An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy Benjamin Bittner, Marco Bozzano, Alessandro Cimatti, Marco Gario Thales Alenia Space,France Regis de Ferluc Thales Alenia Space,Italy Andrea Guiotto European Space Agency, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk - The Netherlands Yuri Yushtein IMBSA 2014; October 29, 2014; Munich, Germany Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 2/41 Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 3/41 Domain: Highly Dependable Systems Aircraft: safety Very complex system: HW/SW interaction, fly-by-wire, etc. Complex safety critical system: ‘a system whose safety cannot be shown solely by test, whose logic is difficult to comprehend without the aid of analytical tools . . . and that might directly or indirectly contribute to put human lives at risk, damage the environment, or cause big economical losses’ [SAE ARP4754] FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 4/41 Domain: Highly Dependable Systems ExoMars Rover: autonomy, availability 4 to 21 min. for radio latency to earth infrequent communication opportunities (one or two short sessions per Martian day) Autonomous Transfer Vehicle (ATV): autonomy and safety fully-automated navigation and docking to ISS human-rated requirements for safety (of ISS) ⇒ multi-failure tolerance (1 MLOC of control code) FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 5/41 Extreme Dependability! Requirements Correct system operation increasingly relies on the ability to detect and recover from faults Faults are costly and may severely damage reputations: Ariane 5 crash in 1996 due to arithmetic overflow Launch failure of recent Phobos-Grunt sample return mission FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 6/41 Extreme Dependability! Requirements Correct system operation increasingly relies on the ability to detect and recover from faults Faults are costly and may severely damage reputations: Ariane 5 crash in 1996 due to arithmetic overflow Launch failure of recent Phobos-Grunt sample return mission Challenges Rigorous design support and analysis techniques are needed Bugs must be found as early as possible in the design process Effectiveness and coverage of Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) measures must be ensured FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 6/41 The COMPASS Project (2008-2011) COMPASS Consortium Funded by the European Space Agency Consortium: RWTH Aachen Univ., FBK, Thales Alenia Space France FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 7/41 The COMPASS Project (2008-2011) COMPASS Consortium Funded by the European Space Agency Consortium: RWTH Aachen Univ., FBK, Thales Alenia Space France The COMPASS Goal in a Nutshell Develop a model-based approach to system-software co-engineering while focusing on a coherent set of modeling and analysis techniques for evaluating system-level correctness, safety, dependability, and performance of on-board computer-based aerospace systems FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 7/41 The COMPASS Project (2008-2011) COMPASS Consortium Funded by the European Space Agency Consortium: RWTH Aachen Univ., FBK, Thales Alenia Space France The COMPASS Goal in a Nutshell Develop a model-based approach to system-software co-engineering while focusing on a coherent set of modeling and analysis techniques for evaluating system-level correctness, safety, dependability, and performance of on-board computer-based aerospace systems COMPASS Contributions Modeling formalism: variant of AADL called SLIM System-Level Integrated Modeling Language) Verification methodology based on state-of-the-art formal methods Toolset supporting the analysis of AADL models FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 7/41 Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 8/41 The FAME Project FAME FDIR Development and Verification and Validation Process FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 9/41 The FAME Project FAME FDIR Development and Verification and Validation Process Funding & Supervision European Space Agency FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 9/41 The FAME Project FAME FDIR Development and Verification and Validation Process Funding & Supervision European Space Agency Consortium Thales Alenia Space Italy, Thales Alenia Space France, FBK FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 9/41 The FAME Project FAME FDIR Development and Verification and Validation Process Funding & Supervision European Space Agency Consortium Thales Alenia Space Italy, Thales Alenia Space France, FBK Timeline: FBK participation in ESA Projects FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 9/41 Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery FDIR The FDIR (Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery) sub-system is an essential block of safety-critical systems It runs online, in parallel with the system The FDIR block must be able to detect, and recover from, malfunctions Needed to ensure fault tolerance of the system, and prevent the occurrence of safety hazards FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 10/41 Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery FDIR The FDIR (Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery) sub-system is an essential block of safety-critical systems It runs online, in parallel with the system The FDIR block must be able to detect, and recover from, malfunctions Needed to ensure fault tolerance of the system, and prevent the occurrence of safety hazards Goals of FDIR Fault detection: identify malfunctions Fault isolation: precisely identify the fault responsible for a malfunction Fault recovery: recover after a fault has occurred, e.g. reconfiguring the system or switching operational mode FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 10/41 Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Challenges of FDIR Design Complexity of the underlying system Number of possible faults Dynamics of faults and their interaction FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 11/41 Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Challenges of FDIR Design Complexity of the underlying system Number of possible faults Dynamics of faults and their interaction Limitations of Existing FDIR Designs Ad-hoc solutions, based on experience and past projects Developed late in the design process, when systems RAMS analyses (e.g. FTA and FMEA) become available Poorly phased: they do not cover full FDIR lifecycle FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 11/41 FAME The FAME Goal in a Nutshell Develop a comprehensive and coherent FDIR design methodology and process, able to deal with limitations and shortcomings of existing practices FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 12/41 FAME The FAME Goal in a Nutshell Develop a comprehensive and coherent FDIR design methodology and process, able to deal with limitations and shortcomings of existing practices FAME Contributions Dedicated and coherent FDIR development methodology FDIR Development and V&V Process encompassing the full FDIR lifecycle, and enabling a consistent and timely FDIR conception, development, V&V Dedicated formalisms for modeling failure propagation: Timed Failure Propagation Graphs (TFPGs) FAME Environment: a tool – based on COMPASS – implementing the methodology and process Demonstration and evaluation of the approach on case studies FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 12/41 Timed Failure Propagation Graphs An Example TFPG FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 13/41 Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 14/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Instantiation onto ESA ECSS Standards FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 15/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Flow View Process Steps Analyze User Requirements Define Partitioning / Allocation Define FDIR Objectives and Strategies Perform Timed Fault Propagation Analysis Design Implement FDIR, V&V FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 16/41 The FAME Process Analyze User Requirements FAME Process – Flow View Collection and analysis of user requirements, e.g. RAMS and autonomy Classification of failures, identification of FDIR levels and components to be re-used Derivation of FDIR objectives and FDIR strategies Building of Mission Phase / Spacecraft Operational Mode matrix FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 17/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Flow View Define Partitioning / Allocation Allocation of requirements per Mission Phase / Spacecraft Operational Mode Modeling of the FDIR architecture Definition of functional decomposition, HW/SW partitioning, redundancy needs, integration of existing components FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 18/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Flow View Define FDIR Objectives and Strategies Specification of FDIR objectives (required behavior in presence of failures) Specification of FDIR strategies (functional steps to be performed) FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 19/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Flow View Perform Timed Fault Propagation Analysis TFPG modeling / synthesis Analyze completeness of the TFPG wrt the system model (behavioral validation) Analyze suitability of TFPG as a model for diagnosis (effectiveness validation) FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 20/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Flow View Design Definition of the detailed FDIR implementation, e.g. FDIR parameters to be monitored, ranges, isolation and reconfiguration actions Define detailed SW specification FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 21/41 The FAME Process FAME Process – Flow View Implement FDIR, V&V Implementation of FDIR in HW/SW V&V via testing campaign at different levels FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 22/41 Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 23/41 The FAME Environment The FAME Environment Built on top of the COMPASS toolset Modeling in SLIM Formal verification based on model checking FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 24/41 The FAME Environment The FAME Environment Built on top of the COMPASS toolset Modeling in SLIM Formal verification based on model checking Technical Solutions Routines implemented in FBK model checking tools: TFPG validation and synthesis Synthesis of FD using techniques for belief exploration Synthesis of FR using techniques for model-based planning FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 24/41 The FAME Environment: Main Functionality Mission and FDIR Specification Definition of mission phases and operational modes Definition of spacecraft configurations Definition of FD and FR requirements (alarms and recovery targets) FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 25/41 The FAME Environment: Main Functionality Mission and FDIR Specification Definition of mission phases and operational modes Definition of spacecraft configurations Definition of FD and FR requirements (alarms and recovery targets) Fault Propagation Analysis Modeling of TFPGs Behavioral validation of TFPGs Effectiveness validation of TFPGs Synthesis of TFPGs FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 25/41 The FAME Environment: Main Functionality Mission and FDIR Specification Definition of mission phases and operational modes Definition of spacecraft configurations Definition of FD and FR requirements (alarms and recovery targets) Fault Propagation Analysis Modeling of TFPGs Behavioral validation of TFPGs Effectiveness validation of TFPGs Synthesis of TFPGs FDIR Synthesis Synthesis of FD from a TFPG Synthesis of FR FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 25/41 The FAME Environment: Flow FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 26/41 The FAME Environment: Support for FAME Process The FAME Environment supports the FAME Process FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 27/41 Licensing Licensing FAME tool Freely available for ESA member states Released under variant of GPL (GNU Public License) – restriction to ESA member states + some backends released under FBK’s Additional Components License Needs ESA approval for export outside ESA member states Tool Download FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 28/41 Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 29/41 Case Study Case Study: EXOMARS Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) Will be launched in 2016 and will arrive at Mars 9 month later Rich mission During transit to Mars : provide services to the Entry Descent Module Atmosphere entry / Orbit Insertion after EDM ejection Science and data acquisition 2018 : new Rover support Complex mission = Complex FDIR Autonomy Mission phase dependent Fail Operational / Fail Safe strategies Hot / Cold redundancies FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 30/41 Case Study Evaluation: Safety Analysis FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 31/41 Case Study Evaluation: TFPG Modeling and Validation FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 32/41 Case Study Evaluation: FDIR Requirements FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 33/41 Case Study Evaluation: FDIR Specification FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 34/41 Case Study Evaluation: Synthesis of FD and FR FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 35/41 Case Study Evaluation Results: Process Plus Process suitable for industrial usage, coherent with standards and lifecycle Benefits in early phases, when FDIR is not yet defined Formal models clarify design and prevent misinterpretations Synthesized FDIR models as a good starting point to implement HW/SW FDIR specification similar to the one developed in the ExoMars project; FAME produced richer results in terms of fault propagation Minus Need to consolidate approach when analyzing multiple failures FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 36/41 Case Study Evaluation Results: Technology Plus Good characterization of the system in SLIM TFPG formalism adequate to model fault propagation Timing information in TFPGs well understood Minus Notion of modes in TFPGs to be further investigated State-space explosion may hinder tool applicability – suggestion to explore contract-based design FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 37/41 Case Study Evaluation Results: Environment Plus FAME environment adequately supports the FAME process Structure of synthesized TFPG identical to the manually designed one Minus Traceability of requirements desired Model translation from existing formalisms into SLIM desired FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 38/41 Outline 1 Background and Motivations 2 The FAME Project 3 The FAME Process 4 Tool Support 5 Industrial Evaluation 6 Conclusions FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 39/41 Summary and Future Work Summary FAME provides a novel, model-based, dedicated process for FDIR development, V&V, that can be integrated with the existing FDIR lifecycle FAME methodology and process enable a consistent and timely FDIR conception, development, V&V Formal methods ensure a high level of rigor and consistency The FAME process and tool have been successfully evaluated in an industrial context FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 40/41 Summary and Future Work Summary FAME provides a novel, model-based, dedicated process for FDIR development, V&V, that can be integrated with the existing FDIR lifecycle FAME methodology and process enable a consistent and timely FDIR conception, development, V&V Formal methods ensure a high level of rigor and consistency The FAME process and tool have been successfully evaluated in an industrial context Future Work Specification and synthesis of FDIR for decentralized or distributed architectures – requires coordination between different FDIR sub-components Hierarchical decomposition of TFPGs into multiple models FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace IMBSA 2014 40/41 References COMPASS (Bozzano et. al, Computer Journal 2011) Industrial evaluation (Bozzano et. al, RESS 2014 - to appear) AADL model checker (Bozzano et. al, CAV 2010) Our variant of AADL (Bozzano et. al, MEMOCODE 2009) FAME tool (Tutorial) (Bittner et. al, IMBSA 2014) TFPGs (Karsai, Abdelwahed, Biswas, AIAA-GNC 2003) Formal Framework for FDI FAME: An Integrated Process for FDIR Design in Aerospace (Bozzano et. al, TACAS 2014) IMBSA 2014 41/41
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