 8-00 ls nksi 12-00 ,oa 2-00 cts ls lk;a 7-00 cts rd 14- leLr fufonk drkZvksa dks ;g fufonk Mkyus ls igys ;g lqfuf'pr djuk gksxk fd muds ikl fuEufyf[kr midj.k@lkefxz;ka miyC/k gS %& • fMLikstscy CysM okyk ls¶Vh jstj • cky dkVus dh bysfDVªd e'khu cSVjh lfgr • gs;j czl • Vsyde ikmMj • ,UVhlsfIVd yks'ku @ MsVkWy • yEch lkbZt dk lQsn dkVu ,izku • lQsn VsjhdkV DykFk yEch lkbZt • Liat cz'k ds lkFk ikmMj Vªs • vPNh xq.koRrk dh ikuh Lizs e'khu • vPNh xq.koRrk okyh dSafp;ka • LVhy dh NksVh dVksjh ikuh j[kus okLrs • NksVh ,oa cMh vkdkj dh daf?k;ka • cMh vkdkj dh lQsn rkSfy;k • rkSfy;k] lQsn :eky • lkcqunkuh lfgr MsVkWy lkcqu • 15- fo'ks"k dk;ZØeksa ds nkSjku vko';drkuqlkj vf/kd ek=k esa ,oa nf'kZr le;kof/k ds vfrfjDr Hkh dk;Z djuk iM ldrk gS] ftlds fy, lsok iznkrk dks rS;kj jguk iMsxk A 16- fufonk,a nks fyQkQs Hkkx&I vkSj Hkkx&II esa tek dh tk;saxh A fufonk [kksyus ds le; igys Hkkx&I [kksyk tk;sxk A ;fn Hkkx&I ds lHkh nLrkost larks"ktud gksxsa] rHkh Hkkx&II dks [kksyk tk;sxk vU;Fkk Hkkx&I ds [kkfjt gksus ij fufonk dh nkosnkjh jn~n dj nh tk;sxh A vr% fufonk ds fy, vkosnu djrs le; fyQkQs ds Åij Hkkx&I vkSj Hkkx& II fy[kuk vR;Ur vko’;d gS] ;fn Hkkx& I vkSj Hkkx& II vafdr ugha gS rks fufonk ds fy, vkosfnr fyQkQs [kksys ugha tk;asxs A K:\TENDERS\Tender Form_Barber.doc SAINIK SCHOOL AMBIKAPUR (CHHATTISGARH) TENDER FORM FOR PROVISIONING OF BARBER SERVICES PART-II (To be filled up by the Tenderer) 1. Full name of the tenderer : ________________________________ 2. Full address of the tenderer with telephone No : ____________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. I have understood the stipulations made in the terms & conditions contained in the Part-I of the tender form and I am willing to quote the rates is as under :- Rate : Rs ____________ per cut per boy. Note :- Rates inclusive of VAT and all taxes.
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