Publication - IEEE Communications Society

JULY 2014
IEEE Communications Society periodicals tables of content:
July 2014
Direct links to magazine and journal abstracts and full paper pdfs via IEEE Xplore
ComSoc Vice President - Publications – Katie Wilson
Director - Journals – Len Cimini
Director - Magazines – Steve Gorshe
Magazine Editors
EIC, IEEE Communications Magazine – Sean Moore
AEIC, IEEE Communications Magazine – Osman Gebizlioglu
EIC, IEEE Network Magazine – Sherman Shen
EIC, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - Hsiao-Hwa Chen
AEIC, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - Dilip Krishnaswamy
Editor, The Global Communications Newsletter - Stefano Bregni
Editors, Design and Implementation Series -- Vijay K. Gurbani | Salvatore Loreto
Area Co-Editors, Optical Communications Series – Osman Gebizlioglu | Vijay Jain
Area Editor, Radio Communications - Thomas Alexander | Amitabh Mishra
Journal Editors
EIC, IEEE Transactions on Communications – Robert Schober
EIC, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications (J-SAC) - Muriel Medard
Co-EICs, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications & Networking (JOCN) - Ori Gerstel | Keren Bergman
EIC, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking - R. Srikant
EIC, IEEE Communications Letters - George Karagiannidis
EIC, Wireless Communications Letters - Dong In Kim
EIC, IEEE Transactions on Network & Service Management (TNSM) - Rolf Stadler
EIC, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications - Jeff Andrews
EIC, IEEE Journal of Communications & Networks (JCN) – Vince Poor
Co-EIC, IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications & Networks (JCN) - Jong-Seon No
Editor, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials - Ekram Hossain
Members of Steering Committees for Co-Sponsored Journals
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology - Karen Liu | Pat Trischitta
IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications & Networking – Vincent Chan | Nim Cheung | Hideo Kuwahara |
Jane Simmons
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking - Marco Ajmone Marsan | Anurag Kumar | Jennifer Yates
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing – Prasant Mohapata | Chiara Petrioli
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia – Vijay Bhargava | Vivek Goyal | Jianwei Huang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications - Gerhard Fettweis |Hamid Jafarkhani | Chengshan Xiao
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters – Costas Georghiades | Gerhard Fettweis | George Ginis | Sennur Ulukus
Submission and editorial instructions can be found on each publication’s home page.
For IEEE Communications Society membership and subscription information, please visit
IEEE Communications Society
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016 USA
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IEEE Communications Magazine - Cover
PDF (1200 KB) Table of contents PDF (188 KB) A discussion on open access [The President's Page] Benedetto, S. ; Setti, G. PDF (416 KB) State of the communications society magazines [The Director of
Magazines] Gorshe, S. PDF (193 KB)
Book reviews [2 books reviewed] Gozdecki, J. ; Chmielecki, T. PDF (33 KB) Energy-efficient cognitive radio networks [Guest Editorial] Wang, S. ; Granelli, F. ; Li, Y. ; Chen, S. PDF (341 KB) Energy-efficient non-cooperative cognitive radio networks: micro,
meso, and macro views Jiang, C. ; Zhang, H. ; Ren, Y. ; Chen, H.-H. PDF (365 KB) An illumination perspective on visible light communications
Tsiatmas, A. ; Baggen, C.P.M.J. ; Willems, F.M.J. ;
Linnartz, J.-P.M.G. ; Bergmans, J.W.M. PDF (294 KB) Connecting networks of toys and smartphones with visible light
communication Corbellini, G. ; Aksit, K. ; Schmid, S. ; Mangold, S. ; Gross, T.R. PDF (411 KB) Rapid prototyping of standard-compliant visible light
communications system Gavrincea, C.G. ; Baranda, J. ; Henarejos, P. PDF (586 KB) Image-sensor-based visible light communication for automotive
applications Yamazato, T. ; Takai, I. ; Okada, H. ; Fujii, T. ; Yendo, T. ; Arai, S. ;
Andoh, M. ; Harada, T. ; Yasutomi, K. ; Kagawa, K. ; Kawahito, S.
PDF (1268 KB) VLC: Beyond point-to-point communication Burchardt, H. ; Serafimovski, N. ; Tsonev, D. ; Videv, S. ; Haas, H.
PDF (661 KB) Network and service management [Series Editorial] Pavlou, G. ; Schonwalder, J. PDF (231 KB) Energy-efficient user association in cognitive heterogeneous
networks Mesodiakaki, A. ; Adelantado, F. ; Alonso, L. ; Verikoukis, C.
PDF (260 KB) Network resilience with reusable management patterns Schaeffer-Filho, A. ; Smith, P. ; Mauthe, A. ; Hutchison, D. PDF (275 KB) Energy efficiency is a subtle concept: fundamental trade-offs for
cognitive radio networks Eryigit, S. ; Gur, G. ; Bayhan, S. ; Tugcu, T. PDF (223 KB) Design considerations for managing wide area software defined
networks Ahmed, R. ; Boutaba, R. PDF (242 KB) Spectrum- and energy-efficient D2DWRAN Shi, H. ; Prasad, R.V. ; Rao, V.S. ; Niemegeers, I.G.M.M. ; Xu, M. |
PDF (208 KB) Behavior-based intrusion detection in encrypted environments
Koch, R. ; Golling, M. ; Rodosek, G.D.
PDF (470 KB) Cognitive radio in 5G: a perspective on energy-spectral efficiency
trade-off Hong, X. ; Wang, J. ; Wang, C.-X. ; Shi, J.
PDF (285 KB) Bad neighborhoods on the internet Moura, G.C.M. ; Sadre, R. ; Pras, A. PDF (584 KB) Energy-efficient NC-OFDM/OQAM-based cognitive radio networks
Jiang, T. ; Ni, C. ; Qu, D. ; Wang, C. PDF (273 KB) Visible light communications: the road to standardization and
commercialization (Part 2) [Guest Editorial] Hranilovic, S. ; Lampe, L. ; Hosur, S. ; Roberts, R.D. PDF (381 KB) Ad hoc and sensor networks [Series Editorial] Biagioni, E. ; Giordano, S. PDF (277 KB) Micro aerial vehicle networks: an experimental analysis of
challenges and opportunities Asadpour, M. ; Van den Bergh, B. ; Giustiniano, D. ; Hummel, K.A. ;
Pollin, S. ; Plattner, B. PDF (831 KB)
Routing protocols for wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks: a
survey Yu, S. ; Zhang, B. ; Li, C. ; Mouftah, H.T. PDF (177 KB) Exploiting bacterial properties for multi-hop nanonetworks Balasubramaniam, S. ; Lyamin, N. ; Kleyko, D. ; Skurnik, M. ;
Vinel, A. ; Koucheryavy, Y. PDF (469 KB) Multicast routing in WDM networks without splitters
Le, D..D. ; Molnár, M. ; Palaysi, J.
PDF (331 KB) Polar codes: Primary concepts and practical decoding algorithms
Niu, K. ; Chen, K. ; Lin, J. ; Zhang, Q.T.
PDF (309 KB) Spatially coupled sparse codes on graphs: theory and practice
Costello, D.J., Jr. ; Dolecek, L. ; Fuja, T.E. ; Kliewer, J. ;
Mitchell, D.G.M. ; Smarandache, R.
PDF (319 KB) Activities in 2014 of the ComSoc Harbin chapter, China [July 2014
Global Communications Newsletter] Meng, W. PDF (1867 KB) Network coding mythbusting: why it is not about butterflies anymore
Medard, M. ; Fitzek, F.H.P. ; Montpetit, M.-J. ; Rosenberg, C. PDF (179 KB) Advertisers' index PDF (35 KB)
IEEE Network [Front Cover] PDF (1486 KB) Table of contents
PDF (85 KB) Open call [Editor's Note]
PDF (218 KB) New books and multimedia [2 books reviewed] PDF (37 KB) Networking for big data [Guest Editorial] Yu, S. ; Lin, X. ; Misic, J. PDF (247 KB) Building a network highway for big data: architecture and
challenges Yi, X. ; Liu, F. ; Liu, J. ; Jin, H. PDF (723 KB) Big data: transforming the design philosophy of future internet Yin, H. ; Jiang, Y. ; Lin, C. ; Luo, Y. ; Liu, Y. PDF (390 KB) Search in the universe of big networks and data Gelenbe, E. ; Abdelrahman, O.H. PDF (270 KB) Spatial big data and wireless networks: experiences, applications,
and research challenges Jardak, C. ; Mähönen, P. ; Rïihijärvi, J.
PDF (333 KB) Monitoring and analyzing big traffic data of a large-scale cellular
network with Hadoop Liu, J. ; Liu, F. ; Ansari, N. PDF (301 KB) Toward integrating overlay and physical networks for robust parallel
processing architecture Suto, K. ; Nishiyama, H. ; Kato, N. ; Nakachi, T. ; Fujii, T. ;
Takahara, A.
PDF (252 KB) Toward efficient and privacy-preserving computing in big data era
Lu, R. ; Zhu, H. ; Liu, X. ; Liu, J.K. ; Shao, J. PDF (184 KB) CAP: community activity prediction based on big data analysis
Zhang, Y. ; Chen, M. ; Mao, S. ; Hu, L. ; Leung, V.C.M. PDF (461 KB) An incrementally deployable network architecture to support both
data-centric and host-centric services Luo, H. ; Zhang, H. ; Zukerman, M. ; Qiao, C. PDF (361 KB) Mobility-driven networks (MDN): from evolution to visions of mobility
management Chen, S. ; Shi, Y. ; Hu, B. ; Ai, M. PDF (181 KB) Distributed resource allocation in cloud-based wireless multimedia
social networks Nan, G. ; Mao, Z. ; Li, M. ; Zhang, Y. ; Gjessing, S. ; Wang, H. ;
Guizani, M. PDF (343 KB) Cascading effects in interdependent networks Shin, D.-H. ; Qian, D. ; Zhang, J. PDF (248 KB)
Table of Contents
PDF (100 KB) IEEE Transactions on Communications publication information
PDF (152 KB) On the Optimum Cyclic Subcode Chains of ${cal RM}(2, m)^{ast}$
for Increasing Message Length Liu, X. ; Luo, Y. ; Shum, K.W.
PDF (491 KB) Using Short Synchronous WOM Codes to Make WOM Codes
Decodable Bitouze, N. ; Graell i Amat, A. ; Rosnes, E. PDF (906 KB) Minimum Pseudoweight Analysis of 3-Dimensional Turbo Codes
Rosnes, E. ; Helmling, M. ; Graell i Amat, A. PDF (791 KB) MSE and Outage Probability Based Training Power Allocations for
Relay Networks Wu, C. ; Wang, D. ; Jing, Y. PDF (1345 KB) I/Q Imbalance in Two-Way AF Relaying Li, J. ; Matthaiou, M. ; Svensson, T. PDF (874 KB) A New Beamforming Design for MIMO AF Relaying Systems With
Direct Link Kong, H. ; Song, C. ; Park, H. ; Lee, I. PDF (1465 KB) On the Achievable Diversity of Repetition-Based and Relay
Selection Network-Coded Cooperation Di Renzo, M.
PDF (1256 KB) Hybrid Interweave-Underlay Spectrum Access for
CognitiveCooperative Radio Networks Chu, T.M.C. ; Phan, H. ; Zepernick, H. PDF (897 KB) Ergodic Capacity Comparison of Different Relay Precoding
Schemes in Dual-Hop AF Systems With Co-Channel Interference
Zhu, G. ; Zhong, C. ; Suraweera, H.A. ; Zhang, Z. ; Yuen, C. ;
Yin, R. PDF (1304 KB) Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation in Cognitive Relay
Network With Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Si, J. ; Huang, H. ; Li, Z. ; Hao, B. ; Gao, R. PDF (1317 KB) Filter-And-Forward Relay Design for MIMO-OFDM Systems Kim, D. ; Sung, Y. ; Chung, J. PDF (1165 KB) Downlink Beamforming in Underlay Cognitive Cellular Networks
Le, T.A. ; Navaie, K.
PDF (1326 KB) Resource Allocation in MIMO-OFDM-Based Cooperative Cognitive
Radio Networks Ghamari Adian, M. ; Aghaeinia, H. PDF (1304 KB) Diversity–Multiplexing Tradeoff of Asynchronous Decode-andForward Cooperative Networks Torbatian, M. ; Damen, M.O. PDF (511 KB) Energy-Efficient Uplink Resource Allocation in LTE Networks With
M2M/H2H Co-Existence Under Statistical QoS Guarantees Aijaz, A. ; Tshangini, M. ; Nakhai, M.R. ; Chu, X. ; Aghvami, A.
PDF (1329 KB) Design and Analysis of Low-Complexity Multi-Antenna Relaying for
OFDM-Based Relay Networks Wang, J.S. ; Shin, D. ; Lee, S.R. ; Song, I. ; Kim, Y.H.
PDF (1295 KB) Resource Allocation in Spectrum-Sharing OFDMA Femtocells With
Heterogeneous Services Zhang, H. ; Jiang, C. ; Beaulieu, N.C. ; Chu, X. ; Wen, X. ; Tao, M.
PDF (1708 KB) Auction-Based Relay Power Allocation: Pareto Optimality, Fairness,
and Convergence Wu, D. ; Cai, Y. ; Guizani, M.
PDF (907 KB) An Extension of Clarke's Model With Stochastic Amplitude Flip
Processes Hoel, H. ; Nyberg, H. PDF (925 KB) Characterizing the Spectral Properties and Time Variation of the InVehicle Wireless Communication Channel Herbert, S. ; Wassell, I. ; Loh, T. ; Rigelsford, J.
PDF (1650 KB) A Semiblind Two-Way Training Method for Discriminatory Channel
Estimation in MIMO Systems Yang, J. ; Xie, S. ; Zhou, X. ; Yu, R. ; Zhang, Y. PDF (1248 KB) Robust Distributed Beamforming With Interference Coordination in
Downlink Cellular Networks Shaverdian, A. ; Nakhai, M.R. PDF (930 KB) Coded Sampling Bound—How Much Training is Needed for
Iterative Semi-Blind Channel Estimation? Knievel, C. ; Hoeher, P.A. PDF (1112 KB)
End-to-End Propagation Noise and Memory Analysis for Molecular
Communication over Microfluidic Channels Bicen, A.O. ; Akyildiz, I.F. PDF (604 KB) Spectrally Efficient Multicarrier Transmission With Message-Driven
Subcarrier Selection Song, T. ; Li, T. ; Tugnait, J.K. PDF (956 KB) Realization of Root Raised Cosine Roll-Off Filters Using a
Recursive FIR Filter Structure Mukumoto, K. ; Wada, T. PDF (410 KB) Understanding the Benefits of Successive Interference Cancellation
in Multi-Rate Multi-Hop Wireless Networks Qu, L. ; He, J. ; Assi, C. PDF (716 KB) Performance Model of Multichannel Deflection-Routed All-Optical
Networks With Packet Injection Control Li, C.Y. ; Wai, P.A. ; Li, V.O.K.
PDF (1287 KB)
Orthogonal Multiple Access With Correlated Sources: Achievable
Region and Pragmatic Schemes Abrardo, A. ; Ferrari, G. ; Martalo, M. ; Franceschini, M. ; Raheli, R.
PDF (1825 KB) Sending a Laplacian Source Using Hybrid Digital–Analog Codes
Abbasi, F. ; Aghagolzadeh, A. ; Behroozi, H.
PDF (2003 KB) On the Use of Zadeh's Series Expansion for Modeling and
Estimation of Indoor Powerline Channels Gianaroli, F. ; Pancaldi, F. ; Vitetta, G.M.
PDF (1088 KB) Throughput Analysis of ARQ Schemes in Gaussian Block Fading
Larsson, P. ; Rasmussen, L.K. ; Skoglund, M.
PDF (2037 KB) Overcoming Large-Scale Fading in Cellular Systems With Network
Coordination Basnayaka, D.A. ; Haas, H. PDF (1131 KB) IEEE Member digital library PDF (1637 KB) 2014 IEEE membership form PDF (1556 KB) IEEE Communications Society Information PDF (123 KB)
Table of Contents PDF (109 KB) IEEE Communications Letters publication information PDF (135 KB) Electromagnetic Lens-Focusing Antenna Enabled Massive MIMO:
Performance Improvement and Cost Reduction Zeng, Y. ; Zhang, R. ; Chen, Z.N. PDF (1316 KB) What Will 5G Be? Andrews, J.G. ; Buzzi, S. ; Choi, W. ; Hanly, S.V. ; Lozano, A. ;
Soong, A.C.K. ; Zhang, J.C. PDF (1168 KB) A Non-Stationary 3-D Wideband Twin-Cluster Model for 5G
Massive MIMO Channels Wu, S. ; Wang, C. ; Aggoune, e.M. ; Alwakeel, M.M. ; He, Y. PDF (1738 KB) Capturing Spatial Randomness of Heterogeneous Cellular/WLAN
Deployments With Dynamic Traffic Galinina, O. ; Andreev, S. ; Gerasimenko, M. ; Koucheryavy, Y. ;
Himayat, N. ; Yeh, S. ; Talwar, S. PDF (1708 KB) Preliminary Results on 3D Channel Modeling: From Theory to
Standardization Kammoun, A. ; Khanfir, H. ; Altman, Z. ; Debbah, M. ; Kamoun, M.
PDF (995 KB) Distributed Pricing-Based User Association for Downlink
Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Shen, K. ; Yu, W. PDF (1527 KB) Two-Tier Precoding for FDD Multi-Cell Massive MIMO TimeVarying Interference Networks Chen, J. ; Lau, V.K.N. PDF (709 KB) Bargaining-Based Mobile Data Offloading Gao, L. ; Iosifidis, G. ; Huang, J. ; Tassiulas, L. ; Li, D. PDF (817 KB) Joint Spatial Division and Multiplexing for mm-Wave Channels
Adhikary, A. ; Al Safadi, E. ; Samimi, M.K. ; Wang, R. ; Caire, G. ;
Rappaport, T.S. ; Molisch, A.F. PDF (2209 KB) Virtual Cell Beamforming in Cooperative Networks Kim, J. ; Lee, H. ; Chong, S. PDF (1925 KB) Frequency and Quadrature-Amplitude Modulation for Downlink
Cellular OFDMA Networks Hong, S. ; Sagong, M. ; Lim, C. ; Cho, S. ; Cheun, K. ; Yang, K.
PDF (2681 KB) ITLinQ: A New Approach for Spectrum Sharing in Device-to-Device
Communication Systems Naderializadeh, N. ; Avestimehr, A.S. PDF (1469 KB) Millimeter-Wave Enhanced Local Area Systems: A High-Data-Rate
Approach for Future Wireless Networks Ghosh, A. ; Thomas, T.A. ; Cudak, M.C. ; Ratasuk, R. ; Moorut, P. ;
Vook, F.W. ; Rappaport, T.S. ; MacCartney, G.R. ; Sun, S. ; Nie, S.
PDF (2150 KB) Millimeter Wave Channel Modeling and Cellular Capacity
Evaluation Akdeniz, M.R. ; Liu, Y. ; Samimi, M.K. ; Sun, S. ; Rangan, S. ;
Rappaport, T.S. ; Erkip, E. PDF (2406 KB) Massive MIMO Multicasting in Noncooperative Cellular Networks
Xiang, Z. ; Tao, M. ; Wang, X. PDF (1480 KB) Leakage-Aware Energy-Efficient Beamforming for Heterogeneous
Multicell Multiuser Systems He, S. ; Huang, Y. ; Wang, H. ; Jin, S. ; Yang, L. PDF (1780 KB) Min Flow Rate Maximization for Software Defined Radio Access
Networks Liao, W. ; Hong, M. ; Farmanbar, H. ; Li, X. ; Luo, Z. ; Zhang, H. PDF (1618 KB) Optimized Backhaul Compression for Uplink Cloud Radio Access
Network Zhou, Y. ; Yu, W. PDF (1539 KB) Open Access PDF (1156 KB) IEEE Communications Society Information PDF (123 KB)
Table of Contents PDF (109 KB) Reategui, F. ; Peyvandi, H. ; Imran, M.A. ; Tafazolli, R. PDF (543 KB) IEEE Communications Letters publication information
PDF (131 KB) Sequential Decoding of Polar Codes Miloslavkaya, V. ; Trifonov, P.
PDF (514 KB) A Modified Belief Propagation Polar Decoder Zhang, Y. ; Liu, A. ; Pan, X. ; Ye, Z. ; Gong, C. PDF (474 KB) Linear Exact-Repair Construction of Hybrid MSR Codes in
Distributed Storage Systems
Liang, S. ; Yuan, C. ; Kan, H.
PDF (343 KB) Construction and Block Error Rate Analysis of Polar Codes
Over AWGN Channel Based on Gaussian Approximation Wu, D. ; Li, Y. ; Sun, Y. PDF (333 KB) A Direct Approach to Computing Spatially Averaged Outage
Probability Valenti, M.C. ; Torrieri, D. ; Talarico, S. PDF (305 KB) Closed Form Asymptotic Expression of a Random-Access
Interference Measure Ferrante, G.C. ; Di Benedetto, M.
PDF (322 KB) Maximum Throughput Gain of Compute-and-Forward for
Multiple Unicast Ren, Z. ; Goseling, J. ; Weber, J.H. ; Gastpar, M. PDF (145 KB) Second-Order Statistics-Based Blind Synchronization
Algorithm for Two Receive-Antenna Orthogonal STBC
Systems Marey, M. ; Dobre, O.A. ; Liao, B. PDF (456 KB) A Low-Complexity Algorithm for Neighbor Discovery in
Wireless Networks Hong, S. ; Kim, J.
PDF (479 KB) On the Cognitive Interference Channel With Causal
Unidirectional Destination Cooperation Hardware-Oriented Construction of a Family of RateCompatible Raptor Codes Zeineddine, H. ; Jalloul, L.M.A. ; Mansour, M.M.
PDF (409 KB) Adaptive Frequency Control of Packet Processing Engines in
Telecommunication Networks Bruschi, R. ; Davoli, F. ; Mongelli, M. PDF (343 KB) Low Complexity Optimal Soft-Input Soft-Output Demodulation
of MSK Based on Factor Graph Tong, S. ; Huang, D. ; Guo, Q. ; Xi, J. ; Yu, Y. PDF (586 KB) Improved Generalized Space-Shift Keying via Power Allocation
Wu, C. ; Chung, W. ; Liang, H. PDF (544 KB) Power Loss Reduction for MMSE-THP With Multidimensional
Symbol Scaling Garcia-Rodriguez, A. ; Masouros, C.
PDF (522 KB) Enhancement of IEEE 802.11ah MAC for M2M Communications
Park, C.W. ; Hwang, D. ; Lee, T. PDF (397 KB) Preemptive Opportunistic MAC Protocol in Distributed
Cognitive Radio Networks Kwon, S. ; Kim, B. ; Roh, B. PDF (457 KB) Stochastic Optimization for Deployment of Correlated Cloud
Services Over Optical Networks Georgakilas, K.N. ; Anastasopoulos, M. ; Tzanakaki, A. PDF (298 KB) Performance Analysis of Finite-Length Spatial–Temporal
Network Coding Xu, X. ; Zeng, Y. ; Guan, Y.L.
PDF (414 KB) Density-Aware Rate Adaptation for Vehicle Safety
Communications in the Highway Environment Yao, Y. ; Zhou, X. ; Zhang, K. PDF (794 KB) Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio With Channel-Aware
Sensing Strategy J, J. ; Kalamkar, S.S. ; Banerjee, A.
PDF (558 KB) Can a DDoS Attack Meltdown My Data Center? A Simulation
Study and Defense Strategies Anwar, Z. ; Malik, A.W. PDF (375 KB) Preventive Start-Time Optimization of Link Weights With Link
Reinforcement Kaptchouang, S. ; Ouedraogo, I.A. ; Oki, E. PDF (225 KB)
Summary-Vector-Based Effective and Fast Immunization for
Epidemic-Based Routing in Opportunistic Networks Ren, Z. ; Liu, W. ; Zhou, X. ; Fang, J. ; Chen, Q.
PDF (578 KB) Two-Way Mobile Satellite Relaying: A Beamforming and
Combining Based Approach Arti, M.K. ; Bhatnagar, M.R.
PDF (434 KB) Reference Signals Design for Hybrid Analog and Digital
Beamforming Han, S. ; I, C. ; Xu, Z. ; Wang, S. PDF (264 KB) Optimal Energy Efficient Bit and Power Loading for
Multicarrier Systems Sun, Q. ; Li, L. ; Tolli, A. ; Juntti, M. ; Mao, J.
PDF (252 KB) Error Probability Analysis of a MIMO System With
Noncoherent Relaying and MMSE Reception Darsena, D. ; Gelli, G. ; Melito, F. ; Verde, F. PDF (286 KB) Achieving Full Sum DoF in the SISO Interference Channel With
Feedback Delay
Lejosne, Y. ; Slock, D. ; Yuan-Wu, Y.
PDF (440 KB)
Distributed Interference Alignment for Mobile MIMO Systems
Based on Local CSI Colman, G.W.K. ; Muruganathan, S.D. ; Willink, T.J. PDF (397 KB) Rate Optimization for Hybrid SC-FDE/OFDM Decode-andForward MIMO Relay Systems Wu, P. ; Schober, R. ; Bhargava, V.K. PDF (283 KB) A Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using
Ant Colony Optimization With Unconventional Characteristics
Liu, X.
PDF (157 KB) Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Networks With
Prioritized Traffics Chu, T.M.C. ; Phan, H. ; Zepernick, H. PDF (178 KB) Preventing Unfairness in the ETSI Distributed Congestion
Control Kuk, S. ; Kim, H. PDF (545 KB) A Cross-Layer Rethink on the Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for
Cognitive Radio Networks Zhang, S. ; Zhao, H. ; Wang, S. ; Wei, J. PDF (265 KB) The Secrecy Outage Probability for the $i$th Closest
Legitimate User in Stochastic Networks Bai, J. ; Tao, X. ; Xu, J. ; Cui, Q.
PDF (482 KB) RBGF: Recursively Bounded Grid-Based Filter for Indoor
Position Tracking Using Wireless Networks Yang, Y. ; Zhao, Y. ; Kyas, M. PDF (388 KB) Modeling 3GPP LTE Advanced DRX Mechanism Under
Multimedia Traffic Wang, K. ; Li, X. ; Ji, H.
PDF (386 KB) Resource Allocation for H-FDD OFDMA Systems Choi, J.P. ; Shin, J. ; Lee, J. ; Lou, H. ; Choi, J. PDF (645 KB) Joint Optimization of Source and Relay for MIMO Two-Way
Relay Networks Using MSE Duality Choi, W. ; Choi, S. ; Heo, A. ; Park, D. PDF (672 KB) Outage Performance of DF-Based Cooperative Multicast in
Spectrum-Sharing Cognitive Relay Networks Yang, L. ; Chen, J. ; Kuo, Y. ; Zhang, H. PDF (158 KB) Energy Efficiency Analysis of Two-Way DF Relay System With
Non-Ideal Power Amplifiers Cui, Q. ; Yuan, T. ; Tao, X. ; Dowhuszko, A.A. ; Jantti, R. PDF (275 KB) PAPR Reduction in Coded SC-FDMA Systems via Introducing
Few Bit Errors Ji, J. ; Ren, G. ; Zhang, H. PDF (290 KB) Performance Analysis of Rectangular QAM With SC Receiver
Over Nakagami- $m$ Fading Channels Dixit, D. ; Sahu, P.R. PDF (155 KB) Super-Resolution Sparse MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation
Based on Spatial and Temporal Correlations Gao, Z. ; Dai, L. ; Lu, Z. ; Yuen, C. ; Wang, Z.
PDF (558 KB) Secure Beamforming Design for Physical Layer Network
Coding Based MIMO Two-Way Relaying Jayasinghe, K. ; Jayasinghe, P. ; Rajatheva, N. ; Latva-Aho, M.
PDF (459 KB) Distributed Cooperative Precoding in Cellular Systems James, V.B. ; Ramamurthi, B. PDF (384 KB) Corrections to “Performance Analysis of Cognitive Spectrum
Sharing With Time Division Broadcast Protocol” Yadav, S. ; Upadhyay, P.K. PDF (66 KB)
2014 IEEE membership form
PDF (1555 KB) IEEE Communications Society Information PDF (123 KB)
Blank page PDF (5 KB)
Table of Contents PDF (129 KB) IEEE wireless communications publication information
PDF (141 KB) On the Performance of Adaptive Packetized Wireless
Communication Links Under Jamming Firouzbakht, K. ; Noubir, G. ; Salehi, M. PDF (345 KB) Joint Optimization of Transmission Policies for Collaborative
Beamforming With Energy Harvesting Sensors Berbakov, L. ; Anton-Haro, C. ; Matamoros, J. PDF (866 KB) Channel-Aware Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor
Networks for Pipeline Inspection Wu, D. ; Chatzigeorgiou, D. ; Youcef-Toumi, K. ; Mekid, S. ;
Ben-Mansour, R. PDF (2699 KB) Area Spectral Efficiency of Co-Channel Deployed OFDMA
Femtocell Networks Chandhar, P. ; Das, S.S. PDF (1819 KB) Multiuser Lattice Coding for the Multiple-Access Relay Channel
Lee, C. ; Lin, S. ; Su, H. ; Poor, H.V. PDF (1592 KB) A Data Rate and Concurrency Balanced Approach for Broadcast in
Wireless Mesh Networks Chang, Y. ; Liu, Q. ; Jia, X. PDF (904 KB) Space-Time Network Coding With Overhearing Relays Xiong, K. ; Fan, P. ; Yang, H. ; Letaief, K.B. PDF (1646 KB) Accuracy of Homology Based Coverage Hole Detection for
Wireless Sensor Networks on Sphere Yan, F. ; Martins, P. ; Decreusefond, L. PDF (1510 KB) Optimal Mobile Content Downloading in Device-to-Device
Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks Li, Y. ; Wang, Z. ; Jin, D. ; Chen, S.
PDF (1051 KB) Efficient Incremental Relaying for Packet Transmission Over Fading
Channels Fareed, M.M. ; Alouini, M. ; Yang, H. PDF (2534 KB) Linear Precoder Design for Doubly Correlated Partially Coherent
Fading MIMO Channels Yadav, A. ; Juntti, M. ; Lilleberg, J. PDF (471 KB) Modified CRLB for Cooperative Geolocation of Two Devices Using
Signals of Opportunity Leng, M. ; Tay, W.P. ; See, C.M.S. ; Gulam Razul, S. ; Win, M.Z.
PDF (1022 KB) Efficient Time Synchronization in a Wireless Sensor Network by
Adaptive Value Tracking Yildirim, K.S. ; Gurcan, O. PDF (1542 KB) Base-Station Assisted Device-to-Device Communications for HighThroughput Wireless Video Networks Golrezaei, N. ; Mansourifard, P. ; Molisch, A.F. ; Dimakis, A.G.
PDF (1852 KB) Sum-Rate Optimization and Performance Analysis of Distributed
Coding for Sensor Networks: Application to a Distributed Product
Code Amis, K. ; Yin, Y. ; Pyndiah, R. PDF (1027 KB) On the Benefits of MAI-Plus-Noise Whitening in TH-BPSK IR-UWB
Systems Yazdani, H. ; Rabiei, A.M. ; Beaulieu, N.C. PDF (1615 KB) A Generalized Nash Equilibrium Approach for Robust Cognitive
Radio Networks via Generalized Variational Inequalities Wang, J. ; Peng, M. ; Jin, S. ; Zhao, C. PDF (846 KB) Asymptotic Spectral Efficiency of Digital Transmission via
Overcomplete Frames With Discrete, Finite, and Uniform Alphabets
Han, F. ; Zhang, X.
PDF (686 KB) Polarization Division Multiple Access on NLoS Wide-Band Wireless
Fading Channels Kwon, S. ; Stuber, G.L. PDF (1433 KB) Minimum Length Scheduling With Packet Traffic Demands in
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Sadi, Y. ; Ergen, S.C. PDF (815 KB) Cooperative Positive Orthogonal Code-Based Forwarding for MultiHop Vehicular Networks Zhang, L. ; Hassanabadi, B. ; Valaee, S. PDF (1330 KB) Discouraging Traffic Remapping Attacks in Local Ad Hoc Networks
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PDF (1444 KB) RF-MAC: A Medium Access Control Protocol for Re-Chargeable
Sensor Networks Powered by Wireless Energy Harvesting Naderi, M.Y. ; Nintanavongsa, P. ; Chowdhury, K.R. PDF (1608 KB) Relay Selection for Two-Way Full Duplex Relay Networks With
Amplify-and-Forward Protocol Cui, H. ; Ma, M. ; Song, L. ; Jiao, B.
PDF (1493 KB) Spectrum Allocation and QoS Provisioning Framework for Cognitive
Radio With Heterogeneous Service Classes Doost-Mohammady, R. ; Naderi, M.Y. ; Chowdhury, K.R.
PDF (1127 KB) Compressive Sampling-Based Multiple Symbol Differential
Detection for UWB Communications Gishkori, S. ; Lottici, V. ; Leus, G. PDF (1521 KB)
An Angular Approach for Range-Based Approximate Maximum
Likelihood Source Localization Through Convex Relaxation Oguz-Ekim, P. ; Gomes, J.P. ; Xavier, J. ; Stosic, M. ; Oliveira, P.
PDF (976 KB) Tens of Gigabits Wireless Communications Over E-Band LoS
MIMO Channels With Uniform Linear Antenna Arrays Wang, P. ; Li, Y. ; Yuan, X. ; Song, L. ; Vucetic, B. PDF (1456 KB) Coalitional Games for Resource Allocation in the Device-to-Device
Uplink Underlaying Cellular Networks Li, Y. ; Jin, D. ; Yuan, J. ; Han, Z. PDF (1478 KB) Learning-Based Adaptive Transmission for Limited Feedback
Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Rico-Alvarino, A. ; Heath, R.W.
PDF (1109 KB) Full-Duplex Transceiver System Calculations: Analysis of ADC and
Linearity Challenges Korpi, D. ; Riihonen, T. ; Syrjala, V. ; Anttila, L. ; Valkama, M. ;
Wichman, R. PDF (1522 KB) Interference Statistics and Capacity Analysis for Uplink
Transmission in Two-Tier Small Cell Networks: A Geometric
Probability Approach Tabassum, H. ; Dawy, Z. ; Hossain, E. ; Alouini, M. PDF (1206 KB) Self-Alignment of Interference Arising From Hallway Guidance of
Diffuse Fields Chizhik, D. ; Ling, J. ; Valenzuela, R.A. PDF (873 KB) IEEE 802.11e EDCA Networks: Modeling, Differentiation and
Optimization Gao, Y. ; Sun, X. ; Dai, L. PDF (918 KB) Achieving Optimal Throughput in Cooperative Wireless Multihop
Networks With Rate Adaptation and Continuous Power Control
Shabdanov, S. ; Mitran, P. ; Rosenberg, C.
PDF (1375 KB) Asynchronous Distributed Downlink Beamforming and Power
Control in Multi-Cell Networks Shen, S. ; Lok, T. PDF (613 KB) Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios Based on Space-Time
FRESH Filtering Chopra, R. ; Ghosh, D. ; Mehra, D.K. PDF (705 KB) Message Dissemination in Intermittently Connected D2D
Communication Networks Li, Y. ; Wang, W. PDF (623 KB) Joint Optimization of Transmission-Order Selection and Channel
Allocation for Bidirectional Wireless Links—Part II: Algorithms
Uykan, Z. ; Jantti, R. PDF (2123 KB) Joint Optimization of Transmission-Order Selection and Channel
Allocation for Bidirectional Wireless Links—Part I: Game Theoretic
Analysis Uykan, Z. ; Jantti, R. PDF (808 KB) Adaptive Bistable Stochastic Resonance Aided Spectrum Sensing
Wang, J. ; Ren, X. ; Zhang, S. ; Zhang, D. ; Li, H. ; Li, S. PDF (1701 KB) Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Between Cellular and Ad-Hoc
Networks Zhai, C. ; Zhang, W. ; Mao, G. PDF (1576 KB) Modeling and Estimation of Transient Carrier Frequency Offset in
Wireless Transceivers Yuan, J. ; Torlak, M. PDF (1378 KB) Distributed and Centralized Hybrid CSMA/CA-TDMA Schemes for
Single-Hop Wireless Networks Shrestha, B. ; Hossain, E. ; Choi, K.W. PDF (2430 KB) Throughput Maximization in Mobile WSN Scheduling With Power
Control and Rate Selection Alayev, Y. ; Chen, F. ; Hou, Y. ; Johnson, M.P. ; Bar-Noy, A. ;
La Porta, T.F. ; Leung, K.K. PDF (944 KB) Open Access PDF (1156 KB)
IEEE Communications Society Information
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EIC Editorial Mohapatra, P. PDF (102 KB) A DoF-Based Link Layer Model for Multi-Hop MIMO Networks Shi, Y. ; Liu, J. ; Jiang, C. ; Gao, C. ; Hou, Y.T. PDF (1107 KB) A Novel Approach to Trust Management in Unattended Wireless
Sensor Networks Ren, Y. ; Zadorozhny, V.I. ; Oleshchuk, V.A. ; Li, F.Y.
PDF (2471 KB) Hidden Markov Estimation of Bistatic Range From Cluttered UltraWideband Impulse Responses McCracken, M. ; Patwari, N. PDF (1648 KB) Joint Optimization of User-Experience and Energy-Efficiency in
Wireless Multimedia Broadcast Singhal, C. ; De, S. ; Trestian, R. ; Muntean, G. PDF (2388 KB) Leveraging the Tail Time for Saving Energy in Cellular Networks
Zhang, D. ; Zhang, Y. ; Zhou, Y. ; Liu, H. PDF (2046 KB) A Scalable Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Adaptive Service Discovery
Protocol for Vehicular Networks with Infrastructure Support
Abrougui, K. ; Boukerche, A. ; Pazzi, R.W. ; Almulla, M. PDF (2728 KB) Mobile App Classification with Enriched Contextual Information
Zhu, H. ; Chen, E. ; Xiong, H. ; Cao, H. ; Tian, J. PDF (1873 KB) Achieving k-Barrier Coverage in Hybrid Directional Sensor
Networks Wang, Z. ; Liao, J. ; Cao, Q. ; Qi, H. ; Wang, Z. PDF (1647 KB) Mobile Node Localization Focusing on Stop-and-Go Behavior of
Indoor Pedestrians Higuchi, T. ; Fujii, S. ; Yamaguchi, H. ; Higashino, T. PDF (1557 KB) Distributed Scheduling in MIMO Empowered Cognitive Radio Ad
Hoc Networks Gao, C. ; Chu, S. ; Wang, X.
PDF (747 KB) Multiple Mobile Data Offloading Through Disruption Tolerant
Networks Li, Y. ; Qian, M. ; Jin, D. ; Hui, P. ; Wang, Z. ; Chen, S. PDF (1803 KB) Efficient Privacy-Preserving Authentication in Wireless Mobile
Networks Jo, H.J. ; Paik, J.H. ; Lee, D.H. PDF (2535 KB) Opportunistic Communication and Human Mobility Helgason, O. ; Kouyoumdjieva, S.T. ; Karlsson, G. PDF (2540 KB) Exploiting Rateless Codes and Belief Propagation to Infer Identity
of Polluters in MANET Gaeta, R. ; Grangetto, M. ; Loti, R. PDF (1765 KB) FLIGHT: Clock Calibration and Context Recognition Using
Fluorescent Lighting Li, Z. ; Chen, W. ; Li, C. ; Li, M. ; Li, X. ; Liu, Y. PDF (1583 KB) Spectrum-Efficient Multi-Channel Design for Coexisting IEEE
802.15.4 Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach ElSawy, H. ; Hossain, E. ; Camorlinga, S.
PDF (1692 KB) Stochastic Model Based Opportunistic Channel Access in Dynamic
Spectrum Access Networks Sharma, M. ; Sahoo, A. PDF (1441 KB) VoIPiggy: Analysis and Implementation of a Mechanism to Boost
Capacity in IEEE 802.11 WLANs Carrying VoIP Traffic Salvador, P. ; Mancuso, V. ; Serrano, P. ; Gringoli, F. ; Banchs, A.
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IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
[Front cover]
PDF (1918 KB) Journal of Optical Communications and Networking [Front inside
cover] PDF (30 KB) Table of contents PDF (64 KB) Sliceable transponder architecture including multiwavelength
source Sambo, N. ; D’Errico, A. ; Porzi, C. ; Vercesi, V. ; Imran, M. ;
Cugini, F. ; Bogoni, A. ; Potì, L. ; Castoldi, P.
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Estimation of link-dependent parameters in optical transport
networks from statistical models Routray, S.K. ; Sahin, G. ; da Rocha, J.R.F. ; Pinto, A.N.
PDF (963 KB) 40 Gbit/s pulsed RZ-BPSK transmission with a 40 GHz selfpulsated distributed feedback laser diode Mach-Zehnder intensity
modulator link Chi, Y.-C. ; Wang, H.-Y. ; Cheng, C.-H. ; Lin, G.-R. PDF (1089 KB) Survivable inter-domain routing based on topology aggregation with
intra-domain disjointness information in multi-domain optical
networks Gao, C. ; Cankaya, H.C. ; Jue, J.P. PDF (1722 KB) Experimental analysis of an all-optical packet router Reis, C. ; Parca, G. ; Bougioukos, M. ; Maziotis, A. ; Pinna, S. ;
Giannoulis, G. ; Brahmi, H. ; André, P. ; Calabretta, N. ;
Vercesi, V. ; Berrettini, G. ; Kouloumentas, C. ; Bogoni, A. ;
Chattopadhyay, T. ; Erasme, D. ; Avramopoulos, H. ; Teixeira, A.
PDF (675 KB) Introducing flexible and synthetic optical networking: planning and
operation based on network function programmable ROADMs
Muhammad, A. ; Zervas, G. ; Amaya, N. ; Simeonidou, D. ;
Forchheimer, R. PDF (1917 KB) Optimal design for shared backup path protected elastic optical
networks under single-link failure Shen, G. ; Wei, Y. ; Bose, S.K.
PDF (957 KB) Managing transfer-based datacenter connections Asensio, A. ; Velasco, L.
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Optimized geometric LDPC codes with quasi-cyclic structure
Jiang, Xueqin ; Lee, Moon Ho ; Gao, Shangce ; Wu, Yun PDF (787 KB) Hierarchical identity-based broadcast encryption scheme from LWE
Yang, Chunli ; Zheng, Shihui ; Wang, Licheng ; Lu, Xiuhua ;
Yang, Yixian PDF (403 KB) The robustness of coding and modulation for body-area networks
Biglieri, Ezio ; Alrajeh, Nabil PDF (630 KB) Nonbinary convolutional codes and modified M-FSK detectors for
power-line communications channel Ouahada, Khmaies PDF (2372 KB) Exploitation of spatial diversity in a novel cooperative spectrum
sharing method based on PAM and modified PAM modulation
Tran, True Thanh ; Kong, Hyung Yun PDF (781 KB) Finite-horizon online transmission scheduling on an energy
harvesting communication link with a discrete set of rates
Bacinoglu, Baran Tan ; Uysal-Biyikoglu, Elif PDF (554 KB) Cognitive relay networks with underlay spectrum sharing and
channel estimation error: Interference probability and BER analysis
Ho-Van, Khuong
PDF (500 KB) Performance analysis of multi-gigabit wireless transmission at THz
WLAN-type applications Choi, Yonghoon PDF (503 KB) An adaptive MAC protocol for wireless LANs Jamali, Amin ; Hemami, Seyed Mostafa Safavi ;
Berenjkoub, Mehdi ; Saidi, Hossein PDF (3144 KB) Bandwidth efficient adaptive forward error correction mechanism
with feedback channel Ali, Farhan Azmat ; Simoens, Pieter ; Van de Meerssche, Wim ;
Dhoedt, Bart
PDF (2687 KB) On deploying relays for connected indoor sensor networks Zhu, Yanmin ; Xue, Cuiyao ; Cai, Haibin ; Yu, Jiadi ; Ni, Lei ;
Li, Minglu ; Li, Bo
PDF (575 KB) Enhanced TFRC for high quality video streaming over high
bandwidth delay product networks Lee, Sunghee ; Roh, Hyunsuk ; Lee, Hyunwoo ; Chung, Kwangsue
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